International Business (IBUS)

IBUS 501  - International Financial Management  (3 Credits)  
The financial management of a multinational business enterprise.
Prerequisites: C or better in IBUS 310, ECON 222 and FINA 363 for IB Major Undergraduate students. No prerequisite for MIB Graduate students.
IBUS 502  - International Marketing  (3 Credits)  
Cultural, legal, political, and economic factors affecting international marketing of products and services. Emphasis on differences in life styles, beliefs, attitudes, etc., and their influences upon marketing decisions.
Prerequisites: C or better in IBUS 310, MKTG 350 for IB Major Undergraduate students. No prerequisite for MIB Graduate students.
IBUS 503  - International Entrepreneurship  (3 Credits)  
Develop a business plan for a global startup, integrate international strategy into the business model and financing strategy, analyze the costs of internationalization. No prerequisite for MIB Graduate students.
Prerequisites: C or better in IBUS 310 for IB Major Undergraduate students.
IBUS 519  - Social Networks and Global Leadership  (3 Credits)  
A survey of social network theories and evidence that provide theoretical, empirical and practical examples of how different social network configurations achieve different function goals. Concepts are applied to case studies of multinational enterprises to illustrate the network coordination challenges of global business.
Prerequisites: C or better in IBUS 310.
IBUS 521  - Ethnographic Methods in International Marketing  (3 Credits)  
Analyze the relevance of anthropological theory for business, diverse business cultures, and their impact on global business practices.
Prerequisites: C or better in IBUS 310 for undergraduates, no prerequisite for graduate students.
Graduation with Leadership Distinction: GLD: Global Learning
IBUS 529  - Comparative Innovation Systems  (3 Credits)  
To analyze how innovation is approached by firms in different institutional climates around the world.
Prerequisites: IB Major undergraduate students: C or better in IBUS 310 and MKTG 350; MIB graduate students: none.
IBUS 541  - Business in Latin America  (3 Credits)  
Discussion and analysis of business environments and business practices in the countries of Latin America.
Prerequisites: IBUS 310 for Undergraduates.
Prerequisite or Corequisite: DMSB 714 or IBUS 705 or IBUS 707 for Graduate Level.
IBUS 542  - Business in Asia  (3 Credits)  
Discussion and analysis of business environments and business practices in the countries of Asia.
Prerequisites: IBUS 310 for Undergraduates.
Prerequisite or Corequisite: DMSB 714 or IBUS 705 or IBUS 707 for Graduate Level.
Graduation with Leadership Distinction: GLD: Global Learning
IBUS 543  - Business in Europe  (3 Credits)  
Discussion and analysis of business environments and business practices in the countries of Europe.
Prerequisites: IBUS 310 for Undergraduates.
Prerequisite or Corequisite: DMSB 714 or IBUS 705 or IBUS 707 for Graduate Level.
IBUS 544  - Business in Africa  (3 Credits)  
Discussion and analysis of business environments and business practices in the countries of Africa.
Prerequisites: IBUS 310 for Undergraduates.
Prerequisite or Corequisite: DMSB 714 or IBUS 705 or IBUS 707 for Graduate Level.
Graduation with Leadership Distinction: GLD: Global Learning
IBUS 590  - Specialized Study in International Business  (0-3 Credits)  
Topics in international business. Reading and research on selected topics in the practices in the international business environment.
Prerequisites: C or better in IBUS 310.
IBUS 700  - Survey of International Business  (3 Credits)  
A survey of the organization and management of international business stressing the effects of international cultural, economic, and legal factors on the management function. Typical factors examined are export and import trade, transnational investment, finance, marketing, production, taxation, and the role of the U.S. national in multinational organizations.
IBUS 701  - International Financial Management  (3 Credits)  
An intensive study of international financial management. Topics include investment analysis, financing decisions, taxation, foreign-exchange risk policies, joint ventures, transfer pricing, financing of trade, and financial control of international operations.
Prerequisites: FINA 760.
