Environment (ENVR)

ENVR 500  - Environmental Practicum  (3 Credits)  
Multidisciplinary research projects related to University or community environmental problems (e.g., energy, water conservation, solid waste, recycling).
ENVR 501  - Special Topics in the Environment  (3 Credits)  
An in-depth analysis course of a specific interdisciplinary environmental topic. Course content varies and will be announced in the schedule of classes by title.
Prerequisites: C or better in ENVR 101 or ENVR 201.
ENVR 503  - Environmental Microbiology  (3 Credits)  
An overview of the microbial world including a survey of the distribution, functioning, and diversity of microorganisms in natural systems. Discusses the crucial roles that microorganisms play in ecosystem function, biogeochemical cycles, and environmental quality.
Prerequisites: C or better in MSCI 102 or BIOL 102; C or better in CHEM 112.
Cross-listed course: BIOL 502, MSCI 503
ENVR 504  - Climate Geoengineering  (3 Credits)  
This course will discuss the urgent need for deploying solar radiation and carbon dioxide removal approaches at scale, including potential benefits and risks of these options. It will also discuss regulatory and governance considerations at both the national and international level and strategizes to incentivize large-scale adoption of these approaches.
Cross-listed course: GEOL 504, MSCI 504
ENVR 517  - Socionatural Coastlines in Global Perspective  (3 Credits)  
A discussion-based seminar course that examines nature-society relations in coastal regions globally. The course will use social theory to understand how uneven development processes shaped – and continue shaping – current coastlines. We will explore key topics including coastal capitalism, delta ecologies, and climate justice via several global case studies.
Cross-listed course: GEOG 517
ENVR 531  - Sustainability Management and Leadership Strategies  (3-4 Credits)  
Integrated management system principles and advanced leadership strategies to create sustainable development initiatives.
ENVR 533  - Sustainability Projects Course  (3 Credits)  
Research, development and implementation of sustainability projects throughout the campus and community.
ENVR 534  - Water and Sanitation in Global Perspective  (3 Credits)  
Interdisciplinary examination of the global policy challenge of ensuring equitable access to water and sanitation services for all.
ENVR 538  - Global Food Politics  (3 Credits)  
Political, social, and cultural landscapes of food and farming around the world; issues of agricultural production, trade, consumption, and food security.
Cross-listed course: GEOG 538
ENVR 540  - Decolonizing the Environment: Race, Nature, Power  (3 Credits)  
Critical examination of the ways ideas about nature and racial difference are conceptually and materially entwined with the production of social and environmental inequalities.
ENVR 548  - Environmental Economics  (3 Credits)  
An analysis of the economics aspects of environmental decay, pollution control, and natural resource use. Analysis of the ability of the market system to allocate resources efficiently when economic activity is accompanied by environmental damage. Discussion of alternative public policy approaches to pollution control and natural resource conservation.
Prerequisites: C or better in ECON 221 and ECON 222 or C or better in ECON 224.
Cross-listed course: ECON 548
ENVR 571  - Conservation Biology  (3 Credits)  
Principles of conservation biology. Importance of biodiversity, causes of decline and extinction, and restoration and conversation policy in terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems.
Prerequisites: C or better in BIOL 301.
Cross-listed course: BIOL 571
ENVR 572  - Freshwater Ecology  (3 Credits)  
Quantitative study of the population, community and evolutionary ecology of freshwater habitats (lakes, ponds, rivers, streams, wetlands). Includes mandatory fieldtrips.
Prerequisites: C or better in BIOL 301.
Cross-listed course: BIOL 572
ENVR 700  - Current Topics in Environmental Studies  (3 Credits)  
Current issues, policies, and regulations pertaining to environmental studies. Emphasizes integrated multidisciplinary approaches toward identification, evaluation, preservation, mitigation, and/or utilization of environmentally sensitive material and sites.
ENVR 709  - Marine Data Science with R  (3 Credits)  
This course provides a hands-on, project-oriented investigation of current approaches for research in marine science, ecology and environmental science. Components of the course will include exploratory data analyses, statistics, graphics and the R programming language. Prior programming experience is beneficial, but not required.
Cross-listed course: MSCI 709
ENVR 725  - International Environmental Management Systems  (3 Credits)  
International environmental management systems standards will be integrated with business planning to provide students with the best strategies for future growth in today’s environmentally sensitive global economy.
ENVR 790  - Directed Individual Studies  (1-6 Credits)  
Directed research topics to be individually assigned.
ENVR 795  - Environmental Internship Preparation  (1-3 Credits)  
Preparation and presentation of a capstone project plan for conduct of multidisciplinary environmental research addressing public/private/non-profit sector issues through an internship in government agencies, NGOs or private industry.
Prerequisites: One semester full-time graduate enrollment or equivalent.
ENVR 796  - Environmental Internship  (1-3 Credits)  
Environmental internship in government agencies, NGOs, or private industry, culminating in a project deliverable. Typically includes data analyses/metrics, resource management options, and/or internal outreach education, with final assessment. Restricted to graduate students in the MEERM program.
Prerequisites: 3 credits of ENVR 795; successful completion of MEERM comprehensive examination.
ENVR 799  - Thesis Preparation  (1-9 Credits)  
Thesis Preparation.
ENVR 800  - Seminar in Environmental Studies  (3 Credits)  
Examination of the effectiveness of environmental policies and methods relative to current issues and needs.
ENVR 802  - Environmental Policy and Management  (3 Credits)  
An examination of issues related to environmental policy making, implementation and management.
Cross-listed course: POLI 769
ENVR 804  - Environmental Advocacy Seminar  (3 Credits)  
This seminar is designed to explore and develop practical advocacy skills in the area of environmental representation and to provide an understanding of advocacy in administrative, legislative, and litigation arenas.
Cross-listed course: LAWS 804
ENVR 835  - Seminar in Environmental Ethics  (3 Credits)  
Examination of the intellectual, cultural, and ethical frameworks within which environmental problems arise and are solved.
Cross-listed course: PHIL 835