Physics (PHYS)
PHYS 501 - Quantum Physics I (3 Credits)
A self-contained treatment of quantum theory and its applications, beginning with the Schrodinger equation.
Prerequisites: C or better in PHYS 307 and MATH 242 or MATH 520.
PHYS 502 - Quantum Physics II (3 Credits)
Advanced topics in quantum physics, plus topics in special relativity, high-energy physics, and cosmology.
Prerequisites: C or better in PHYS 501.
PHYS 503 - Mechanics (4 Credits)
Classical mechanics of particles, systems, and rigid bodies; discussion and application of Lagrange's equations, introduction to Hamiltonian formulation of mechanics.
Prerequisites: C or better in PHYS 306 or PHYS 307 and MATH 242 or MATH 520.
PHYS 504 - Electromagnetic Theory (4 Credits)
Field theory of electric and magnetic phenomena; Maxwell's equations applied to problems in electromagnetism and radiation.
Prerequisites: C or better in PHYS 503.
PHYS 506 - Thermal Physics and Statistical Mechanics (3 Credits)
Principles of equilibrium thermodynamics, kinetic theory, and introductory statistical mechanics.
Prerequisites: C or better in PHYS 306, PHYS 307, MATH 241 and MATH 242 or MATH 520.
PHYS 511 - Nuclear Physics (4 Credits)
An elementary treatment of nuclear structure, radioactivity, and nuclear reactions. Three lecture and three laboratory hours per week.
Prerequisites: C or better in PHYS 501.
PHYS 515 - Mathematical Physics I (3 Credits)
Analytical function theory including complex analysis, theory of residues, and saddlepoint method; Hilbert space, Fourier series; elements of distribution theory; vector and tensor analysis with tensor notation.
Prerequisites: C or better in MATH 242 or MATH 520.
PHYS 516 - Mathematical Physics II (3 Credits)
Group theory, linear second-order differential equations and the properties of the transcendental functions; orthogonal expansions; integral equations; Fourier transformations.
Prerequisites: C or better in PHYS 515.
PHYS 517 - Computational Physics (3 Credits)
Application of numerical methods to a wide variety of problems in modern physics including classical mechanics and chaos theory, Monte Carlo simulation of random processes, quantum mechanics and electrodynamics.
Prerequisites: C or better in PHYS 212 and MATH 142.
PHYS 541 - Advanced Experimental Physics I (4 Credits)
Continuation of PHYS 310. Optical apparatus (telescope, microscope, interferometer) and advanced project planning including equipment design and budgeting.
Prerequisites: C or better in PHYS 310.
PHYS 542 - Advanced Experimental Physics II (4 Credits)
PHYS 546 - Introduction to Astrophysics (3 Credits)
An astrophysics course for physics students. Covers the basics of observational techniques, structure and evolution of stars, interstellar medium and star formation, structure and properties of the Milky Way and nearby galaxies, and generation and transfer of radiation in astrophysical environments.
Prerequisites: C or better in PHYS 307.
PHYS 599 - Topics in Physics (1-3 Credits)
Readings and research on selected topics in physics. Course content varies and will be announced in the schedule of classes by title.
PHYS 700 - Seminar on Teaching & Learning in Physics & Astronomy (1 Credit)
Understanding physics students; current teaching methods supported by research in physics, physics education, education, psychology, and cognitive science.
PHYS 701 - Classical Mechanics (3 Credits)
Generalized coordinates, Lagrangian and Hamiltonian formulations, variational principles, transformation theory, and Hamilton-Jacobi equation.
PHYS 703 - Classical Field Theory I (3 Credits)
Development of classical fields; Maxwell's equations; boundary value problems; radiation theory.
PHYS 704 - Classical Field Theory II (3 Credits)
A continuation of PHYS 703.
PHYS 706 - Statistical Thermodynamics (3 Credits)
Statistics of Boltzmann, of Fermi and Dirac, and of Bose and Einstein, with applications.
PHYS 708 - General Relativity and Cosmology (3 Credits)
PHYS 711 - Quantum Mechanics I (3 Credits)
A development of non-relativistic quantum mechanics.
PHYS 712 - Quantum Mechanics II (3 Credits)
A continuation of PHYS 711.
PHYS 713 - Advanced Quantum Theory (3 Credits)
Second Quantization. Relativistic formulations of quantum mechanics.
