Music (MUSC)

MUSC 500  - Topics in Performance and Literature  (1-3 Credits)  
Course content varies and will be announced in the schedule of course title.
MUSC 501  - Secondary Applied Music  (1-2 Credits)  
Courses consist of individual instruction including individualized assignments and regular private instruction and review. Instruments are designated by suffix: 501A-flute/piccolo; 501B-oboe/English horn; 501C-clarinet; 501D-bassoon; 501E-saxophone; 501F-French horn; 501G-trumpet; 501H-trombone; 501I-euphonium; 501J-tuba; 501K-percussion; 501L-harpsichord; 501N-classical guitar; 501O-organ; 501P-piano; 501R-violin; 501S-viola; 501T-violoncello; 501U-double bass; 501V-voice; 501W-service playing; 501Y-conducting; 501Z-jazz. Repeatable for credit. Not auditable.
MUSC 501A  - Secondary Applied Music/ Flute/ Piccolo  (1-2 Credits)  
Course consists of individual instruction including individualized assignments and regular private instruction and review. Not auditable.
MUSC 501B  - Secondary Applied Music/ Oboe/ English Horn  (1-2 Credits)  
Course consists of individual instruction including individualized assignments and regular private instruction and review. Not auditable.
MUSC 501C  - Secondary Applied Music/ Clarinet  (1-2 Credits)  
Course consists of individual instruction including individualized assignments and regular private instruction and review. Not auditable.
MUSC 501D  - Secondary Applied Music/ Bassoon  (1-2 Credits)  
Course consists of individual instruction including individualized assignments and regular private instruction and review. Not auditable.
MUSC 501E  - Secondary Applied Music/ Saxophone  (1-2 Credits)  
Course consists of individual instruction including individualized assignments and regular private instruction and review. Not auditable.
MUSC 501F  - Secondary Applied Music/ French Horn  (1-2 Credits)  
Course consists of individual instruction including individualized assignments and regular private instruction and review. Not auditable.
MUSC 501G  - Secondary Applied Music/ Trumpet  (1-2 Credits)  
Course consists of individual instruction including individualized assignments and regular private instruction and review. Not auditable.
MUSC 501H  - Secondary Applied Music/ Trombone  (1-2 Credits)  
Course consists of individual instruction including individualized assignments and regular private instruction and review. Not auditable.
MUSC 501I  - Secondary Applied Music/ Euphonium  (1-2 Credits)  
Course consists of individual instruction including individualized assignments and regular private instruction and review. Not auditable.
MUSC 501J  - Secondary Applied Music/ Tuba  (1-2 Credits)  
Course consists of individual instruction including individualized assignments and regular private instruction and review. Not auditable.
MUSC 501K  - Secondary Applied Music/ Percussion  (1-2 Credits)  
Course consists of individual instruction including individualized assignments and regular private instruction and review. Not auditable.
MUSC 501L  - Secondary Applied Music/ Harpsichord  (1-2 Credits)  
Course consists of individual instruction including individualized assignments and regular private instruction and review. Not auditable.
MUSC 501N  - Secondary Applied Music/ Classical Guitar  (1-2 Credits)  
Course consists of individual instruction including individualized assignments and regular private instruction and review. Not auditable.
MUSC 501O  - Secondary Applied Music/ Organ  (1-2 Credits)  
Course consists of individual instruction including individualized assignments and regular private instruction and review. Not auditable.
MUSC 501P  - Secondary Applied Music/ Piano  (1-2 Credits)  
Course consists of individual instruction including individualized assignments and regular private instruction and review. Not auditable.
MUSC 501Q  - Secondary Applied Music/ Harp  (1-2 Credits)  
Course consists of individual instruction including individualized assignments and regular private instruction and review. Not auditable.
MUSC 501R  - Secondary Applied Music/ Violin  (1-2 Credits)  
Course consists of individual instruction including individualized assignments and regular private instruction and review. Not auditable.
MUSC 501S  - Secondary Applied Music/Viola  (1-2 Credits)  
Course consists of individual instruction including individualized assignments and regular private instruction and review. Not auditable.
MUSC 501T  - Secondary Applied Music/ Violoncello  (1-2 Credits)  
Course consists of individual instruction including individualized assignments and regular private instruction and review. Not auditable.
MUSC 501U  - Secondary Applied Music/ Double Bass  (1-2 Credits)  
Course consists of individual instruction including individualized assignments and regular private instruction and review. Not auditable.
MUSC 501V  - Secondary Applied Music/ Voice  (1-2 Credits)  
Course consists of individual instruction including individualized assignments and regular private instruction and review. Not auditable.
MUSC 501W  - Secondary Applied Music/ Service Playing  (1-2 Credits)  
Course consists of individual instruction including individualized assignments and regular private instruction and review. Not auditable.
MUSC 501Y  - Secondary Applied Music/ Conducting  (1-2 Credits)  
Course consists of individual instruction including individualized assignments and regular private instruction and review. Not auditable.
MUSC 501Z  - Secondary Applied Music/ Jazz  (1-2 Credits)  
Course consists of individual instruction including individualized assignments and regular private instruction and review. Not auditable.
MUSC 505  - Violin Scales and Technique  (2 Credits)  
Improving and refining left hand and right hand technique on the violin through the use of scales.
MUSC 511A  - Applied Music/ Flute/ Piccolo  (1-2 Credits)  
Course consists of individual instruction including individualized assignments and regular private instruction and review. Not auditable.
MUSC 511B  - Applied Music/ Oboe/ English Horn  (1-2 Credits)  
Course consists of individual instruction including individualized assignments and regular private instruction and review. Not auditable.
MUSC 511C  - Applied Music/ Clarinet  (1-2 Credits)  
Course consists of individual instruction including individualized assignments and regular private instruction and review. Not auditable.
MUSC 511D  - Applied Music/ Bassoon  (1-2 Credits)  
Course consists of individual instruction including individualized assignments and regular private instruction and review. Not auditable.
MUSC 511E  - Applied Music/ Saxophone  (1-2 Credits)  
Course consists of individual instruction including individualized assignments and regular private instruction and review. Not auditable.
MUSC 511F  - Applied Music/ French Horn  (1-2 Credits)  
Course consists of individual instruction including individualized assignments and regular private instruction and review. Not auditable.
MUSC 511G  - Applied Music/ Trumpet  (1-2 Credits)  
Course consists of individual instruction including individualized assignments and regular private instruction and review. Not auditable.
MUSC 511H  - Applied Music/ Trombone  (1-2 Credits)  
Course consists of individual instruction including individualized assignments and regular private instruction and review. Not auditable.
MUSC 511I  - Applied Music/ Euphonium  (1-2 Credits)  
Course consists of individual instruction including individualized assignments and regular private instruction and review. Not auditable.
MUSC 511J  - Applied Music/ Tuba  (1-2 Credits)  
Course consists of individual instruction including individualized assignments and regular private instruction and review. Not auditable.
MUSC 511K  - Applied Music/ Percussion  (1-2 Credits)  
Course consists of individual instruction including individualized assignments and regular private instruction and review. Not auditable.
MUSC 511L  - Applied Music/ Harpsichord  (1-2 Credits)  
Course consists of individual instruction including individualized assignments and regular private instruction and review. Not auditable.
MUSC 511N  - Applied Music/ Classical Guitar  (1-2 Credits)  
Course consists of individual instruction including individualized assignments and regular private instruction and review. Not auditable.
MUSC 511O  - Applied Music/ Organ  (1-2 Credits)  
Course consists of individual instruction including individualized assignments and regular private instruction and review. Not auditable.
MUSC 511P  - Applied Music/ Piano  (1-2 Credits)  
Course consists of individual instruction including individualized assignments and regular private instruction and review. Not auditable.
MUSC 511Q  - Applied Music/ Harp  (1-2 Credits)  
Course consists of individual instruction including individualized assignments and regular private instruction and review. Not auditable.
MUSC 511R  - Applied Music/ Violin  (1-2 Credits)  
Course consists of individual instruction including individualized assignments and regular private instruction and review. Not auditable.
MUSC 511S  - Applied Music/ Viola  (1-2 Credits)  
Course consists of individual instruction including individualized assignments and regular private instruction and review. Not auditable.
