School Leadership (EDLP)
EDLP 520 - The Teacher as Manager (3 Credits)
To help teachers, principals, and other personnel solve school problems by identifying and applying selected management techniques.
Graduation with Leadership Distinction: GLD: Professional and Civic Engagement Leadership Experiences
Experiential Learning: Experiential Learning Opportunity
EDLP 525 - Resources for Teaching and Learning (3 Credits)
An introduction to educational technology, its increasing importance in the total school program, and its relationship to learning theories and communication.
EDLP 601 - The Effective Teacher (3 Credits)
Use of theory and research to understand and improve classroom teaching. Emphasis on teacher reflection and decision-making. The administrative role in enhancing effectiveness is highlighted.
EDLP 690 - Independent Study (1-3 Credits)
EDLP 700 - Introduction to Education Leadership (3 Credits)
A survey of basic principles of school leadership, the conceptual and structural organization of public education, and an introduction to leading educational improvement.
EDLP 701 - School Leadership (3 Credits)
A study of interpersonal relations and communication within an educational organization and between the school and the community.
EDLP 702 - School Personnel Administration (3 Credits)
Personnel management in the public schools with attention to such issues as teacher supply, recruitment, selection, staff development, supervision, teacher welfare, legal rights/liabilities of school personnel.
EDLP 703 - Supervision of Instruction (3 Credits)
An introduction to the functioning of an educational supervisor. Emphasis on the improvement of instruction and instructional programs.
EDLP 704 - School Finance and Business Management (3 Credits)
Financial and business management functions of school administration. Local/state/national funding issues, economics and politics of school finance, budget preparation, accounting/auditing/plant operation/maintenance from school level.
EDLP 705 - Legal Basis of Educational Organization and Administration (3 Credits)
Emphasis on techniques of legal research, the legal relationships between the federal and state government as they relate to school district organization and administration, as well as legal case studies in all major areas of administrative concern.
EDLP 706 - The Principalship (3 Credits)
EDLP 707A - The Elementary School Principal in Practice I (3 Credits)
One of two courses in a required two-semester internship in the elementary schools.
Corequisite: EDLP 706.
EDLP 707B - The Elementary School Principal in Practice II (3 Credits)
One of two courses in a required two-semester internship in the elementary schools.
Corequisite: EDLP 706.
EDLP 709A - The High School Principal in Practice I (3 Credits)
One of two courses in a required two-semester internship in the high schools.
Corequisite: EDLP 706.
EDLP 709B - The High School Principal in Practice II (3 Credits)
One of two courses in a required two-semester internship in the high schools.
Corequisite: EDLP 706.
EDLP 730 - Leadership in Systems: Organizational and Institutional Theory (3 Credits)
An exploration of how educational leadership is conceptualized and practiced in schools, districts, and community colleges/universities as organizations and societal institutions.
EDLP 731 - Inclusive Talent Management in Education– Cultivating a Work Climate for Inclusive Excellence (3 Credits)
A course designed to empower leaders to cultivate a culture of belonging that promotes a positive work climate that results in improved employee engagement and retention.
EDLP 732 - Data Informed Decision Making (3 Credits)
Using data to inform decision-making for education leaders and scholars.
EDLP 734 - Improvement Science and Action Research (3 Credits)
Using action research strategies and an improving science framework for continuous improvement.
EDLP 735 - Introduction to Economics of Education (3 Credits)
An introduction to the role of economics in evaluating education and education policy where the theory behind selected topics and the empirical evidence and methods used by economists will be discussed.
EDLP 736 - Ethical and Social Justice Leadership (3 Credits)
An exploration of ethical and social justice perspectives in educational leadership, with attention to developing a personal and professional code of ethics. The role of care, professional practice, and social justice in ethics, and in moral leadership across the P-20 continuum (K12 and Higher Education).
EDLP 737 - Anti-racist Leadership (3 Credits)
An introduction to ideas supporting anti-racist educational leadership across the P-20 educational pipeline. Specific topics include contested definitions of racism, policy, praxis, and anti-racist research, scholarship and leadership.
EDLP 751 - Advanced School Law (3 Credits)
A seminar designed to give teachers and school administrators an opportunity to explore key legal issues.
Prerequisites: EDLP 705.
EDLP 752 - Computer Management in Educational Institutions (3 Credits)
Open to advanced graduate students of education. History of the management, movement, and application of techniques and processes for managing the modern educational institution, emphasizing computer technology.
EDLP 753 - Advanced Methods of Instructional Supervision (3 Credits)
An analysis of leadership techniques necessary to produce instructional improvement in educational organizations and of the technical methodology that distinguishes instructional supervision from other positions of school leadership.
Prerequisites: EDLP 703 or equivalent and employment in a position requiring supervisory responsibilities.
EDLP 754 - Educational Finance (3 Credits)
A study of principles of financing public education, analyses of revenue sources from all levels of government, existing plan of financing and possible alternatives for financing schools from district level.
Prerequisites: EDLP 704.
EDLP 755 - Educational Policy Analysis (3 Credits)
An introduction to policy making in education with emphasis on the local and state levels of policy formation.
Prerequisites: EDLP 705.
EDLP 756 - The Superintendency (3 Credits)
EDLP 757A - The Superintendent in Practice I (3 Credits)
EDLP 757B - The Superintendent in Practice II (3 Credits)
The second of two courses in a required two-semester internship in the district superintendency.
Prerequisite or Corequisite: EDLP 757A and admission to the EdS or PhD program.
EDLP 758 - School Building Planning (3 Credits)
Study of the problems involved and the procedures utilized in a comprehensive approach to planning and constructing school plants, the personnel involved and the roles they play, and the problems related to the long-term financing of such facilities.
Prerequisites: Admission to EdS or PhD program.
EDLP 799 - Thesis Preparation (1-9 Credits)
EDLP 803 - Administrative Evaluation and Decision-Making (3 Credits)
A study of the requirements, practices, problems, and opportunities of administrative evaluation of programs and personnel as required by state and federal educational legislation.
Prerequisites: Admission to EdS or PhD program.
EDLP 804 - Advanced Educational Finance (3 Credits)
EDLP 805 - Advanced Educational Policy Analysis (3 Credits)
EDLP 806 - Theories of Educational Leadership (3 Credits)
Organization, leadership, motivation, and change theories as they apply to educational agencies and institutions.
EDLP 807 - Seminar in Selected Topics in Educational Administration (3 Credits)
Selected topics in educational administration in either finance, administration, supervision, evaluation, policy, and financial planning/management.
Prerequisites: Admission to doctoral program.
EDLP 808 - Field Problems in Educational Administration: The Literature (1-3 Credits)
This course is designed to help students identify a research literature that provides the context for their own dissertation research. Students will conduct a systematic review of this literature in order to refine their questions and methods for their dissertation research, and to build towards their own dissertation proposal and literature review chapter.
EDLP 809 - Field Problems in Educational Administration (1-3 Credits)
Opportunity for in-depth study of selected field problems in educational administration, utilizing research and other techniques.
EDLP 878 - Accelerated Dissertation in Practice Writing Course (3 Credits)
A course designed to accelerate the dissertation writing process for Education System Improvement EdD students through course readings, engaging in seminar style discussions, and writing activities.
EDLP 890 - Independent Study (3 Credits)
Independent study form required for authorization.
EDLP 899 - Dissertation Preparation (1-12 Credits)
Dissertation Preparation