Hlth Serv Policy Mgmt (HSPM)
HSPM 500 - Introduction to Health Care Management and Organization (3 Credits)
Provide students with overview of health services management, management techniques and the different roles and functions of the different health care services. Use of field trips and guest speakers from different health care providers.
Graduation with Leadership Distinction: GLD: Professional and Civic Engagement Leadership Experiences
HSPM 509 - Fundamentals of Rural Health (3 Credits)
Overview of the delivery and financing of health care in the rural U.S., with emphasis on vulnerable rural populations and access to care.
Graduation with Leadership Distinction: GLD: Diversity and Social Advocacy
HSPM 510 - Comparative Health Systems and Health System Efficiency, Effectiveness, Sustainability and Equity (3 Credits)
Comparative health systems of the world including health system organization, management, financing, resource use and health outcomes.
HSPM 513 - Issues in Health Care Information Management (3 Credits)
An introduction to data management in healthcare institutions for undergraduate students and non-HSPM major graduate students. Topics include the nature of medical data, legal protections surrounding such information, and basis strategies for managing information technology resources.
Prerequisites: HSPM 500.
HSPM 514 - Introduction to Health Services Delivery and Policy (3 Credits)
Overview of health services delivery in the United States, including organization and financing of health care, health insurance practices, primary and long-term care among other topics.
HSPM 530 - Finance in Health Administration (3 Credits)
Introduction to health care finance. Course will teach reimbursement structures, regulatory mechanisms, cost control, and related factors unique to healthcare organizations.
Prerequisites: BADM 225.
HSPM 700 - Approaches and Concepts for Health Administration (3 Credits)
An interdisciplinary perspective on the field of health administration. Philosophy concepts, and skills of implementation, management, and evaluation are presented and discussed. Principles in the practice of health administration are applied to identified problems and situations.
HSPM 702 - Maternal and Child Health Programs and Policies: Past, Present, and Future (3 Credits)
Introduction to historical and contemporary health care programs and policy initiatives in the public and/or private sectors that help improve equity in health and health care appropriate to women, childhood, and adolescence.
HSPM 706 - Health and Economic Development: Interrelationships among health, poverty and economic progress (3 Credits)
Linkages among economic development, poverty, inequality and health. Direct and indirect effects of health in economic development.
HSPM 707 - Ethical Issues in Health Care and Research (3 Credits)
The ethical dimensions of decision-making in health care delivery, administration and epidemiologic research. Provides ethical foundations for discussion of topics in health-related research and practice.
HSPM 708 - Methods of Economic Evaluation of Health Projects, Policies and Programs (3 Credits)
Concepts and principles of economic evaluation and applications of evaluation techniques (e.g., cost-effectiveness, cost-utility, cost-benefits, decision modeling) to the real-world issues and problems.
HSPM 709 - Perspectives in Rural Health (3 Credits)
Analysis of issues and demographic, economic, and political forces affecting health care delivery systems in rural America. Examines structure of federal and state public health programs that impact rural health.
HSPM 710 - Introduction to the US Health Care System (3 Credits)
Overview of the organization, financing, and delivery of health care services in the United States. Major topics covered include factors that have shaped the existing health care system, health care organizations and providers, public and private health insurance, access, cost, and quality of health care, health policy, and health reform efforts.
HSPM 711 - Health Policy (3 Credits)
Introduction to the public policy process with an emphasis on policy formation, implementation, and impacts, as well as the role of various public and private stakeholders in the context of health care policies and programs at both the state and federal level; Overview of major models of policymaking; Examination of current health legislation.
Prerequisites: B or better in HSPM 710.
HSPM 712 - Health Economics (3 Credits)
Introduction to the application of tools from theoretical and empirical economics to issues related to health, health care, and health policy. Major topics covered include demand for health and health care, supply of health care services, health insurance, externalities, technological change in the health care sector, and health policy.