MUSC 511T  - Applied Music/ Violoncello  (1-2 Credits)  
Course consists of individual instruction including individualized assignments and regular private instruction and review. Not auditable.
MUSC 511U  - Applied Music/Double Bass  (1-2 Credits)  
Course consists of individual instruction including individualized assignments and regular private instruction and review. Not auditable.
MUSC 511V  - Applied Music/ Voice  (1-2 Credits)  
Course consists of individual instruction including individualized assignments and regular private instruction and review. Not auditable.
MUSC 511W  - Applied Music/ Service Playing  (1-2 Credits)  
Course consists of individual instruction including individualized assignments and regular private instruction and review. Not auditable.
MUSC 511Y  - Applied Music/ Conducting  (1-2 Credits)  
Course consists of individual instruction including individualized assignments and regular private instruction and review. Not auditable.
MUSC 511Z  - Applied Music/ Jazz  (1-2 Credits)  
Course consists of individual instruction including individualized assignments and regular private instruction and review. Not auditable.
MUSC 515  - Orchestration  (3 Credits)  
Instrumentation and orchestration; possibilities and limitations idiomatic to specific orchestral instruments and ensemble combinations. Not auditable.
Prerequisites: Undergraduate Students: C or better in MUSC 215; Graduate Students: Passing score on the Music Theory portion of the Music Graduate Diagnostic Exam or a grade of C or better in MUSC 523.
MUSC 516  - Composition  (3 Credits)  
Private study in music composition; may be repeated. Not auditable.
Prerequisites: C or better in MUSC 417 or equivalent experience.
MUSC 518  - Form and Analysis  (3 Credits)  
Examination of fundamental principles of musical forms; analysis of representative tonal works. Not auditable.
Prerequisites: Undergraduate Students: C or better in MUSC 215; Graduate Students: a passing score on the music theory portion of the Graduate Music Diagnostic Exam or a grade of C or better in MUSC 523.
MUSC 520  - Studio Arranging and Composition  (3 Credits)  
Instruction and practice in arranging and composing in various jazz and commercial music styles and genres. May be repeated for credit. Not auditable.
MUSC 523  - Techniques and Materials of Tonal Music  (3 Credits)  
Study of the techniques and materials of tonal harmony and voice leading with integrated ear-training component. Not auditable.
MUSC 524  - Jazz MIDI  (3 Credits)  
Advanced study of production, recording, and composing techniques via a DAW for the creation of collaborative musical projects, with an emphasis on home recording, creating notated song arrangements/orchestrations with virtual instruments, and managing audio projects in a remote/online environment.
Prerequisites: Undergraduate: C or better in MUSC 219 and MUSC 319, or instructor permission; Graduate: None.
MUSC 525  - Post-Tonal Music Theory  (3 Credits)  
Studies in post-tonal theoretical techniques and analysis. Not auditable.
Prerequisites: Undergraduate Students: C or better in MUSC 215; Graduate students: passing score on the Music Theory portion of the Music Graduate Diagnostic Exam or a grade of C or better in MUSC 523.
MUSC 526  - Analytical Studies  (3 Credits)  
Analytical techniques applied to music of a particular style, period, or genre. May be repeated for a total of 9 credits. Topic for any semester to be announced by title in the schedule of classes. Not auditable.
Prerequisites: Undergraduate Students: C or better in MUSC 215; Graduate Students: Passing score on the Music Theory portion of the Music Graduate Diagnostic Exam or a grade of C or better in MUSC 523.
MUSC 528  - Seminar in Music Theory  (3 Credits)  
Advanced studies in music theory. Individual projects. Three meetings per week. Not auditable.
Prerequisites: Undergraduate Students: C or better in MUSC 215; Graduate Students: Passing score on the Music Theory portion of the Music Graduate Diagnostic Exam or a grade of C or better in MUSC 523.
MUSC 540  - Projects in Computer Music  (1-3 Credits)  
Directed study in computer-music composition or research. Not auditable.
Prerequisites: C or better in MUSC 336.
MUSC 542  - Music History for Educators  (3 Credits)  
This online course focuses on the histories and contexts of Western art music, non-Western musics, popular, and American vernacular traditions. Methodologies for studying and applying these traditions for general education will overlap with current theories of music history pedagogy.
MUSC 543  - Song Literature  (3 Credits)  
A study of the development of the solo art song, illustrated by major works of the song writers of all major nationalities. Not auditable.
MUSC 544  - Topics in Music History  (3 Credits)  
Topic for any semester to be announced by title in the schedule of classes. May be repeated for a total of nine credits. Not auditable.
MUSC 545  - Survey of the Opera  (3 Credits)  
A survey of the literature of Classic, Romantic, and modern opera, with special attention given to the recognition of the best-known works in each school. Recordings. Open to all students as an elective. Not auditable.
MUSC 546  - Black Sacred Music: Local and Global Perspectives  (3 Credits)  
A socio-cultural survey of the Black sacred music tradition from its roots in West Africa to its emergence in African American oral culture through various styles of sacred and secular music in the US and abroad.
Prerequisites: Undergraduate Students: C or better in MUSC 354; Graduate Students: None.
MUSC 548  - Orchestra Literature  (3 Credits)  
Symphony, concerto, tone poem, and other symphonic works from the Classic, Romantic, and modern repertory. Changing concepts of orchestration. Not auditable.
MUSC 549  - Survey of Chamber Music  (3 Credits)  
The literature for small instrumental ensembles from the Baroque era to the present. The string quartet, divertimento, keyboard-accompanied sonata, etc. Not auditable.
MUSC 555  - World Music  (3 Credits)  
Rhythms, scales, forms, and instrument types basic to all music. European and American folk song, African and Native American tribal music, Asian music. Not auditable.
Prerequisites: C or better in MUSC 110 or equivalent.
Graduation with Leadership Distinction: GLD: Global Learning
MUSC 557  - American Music  (3 Credits)  
Survey of the music composed in the United States from the colonial period to the present. The influences of European, African, Indian, and South American musical styles. Not auditable.
MUSC 558  - Piano Literature I  (3 Credits)  
Standard piano literature including major masterpieces from 1700 to 1850. Emphasis on instrumental and stylistic developments, and historical and theoretical background for interpreting the literature of the piano. Not auditable.
MUSC 559  - Piano Literature II  (3 Credits)  
Standard piano literature including major masterpieces from 1850 to present . Emphasis on instrumental and stylistic developments, and historical and theoretical background for interpreting the literature of the piano. Not auditable.
MUSC 560  - Introduction to Teaching Artistry  (3 Credits)  
An exploration of the widely held understanding of the term teaching artist.
MUSC 561  - Teaching Methods and Practicum for Teaching Artists  (3 Credits)  
The design, creation, and implementation of an effective classroom curriculum.
MUSC 565  - Advanced Audio Recording Techniques  (3 Credits)  
Multi-microphone and ambisonic stereo recording techniques; multi-track recording, signal processing and audio production; digital audio. Studio and field experience. Not auditable.
Prerequisites: C or better in MUSC 365.
MUSC 566  - Fundamentals of Sound Use for Media  (3 Credits)  
Music for use in media; midi applications and synchronization methods using time code; direct-to-hard-disc tapeless audio recording software. Not auditable.
Prerequisites: C or better in MUSC 565.
MUSC 567  - Recording Studio Techniques  (3 Credits)  
Technology and techniques in the recording studio including use of equalizers, limiters, reverberators, compressors, the mixing console, multi-track recording, microphone techniques, and basic acoustics related to the instrumental and vocal recording process. Not auditable.
Prerequisites: C or better in MUSC 565.
MUSC 569  - Intermediate Piano Accompanying  (3 Credits)  
Approaches to specific problems in vocal and instrumental accompanying; supervised accompanying in class. Advanced work for experienced students. Not auditable.
MUSC 570  - Italian and Latin Diction  (2 Credits)  
Techniques of pronunciation, phonetics, and international phonetic alphabet as applied to standard vocal repertory, with emphasis on Italian and Latin languages. Not auditable.
