Media Arts (MART)
MART 521A - Media Writing Advanced: Screenwriting (3 Credits)
Advanced study of screenwriting.
Prerequisites: MART 321.
MART 521B - Media Writing Advanced: Feature Film (3 Credits)
Advanced study of feature film writing.
Prerequisites: MART 321.
MART 521C - Media Writing Advanced: Manga and Anime (3 Credits)
Advanced study of Manga and Anime.
Prerequisites: MART 321.
MART 521D - Media Writing Advanced: Television Writing (3 Credits)
Advanced study of television writing.
Prerequisites: MART 321.
MART 541 - Sound Design Advanced: Sound for Motion Picture (3 Credits)
Sound production for motion picture.
Prerequisites: C or better in MART 341.
MART 571A - Moving Image Advanced: Narrative (3 Credits)
Narrative for motion picture.
Prerequisites: MART 371.
MART 571B - Moving Image Advanced: Documentary (3 Credits)
Documentary production.
Prerequisites: MART 371.
MART 571C - Moving Image Advanced: Animation (3 Credits)
Animation production.
Prerequisites: C or better in MART 262.
MART 571D - Moving Image Advanced: Experimental (3 Credits)
Experimental motion picture production.
Prerequisites: MART 371.
MART 571E - Moving Image Advanced: Cinematography (3 Credits)
Motion picture cinematography.
Prerequisites: MART 371.
MART 581A - New Media Advanced: Site-based and Installation Art (3 Credits)
Art and practice of site-based and installation art.
Prerequisites: MART 380.
MART 581B - New Media Advanced: Mobile Platforms (3 Credits)
Art and practice of mobile platforms.
Prerequisites: MART 380.
MART 581C - New Media Advanced: Media Performance (3 Credits)
Art and practice of media performance.
Prerequisites: MART 380.
MART 581D - New Media Advanced: Video Game Design (3 Credits)
Art and practice of video game design.
Prerequisites: MART 380.
MART 581E - New Media Advanced: Sound Art (3 Credits)
Art and practice of sound art.
Prerequisites: C or better in MART 341 or equivalent.
MART 590 - Special Topics in Media Arts (3 Credits)
Selected topics in media arts. Course content varies and will be announced in the schedule of classes by title.
MART 591 - Special Topics in Film and Media Studies (3 Credits)
MART 592 - Special Topics in Film and Media Histories (3 Credits)
MART 593 - Special Topics in U.S. Film and Media (3 Credits)
MART 594 - Special Topics in Global Film and Media (3 Credits)
MART 598 - Media Management and Distribution (3 Credits)
Research in media management and distribution.
Prerequisites: MART 110 and MART 210.
MART 701 - The Role of Research in Media Arts Practice (3 Credits)
Approaches to research methods as these inform media arts and practice. Emphasis on the development of critical (e.g., theoretical, historical, social, cultural, etc.) engagement.
MART 702 - Principles of Media Arts Practice (3 Credits)
Application of theoretical concepts to media arts practice.
Prerequisites: MART 701.
MART 721A - Research and Practice in Media Writing: Screenwriting (3 Credits)
Advanced study of media storytelling in one or more of the following topics: 721A Screenwriting; 721B Feature Film; 721C Manga and Anime;
721D Television Writing.
MART 721B - Research and Practice in Media Writing: Feature Film (3 Credits)
Advanced study of media storytelling in one or more of the following topics: 721A Screenwriting; 721B Feature Film; 721C Manga and Anime;
721D Television Writing.
MART 721C - Research and Practice in Media Writing: Manga and Anime (3 Credits)
Advanced study of media storytelling in one or more of the following topics: 721A Screenwriting; 721B Feature Film; 721C Manga and Anime;
721D Television Writing.
MART 721D - Research and Practice in Media Writing: Television Writing (3 Credits)
Advanced study of media storytelling in one or more of the following topics: 721A Screenwriting; 721B Feature Film; 721C Manga and Anime;
721D Television Writing.
MART 771A - Research and Practice in Media Arts Production: Narrative (3 Credits)
Advanced study of moving image production in one or more of the following topics: 771A Narrative; 771B Documentary; 771C Animation;
771D Experimental; 771E Cinematography; 771F Sound for Motion Picture. Course may be taken 2 times.
MART 771B - Research and Practice in Media Arts Production: Documentary (3 Credits)
Advanced study of moving image production in one or more of the following topics: 771A Narrative; 771B Documentary; 771C Animation;
771D Experimental; 771E Cinematography; 771F Sound for Motion Picture. Course may be taken 2 times.
