Elementary Education (EDEL)

EDEL 505P  - Inquiry Practicum: The Elementary School  (1 Credit)  
Identifying and understanding the various components of the elementary environment through the practice of inquiry through field-based experiences.
Corequisite: EDEL 305.
EDEL 506  - Integrated Curriculum in Elementary Schools  (3 Credits)  
Examining and practicing a variety of approaches that connect the content of different elementary school subjects.
EDEL 506P  - Inquiry Practicum: Roles of Elementary Teachers  (1 Credit)  
Identifying and understanding the roles of elementary teachers through the practice of inquiry through field-based experiences.
Corequisite: EDEL 506.
EDEL 510  - Teaching Second Languages to Young Children  (3 Credits)  
To assist prospective teachers of young children in the development of a second language and multicultural learning activities. Practicum sessions are an integral part.
Prerequisites: 210 level of a foreign language or its equivalent.
EDEL 515  - Science in the Elementary School  (3 Credits)  
Reinforces the science background of prospective and practicing elementary teachers. Innovations are examined. Emphasis is placed on methods, materials, community resources, and evaluation procedures.
EDEL 544  - Modern Approaches to Mathematics Teaching  (3 Credits)  
Curriculum and pedagogy for mathematics topics taught in grades 3 through 8.
EDEL 548  - Field Problems: Teaching Mathematics Using Manipulative Materials, Grades 4-6  (3 Credits)  
Instructional approaches and materials for teaching elementary school mathematics, grades 4-6. This course cannot be applied to a graduate degree in the elementary education program.
EDEL 560  - Social Studies in the Elementary/ Middle School  (3 Credits)  
Fundamentals of social studies education in the elementary/middle school.
EDEL 570  - Internship in Environments for Teaching and Learning  (3 Credits)  
Internship for practice in classrooms appropriate to elementary education related to curriculum design and assessment.
Prerequisites: Admission to the internship in elementary education.
EDEL 571  - Internship in Planning and Motivation  (3 Credits)  
Field experience that emphasizes planning lessons that actively engage students in learning.
Prerequisites: Admission to the internship in elementary education.
Graduation with Leadership Distinction: GLD: Professional and Civic Engagement Internships
EDEL 642  - Teaching Mathematics to Young Children  (3 Credits)  
Analysis of a developmental approach to teaching children under the age of 9.
EDEL 645  - Diagnostic Teaching of Arithmetic  (3 Credits)  
Analysis of the concepts and skills of arithmetic in the school mathematics curriculum; exploration of diagnostic-prescriptive teaching methods.
EDEL 670  - Language Arts in the Elementary and Middle School  (3 Credits)  
Examine the content, goals, and methods of teaching language arts in elementary and middle school.
EDEL 690  - Independent Study  (1-3 Credits)  
EDEL 701  - Culturally Sustaining Pedagogy for the Elementary Classrooms  (3 Credits)  
Theoretical and pedagogical approaches to Culturally Sustaining Pedagogy (CSP)—curriculum design tools and instructional strategies that reflect the diversity of students’ cultural and linguistic backgrounds in elementary classrooms. Masters of Arts in Teaching for Elementary Education Majors.
EDEL 709  - Curriculum and Instruction Practices Designed to Teach Content & Literacy Across the Curriculum  (3 Credits)  
An investigation of the beliefs and practices of high quality instructional methods and materials designed to teach elementary readers, writers, mathematicians, scientists and social scientists. Individual content area instruction will be addressed as well as strategies for genuine integration across the curriculum. Special attention will be devoted to teaching diverse populations including English Language Users, in culturally responsive ways.
EDEL 715  - The Elementary School Curriculum  (3 Credits)  
Critical study of the modern elementary school curriculum.
EDEL 716  - The Elementary School Organization  (3 Credits)  
A course designed to examine the internal facets of the elementary school, including the library; health, guidance, and other pupil personnel services; curriculum revision; elementary school procedures; and pupil accounting.
Prerequisites: EDEL 715.
EDEL 717  - Curriculum Problems in the Elementary School  (3 Credits)  
A careful examination of the persistent problems of elementary schools (grouping, promotions, etc.) and the best solutions in terms of research findings and expert opinion.