HSPM 713 - Information Systems in Health Administration (3 Credits)
Understanding and optimizing the use of health information systems and allied technologies including electronic medical records to improve healthcare organizations' performance in the areas of care delivery, operations management, quality, safety, and accessibility of healthcare services.
HSPM 715 - Introduction to Health Services Research (3 Credits)
Overview of health services research as a discipline with an emphasis on foundational work in the field, as well as contemporary issues in health policy and practice. Introduces students to conducting systematic literature reviews and using conceptual models to develop hypothesis-driven research questions designed to address a knowledge gap.
HSPM 716 - Quantitative Methods for Health Administration (3 Credits)
HSPM 717 - Health Services Research Methods I (3 Credits)
Evaluation of the efficiency and effectiveness of health programs. Different research designs will be discussed in terms of their relevance to specific evaluation problems.
HSPM 718 - Health Planning (3 Credits)
Strategy and tactics of state, regional, institutional health services planning. Special attention to the role of marketing.
Prerequisites: HSPM 733 or equivalent.
HSPM 720 - Health Services Research Methods III (3 Credits)
Econometric methods for making proper statistical inferences using estimates for observational data.
HSPM 722 - Sociology of Health for Health Services Managers I (1 Credit)
Sociological approaches to the study of health and the decision to seek health care.
HSPM 723 - Sociology of Health for Health Services Managers II (1 Credit)
Sociological approaches to the study of health care institutions.
HSPM 724 - Health Law (3 Credits)
Legal basis for health care activities; health care provider laws, regulations, antitrust and organizational governance.
HSPM 725 - Human Resources Issues in Health Care Sector (3 Credits)
A study of the current problems, theories, models, and strategics associated with managing human resources in the health care sector.
HSPM 726 - Applied Public Health Law for Administrators (3 Credits)
Course addresses the significant legal and ethical issues in Public Health practice; basis for Public Health actions, authorities and limitations; role of the three branches of government in Public Health protection.
HSPM 727 - Advancing Public Health Policy (3 Credits)
Advancing public health policy through design and implementation of a policy change campaign.
Prerequisites: PUBH 730.
HSPM 730 - Financing of Health Care (3 Credits)
Application of the principles of financial management to the systems involved in the delivery of health care.
Prerequisites: BADM 660 or equivalent.
HSPM 731 - Health Care Finance I (3 Credits)
Provides working knowledge of financial management techniques for managers in the health care sector.
Prerequisites: HSPM 733.
HSPM 732 - Health Care Finance II (3 Credits)
Provides knowledge base and decision-making tools for financial management in health care organizations using financial management tools and principles.
Prerequisites: HSPM 731.
HSPM 733 - Health Care Management Accounting (3 Credits)
Financial accounting and internal accounting for management decision-making, including cost determination, cost control, performance evaluation and financial planning.
Prerequisites: Undergraduate course in accounting or competency in accounting through personal study of an undergraduate accounting text.
HSPM 764 - Long-Term Care Administration (3 Credits)
An overview of management and policy concepts and issues pertaining to long-term care facilities and programs.
HSPM 765 - Leadership in Health Care Organizations (1 Credit)
Seminar on theory of and practice of leadership as a manager in the health care industry.
HSPM 766 - Health Services Administration I (3 Credits)
Human Resources Management in health care and allied topics.
Prerequisites: HSPM 769.
HSPM 768 - Health Services Administration II (3 Credits)
Operations management in health care, supply chain management and logistics processes, health services process improvement.
Prerequisites: HSPM 716.
HSPM 769 - Organizational Behavior (3 Credits)
To explore organizational behavior at the micro level (individuals, motivation, leadership, conflict management) and macro level (social systems,
inter-organizational relationships, change and innovation, performance and strategy, organizational design), with particular focus on health care environments.
HSPM 770 - Decision Making For Health Care Executives (3 Credits)
HSPM 772 - International Health (3 Credits)
Overview of international health status, demographics; communicable/noncommunicable diseases; health care needs, financing, and infrastructure delivery; and maternal and child health, family planning, and public health programs.