MART 771C - Research and Practice in Media Arts Production: Animation (3 Credits)
Advanced study of moving image production in one or more of the following topics: 771A Narrative; 771B Documentary; 771C Animation;
771D Experimental; 771E Cinematography; 771F Sound for Motion Picture. Course may be taken 2 times.
MART 771D - Research and Practice in Media Arts Production: Experimental (3 Credits)
Advanced study of moving image production in one or more of the following topics: 771A Narrative; 771B Documentary; 771C Animation;
771D Experimental; 771E Cinematography; 771F Sound for Motion Picture. Course may be taken 2 times.
MART 771E - Research and Practice in Media Arts Production: Cinematography (3 Credits)
Advanced study of moving image production in one or more of the following topics: 771A Narrative; 771B Documentary; 771C Animation;
771D Experimental; 771E Cinematography; 771F Sound for Motion Picture. Course may be taken 2 times.
MART 771F - Research and Practice in Media Arts Production: Sound for Motion Picture (3 Credits)
Advanced study of moving image production in one or more of the following topics: 771A Narrative; 771B Documentary; 771C Animation;
771D Experimental; 771E Cinematography; 771F Sound for Motion Picture. Course may be taken 2 times.
MART 781A - Research and Practice in New Media Art: Site-based and Installation Art (3 Credits)
Advanced study of new media art in one or more of the following topics: 781A Site-based and Installation Art; 781B Mobile Platforms;
781C Media Performance; 781D Video Game Design; 781E Sound Art. Course may be taken 2 times.
MART 781B - Research and Practice in New Media Art: Mobile Platforms (3 Credits)
Advanced study of new media art in one or more of the following topics: 781A Site-based and Installation Art; 781B Mobile Platforms;
781C Media Performance; 781D Video Game Design; 781E Sound Art. Course may be taken 2 times.
MART 781C - Research and Practice in New Media Art: Media Performance (3 Credits)
Advanced study of new media art in one or more of the following topics: 781A Site-based and Installation Art; 781B Mobile Platforms;
781C Media Performance; 781D Video Game Design; 781E Sound Art. Course may be taken 2 times.
MART 781D - Research and Practice in New Media Art: Video Game Design (3 Credits)
Advanced study of new media art in one or more of the following topics: 781A Site-based and Installation Art; 781B Mobile Platforms;
781C Media Perfomance; 781D Video Game Design; 781E Sound Art. Course may be taken 2 times.
MART 781E - Research and Practice in New Media Art: Sound Art (3 Credits)
Advanced study of new media art in one or more of the following topics: 781A Site-based and Installation Art; 781B Mobile Platforms;
781C Media Performance; 781D Video Game Design; 781E Sound Art. Course may be taken 2 times.
MART 790 - Independent Study (3 Credits)
Specialized research in media arts theory and/or practice.
MART 795A - Media Arts Research: Media Theory (3 Credits)
Advanced study in one or more of the following topics in the media arts: 795A Media Theory; 795B Media History; 795C Media Aesthetics;
795D Global Media Culture; 795E Media Management and Distribution. Course can be taken 2 times.
MART 795B - Media Arts Research: Media History| (3 Credits)
Advanced study in one or more of the following topics in the media arts: 795A Media Theory; 795B Media History; 795C Media Aesthetics;
795D Global Media Culture; 795E Media Management and Distribution. Course can be taken 2 times.
MART 795C - Media Arts Research: Media Aesthetics (3 Credits)
Advanced study in one or more of the following topics in the media arts: 795A Media Theory; 795B Media History; 795C Media Aesthetics;
795D Global Media Culture; 795E Media Management and Distribution. Course can be taken 2 times.
MART 795D - Media Arts Research: Global Media Culture (3 Credits)
Advanced study in one or more of the following topics in the media arts: 795A Media Theory; 795B Media History; 795C Media Aesthetics;
795D Global Media Culture; 795E Media Management and Distribution. Course can be taken 2 times.
MART 795E - Media Arts Research: Media Management and Distribution (3 Credits)
Advanced study in one or more of the following topics in the media arts: 795A Media Theory; 795B Media History; 795C Media Aesthetics;
795D Global Media Culture; 795E Media Management and Distribution. Course can be taken 2 times.
MART 797 - Practicum in Media Arts (3 Credits)
Field experience in the media arts combined with directed research.
MART 798 - Project Research and Preparation (1-6 Credits)
Development and completion of a creative media arts project grounded in theory and research. May be repeated twice for up to 6 hours.
MART 799 - Thesis Research and Preparation (1-6 Credits)