Secondary Education (EDSE)
EDSE 500 - Equity and Community Engagement (3 Credits)
Field-based inquiry into theories of critical multicultural education, culturally relevant and equity pedagogies with an emphasis on middle/high school students and engaging parents and the larger school community.
EDSE 502 - Teachers and Teaching (3 Credits)
Teaching as reflective and ethical practice. Professional standards, teacher leadership and school change, and various roles of professional educators.
EDSE 508 - Teaching Middle and High School (Business Education) (3 Credits)
A study of methods, techniques, and materials of instruction in middle and high school business education.
EDSE 528 - Study of the Teaching of Business Education in the Secondary School (3 Credits)
Teaching techniques and methodology related to the business education curriculum, emerging technology and software.
EDSE 547 - Teaching Middle and High School (English) (3 Credits)
A study of methods, techniques, and materials of instruction in middle and high school English.
Prerequisites: Admission to MAT program for graduate students; EDSE 402 for undergraduate students.
EDSE 548 - Earth Science for Teachers I (3 Credits)
Origin, internal structure and internal processes of the earth, including plate tectonics, earthquakes, volcanoes, and mountain building. Required field trips, two lectures, and three lab hours per week. Cannot be used in MS or PhD programs in geology.
Cross-listed course: GEOL 540
EDSE 549 - Earth Science for Teachers II (3 Credits)
Surface processes acting on the earth; introduction to weather and climate, weathering, erosion, and sedimentary processes; land form evolution; ocean currents and tides, near-shore geologic processes. Required field trips, two lecture, and three lab hours per week. Cannot be used in MS or PhD programs in geology.
Cross-listed course: GEOL 541
EDSE 550 - Teaching Middle and High School (Mathematics) (3 Credits)
A study of methods, techniques, and materials of instruction in middle and high school mathematics.
EDSE 551 - Teaching Middle and High School (Health) (3 Credits)
A study of methods, techniques, and materials of instruction in middle and high school health.
EDSE 552 - Teaching Middle and High School (Marketing Education) (3 Credits)
A study of methods, techniques, and materials of instruction in middle and high school marketing education.
EDSE 553 - Teaching Middle and High School (Science) (3 Credits)
A study of methods, techniques, and materials of instruction in middle and high school science.
EDSE 554 - Teaching Middle and High School (Theatre and Speech) (3 Credits)
A study of methods, techniques, and materials of instruction in middle and high school theatre and speech.
EDSE 558 - Teaching Middle and High School (History and Social Studies) (3 Credits)
A study of methods, techniques, and materials of instruction in middle and high school history and social studies.
EDSE 575 - Teaching Foreign Languages in Secondary Schools (3 Credits)
Current methods, techniques, and materials of instruction appropriate for secondary schools.
Prerequisites: 210 level of a foreign language or its equivalent.
Cross-listed course: FORL 511
EDSE 580 - Teaching Advanced Latin in Secondary School (3 Credits)
Methods and materials for teaching the Latin Advanced Placement courses in secondary school.
Corequisite: LATN 580.
EDSE 584 - Middle and High School Internship Seminar (3 Credits)
Classroom management, service learning, legal/professional responsibilities, multicultural perspectives and needs of exceptional children.
Corequisite: Internship II.
EDSE 585 - Secondary Internship Seminar I (1 Credit)
Integration of content, pedagogy, and disposition knowledge learned during coursework with Internship I field experiences.
Corequisite: Students must be enrolled in the Internship I field experiences.
EDSE 586 - Secondary Internship Seminar II (2 Credits)
Integration of content, pedagogy, and disposition knowledge learned during coursework with Internship II field experiences.
Corequisite: Students must be enrolled in the Internship II field experiences.
EDSE 660 - Teaching Mathematics with Manipulatives, Grades 7-12 (3 Credits)
Methods and materials for using manipulative devices to teach middle and high school level mathematics.
EDSE 670 - Graphics Calculators in High School Mathematics (3 Credits)
Methods and materials for using graphics calculators to teach algebra, elementary functions, and analytic geometry.
EDSE 690 - Independent Study (1-3 Credits)
EDSE 702 - Teaching Information Management Technology (3 Credits)
Development of curriculum and educational materials for middle and high school information technology courses; selection of equipment; techniques of teaching information management technology; practical experience with software and hardware.
EDSE 703 - Perspectives in Teaching Secretarial Skills (3 Credits)
Strengthening the technical competence of the business teacher. Philosophy and psychology of skill development in secretarial subjects.
EDSE 704 - Perspectives in Teaching Bookkeeping/Accounting and Basic Business (3 Credits)
Strengthening the technical competence of business teachers in bookkeeping/accounting and basic business, and improving instruction in these areas.
