Hlth Promo Educ & Beh (HPEB)

HPEB 501  - Human Sexuality Education  (3 Credits)  
Planning, implementation and evaluation of effective sexuality education programs. Includes strategies for educating about a variety of sexuality topics (e.g., reproductive biology, relationships, HIV/AIDS, sexual orientation, pregnancy, childbirth, and parenting).
HPEB 502  - Applied Aspects of Human Nutrition  (3 Credits)  
Application of nutrition principles including functions of food and nutrients in health and disease prevention throughout the life cycle. Applied topics include weight management, food safety, and other contemporary issues.
Graduation with Leadership Distinction: GLD: Community Service
HPEB 511  - Health Promotion in a Changing Society  (3 Credits)  
Promoting individual and community health in an ever-changing society with a focus on prevention.
Graduation with Leadership Distinction: GLD: Community Service, GLD: Diversity and Social Advocacy
HPEB 512  - Southern Discomfort: Public Health in the American South  (3 Credits)  
Investigation of the unique health and disease profile of the American South, including regional disparities that remain unresolved despite a public health revolution. Topics range from endemic diseases of the antebellum period to the current HIV/AIDS crisis, and ethics of research.
Cross-listed course: SOST 512
HPEB 513  - Race, Ethnicity, and Health: Examining Health Inequalities  (3 Credits)  
A comprehensive overview of race/ethnicity and health. Class discussions will focus on comparing health status and health outcomes of different racial/ethnic groups in the U.S. and discussing possible explanations for inequalities from a behavioral science perspective.
Graduation with Leadership Distinction: GLD: Diversity and Social Advocacy
HPEB 521  - The Total School Health Program  (3 Credits)  
A course designed to acquaint the student with the various facets of the modern school health program. Includes school responsibilities for health and safety instruction, school health services, school environmental health problems, school and community relationships, resources for health, and evaluation of programs.
HPEB 540  - Drug Prevention  (3 Credits)  
Nature of drug actions, motivational factors that influence the use and abuse of drugs, and examination and evaluation of procedures to provide effective drug prevention efforts.
HPEB 542  - Tobacco Prevention and Control in Public Health  (3 Credits)  
Examines policies and practices for tobacco prevention and control in public health.
HPEB 547  - Consumer Health in Contemporary Society  (3 Credits)  
An analysis and appraisal of issues related to the production and distribution of products and services as these activities affect consumer health.
HPEB 550  - Behavioral Concepts and Processes for the Health Professional  (3 Credits)  
The development of interpersonal skills in dealing with health clients in various settings.
HPEB 551  - Medical Anthropology: Field Work  (3 Credits)  
Application of observation techniques, field notes, informant interviewing, and secondary data analysis to interpreting differential perceptions of health problem solving in the community and clinic.
HPEB 552  - Medical Anthropology  (3 Credits)  
Socio-cultural factors in health, illness, healing, and in medical systems. Cross-cultural and ethnographic evidence for public health research and program applications.
Cross-listed course: ANTH 552
Graduation with Leadership Distinction: GLD: Research
HPEB 553  - Community Health  (3 Credits)  
Identification and analysis of major community health problems, their causes, the roles of individuals, community agencies, and government in affecting their solutions. Emphasis upon personal involvement and the responsibility for community health.
Graduation with Leadership Distinction: GLD: Community Service
HPEB 555  - Managing Stress  (3 Credits)  
Conceptualizing the nature of the stress; psychological, emotional, and spiritual aspects of stress; competency in the active management of stress and mobilizing support.
HPEB 560  - Cooking Up a Storm: Food, Globalization, Localization, and Health in the South  (3 Credits)  
The role of food in defining our relationships to our family, community, nation, and world. How food underlies much of the political, economic, and social struggles throughout the world.
HPEB 620  - Nutrition Through the Life Cycle  (3 Credits)  
Examination of nutritional concerns, requirements, and metabolism from pre-conception through the aging process; analysis of cultural, environmental, psychosocial, physical, and economic factors affecting nutritional status through the life cycle; and methods for assuring adequate nutrition through dietary selection, promotion of healthy eating throughout the life cycle and nutritional assessment for each state of the life cycle.
Cross-listed course: PNDI 620
HPEB 621  - Maternal and Child Health  (3 Credits)  
Public health issues, social and behavioral science, policies, programs, and services related to maternal and child health in the United States and other countries.
Cross-listed course: WGST 621
Graduation with Leadership Distinction: GLD: Professional and Civic Engagement Leadership Experiences
HPEB 627  - Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) Health  (3 Credits)  
Health status and concerns of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender communities. Includes an examination of measurement issues and methodological considerations in research, as well as intervention efforts targeting LGBT populations.