MUSC 571  - Digital Audio Technology  (3 Credits)  
A study of the theory and practice of digital audio technology including analog to digital conversion, digital storage, error correction, transmission, basic digital signal processing, and synchronization.
Prerequisites: C or better in MUSC 365.
MUSC 572  - Advanced Audio Topics  (3 Credits)  
A study of the theory and practice of audio topics such as digital signal processing, psychoacoustics, data compression, sound reinforcement systems, wireless transmission, large scale system integration, and emerging technologies.
Prerequisites: C or better in MUSC 565.
MUSC 573  - Performance Pedagogy I  (3 Credits)  
Basic concepts, techniques and materials for teaching a specific instrument. Not auditable.
MUSC 573L  - Pedagogy Laboratory  (2 Credits)  
Directed teaching in laboratory and private settings. Not auditable.
Corequisite: MUSC 573.
Experiential Learning: Experiential Learning Opportunity
MUSC 574  - Performance Pedagogy II  (3 Credits)  
Basic concepts, techniques and materials for teaching a specific instrument intermediate studies. Not auditable.
Prerequisites: C or better in MUSC 573.
Corequisite: MUSC 574L.
MUSC 574L  - Pedagogy Laboratory  (2 Credits)  
Directed teaching in laboratory and private settings. Not auditable.
Prerequisites: C or better in MUSC 573L.
Corequisite: MUSC 574.
MUSC 575  - Directed Teaching in Pedagogy I  (3 Credits)  
Supervised teaching in a performance area. Not auditable.
MUSC 575L  - Pedagogy Laboratory  (2 Credits)  
Directed teaching in laboratory and private settings. Not auditable.
Corequisite: MUSC 575.
MUSC 576  - Teaching in Pedagogy II  (3 Credits)  
Supervised teaching in a performance area. Course may be repeated for credit (6 credits total). Not auditable.
MUSC 576L  - Pedagogy Laboratory  (1 Credit)  
Practical experience in preparing lesson plans and teaching theory-performance classes for precollege piano students on electronic and acoustical instruments. May be repeated for credit. Not auditable.
MUSC 577  - Vocal Pedagogy  (2 Credits)  
Anatomy and function of the singing voice with practical application to teaching. Not auditable.
MUSC 578  - German and English Diction  (2 Credits)  
Techniques of pronunciation for singing in German and English. Not auditable.
Prerequisites: C or better in MUSC 570.
MUSC 579  - French Diction  (2 Credits)  
Techniques of pronunciation for singing in French. Not auditable.
Prerequisites: C or better in MUSC 570.
MUSC 580  - Music & Arts Entrepreneurship  (3 Credits)  
Entrepreneurial skills and context for arts-based careers and business ventures. Students develop arts projects related to their interests.
Graduation with Leadership Distinction: GLD: Professional and Civic Engagement Leadership Experiences
MUSC 581  - The Alexander Technique  (2 Credits)  
Theoretical/experimental exploration of major body systems and developmental movements to bring more articulation to the body and more awareness and physical ease in performance. For music and education students. Not auditable.
MUSC 582  - Music and Money  (3 Credits)  
A survey of the for-profit and non-profit music economies and the broader policy that drives these economies. Restricted to Music majors.
MUSC 583  - Music and Worship  (3 Credits)  
The selection and leadership of music in the church service; music for the rural church; selecting and directing anthems and service music for the nonprofessional church choir; the transition from psalmody to hymnody in the 18th century; the Anglican Chant and the Lutheran Chorale. Not auditable.
MUSC 584  - Workshop in Music  (1-3 Credits)  
Selected topics in music. May be repeated as topic varies. Not auditable.
MUSC 585  - Organ Literature I  (3 Credits)  
Organ literature and registration from antiquity to 1750. Not auditable.
MUSC 586  - Organ Literature II  (3 Credits)  
Organ literature and registration 1750 to the present. Not auditable.
MUSC 587  - Repertories of Lute, Vihuela, and Guitar  (3 Credits)  
Solo literature for plucked, fretted instruments from the Renaissance into the 20th century. National styles, traits, and technical innovations included. Not auditable. Admission to upper division guitar study.
MUSC 588  - Business of Music  (3 Credits)  
This course analyzes the forms and structures of both major and independent record labels. Course concepts will be reinforced with case studies, journal articles, and guest speakers. Not auditable.
MUSC 589  - Arts Management  (3 Credits)  
Management techniques for organizations with a musical component such as: orchestra, opera, ballet, artist series. Not auditable.
MUSC 590  - Seminar in Music Industry  (3 Credits)  
Survey of current events and topics within the music industry, and analyses of music businesses through the use of case studies.
MUSC 591  - Music Leadership Practicum  (3 Credits)  
A practicum to design and execute an entrepreneurial music leadership project in Columbia, South Carolina. Restricted to Music majors.
Prerequisites: C or better in MUSC 580 and MUSC 582.
Graduation with Leadership Distinction: GLD: Professional and Civic Engagement Leadership Experiences
MUSC 592  - 21st Century Performer  (3 Credits)  
Issues confronting the professional performing musician. Topics will include performance-based income models and opportunities, program development, and promotional and supporting materials. Restricted to School of Music students.
MUSC 593  - Arts Marketing  (3 Credits)  
Arts marketing program challenges, arts organizations, building the successful private studio, marketing plans, social media and guerilla marketing, and market research.
MUSC 594  - Independent Music Teaching Business  (3 Credits)  
A study of all aspects of the creation and maintenance of a viable independent music teaching business. Restricted to School of Music students.
MUSC 595  - Community Engagement Through Music  (2 Credits)  
Community engagement as it relates to music, with a focus on developing practical skills in creating engaging, interactive performances for various audiences.
Graduation with Leadership Distinction: GLD: Professional and Civic Engagement Leadership Experiences
Experiential Learning: Experiential Learning Opportunity
MUSC 599  - Music Business Internship  (1-3 Credits)  
Supervised work experience as approved by area program director. May be repeated up to 6 credits. Not auditable.
Graduation with Leadership Distinction: GLD: Professional and Civic Engagement Internships
MUSC 700  - Independent Study  (1-3 Credits)  
This course is designed for graduate students who wish to pursue a study of various areas of music according to their particular needs. Not auditable.
MUSC 707  - Music Bibliography and Research  (2 Credits)  
Reference works, discographies, periodicals, thematic catalogs, and other sources. Research methods and materials. Not auditable.
MUSC 710  - Vocal Coaching  (1-2 Credits)  
Advanced study of stylistic, interpretive, linguistic, and other performance issues in solo operatic, oratorio, and recital repertoire for singers. Repeatable for credit. Not auditable.
MUSC 711  - Graduate Applied Music  (1-4 Credits)  
Courses consist of individual instruction including individualized assignments and regular private instruction and review. Not auditable. 711A-flute/piccolo; 711B-oboe/English horn; 711C-clarinet; 711D-bassoon; 711E-saxophone; 711F-French horn; 711G-trumpet; 711H-trombone; 711I-euphonium; 711J-tuba; 711K-percussion; 711L-harpsichord; 711N-classic guitar; 711O-organ; 711P-piano; 711R-violin; 711S-viola; 711T-violoncello; 711U-double bass; 711V-voice; 711W-service playing; 711Y-conducting; 711Z-jazz. Repeatable for credit.
MUSC 711A  - Graduate Applied Music/ Flute/ Piccolo  (1-4 Credits)  
Course consists of individual instruction including individualized assignments and regular private instruction and review. Not auditable.
MUSC 711B  - Graduate Applied Music/ Oboe/ English Horn  (1-4 Credits)  
Course consists of individual instruction including individualized assignments and regular private instruction and review. Not auditable.
MUSC 711C  - Graduate Applied Music/ Clarinet  (1-4 Credits)  
Course consists of individual instruction including individualized assignments and regular private instruction and review. Not auditable.
MUSC 711D  - Graduate Applied Music/ Bassoon  (1-4 Credits)  
Course consists of individual instruction including individualized assignments and regular private instruction and review. Not auditable.
MUSC 711E  - Graduate Applied Music/ Saxophone  (1-4 Credits)  
Course consists of individual instruction including individualized assignments and regular private instruction and review. Not auditable.
