Russian (RUSS)

RUSS 518  - Medieval Russian Culture  (3 Credits)  
An introduction to the culture of medieval Russia through its written records, folklore, icons, and ancient religious chant.
RUSS 520  - Russian Modernism: Love, Sex and Politics in Revolutionary Russia  (3 Credits)  
An exploration of Russian modernist culture, with particular attention to the themes of social and political change. Authors under discussion include Kuzmin, Bely, and Zamyatin.
RUSS 530  - Homer in Russia  (3 Credits)  
An examination of the influence of Homer’s epic poems The Iliad and The Odyssey on Russian culture, as seen in works by Russian writers including Tolstoy, Pasternak, and Brodsky.
RUSS 540  - Writing Russian National Identity  (3 Credits)  
An examination of Russian writers reflecting on Russian national identity, including Solzhenitsyn, Dostoevsky, and Grossman.
RUSS 598  - Selected Topics in Russian  (3 Credits)  
Reading and research on selected topics in Russian. Course content varies and will be announced in the schedule of courses by title.
RUSS 615  - Intensive Readings in Russian  (3 Credits)  
Intensive reading course for non-majors. Primarily for graduate students to fulfill the foreign- language reading requirement. It will not be applied toward the degree language requirements nor will it be accepted as a substitute in the course sequence leading to the various degree requirements.
RUSS 616  - Intensive Readings in Russian  (3 Credits)  
Intensive reading course for non-majors. Primarily for graduate students to fulfill the foreign-language reading requirement. It will not be applied toward the degree language requirements nor will it be accepted as a substitute in the course sequence leading to the various degree requirements.
Prerequisites: RUSS 615.
RUSS 777  - Supervised Instruction in Teaching Foreign Languages in College  (0 Credits)  
Supervised direction of foreign language teaching in college. Required of all graduate assistants who are teaching. This course will not count toward the MA or PhD degree.
RUSS 790  - Directed Reading and Research  (1-3 Credits)  
CL: 2020.