Graduation with Leadership Distinction: GLD: Diversity and Social Advocacy
HPEB 631  - Health Promotion for Elementary and Middle School Teachers  (3 Credits)  
A multimedia course emphasizing health education strategies for major S.C. health problems, risk factors, and concepts of positive health behavior.
HPEB 640  - Behavioral Economics in Public Health  (3 Credits)  
The ways behavioral economics can help achieve goals in public health and health care. How behavioral insights can be applied to reach promotion aims ranging from achieving weight loss to medication adherence to appointment attendance.
HPEB 653  - Nutrition Assessment and Counseling  (3 Credits)  
Assessment of nutritional outcomes and work with research participants/patients. Methods for collection of dietary data, anthropometry, and body composition, including the use of new technologies. Nutrition counseling and interviewing techniques useful in gathering nutrition information.
HPEB 654  - Maternal and Child Nutrition  (3 Credits)  
A survey of current concepts in clinical and public health nutrition which are unique to infants, children, and pregnant and lactating women.
HPEB 674  - Social Networks, Social Capital, and Health  (3 Credits)  
Examination of health sciences and sociological research on social networks, social capital, and health. Theoretical and methodological foundations for network analysis of social relationships and health, design of public health interventions, and use of online social networks to promote health. Key constructs include social support, social capital, and social diffusion.
HPEB 679  - Addressing Childhood Obesity through Community Approaches  (2 Credits)  
Approaches for prevention of childhood obesity, using perspectives from public health, social work, exercise science, pharmacy, medicine, and behavioral nutrition. Training to teach diet/physical activity lessons in elementary school settings.
Cross-listed course: SOWK 679
HPEB 680  - Laboratory Techniques in Physiological Measurement  (3 Credits)  
Practical laboratory skills and theoretical bases of measurements in human physiology; bioelectrical potentials, respiratory physiology, energy expenditure, body composition, temperature regulation, and biochemical assays.
HPEB 683  - Contemporary Topics in Sexual Health  (3 Credits)  
Comprehensive overview of contemporary topics in sexual health.
HPEB 684  - HIV/STI Prevention  (3 Credits)  
The role of effective behavioral interventions in preventing the spread of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and other sexually transmitted infections (STI) among diverse populations.
Graduation with Leadership Distinction: GLD: Diversity and Social Advocacy, GLD: Research
HPEB 690  - Independent Study  (1-6 Credits)  
Topics to be assigned and approved by advisor and department head.
HPEB 700  - Concepts and Methods in Health Promotion  (3 Credits)  
Fundamental principles and practices of public health promotion including history, ethics, cultural competence, professional responsibilities, overview of theory and models, and selection and implementation of instructional methods.
HPEB 701  - Theoretical Foundations of Health Promotion  (3 Credits)  
Role of theory in shaping research and practice in health promotion and education; historical and ongoing interaction between health education and the applied social sciences.
HPEB 702  - Planning Health Promotion Programs  (3 Credits)  
Health promotion planning frameworks; issues in planning, implementing, and evaluating health promotion programs in a variety of settings.
HPEB 703  - Public Health Education Seminar  (1-3 Credits)  
An examination of controversial and critical issues confronting the health educator, including ethical and professional concerns relating to the practice of health education in a variety of settings.
HPEB 704  - Health Education Research Seminar  (1 Credit)  
Presentation and discussion of research topics in health education. May be repeated for up to a total of 3 hours.
HPEB 705  - Contemporary Concepts of Health and Health Education  (3 Credits)  
This course will explore and analyze various concepts of health, disease, and illness as applicable to health education. Consideration will be given to alternative concepts of health and their implications for directions in health education.
HPEB 706  - Consultation in Health Systems  (3 Credits)  
Consultation for role, program, and organization development in local and state health agencies, and in communities. Advanced practice in consulting roles aimed at system change.
HPEB 707  - Health Promotion Research Methods  (3 Credits)  
Research methods applicable to the study of individual and group health behavior. Interfaces behavioral theory, research design and methods, and data analysis/interpretation. Introduction to evaluating health promotion research and evaluation.
HPEB 708  - Health Education Methods  (3 Credits)  
Curricular planning and instructional strategies utilized in public health education settings.
HPEB 709  - Stress and Support Concepts and Management  (3 Credits)  
Identifies environmental, organizational, interpersonal, and individual patterns of stress with particular reference to health professionals; competency in the active management of stress and mobilizing support in health settings and organizations is evaluated.