MUSC 711F  - Graduate Applied Music/ French Horn  (1-4 Credits)  
Course consists of individual instruction including individualized assignments and regular private instruction and review. Not auditable.
MUSC 711G  - Graduate Applied Music/ Trumpet  (1-4 Credits)  
Course consists of individual instruction including individualized assignments and regular private instruction and review. Not auditable.
MUSC 711H  - Graduate Applied Music/ Trombone  (1-4 Credits)  
Course consists of individual instruction including individualized assignments and regular private instruction and review. Not auditable.
MUSC 711I  - Graduate Applied Music/ Euphonium  (1-4 Credits)  
Course consists of individual instruction including individualized assignments and regular private instruction and review. Not auditable.
MUSC 711J  - Graduate Applied Music/ Tuba  (1-4 Credits)  
Course consists of individual instruction including individualized assignments and regular private instruction and review. Not auditable.
MUSC 711K  - Graduate Applied Music/ Percussion  (1-4 Credits)  
Course consists of individual instruction including individualized assignments and regular private instruction and review. Not auditable.
MUSC 711L  - Graduate Applied Music/ Harpsichord  (1-4 Credits)  
Course consists of individual instruction including individualized assignments and regular private instruction and review. Not auditable.
MUSC 711N  - Graduate Applied Music/ Classical Guitar  (1-4 Credits)  
Course consists of individual instruction including individualized assignments and regular private instruction and review. Not auditable.
MUSC 711O  - Graduate Applied Music/ Organ  (1-4 Credits)  
Course consists of individual instruction including individualized assignments and regular private instruction and review. Not auditable.
MUSC 711P  - Graduate Applied Music/ Piano  (1-4 Credits)  
Course consists of individual instruction including individualized assignments and regular private instruction and review. Not auditable.
MUSC 711R  - Graduate Applied Music/ Violin  (1-4 Credits)  
Course consists of individual instruction including individualized assignments and regular private instruction and review. Not auditable.
MUSC 711S  - Graduate Applied Music/ Viola  (1-4 Credits)  
Course consists of individual instruction including individualized assignments and regular private instruction and review. Not auditable.
MUSC 711T  - Graduate Applied Music/ Violoncello  (1-4 Credits)  
Course consists of individual instruction including individualized assignments and regular private instruction and review. Not auditable.
MUSC 711U  - Graduate Applied/Double Bass  (1-4 Credits)  
Note: Courses consist of individual instruction including individualized assignments and regular private instruction and review. A-flute/piccolo; B-oboe/English horn; C-clarinet; D-bassoon; E-saxophone; F-French horn; G-trumpet; H-trombone; I-euphonium; J-tuba; K-percussion; L-harpsichord; N-classic guitar; O-organ; P-piano; R-violin; S-viola; T-violoncello; U-double bass; V-voice; W-service playing; Y-conducting; Z-jazz. Subdiscipline: Music (Applied Music)
MUSC 711V  - Graduate Applied Music/ Voice  (1-4 Credits)  
Course consists of individual instruction including individualized assignments and regular private instruction and review. Not auditable.
MUSC 711W  - Graduate Applied Music/ Service Playing  (1-4 Credits)  
Course consists of individual instruction including individualized assignments and regular private instruction and review. Not auditable.
MUSC 711Y  - Graduate Applied Music/ Conducting  (1-4 Credits)  
Course consists of individual instruction including individualized assignments and regular private instruction and review. Not auditable.
MUSC 711Z  - Graduate Applied Music/ Jazz  (1-4 Credits)  
Course consists of individual instruction including individualized assignments and regular private instruction and review. Not auditable.
MUSC 712  - Analysis of Popular Music  (3 Credits)  
This course explores analytical and interpretive approaches to urban popular music from 1950s, around the birth of rock, going well into the 21st century. “Popular music” here embraces many different repertories like rock, pop, hip-hop, R&B, soul, and top-40 music, and is ultimately connected to Anglo-American mainstream music.
MUSC 713  - Advanced Jazz Theory  (3 Credits)  
Harmonic, melodic, rhythmic, and structural concepts related to advanced jazz improvisation and composition. In-depth analysis of selected improvisations of artists and contemporary jazz styles.
MUSC 714  - Advanced Jazz Arranging  (3 Credits)  
Advanced orchestration, compositional development, cross-ensemble writing, extended forms, expanded harmonic and rhythmic vocabulary in the various contemporary jazz styles.
Prerequisites: MUSC 520 or equivalent.
MUSC 715  - Analysis and Performance  (3 Credits)  
Performance and interpretive considerations through the study of music on a technical basis. Observations of unity/variety and tension/repose, the interaction of music's materials, and the sources for growth and shape. Not auditable.
MUSC 716  - Composition  (1-3 Credits)  
Original composition. May be repeated for credit. Not auditable.
MUSC 717  - Advanced Orchestration  (3 Credits)  
Advanced orchestral arranging and score study, principles or score identification, and historical survey of orchestration practices and styles.
MUSC 718  - Public Music Theory  (3 Credits)  
An introduction to the methods and media of public music theory including community engagement.
MUSC 719  - Survey of Analytical Techniques  (3 Credits)  
An introduction to a variety of analytical methodologies and topics, including, but not limited to, Schenkerian analysis, Schoenbergian analysis, phrase rhythm, hypermeter, metric dissonance, topic theory, transformation theory. The course may be taken by master’s and doctoral students in music to fulfill theory or elective requirements.
MUSC 720  - Pedagogy of Music Theory  (3 Credits)  
Concepts, techniques, and materials for teaching music theory. Not auditable.
MUSC 721  - Tonality in the Twentieth Century  (3 Credits)  
Study of the theory and practice of tonality in the twentieth century, including late nineteenth-century chromaticism, modality, collectional music, polytonality, neo- Riemannian theory, and minimalism. Not auditable.
MUSC 723  - Music and Repetition  (3 Credits)  
This course is a study of musical styles that rely heavily on repetition focusing on popular music, EDM, traditional musics from around the world, and minimalist and post-minimalist music from the last fifty years through reading, research, analysis, composition, and performance.
MUSC 724  - Style and Technique Since 1900  (3 Credits)  
A study of the style and techniques of 20th and 21st-century composition through listening, research, analysis, and composition. Not auditable.
MUSC 726  - Topics in Music Theory  (3 Credits)  
Analytical, critical, interpretative, and/or theoretical study that focuses on a particular style, period, genre, topic, and/or approach. Repeatable up to five times. Not auditable.
MUSC 727  - Schenkerian Analysis  (3 Credits)  
Study of analytical concepts developed by Heinrich Schenker, and their application to analysis of tonal music.
MUSC 729  - Contrapuntal Techniques  (3 Credits)  
Contrapuntal procedures from the 16th through the 20th centuries.
MUSC 731  - Contemporary Experimental Music  (3 Credits)  
Survey of iconoclastic and visionary contemporary composers whose music and ideas fall mostly outside mainstream classical and popular genres.
MUSC 732  - Music & Modernism  (3 Credits)  
Study of musical modernism in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.
MUSC 733  - Advanced Conducting  (3 Credits)  
Study of conducting problems in selected choral or instrumental works. 733A-choral; 733B-instrumental. Not auditable.
Prerequisites: One year of study in conducting.
MUSC 733A  - Advanced Conducting/ Choral  (3 Credits)  
Study of conducting problems in selected choral or instrumental works. Not auditable.
Prerequisites: One year of study in conducting or approval of instructor.
MUSC 733B  - Advanced Conducting/ Instrumental  (3 Credits)  
Study of conducting problems in selected choral or instrumental works. Not auditable.
Prerequisites: One year of study in conducting or approval of instructor.
MUSC 734  - Ensemble  (0-1 Credits)  
Experience in a musical ensemble such as orchestra, graduate chorus, or jazz. Repeatable for credit. Not auditable.
MUSC 734A  - Ensemble - Symphonic Band  (0-1 Credits)  
Experience in a musical ensemble such as orchestra, graduate chorus, or jazz. Repeatable for credit. Not auditable.
MUSC 734B  - Ensemble - Wind Ensemble  (0-1 Credits)  
Experience in a musical ensemble such as orchestra, graduate chorus, or jazz. Repeatable for credit. Not auditable.