IBUS 702  - International Marketing  (3 Credits)  
Marketing management of the international operation stressing the viewpoint of the marketing manager who must recognize differences in market arrangements and in legal, cultural, and economic factors in different countries.
IBUS 703  - International Management  (3 Credits)  
Functionally integrated international strategy design and negotiation with host countries within the worldwide structure of international firms. Emphasis on decision-making in the face of rapidly changing international conditions.
IBUS 704  - Comparative Corporate Governance  (3 Credits)  
Systematically compare and contrast corporate governance systems across a variety of countries.
IBUS 705  - Global Business Management  (3 Credits)  
Examines the management of strategic, structural and informal processes within multinational corporations, and how to lead a global workforce.
IBUS 706  - Nations States, Regional Networks and Global Markets  (3 Credits)  
Introduces conceptual frameworks to understand globalization and the changes taking place in the international political economy, and the interactions of governments and global organizations.
IBUS 707  - Comparative Institutional Systems  (3 Credits)  
Introduced conceptual perspectives for understanding dramatic economic events in the global economy; a comparative view of national institution-based systems.
Cross-listed course: DMSB 741
IBUS 708  - International Business Legal Environments  (3 Credits)  
Practical knowledge and skills to operate effectively and avoid unexpected losses when doing business in international markets under a foreign legal system.
IBUS 709  - International Intellectual Property Management  (3 Credits)  
Equip managers with the tools to identify intellectual property assets, manage asset development and implementation, and to create intellectual property strategies tailored to business objectives.
IBUS 710  - Global Stakeholder Management  (3 Credits)  
Survey of the managerial, political, economic, sociological and psychological foundations of global stakeholder management and engagement through extant theory and case study examples of successful and failed stakeholder management strategies in various industries and multiple countries.
IBUS 711  - Global Corporate Valuation  (3 Credits)  
Application of key corporate valuation models in evaluating different business situations facing multinational corporations.
Prerequisites: DMSB 715 or IBUS 701.
IBUS 712  - Currency Markets, Exchange Risk, and Currency Derivatives  (3 Credits)  
Structure of the global currency markets, currency derivative products, and the management of exchange risk.
Prerequisites: DMSB 715 or IBUS 701 and FINA 737.
IBUS 713  - Global Financial Markets  (3 Credits)  
Advanced issues in the structure of global financial markets, including the Eurobond, foreign bond, syndicated credit, Euronote, and swap markets.
Prerequisites: DMSB 702 or IBUS 701.
IBUS 714  - Global Equity Investments  (3 Credits)  
Theory and quantitative tools useful for asset allocation and security selection with a focus on equity investments, and the process of active tactical asset management in a global setting from the perspective of a global money manager.
Prerequisites: DMSB 715 or IBUS 701.
IBUS 715  - Foreign Market Entry and Growth  (3 Credits)  
International market selection, foreign market entry, and growth and regional expansion strategies.
Prerequisites: DMSB 716 or IBUS 702.
IBUS 716  - Cross-border Alliances and Joint Ventures  (3 Credits)  
Strategic management of cooperative strategies (e.g., joint ventures, strategic alliances, cooperative agreements).
Prerequisites: DMSB 711 or IBUS 700.
IBUS 717  - Managing Cross-border Teams  (3 Credits)  
How the presence of members from multiple national cultures and multiple national locations affect the functioning of teams within the multinational corporation.
Prerequisites: DMSB 714 or IBUS 700 or MGMT 770 or MGMT 799.
Cross-listed course: MGMT 729
IBUS 718  - Consulting and Organizational Development in MNCs  (3 Credits)  
Restructuring and transformation initiatives within multinational organizations as internal consultants and/or change agents.
Prerequisites: DMSB 711 or IBUS 700 or MGMT 779.
Cross-listed course: MGMT 730
IBUS 719  - Social Networks and Global Leadership  (3 Credits)  
Survey of social network theories and evidence, such that you are able to better identify, build, and navigate the social settings in which your career unfolds. Concepts are applied to several case studies of multinational enterprises to illustrate the network coordination challenges of global business.