HPEB 710  - Evaluation of Health Promotion Programs  (3 Credits)  
Planning and implementation of health education program evaluations. Emphasis on political, practical, and theoretical aspects of evaluation.
Prerequisites: HPEB 700.
HPEB 711  - Applied Health Communication  (3 Credits)  
Application of communication, media, and health behavior theory to the development of health communication messages and campaigns.
HPEB 712  - Changing Health Practices  (3 Credits)  
Students plan and implement a class on changing a health practice such as exercise, diet, or smoking. Lectures and reading assignments on theoretical foundations of how to conduct classes in changing health practices.
HPEB 713  - Behavioral Aspects of Physical Activity  (3 Credits)  
Psychosocial and behavioral factors in physical activity. Topics include mental health effects of exercise, behavior change theories applied to mental health effects of exercise, behavior change theories applied to physical activity, and physical activity determinants and interventions.
Cross-listed course: EXSC 710
HPEB 715  - Qualitative Research Methods in Public Health  (3 Credits)  
An overview of qualitative data collection and analysis methods commonly used in public health research with an emphasis on practical applications and hands-on experience.
HPEB 720  - Coordinating the School Health Program  (3 Credits)  
For persons administratively responsible for the school health program and for individuals involved in discharging the various responsibilities. Characteristics of the Health Education Coordinator; areas of responsibility, policies and procedures relative to health education needs; curricular patterns; criteria for an extensive evaluation of selected school health programs.
Prerequisites: HPEB 521.
HPEB 722  - Health Education Curriculum Development  (3 Credits)  
The basis and nature of the health curriculum, its development, and appraisal of state and national health education curricula.
HPEB 726  - Prevention of Teen Pregnancy  (3 Credits)  
Design and implementation of community-based educational practices and services to prevent teen pregnancy.
HPEB 730  - Programs for Patient Education  (3 Credits)  
Knowledge and skills for identifying needs, obtaining support, designing curricula, organizing resources, training personnel, implementing activities, and evaluating patient education programs are presented.
HPEB 731  - Health Promotion for Older Adults  (3 Credits)  
Research and practice issues in health promotion with older adults, including the impact of ageism, ethnicity, gender, normal aging changes, self-management skills, and social networks on healthy aging.
HPEB 742  - Alcohol, Drugs, and Public Health Policy  (3 Credits)  
Public health policy issues related to treatment, prevention, research, and education in the field of alcohol and drug abuse.
HPEB 748  - Community Health Development  (3 Credits)  
Organizational development, policy influence, capacity building, empowerment, community diagnosis and coalition development for enhancing health.
Graduation with Leadership Distinction: GLD: Community Service
HPEB 750  - Health Implications of Stress and Disease  (3 Credits)  
Causative agents of chronic disease, with particular emphasis placed on those illnesses which have been termed psychosomatic and related to or caused by stress; physiological response of the individual to contemporary psychological stressors as well as methods of adaptation and prophylaxis.
HPEB 751  - Physical Activity and Health  (3 Credits)  
An examination of physical activity/exercise habit patterns as they relate to health status. Emphasis on the chronic effects of exercise.
HPEB 752  - Nutrition and Public Health  (3 Credits)  
A study of the relationship of human nutrition to public health and the potential for risk reduction through health education.
Prerequisites: C or better in HPEB 502 or equivalent.
Cross-listed course: PNDI 752
HPEB 753  - Obesity and Eating Disorders  (3 Credits)  
The public health implications of obesity and eating disorders, considerations of causes, and intervention strategies.
HPEB 754  - EXSC 700 or HPEB 700 or consent of instructor  (3 Credits)  
Role of the physical activity specialist within the community health department. Development, initiation, and evaluation of campaigns, resources, community capacity building, and coalitions to promote physical activity.
Prerequisites: EXSC 700 or HPEB 700.
HPEB 760  - Health Education in Occupational Worksites  (3 Credits)  
An overview of health education program models and strategies designed for workers in industry and business.
HPEB 769  - Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Child Abuse and Neglect  (3 Credits)  
Current knowledge about child abuse and neglect, including typologies, etiology, effects, and current practice interventions.
HPEB 770  - Health Education in Developing Countries  (3 Credits)  
Development of programs in predominantly rural third world countries. Foreign nationals may substitute this course for HPEB 700.
HPEB 771  - Social Determinants of Health  (3 Credits)  
Theories, measurement, and empirical evidence regarding structural factors and health. How social, economic, and environmental conditions can constrain and promote population and individual health.