Prerequisites: PHYS 712.
PHYS 714 - Quantum Field Theory (3 Credits)
PHYS 715 - Many-Body Quantum Theory (3 Credits)
Effective field theory, particle -hole, quasiparticles.
Prerequisite or Corequisite: PHYS 713.
PHYS 721 - Subatomic Physics (3 Credits)
Nuclear physics, mainly from the experimental standpoint.
PHYS 723 - Elementary Particles I (3 Credits)
PHYS 724 - Elementary Particles II (3 Credits)
PHYS 725 - Solid State Physics (3 Credits)
The crystalline state of matter and its main characteristics. Electric and magnetic properties of metals, semiconductors, and insulators.
PHYS 726 - Superconductivity (3 Credits)
Theory and description of conventional and high temperature superconductors and their properties.
PHYS 727 - Magnetic Resonance (3 Credits)
Basic theory. Electron spin resonance. High resolution and wideline nuclear magnetic resonance. Mössbauer effect. Magnetic resonance and dielectric relaxation.
PHYS 728 - Quantum Optics - Understanding Light-Matter Interactions (3 Credits)
Semi-classical and fully quantum-mechanical treatments of interactions between matter and electromagnetic fields on the microscopic level.
Prerequisites: Undergraduate quantum mechanics.
PHYS 729 - Applied Group Theory (3 Credits)
Groups and representations. Full rotational group. Angular momentum. Ligand field theory. Application to atomic, molecular, and nuclear physics.
PHYS 730 - Graduate Seminar (1 Credit)
Presentation by the student of a designated topic. May be repeated for credit.
PHYS 731 - Extragalactic Astrophysics (3 Credits)
Extragalactic astrophysics, including nearby and distant galaxies, active galaxies, galaxy clusters, large-scale structure, galaxy formation/evolution, scale structure, galaxy formation/evolution, basics of cosmology, cosmic radiation backgrounds, and observation constraints on cosmological models.
PHYS 739 - Graduate Research Laboratory (3 Credits)
Obtain necessary skills and habits needed to work in any research group by performing hands-on experiments including finding a collaborator, researching the literature, performing the experiment, analyzing data, interpreting/understanding the results, and writing a report.
PHYS 740 - Selected Topics in Physics (1-3 Credits)
Course content varies and will be announced in the schedule of classes by title.
PHYS 743 - Quantum Computer Science (3 Credits)
Fundamentals of quantum information processing, including quantum computation, quantum algorithms, quantum cryptography, and basic quantum information theory. Topics include: the quantum circuit model, alternative models, qubits, unitary operators, measurement, entanglement, quantum algorithms for factoring and search, quantum cryptographic key distribution, simulation of physical systems, error-correction and fault-tolerance, quantum channels, complexity of quantum computation, near-term implementations, quantum computer programming.
PHYS 745 - Topics in Nuclear Physics (1-3 Credits)
Course content varies and will be announced in the schedule of classes by title.
PHYS 746 - Principles of Astrophysics (3 Credits)
This is an astrophysics course for physics graduate students. The course will cover the basics of observational techniques, structure and evolution of stars, interstellar medium and star formation, structure and properties of the Milky Way and nearby galaxies, and generation and transfer of radiation in astrophysical environments.
PHYS 750 - Topics in Solid State Physics (1-3 Credits)
Course content varies and will be announced in the schedule of classes by title.
PHYS 755 - Topics in Theoretical Physics (1-3 Credits)
Course content varies and will be announced in the schedule of classes by title.
PHYS 760 - Research (1-6 Credits)
Introduction to and the application of the methods of research.
PHYS 761 - Research (1-6 Credits)
Introduction to and the application of the methods of research.
PHYS 764 - Quantum Information (3 Credits)
Fundamentals of quantum information theory and quantum communications. Topics include: Postulates of quantum mechanics, classical information and entropy, compression of classical information and classical typical sets, quantum entropy and quantum relative entropy, quantum states discrimination, Schumacher's theory of quantum compression and quantum typical subspace, communicating classical information using quantum channels, the Classical Capacity Theorem of a quantum channel.
PHYS 799 - Thesis Preparation (1-9 Credits)
CL: 2020.
PHYS 899 - Dissertation Preparation (1-12 Credits)
CL: 2020.