HSPM 774 - Quality Management in Healthcare (3 Credits)
HSPM 775 - Managerial Epidemiology and Statistics in Healthcare (3 Credits)
Principles and tools of epidemiology applied to decision-making in a health care environment. Knowledge and skills useful to health services managers related to statistics, population health management and assessment of medical care processes/outcomes are taught.
HSPM 776 - Physician Practice Management (3 Credits)
HSPM 777 - Healthcare Policy and Principles of Health Insurance (3 Credits)
Demand, supply, employment-based coverage, government-sponsored programs and managed care.
HSPM 778 - Health Care Marketing (3 Credits)
The principles of marketing applied to the health care setting.
HSPM 788 - Applied Practice Experience (3 Credits)
HSPM 790 - Independent Study (1-6 Credits)
HSPM 791 - Selected Topics (1-6 Credits)
Content varies by title. Course my be repeated for a total of 6 credit hours.
HSPM 796 - Integrative Learning Experience (2 Credits)
HSPM 797 - Management Residency (1-3 Credits)
On-site management project in a health care setting.
HSPM 798 - Public Health Residency (3 Credits)
HSPM 800 - Doctoral Seminar (1 Credit)
This course uses a mixture of didactic presentations and seminar-style discussions to expose doctoral students to contemporary research in the field of health services policy and management and introduce various topics related to professional development. For advanced doctoral students, presenting at least once in this course will count towards satisfaction of the teaching requirement and is strongly encouraged.
HSPM 805 - Health Services Research Design (3 Credits)
Introduction to the research process and the fundamental research designs commonly used in health services research, including experimental, quasi-experimental, and non-experimental approaches. Other topics include ethical issues in conducting research, the historical development of human subject protections, and the Institutional Review Board.
HSPM 815 - Qualitative and Mixed Methods in Health Services Research (3 Credits)
Overview of qualitative and mixed methods approaches to answering health services research questions. Topics include grounded theory, phenomenology, semi-structured interviews, focus groups, ethnography, observation, case studies, content analysis, transcription and coding. Strengths and weaknesses of different approaches are discussed.
HSPM 818 - Economic Evaluation and Policy Analysis of Health Services (3 Credits)
The course foci is on theories and techniques used in conducting economic evaluations and policy analyses to ascertain the efficacy and effectiveness of public health and health care programs, services, and policies. Enrollment is restricted to DrPH or PhD students.
HSPM 820 - Public Health Leadership (3 Credits)
The course is designed to give students knowledge and skills necessary to demonstrate leadership in a variety of public health venues. Course content will focus specifically on theories, skills, styles, and techniques used in providing leadership to public health and healthcare programs, services, and policy development, and research. Enrollment Restrictions: Students must be accepted into a PhD, DrPH, or MPH program.
HSPM 830 - Secondary Data Sources for Health Services Research (3 Credits)
Overview of secondary data sources commonly applied in health services research, such as population and provider-based surveys, electronic health records, claims data, and administrative data sources. Application of data management concepts using statistical programming software.
HSPM 845 - Advanced Study in Health Policy Management I (3 Credits)
Readings and discussion of topics relevant to research in health administration/health sciences.
HSPM 846 - Advanced Topics in Health Policy and Management II (3 Credits)
Readings and discussion of’ major topics, including institutionally based issues, in research in health administration/health sciences.
Prerequisites: HSPM 845.
HSPM 890 - Independent Study (1-3 Credits)
Directed research on a topic to be developed by doctoral student and instructor. May be repeated for credit.
HSPM 898 - Doctor of Public Health Practicum (6 Credits)
Students are required to conduct applied public health methods and strategies as a part of their practicum experience. Examples of practicum include, but not limited to development, implementation, and evaluation of public health or healthcare services, policies, organizational development, and regulatory activities.
HSPM 899 - Dissertation Preparation (1-12 Credits)
One full year ,18 hrs, of graduate study beyond the master’s level.