MUSC 734C  - Ensemble - Graduate Vocal  (0-1 Credits)  
Experience in a musical ensemble such as orchestra, graduate chorus, or jazz. Repeatable for credit. Not auditable.
MUSC 734D  - Ensemble - Percussion  (0-1 Credits)  
Experience in a musical ensemble such as orchestra, graduate chorus, or jazz. Repeatable for credit. Not auditable.
MUSC 734E  - Ensemble - Left Bank Jazz  (0-1 Credits)  
Experience in a musical ensemble such as orchestra, graduate chorus, or jazz. Repeatable for credit. Not Auditable.
MUSC 734L  - Ensemble - Guitar  (0-1 Credits)  
Experience in a musical ensemble such as orchestra, graduate chorus, or jazz. Repeatable for credit. Not auditable.
MUSC 734O  - Ensemble - Opera Chorus  (0-1 Credits)  
Experience in a musical ensemble such as orchestra, graduate chorus, or jazz. Repeatable for credit. Not auditable.
MUSC 734S  - Ensemble - Symphony Orchestra  (0-1 Credits)  
Experience in a musical ensemble such as orchestra, graduate chorus, or jazz. Repeatable for credit. Not auditable.
MUSC 734T  - Ensemble - Concert Choir  (0-1 Credits)  
Experience in a musical ensemble such as orchestra, graduate chorus, or jazz. Repeatable for credit. Not auditable.
MUSC 734U  - Ensemble - Opera Orchestra  (0-1 Credits)  
Experience in a musical ensemble such as orchestra, graduate chorus, or jazz. Repeatable for credit. Not auditable.
MUSC 734V  - Ensemble - Chamber Orchestra  (0-1 Credits)  
Experience in a musical ensemble such as orchestra, graduate chorus, or jazz. Repeatable for credit. Not auditable.
MUSC 735A  - Chamber Music - Woodwinds  (0-1 Credits)  
Experience in a small musical ensemble such as a string quartet or woodwind quintet. Repeatable for credit. Not auditable.
MUSC 735B  - Chamber Music - Brass  (0-1 Credits)  
Experience in a small musical ensemble such as a string quartet or woodwind quintet. Repeatable for credit. Not auditable.
MUSC 735C  - Chamber Music - Contemporary  (0-1 Credits)  
Experience in a small musical ensemble such as a string quartet or woodwind quintet. Repeatable for credit. Not auditable.
MUSC 735D  - Chamber Music - Percussion  (0-1 Credits)  
Experience in a small musical ensemble such as a string quartet or woodwind quintet. Repeatable for credit. Not auditable.
MUSC 735E  - Ensemble - Saxophone  (0-1 Credits)  
Experience in a musical ensemble such as orchestra, graduate chorus, or jazz. Repeatable for credit. Not auditable.
MUSC 735I  - Chamber Music - Strings  (0-1 Credits)  
Experience in a small musical ensemble such as a string quartet or woodwind quintet. Repeatable for credit. Not auditable.
MUSC 735J  - Chamber Music - Jazz Combo  (0-1 Credits)  
Experience in a small musical ensemble such as a string quartet or woodwind quintet. Repeatable for credit. Not auditable.
MUSC 735L  - Ensemble - Guitar  (0-1 Credits)  
Experience in a musical ensemble such as orchestra, graduate chorus, or jazz. Repeatable for credit. Not auditable.
MUSC 735P  - Chamber Music - Piano  (0-1 Credits)  
Experience in a small musical ensemble such as a string quartet or woodwind quintet. Repeatable for credit. Not auditable.
MUSC 735R  - Chamber Music - Accompanying  (0-1 Credits)  
Experience in a small musical ensemble such as a string quartet or woodwind quintet. Repeatable for credit. Not auditable.
MUSC 736  - Conductors Institute  (1-3 Credits)  
Practicum in conducting and literature. Limited to participants in the Conductors Institute.
MUSC 737  - Advanced Projects in Computer Music  (1-4 Credits)  
Advanced computer-music research or computer-generated tape composition.
MUSC 738  - Music Cognition  (3 Credits)  
Study of the cognition of music. The field of music cognition explores how and why we make sense of music, ranging from the most basic perceptual aspects (e.g., perception of pitch and rhythm) to higher cognitive, cultural, and social processes (e.g., expectation, taste, and emotion).
MUSC 739  - Transcription and Analysis  (3 Credits)  
Study of analysis through transcription of music. Genres covered include roots, folk, traditional, world, jazz, and popular.
MUSC 740  - Music Literature  (1-3 Credits)  
Study of the literature of a specific performance area. Repeatable for credit, 6 hrs max. Not auditable.
MUSC 740A  - Music Literature/ Flute/ Piccolo  (1-3 Credits)  
Study of the literature of a specific performance area. Repeatable for credit. Not auditable. Note: 6 hrs max
MUSC 740B  - Music Literature/ Oboe/ English Horn  (1-3 Credits)  
Study of the literature of a specific performance area. Repeatable for credit. Not auditable. Note: 6 hrs max
MUSC 740C  - Music Literature/ Clarinet  (1-3 Credits)  
Study of the literature of a specific performance area. Repeatable for credit. Not auditable. Note: 6 hrs max
MUSC 740D  - Music Literature/ Bassoon  (1-3 Credits)  
Study of the literature of a specific performance area. Repeatable for credit. Not auditable. Note: 6 hrs max
MUSC 740E  - Music Literature/ Saxophone  (1-3 Credits)  
Study of the literature of a specific performance area. Repeatable for credit. Not auditable. Note: 6 hrs max
MUSC 740F  - Music Literature/ French Horn  (1-3 Credits)  
Study of the literature of a specific performance area. Repeatable for credit. Not auditable. Note: 6 hrs max
MUSC 740G  - Music Literature/ Trumpet  (1-3 Credits)  
Study of the literature of a specific performance area. Repeatable for credit. Not auditable. Note: 6 hrs max
MUSC 740H  - Music Literature/ Trombone  (1-3 Credits)  
Study of the literature of a specific performance area. Repeatable for credit. Not auditable. Note: 6 hrs max
MUSC 740I  - Music Literature/ Euphonium  (1-3 Credits)  
Study of the literature of a specific performance area. Repeatable for credit. Not auditable. Note: 6 hrs max
MUSC 740J  - Music Literature/ Tuba  (1-3 Credits)  
Study of the literature of a specific performance area. Repeatable for credit. Not auditable. Note: 6 hrs max
MUSC 740K  - Music Literature/ Percussion  (1-3 Credits)  
Study of the literature of a specific performance area. Repeatable for credit. Not auditable. Note: 6 hrs max
MUSC 740L  - Music Literature/ Harpsichord  (1-3 Credits)  
Study of the literature of a specific performance area. Repeatable for credit. Not auditable. Note: 6 hrs max
MUSC 740N  - Music Literature/ Classical Guitar  (1-3 Credits)  
Study of the literature of a specific performance area. Repeatable for credit. Not auditable. Note: 6 hrs max
MUSC 740O  - Music Literature/ Organ  (1-3 Credits)  
Study of the literature of a specific performance area. Repeatable for credit. Not auditable. Note: 6 hrs max
MUSC 740P  - Music Literature/ Piano  (1-3 Credits)  
Study of the literature of a specific performance area. Repeatable for credit. Not auditable. Note: 6 hrs max
MUSC 740R  - Music Literature/ Violin  (1-3 Credits)  
Study of the literature of a specific performance area. Repeatable for credit. Not auditable. Note: 6 hrs max
MUSC 740S  - Music Literature/ Viola  (1-3 Credits)  
Study of the literature of a specific performance area. Repeatable for credit. Not auditable. Note: 6 hrs max
MUSC 740T  - Music Literature/ Violoncello  (1-3 Credits)  
Study of the literature of a specific performance area. Repeatable for credit. Not auditable. Note: 6 hrs max
MUSC 740U  - Music Literature/ Double Bass  (1-3 Credits)  
Study of the literature of a specific performance area. Repeatable for credit. Not auditable. Note: 6 hrs max
MUSC 740V  - Music Literature/ Voice  (1-3 Credits)  
Study of the literature of a specific performance area. Repeatable for credit. Not auditable. Note: 6 hrs max
MUSC 740W  - Music Literature/ Service Playing  (1-3 Credits)  
Study of the literature of a specific performance area. Repeatable for credit. Not auditable. Note: 6 hrs max
MUSC 740Y  - Music Literature/ Conducting  (1-3 Credits)  
Study of the literature of a specific performance area. Repeatable for credit. Not auditable. Note: 6 hrs max
MUSC 740Z  - Music Literature/ Jazz  (1-3 Credits)  
Study of the literature of a specific performance area. Repeatable for credit. Not auditable. Note: 6 hrs max
MUSC 743  - Seminar in Music History  (3 Credits)  
For graduate students in music and music education. Methods of historical research, and problems of aesthetics and criticism.