Prerequisites: EDEL 715.
EDEL 720  - Middle School Organization and Curriculum  (3 Credits)  
An overview of the development of the middle school, history, purposes, and organization and an in-depth analysis of middle school organization and curriculum. The characteristics of middle school students, methods of evaluating students, and the overall curricular program are also considered.
EDEL 743  - Studies and Internship in Teaching Social Studies- Elementary  (3 Credits)  
The study and practice of social studies education for elementary students focusing on appropriate content, goals and methods.
Prerequisites: Admission to the MAT program.
EDEL 744  - Studies and Internship in Teaching Science - Elementary  (3 Credits)  
The study and practice of science education for elementary students focusing on appropriate content, goals and methods.
Prerequisites: Admission to the MAT program.
EDEL 745  - Teaching Elementary Problem Solving, Geometry and Measurement Topics  (3 Credits)  
Analysis of the school curriculum and instructional methods in the designated areas of mathematics; exploration of appropriate outcomes on instruction.
Prerequisites: MATH 221 or its equivalent.
EDEL 760  - Implementing Social Studies in the Elementary/Middle School  (3 Credits)  
The selection of teaching procedures and instructional materials used to teach social studies in the elementary/middle school.
EDEL 771  - Teaching Writing in Elementary and Middle School  (3 Credits)  
Writing instruction in relation to the developmental characteristics of children through preadolescence.
EDEL 780  - Seminar in Elementary Education  (3 Credits)  
Students will synthesize their graduate studies for a master’s degree in elementary education. 24 semester hours of credit earned as specified on the master’s degree program of study.
EDEL 790  - MAT Internship in Elementary Education  (9 Credits)  
Internship for practice in elementary classrooms (grades 2-6) related to curriculum design, assessment, interactive teaching, and professional roles.
Prerequisites: Admission to Internship II in Elementary Education.
Corequisite: EDEL 791.
EDEL 790A  - Internship II: Elementary School Instruction  (4 Credits)  
Internship for practice in classroom settings related to curriculum design and implementation, leading to initial certification.
Prerequisites: Admission to MAT program and successful completion of first semester internship.
EDEL 790B  - Internship II: Elementary School Instruction  (4 Credits)  
Internship for practice in classroom settings related to instruction, leading to initial certification.
Prerequisites: Admission to MAT program and successful completion of first semester internship.
EDEL 790C  - Internship II: Elementary School Professional Roles  (4 Credits)  
Internship for practice in classroom settings related to professional development, leading to initial certification.
Prerequisites: Admission to MAT program and successful completion of first semester internship.
EDEL 791  - Elementary Internship Seminar  (3 Credits)  
Seminar for students seeking initial certification. Consideration of principles and theories of curriculum development and strategies to translate curriculum into personal classroom practice.
Prerequisites: Admission to MAT program and successful completion of first semester internship.
EDEL 815  - Models of Instruction  (3 Credits)  
Seminar on the relationship between different models of teaching and the cognitive, affective, social, and psychological outcomes of instruction.
Prerequisites: master’s degree in education.
EDEL 840  - Advanced Study of Teaching Elementary School Mathematics  (3 Credits)  
Identification of instructional methods implied by recent research on mathematics teaching, learning, and curriculum.
Prerequisites: EDEL 645 or EDEL 745.
EDEL 858  - Advanced Study of Science in Elementary/Middle School  (3 Credits)  
Study of curriculum models and instructional theory underlying elementary and/or middle school science programs.
Prerequisites: EDEL 515 or equivalent.
EDEL 860  - Advanced Study of Social Studies in Elementary/Middle School  (3 Credits)  
Analysis and application of the concepts and skills that broaden the traditional scope of elementary/middle school social studies curriculum.
Prerequisites: EDEL 560 or EDEL 760.
EDEL 870  - Advanced Study of Language Arts for the Elementary School  (3 Credits)  
Examination of programs, content, and methods of teaching writing, speaking, reading and listening to grades 1-8 in the light of current research and theory in language learning.
Prerequisites: EDEL 670 or equivalent.
EDEL 890  - Independent Study  (3 Credits)