IBUS 720  - International Innovation and Entrepreneurship  (3 Credits)  
Develop a business plan for a global startup, integrate international strategy into the business model and financing strategy, analyze the costs of internationalization.
IBUS 721  - Advanced International Marketing  (3 Credits)  
Analysis of advanced topics and practices in international marketing as viewed from the perspective of a multinational enterprise.
Prerequisites: DMSB 702 or IBUS 702.
IBUS 722  - Export Marketing  (3 Credits)  
Provides a sound understanding of the role of exporting in the internationalization process and of key features of the environment in which exporters operate. Also covers selected topics of export marketing procedures.
Prerequisites: DMSB 702 or IBUS 702.
IBUS 723  - International Advertising  (3 Credits)  
International dimensions of advertising and other forms of marketing communication from three perspectives: the seller, society, and advertising agencies and other providers of marketing communication services.
IBUS 726  - The Business Case for Services Offshoring  (3 Credits)  
How to formulate and present a professional judgment on a corporate initiative (like services offshoring) with a sound business case based on the elements of cost, benefit, risk, and strategic flexibility.
IBUS 727  - Economic Development and Global Strategy  (3 Credits)  
Theoretical and comparative empirical perspectives on the roles of state and business in economic development; politics of economic reform and the impact of business strategies on development. Cases drawn broadly from emerging markets, advanced economies, and economic history.
IBUS 728  - Risk Management and Security Strategies in International Business  (3 Credits)  
Analyze how multinational enterprises interact with political, sociocultural and economic environments worldwide with a focus on security threats on multinational companies and overseas investments to include terrorism, mass refugee migrations, and cyber threats; and develop sustainable strategies.
IBUS 729  - Comparative Innovation Systems  (3 Credits)  
To analyze how innovation is approached by firms in different institutional climates around the world.
IBUS 730  - Global Innovation and Industry Clusters  (3 Credits)  
Addresses the lessons learned from the combination of factors that led to specific regions of the world successfully developing specialties in certain industry clusters.
IBUS 731  - Global Competitive Analysis  (3 Credits)  
Provides a conceptual and analytical framework for analyzing industries and competitors, and competitive positioning within a global strategy framework.
Prerequisites: DMSB 702 or IBUS 703.
IBUS 732  - Comparative Management  (3 Credits)  
Cross-cultural analysis of management theory and practice in select countries and regional markets.
IBUS 733  - Geopolitics and International Business  (3 Credits)  
This class introduces graduate students to the modern global business environment in its broad economic, political, social, and geopolitical context. On the one hand, the institutional and economic progress achieved by many societies through the last four decades has enriched consumers, improved economic policymaking, and turbocharged innovation, hence offering unprecedented opportunities to global firms. On the other hand, the emergence of geopolitical conflict between major powers (such as the U.S., the EU, China, and Russia), and the political polarization within some Western societies, have threatened globalization and the institutional structures supporting multinational corporations. We will strive to understand these contradictions by systematically examining diverse risks and opportunities arising from the global and national business settings. Among others, we will explore three big-picture questions: (1) What are the distinct economic functions of the state in various geographical settings, and how do these functions impact corporate performance? (2) How does the sociopolitical environment affect the firms, and what can the firms do to shape this environment? (3) What does modern geopolitical conflict mean for corporate strategy?
IBUS 734  - International Business Negotiations  (3 Credits)  
Examines how decision makers in business and government settings manage the process and outcomes of negotiations. Cross-cultural negotiations in a global business environment.
IBUS 735  - International Mergers and Acquisitions  (3 Credits)  
Practical skills to effectively transact international mergers and acquisitions. Focus given to essential strategic financial organizational and legal factors.
IBUS 736  - Strategic Management of Global Supply Chains  (3 Credits)  
Strategic frameworks for designing and managing global supply chains, including management of operational practices form an international perspective.
Prerequisites: DMSB 718 or MGSC 791.
IBUS 737  - International Information Systems  (3 Credits)  
Analysis of current topics, issues, and practices in international information systems.