MUSC 744  - Topics in Music History  (3 Credits)  
Selected topics such as French music in the 19th century, Richard Wagner, and mensural notation. May be repeated as the topic varies; 12 hrs max.
MUSC 745  - Music and Culture of Tudor England  (3 Credits)  
An examination of the music and culture of Tudor England (c. 1458-1603).
Prerequisites: Passing score on the music history portion of the Graduate Music Diagnostic Exam.
MUSC 746  - Choral Literature  (3 Credits)  
Choral literature from the Renaissance to the present. Study of smaller forms in the context of composers’ contributions to the literature.
MUSC 747  - Advanced Music Research  (2 Credits)  
Development of advanced music research skills. Preparation for writing graduate research projects.
Prerequisites: MUSC 707.
MUSC 748  - Major Choral Works  (3 Credits)  
A survey of major oratorios, cantatas, and masses.
MUSC 755  - Renaissance Music  (3 Credits)  
Music from 1400 to 1600, including an introductory study on polyphonic styles of the later Medieval period; evolution of musical styles within the context of Renaissance Western European culture.
MUSC 756  - Music of the Baroque  (3 Credits)  
Music from 1600 to 1750 including representative composers from Monteverdi’s generation through Bach and Handel.
MUSC 757  - Music of the Classical Period  (3 Credits)  
The works of Gluck, Haydn, Mozart, Beethoven and their contemporaries; formation of the “Viennese” Classical idiom and its most important forms and genres.
MUSC 758  - Romantic Music  (3 Credits)  
The music of the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries; the relationship of music to other arts; works from Schubert and Rossini to Mahler, Strauss, and Debussy.
MUSC 759  - Music Since 1900  (3 Credits)  
Music from the early twentieth century to the present; major trends in contemporary music.
MUSC 763  - Writing about Jazz History  (3 Credits)  
An in-depth examination of jazz history and jazz criticism, including critical review of jazz history textbooks, articles, and recordings.
MUSC 764L  - Ensemble - Guitar  (0-1 Credits)  
Experience in a musical ensemble such as orchestra, graduate chorus, or jazz. Repeatable for credit. Suffixes: B-Wind Ensemble, C-Graduate Vocal Ensemble, D-Percussion, E-Left Bank Jazz, L-Guitar, S-Symphony Orchestra, T-Concert Choir, V-Chamber Orchestra. Subdiscipline: Music (Musical Organizations)
MUSC 766  - Topics in Church Music  (1-3 Credits)  
Selected topics such as hymnology, church-choir literature and techniques, and church-music administration. May be repeated for a maximum of 12 hours as topic varies.
MUSC 767  - Pedagogy of Group Piano  (3 Credits)  
Methodology and survey of materials for beginning through intermediate piano study in groups.
MUSC 769  - Advanced Piano Accompanying  (3 Credits)  
Continuation of MUSC 569. Approaches to specific problems in vocal and instrumental accompanying; supervised accompanying in class.
MUSC 770  - Suzuki String Pedagogy I  (3 Credits)  
An examination of Shin’ichi Suzuki’s philosophy and approach to Talent Education, parent education, laying the foundation (pre-twinkle) for studies in literature and techniques in Suzuki Violin books 1 and 2. Congruent with Suzuki Association of the American guidelines. Congruent with guidelines of the Suzuki Association of the Americans.
MUSC 771  - Suzuki String Pedagogy II  (3 Credits)  
An examination of the teaching points in Suzuki Violin books 3 and 4, including scales, arpeggios, etudes, and other supplementary material. Congruent with Suzuki Association of the Americas guidelines.
MUSC 773  - Seminar in Performance Pedagogy I  (3 Credits)  
Problems in piano pedagogy at the advanced level and directed teaching.
MUSC 774  - Seminar in Performance Pedagogy II  (3 Credits)  
Problems in piano pedagogy at the advanced level and directed teaching. Course may be repeated for a total of 9 credit hours.
MUSC 775  - Topics in Piano Pedagogy and Literature  (3 Credits)  
For pianists only. Topics such as Mozart sonatas, Beethoven sonatas, piano music of Debussy. May be repeated for credit as topic varies, 12 hrs max.
MUSC 776  - Special Topics in Piano Pedagogy  (3 Credits)  
Content varies by title. May be repeated as title varies.
MUSC 777  - Advanced Vocal Pedagogy  (3 Credits)  
Advanced study of the anatomy and function of the singing voice with application to the diagnosis and correctio of problems in singing.
Prerequisites: MUSC 577.
MUSC 778  - Advanced Diction  (2 Credits)  
Pronunciation, placement, and rhythm of Italian, French, and German.
MUSC 780  - Opera Theater  (1 Credit)  
Study of selected operatic characters from a historical, psychological, and physical perspective.
MUSC 781  - Role Preparation  (1 Credit)  
Study of operatic role(s), with attention given to rhythmic accuracy, style, language/diction, translations, and interpretation.
MUSC 782  - Opera Production  (1 Credit)  
Supervised preparation and production of an opera.
MUSC 783  - College Music Teaching  (3 Credits)  
Trends in higher education, responsibilities of college teachers, strategies for effective teaching, the academic job search, and tenure and promotion processes.
MUSC 784  - Suzuki Practicum I  (1 Credit)  
Practical application of the teaching points in Suzuki Violin books 1 and 2. Includes observations of lessons and supervised teaching.
MUSC 785  - Suzuki Practicum II  (1 Credit)  
Practical application of the teaching points in Suzuki Violin books 3 and 4. Includes observations of lessons and supervised teaching.
MUSC 786  - Advanced Jazz Improvisation  (3 Credits)  
Applications of harmonic, melodic, and rhythmic concepts for the advanced jazz improvisation student. Exploration of different jazz improvisation areas such as “free,” avant-garde, polytonal, and serial.
MUSC 787  - Special Topics in Music  (1-3 Credits)  
Content varies by title. May be repeated for credit as topics vary for a total of 12 credits.
MUSC 790  - Composition Recital  (1 Credit)  
Presentation of the student composer’s work in a suitable professional setting.
MUSC 793  - Opera Role  (1 Credit)  
Public performance of a major opera role.
MUSC 794  - Concerto Recital  (1 Credit)  
Public performance of a major concerto with orchestra or appropriate ensemble.
MUSC 795  - Chamber Recital  (1 Credit)  
Performances of a public recital of chamber music.
MUSC 796  - Solo Recital  (1 Credit)  
Performance of a public recital in the student’s performance area.
MUSC 799  - Thesis Preparation  (1-3 Credits)  
MUSC 801  - Advanced Performance Pedagogy  (2 Credits)  
Applied music teaching at the college level. Observation in two or more studios. Teaching experience on an individual basis under the direction of applied faculty members. Repeatable for maximum of four credits.
MUSC 807  - Research Methods in Music  (1-2 Credits)  
Basic probability and statistics with applications to and examples in music. Topics include elementary probability and data distribution, statistical inference, linear regression, and correlation with application to music history, theory, psychology, and performance.
MUSC 811A  - Doctoral Applied Music/Flute/Piccolo  (1-4 Credits)  
Courses consist of individual instruction including individualized assignments and regular private instruction and review. 811A-flute/piccolo; 811B-oboe/English horn; 811C-clarinet; 811D-bassoon; 811E-saxophone; 811F-French horn; 811G-trumpet; 811H-trombone; 811I-euphonium; 811J-tuba; 811K-percussion; 811L-harpsichord; 811N-classic guitar; 811O-organ; 811P-piano; 811R-violin; 811S-viola; 811T-violoncello; 811U-double bass; 811V-voice; 811W-service playing; 811Y-conducting; 811Z-jazz. Repeatable for credit.