HPEB 772  - Responding to Global Health Challenges  (3 Credits)  
Selected global health challenges are used to examine sociopolitical, advocacy, policy, organizational, and programmatic actions by governmental, non-governmental, and international institutions aiming to improve health in resource-limited settings.
HPEB 773  - International Public Health Seminar  (1 Credit)  
Various lecturers address the state of the art of public health strategies for third world countries aimed at the reduction of death and disease. Repeatable up to a maximum of 3 credit hours.
HPEB 775  - Health of Populations Affected by Humanitarian Crises  (3 Credits)  
Current health issues and needs of populations affected by humanitarian crises, and the role of humanitarian interventions in responding to those needs.
HPEB 779  - Injury Prevention and Control  (3 Credits)  
Etiology of injuries and strategies for their prevention are examined within an interdisciplinary framework.
HPEB 782A  - Teaching Internship (Health)  (3 Credits)  
Application of effective teaching techniques and organization of instructional settings in health for K-12.
Prerequisites: acceptance to the Professional Program in Education.
Cross-listed course: EDTE 782A
HPEB 782B  - Teaching Internship (Health)  (9 Credits)  
Application of effective teaching techniques and organization of instructional settings in health for K-12.
Prerequisites: HPEB 782A.
Corequisite: EDSE 584.
HPEB 790  - Independent Study  (1-6 Credits)  
HPEB 792  - Selected Topics in Health Education  (1-6 Credits)  
A study of selected issues confronted in health education programs.
HPEB 796  - Health Education Project  (1-6 Credits)  
Performance of a predetermined work or service project in a health education setting.
HPEB 797  - Applied Practice Experience  (5 Credits)  
The focus of this course is the synthesis and application of selected program learning objectives in the performance of an applied work or service project in a public need setting.
HPEB 798A  - Public Health Practicum Seminar  (3 Credits)  
Synthesis and application of MPH competencies for professional development, culminating in a practicum fieldwork contract.
HPEB 798B  - Public Health Practicum Fieldwork  (3 Credits)  
Performance of a limited work or service project in a public need setting, pursuit of planned, learning objectives related to previously identified aspects of the student's chosen role.
HPEB 799  - Thesis Preparation  (1-9 Credits)  
HPEB 802  - Implementation Science of Health Promotion Interventions  (3 Credits)  
Implementation science aims to improve intervention effectiveness by studying the processes and activities around health program and policy implementation, incorporating knowledge and experiences of intervention implementers as well as of experts. Implementation science encompasses both general and intervention-specific research, centering implementation as the object of study.
HPEB 810  - Applied Measurement in Health Education Research  (3 Credits)  
This doctoral seminar will examine conceptual and measurement issues regarding psychosocial constructs typically used in health education and health survey research--specifically health beliefs, health attitudes, health behaviors, health status, wellness, and perceptions of health care contexts.
HPEB 811  - Advanced Public Health Communication: Theory and Methods  (3 Credits)  
Advanced conceptualization, development, and evaluation of communication strategies that aim to promote public health.
Prerequisites: HPEB 711 or equivalent course.
HPEB 815  - Theory-Driven Analysis  (3 Credits)  
Intermediate-level overview of methods for answering theoretically-informed research questions using quantitative data. Designed for applied researchers who seek a better understanding of statistical methods from describing a population to testing a conceptual model. Practical guidance for organizing, writing about, and presenting results from basic and multivariate statistical analyses.
Prerequisites: BIOS 757 or an equivalent.
HPEB 818  - Advanced Evaluation of Health Promotion Programs  (3 Credits)  
Evaluation methods including formative, retrospective and monitoring techniques; survey and trend analysis; application of experimental and quasi-experimental designs, triangulation, and cost-accounting.
HPEB 820  - Public Health Advocacy and Policy  (3 Credits)  
Overview of the key concepts and practices in advocacy efforts to promote the health of human populations through policy, including theories and conceptual frameworks for understanding how social and political change happens. Emphasis on strategies for promoting public health policies, and methods for evaluating advocacy activities and policy impacts.
HPEB 824  - Social and Physical Environment Interventions in Health Promotion  (3 Credits)  
This advanced course examines issues related to planning, implementing or evaluating health promotion interventions that target change in physical and social including policy environments.
HPEB 898  - Doctor of Public Health Practicum  (1-6 Credits)  
Applied comprehensive fieldwork experience which facilitates the synthesis of knowledge, skills and application of DrPH core competencies and core content of the discipline. Course may be taken a maximum of 3 times. Enrollment restricted to DrPH students.
HPEB 899  - Dissertation Preparation  (1-12 Credits)  
Prerequisite: one full year, 18 hrs, of graduate study beyond the master's level.