IBUS 738  - International Business and Sustainable Development  (3 Credits)  
An introduction to international environmental and social management issues that affect an organization’s sustainable development initiatives.
IBUS 739  - Design Thinking For Global Business (DT4GB)  (3 Credits)  
The method and practice of bridging an analytical mindset where consistent, replicable outcomes are the gold standard (“reliability”) with an intuitive mindset relying on judgment to produce outcomes that meet desirable objectives (“validity”).
IBUS 740  - Data Analytics for International Business  (3 Credits)  
Research issues related to conducting studies in a cross-cultural setting, to develop an awareness of current international research programs.
IBUS 742  - Organizational Misconduct  (3 Credits)  
Core conceptual frameworks and organizational theories that explain corporate misconduct in domestic markets as well as corruption in foreign markets, with a greater focus on organizational misconduct.
IBUS 743  - Organizational Misconduct and Global Corruption  (3 Credits)  
Broad survey of core conceptual frameworks and organizational theories that explain corporate misconduct in domestic markets as well as corruption in foreign markets.
IBUS 744  - Managing Cyber Risk in Global Organizations  (3 Credits)  
Examines processes related to managing the security of digital resources within both multinational corporations and public organizations with particular emphasis on managing security breaches.
Prerequisites: C or better in MGSC 798.
IBUS 750  - Exploring Global Business  (3 Credits)  
The course examines in detail the business issues of a specific region as they impact the conduct of global business.
Prerequisites: IBUS 700.
IBUS 780  - International Business Internship  (6 Credits)  
On-site work experience related to the field of study and/or career interests of the student.
IBUS 790  - Specialized Study in International Business  (3 Credits)  
Analysis of current topics, issues, and practices in the international business environment not covered in any of the other specialized study courses. Consult instructors for specific coverage.
Prerequisites: DMSB 702 or IBUS 700.
IBUS 801  - Ph.D. Seminar on International Business I  (3 Credits)  
An intensive study of the evolution of international business thought and the present state of development of international business theory with emphasis on current contributions to international business theory.
Prerequisites: IBUS 711.
IBUS 802  - Ph.D. Seminar in International Business II  (3 Credits)  
Intensive study of selected current international business topics, research and theories through readings, discussion, and individual research.
Prerequisites: IBUS 700.
IBUS 803  - Ph.D. Seminar in International Strategy and Economic Development  (3 Credits)  
Research issues at the intersection of international business, firm strategy and economic development.
IBUS 804  - Ph.D. Seminar in Research Design  (3 Credits)  
Fundamentals of research design utilizing the importance of crafting research questions followed by conceptualization and measurement of key explanatory components of the question followed by clear understanding of which designs are best capable of capturing unbiased measures.
IBUS 808  - Current Research in International Business  (3 Credits)  
Addresses current research issues in international business research.
Prerequisites: DMSB 702 or IBUS 717.
IBUS 811  - Ph.D. Seminar in International Finance I  (3 Credits)  
Doctoral seminar on theory and empirical research in international finance.
IBUS 812  - Ph.D. Seminar in International Finance II  (3 Credits)  
Doctoral seminar on theory and empirical research in international investments and implications for the theory of international corporate finance.
IBUS 820  - Ph.D. Seminar in International Marketing  (3 Credits)  
Examination of current international marketing research, with emphasis on developing a critical understanding of theory, concept development, research design, and research results within the field of international marketing.
IBUS 830  - Ph.D. Seminar in International Management  (3 Credits)  
Examination of international management research, with emphasis on developing a critical understanding of theory, concept development, research design, and research results within the field of international management.
IBUS 840  - Ph.D. Seminar on MNC Governance  (3 Credits)  
Examination of theory and research regarding multinational corporation (MNC) governance, and corporate governance and organizational form cross-nationally.
IBUS 850  - Ph.D. Seminar on Cultural Frameworks and Research  (3 Credits)  
Seminar exploring concepts and research issues relevant to understanding national-based culture.