MUSC 811B  - Doctoral Applied Music/Oboe/English Horn  (1-4 Credits)  
Courses consist of individual instruction including individualized assignments and regular private instruction and review. 811A-flute/piccolo; 811B-oboe/English horn; 811C-clarinet; 811D-bassoon; 811E-saxophone; 811F-French horn; 811G-trumpet; 811H-trombone; 811I-euphonium; 811J-tuba; 811K-percussion; 811L-harpsichord; 811N-classic guitar; 811O-organ; 811P-piano; 811R-violin; 811S-viola; 811T-violoncello; 811U-double bass; 811V-voice; 811W-service playing; 811Y-conducting; 811Z-jazz. Repeatable for credit.
MUSC 811C  - Doctoral Applied Music/Clarinet  (1-4 Credits)  
Courses consist of individual instruction including individualized assignments and regular private instruction and review. 811A-flute/piccolo; 811B-oboe/English horn; 811C-clarinet; 811D-bassoon; 811E-saxophone; 811F-French horn; 811G-trumpet; 811H-trombone; 811I-euphonium; 811J-tuba; 811K-percussion; 811L-harpsichord; 811N-classic guitar; 811O-organ; 811P-piano; 811R-violin; 811S-viola; 811T-violoncello; 811U-double bass; 811V-voice; 811W-service playing; 811Y-conducting; 811Z-jazz. Repeatable for credit.
MUSC 811D  - Doctoral Applied Music/Bassoon  (1-4 Credits)  
Courses consist of individual instruction including individualized assignments and regular private instruction and review. 811A-flute/piccolo; 811B-oboe/English horn; 811C-clarinet; 811D-bassoon; 811E-saxophone; 811F-French horn; 811G-trumpet; 811H-trombone; 811I-euphonium; 811J-tuba; 811K-percussion; 811L-harpsichord; 811N-classic guitar; 811O-organ; 811P-piano; 811R-violin; 811S-viola; 811T-violoncello; 811U-double bass; 811V-voice; 811W-service playing; 811Y-conducting; 811Z-jazz. Repeatable for credit.
MUSC 811E  - Doctoral Applied Music/Saxophone  (1-4 Credits)  
Courses consist of individual instruction including individualized assignments and regular private instruction and review. 811A-flute/piccolo; 811B-oboe/English horn; 811C-clarinet; 811D-bassoon; 811E-saxophone; 811F-French horn; 811G-trumpet; 811H-trombone; 811I-euphonium; 811J-tuba; 811K-percussion; 811L-harpsichord; 811N-classic guitar; 811O-organ; 811P-piano; 811R-violin; 811S-viola; 811T-violoncello; 811U-double bass; 811V-voice; 811W-service playing; 811Y-conducting; 811Z-jazz. Repeatable for credit.
MUSC 811F  - Doctoral Applied Music/French Horn  (1-4 Credits)  
Courses consist of individual instruction including individualized assignments and regular private instruction and review. 811A-flute/piccolo; 811B-oboe/English horn; 811C-clarinet; 811D-bassoon; 811E-saxophone; 811F-French horn; 811G-trumpet; 811H-trombone; 811I-euphonium; 811J-tuba; 811K-percussion; 811L-harpsichord; 811N-classic guitar; 811O-organ; 811P-piano; 811R-violin; 811S-viola; 811T-violoncello; 811U-double bass; 811V-voice; 811W-service playing; 811Y-conducting; 811Z-jazz. Repeatable for credit.
MUSC 811G  - Doctoral Applied Music/Trumpet  (1-4 Credits)  
Courses consist of individual instruction including individualized assignments and regular private instruction and review. 811A-flute/piccolo; 811B-oboe/English horn; 811C-clarinet; 811D-bassoon; 811E-saxophone; 811F-French horn; 811G-trumpet; 811H-trombone; 811I-euphonium; 811J-tuba; 811K-percussion; 811L-harpsichord; 811N-classic guitar; 811O-organ; 811P-piano; 811R-violin; 811S-viola; 811T-violoncello; 811U-double bass; 811V-voice; 811W-service playing; 811Y-conducting; 811Z-jazz. Repeatable for credit.
MUSC 811H  - Doctoral Applied Music  (1-4 Credits)  
Courses consist of individual instruction including individualized assignments and regular private instruction and review. 811A-flute/piccolo; 811B-oboe/English horn; 811C-clarinet; 811D-bassoon; 811E-saxophone; 811F-French horn; 811G-trumpet; 811H-trombone; 811I-euphonium; 811J-tuba; 811K-percussion; 811L-harpsichord; 811N-classic guitar; 811O-organ; 811P-piano; 811R-violin; 811S-viola; 811T-violoncello; 811U-double bass; 811V-voice; 811W-service playing; 811Y-conducting; 811Z-jazz. Repeatable for credit.
MUSC 811I  - Doctoral Applied Music/Euphonium  (1-4 Credits)  
Courses consist of individual instruction including individualized assignments and regular private instruction and review. 811A-flute/piccolo; 811B-oboe/English horn; 811C-clarinet; 811D-bassoon; 811E-saxophone; 811F-French horn; 811G-trumpet; 811H-trombone; 811I-euphonium; 811J-tuba; 811K-percussion; 811L-harpsichord; 811N-classic guitar; 811O-organ; 811P-piano; 811R-violin; 811S-viola; 811T-violoncello; 811U-double bass; 811V-voice; 811W-service playing; 811Y-conducting; 811Z-jazz. Repeatable for credit.
MUSC 811J  - Doctoral Applied Music/Tuba  (1-4 Credits)  
Courses consist of individual instruction including individualized assignments and regular private instruction and review. 811A-flute/piccolo; 811B-oboe/English horn; 811C-clarinet; 811D-bassoon; 811E-saxophone; 811F-French horn; 811G-trumpet; 811H-trombone; 811I-euphonium; 811J-tuba; 811K-percussion; 811L-harpsichord; 811N-classic guitar; 811O-organ; 811P-piano; 811R-violin; 811S-viola; 811T-violoncello; 811U-double bass; 811V-voice; 811W-service playing; 811Y-conducting; 811Z-jazz. Repeatable for credit.
MUSC 811K  - Doctoral Applied Music/Percussion  (1-4 Credits)  
Courses consist of individual instruction including individualized assignments and regular private instruction and review. 811A-flute/piccolo; 811B-oboe/English horn; 811C-clarinet; 811D-bassoon; 811E-saxophone; 811F-French horn; 811G-trumpet; 811H-trombone; 811I-euphonium; 811J-tuba; 811K-percussion; 811L-harpsichord; 811N-classic guitar; 811O-organ; 811P-piano; 811R-violin; 811S-viola; 811T-violoncello; 811U-double bass; 811V-voice; 811W-service playing; 811Y-conducting; 811Z-jazz. Repeatable for credit.
MUSC 811L  - Doctoral Applied Music/Harpsichord  (1-4 Credits)  
Courses consist of individual instruction including individualized assignments and regular private instruction and review. 811A-flute/piccolo; 811B-oboe/English horn; 811C-clarinet; 811D-bassoon; 811E-saxophone; 811F-French horn; 811G-trumpet; 811H-trombone; 811I-euphonium; 811J-tuba; 811K-percussion; 811L-harpsichord; 811N-classic guitar; 811O-organ; 811P-piano; 811R-violin; 811S-viola; 811T-violoncello; 811U-double bass; 811V-voice; 811W-service playing; 811Y-conducting; 811Z-jazz. Repeatable for credit.
MUSC 811N  - Doctoral Applied Music/Classic Guitar  (1-4 Credits)  
Courses consist of individual instruction including individualized assignments and regular private instruction and review. 811A-flute/piccolo; 811B-oboe/English horn; 811C-clarinet; 811D-bassoon; 811E-saxophone; 811F-French horn; 811G-trumpet; 811H-trombone; 811I-euphonium; 811J-tuba; 811K-percussion; 811L-harpsichord; 811N-classic guitar; 811O-organ; 811P-piano; 811R-violin; 811S-viola; 811T-violoncello; 811U-double bass; 811V-voice; 811W-service playing; 811Y-conducting; 811Z-jazz. Repeatable for credit.
MUSC 811O  - Doctoral Applied Music/Organ  (1-4 Credits)  
Courses consist of individual instruction including individualized assignments and regular private instruction and review. 811A-flute/piccolo; 811B-oboe/English horn; 811C-clarinet; 811D-bassoon; 811E-saxophone; 811F-French horn; 811G-trumpet; 811H-trombone; 811I-euphonium; 811J-tuba; 811K-percussion; 811L-harpsichord; 811N-classic guitar; 811O-organ; 811P-piano; 811R-violin; 811S-viola; 811T-violoncello; 811U-double bass; 811V-voice; 811W-service playing; 811Y-conducting; 811Z-jazz. Repeatable for credit.
MUSC 811P  - Doctoral Applied Music/Piano  (1-4 Credits)  
Courses consist of individual instruction including individualized assignments and regular private instruction and review. 811A-flute/piccolo; 811B-oboe/English horn; 811C-clarinet; 811D-bassoon; 811E-saxophone; 811F-French horn; 811G-trumpet; 811H-trombone; 811I-euphonium; 811J-tuba; 811K-percussion; 811L-harpsichord; 811N-classic guitar; 811O-organ; 811P-piano; 811R-violin; 811S-viola; 811T-violoncello; 811U-double bass; 811V-voice; 811W-service playing; 811Y-conducting; 811Z-jazz. Repeatable for credit.
MUSC 811R  - Doctoral Applied Music/Violin  (1-4 Credits)  
Courses consist of individual instruction including individualized assignments and regular private instruction and review. 811A-flute/piccolo; 811B-oboe/English horn; 811C-clarinet; 811D-bassoon; 811E-saxophone; 811F-French horn; 811G-trumpet; 811H-trombone; 811I-euphonium; 811J-tuba; 811K-percussion; 811L-harpsichord; 811N-classic guitar; 811O-organ; 811P-piano; 811R-violin; 811S-viola; 811T-violoncello; 811U-double bass; 811V-voice; 811W-service playing; 811Y-conducting; 811Z-jazz. Repeatable for credit.
MUSC 811S  - Doctoral Applied Music/Viola  (1-4 Credits)  
Courses consist of individual instruction including individualized assignments and regular private instruction and review. 811A-flute/piccolo; 811B-oboe/English horn; 811C-clarinet; 811D-bassoon; 811E-saxophone; 811F-French horn; 811G-trumpet; 811H-trombone; 811I-euphonium; 811J-tuba; 811K-percussion; 811L-harpsichord; 811N-classic guitar; 811O-organ; 811P-piano; 811R-violin; 811S-viola; 811T-violoncello; 811U-double bass; 811V-voice; 811W-service playing; 811Y-conducting; 811Z-jazz. Repeatable for credit.
MUSC 811T  - Doctoral Applied Music/Violoncello  (1-4 Credits)  
Courses consist of individual instruction including individualized assignments and regular private instruction and review. 811A-flute/piccolo; 811B-oboe/English horn; 811C-clarinet; 811D-bassoon; 811E-saxophone; 811F-French horn; 811G-trumpet; 811H-trombone; 811I-euphonium; 811J-tuba; 811K-percussion; 811L-harpsichord; 811N-classic guitar; 811O-organ; 811P-piano; 811R-violin; 811S-viola; 811T-violoncello; 811U-double bass; 811V-voice; 811W-service playing; 811Y-conducting; 811Z-jazz. Repeatable for credit.
MUSC 811U  - Doctoral Applied Music/Double Bass  (1-4 Credits)  
Courses consist of individual instruction including individualized assignments and regular private instruction and review. 811A-flute/piccolo; 811B-oboe/English horn; 811C-clarinet; 811D-bassoon; 811E-saxophone; 811F-French horn; 811G-trumpet; 811H-trombone; 811I-euphonium; 811J-tuba; 811K-percussion; 811L-harpsichord; 811N-classic guitar; 811O-organ; 811P-piano; 811R-violin; 811S-viola; 811T-violoncello; 811U-double bass; 811V-voice; 811W-service playing; 811Y-conducting; 811Z-jazz. Repeatable for credit.
MUSC 811V  - Doctoral Applied Music/Voice  (1-4 Credits)  
Courses consist of individual instruction including individualized assignments and regular private instruction and review. 811A-flute/piccolo; 811B-oboe/English horn; 811C-clarinet; 811D-bassoon; 811E-saxophone; 811F-French horn; 811G-trumpet; 811H-trombone; 811I-euphonium; 811J-tuba; 811K-percussion; 811L-harpsichord; 811N-classic guitar; 811O-organ; 811P-piano; 811R-violin; 811S-viola; 811T-violoncello; 811U-double bass; 811V-voice; 811W-service playing; 811Y-conducting; 811Z-jazz. Repeatable for credit.
MUSC 811W  - Doctoral Applied Music/Service Playing  (1-4 Credits)  
Courses consist of individual instruction including individualized assignments and regular private instruction and review. 811A-flute/piccolo; 811B-oboe/English horn; 811C-clarinet; 811D-bassoon; 811E-saxophone; 811F-French horn; 811G-trumpet; 811H-trombone; 811I-euphonium; 811J-tuba; 811K-percussion; 811L-harpsichord; 811N-classic guitar; 811O-organ; 811P-piano; 811R-violin; 811S-viola; 811T-violoncello; 811U-double bass; 811V-voice; 811W-service playing; 811Y-conducting; 811Z-jazz. Repeatable for credit.
MUSC 811Y  - Doctoral Applied Music/Conducting  (1-4 Credits)  
Courses consist of individual instruction including individualized assignments and regular private instruction and review. 811A-flute/piccolo; 811B-oboe/English horn; 811C-clarinet; 811D-bassoon; 811E-saxophone; 811F-French horn; 811G-trumpet; 811H-trombone; 811I-euphonium; 811J-tuba; 811K-percussion; 811L-harpsichord; 811N-classic guitar; 811O-organ; 811P-piano; 811R-violin; 811S-viola; 811T-violoncello; 811U-double bass; 811V-voice; 811W-service playing; 811Y-conducting; 811Z-jazz. Repeatable for credit.
MUSC 811Z  - Doctoral Applied Music/Jazz  (1-4 Credits)  
Courses consist of individual instruction including individualized assignments and regular private instruction and review. 811A-flute/piccolo; 811B-oboe/English horn; 811C-clarinet; 811D-bassoon; 811E-saxophone; 811F-French horn; 811G-trumpet; 811H-trombone; 811I-euphonium; 811J-tuba; 811K-percussion; 811L-harpsichord; 811N-classic guitar; 811O-organ; 811P-piano; 811R-violin; 811S-viola; 811T-violoncello; 811U-double bass; 811V-voice; 811W-service playing; 811Y-conducting; 811Z-jazz. Repeatable for credit.
MUSC 816  - Composition  (1-3 Credits)  
Original composition. May be repeated for credit.
MUSC 890  - Composition Recital  (1 Credit)  
Presentation of predissertation doctoral compositions in a professional setting.
MUSC 891  - Recital Preparation  (1-3 Credits)  
Recital Preparation.
MUSC 892  - Lecture Recital  (1 Credit)  
Public presentation of a lecture recital.
MUSC 893  - Opera/Oratorio Role  (1 Credit)  
Public performance of a major opera or oratorio role.
MUSC 894  - Concerto Recital  (1 Credit)  
Public performance of a major concerto with orchestra or appropriate ensemble.
MUSC 895  - Chamber Recital  (1 Credit)  
Performance of a public recital of chamber music.
MUSC 896  - Solo Recital  (1 Credit)  
Performance of a public recital in the student’s primary performance area.
MUSC 897  - Document Preparation  (1-3 Credits)  
Document Preparation.
MUSC 898  - Treatise Preparation  (1-6 Credits)  
Treatise Preparation.
MUSC 899  - Dissertation Preparation  (1-12 Credits)  
Dissertation Preparation.