EDSE 727 - Advanced Principles and Practices of Teaching in High School (3 Credits)
Study of the problems involved in all teaching in the secondary school.
EDSE 728 - Advanced Study of the Teaching of English in Secondary Schools (3 Credits)
A study of historical developments and recent innovations in curricula, resources, and techniques in the field of teaching English in secondary schools. Students will be expected to investigate research as it relates to the improvement of instruction.
EDSE 729 - Advanced Study of the Teaching of History and Social Studies in Secondary Schools (3 Credits)
A study of historical developments and recent innovations in curricula, resources, and techniques in the field of teaching history and social studies in secondary schools. Students will be expected to investigate research as it relates to the improvement of instruction.
EDSE 732 - Advanced Study of the Teaching of Science in Secondary Schools (3 Credits)
A study of historical developments and recent innovations in curricula, resources, and techniques in the field of teaching science in secondary schools. Students will be expected to investigate research as it relates to the improvement of instruction.
EDSE 733 - Selected Topics in Social Studies Education (3 Credits)
Topics will be selected from various social studies education fields, including trends, methods, and materials of social studies education. May be repeated; credit up to six hours may be applied toward a degree.
Prerequisites: EDSE 729 or its equivalent.
EDSE 764 - Advanced Study of the Teaching of Mathematics in Secondary Schools (3 Credits)
A study of historical developments and recent innovations in curricula, resources, and techniques in the field of teaching mathematics in secondary schools. Students will be expected to investigate research as it relates to the improvement of instruction.
EDSE 766 - Historical Topics in the Teaching of Mathematics (3 Credits)
Use of the history of mathematics in middle and secondary school teaching.
Prerequisites: EDSE 764.
EDSE 770 - Technology in Mathematics Education (3 Credits)
Topics in the use of electronic technology in the teaching of mathematics at the middle and secondary school levels.
EDSE 773 - Advanced Study of the Teaching of Computer Studies (3 Credits)
Recommendations for materials, content, and methods for teaching computer-related subject matter at the middle and high school level. Experience in writing computer programs for educational purposes in the Logo, BASIC, and Paschal languages will be given.
Prerequisites: EDTE 731.
EDSE 775A - Teaching Internship in Middle or High School (History and Social Studies) (3 Credits)
Application of effective teaching techniques and organization of instructional settings for middle or high school students.
Prerequisites: acceptance to the Professional Program in Education.
Corequisite: EDSE 558.
EDSE 775B - Teaching Internship in High School History and Social Studies (9 Credits)
EDSE 776A - Teaching Internship in Middle or High School (English) (3 Credits)
Application of effective teaching techniques and organization of instructional settings for middle or high school students.
Prerequisites: acceptance to the Professional Program in Education.
EDSE 776B - Teaching Internship in High School English (9 Credits)
EDSE 777A - Teaching Internship in Middle or High School (Business Education) (3 Credits)
Application of effective teaching techniques and organization of instructional settings for middle or high school students.
Prerequisites: acceptance to the Professional Program in Education.
EDSE 777B - Teaching Internship in Middle or High School (Business Education) (9 Credits)
Application of effective teaching techniques and organization of instructional settings for middle or high school students.
Prerequisites: EDSE 777A.
Corequisite: EDSE 784.
EDSE 778A - Teaching Internship in Middle or High School (Mathematics) (3 Credits)
Application of effective teaching techniques and organization of instructional settings for middle or high school students.
Prerequisites: acceptance to the Professional Program in Education.
EDSE 778B - Teaching Internship in High School Mathematics (9 Credits)
EDSE 781A - Teaching Internship in Middle or High School (Science) (3 Credits)
Application of effective teaching techniques and organization of instructional settings for middle or high school students.
Prerequisites: acceptance to the Professional Program in Education.
EDSE 781B - Teaching Internship in High School Science (9 Credits)
EDSE 783 - Advanced Study of the Teaching of Mathematics in the Middle or Junior High School (3 Credits)
Historical developments and recent innovations in curricula, resources, and techniques in the teaching of mathematics in the middle or junior high school. Investigative research into the improvement in instruction.
EDSE 785 - Seminars on Selected Topics in Foreign Language Education (3 Credits)
Topics will be identified by title in the schedule of classes. Each topic may be taken only once.
EDSE 786 - The Teaching of Literature in the Secondary School (3 Credits)
Subject content of new literature programs; resources and innovative approaches; problems in organizing literature. Emphasis on specific teaching methodology and the development of materials.
EDSE 787 - The Teaching of Composition in the Secondary School (3 Credits)
New curricula in the teaching of oral and written composition; issues and problems in the composition phase of English programs; innovative teaching techniques and methodology. Development of materials appropriate to the teaching of oral and written composition.
EDSE 788 - The Teaching of the English Language in the Secondary School (3 Credits)
Recent innovations in curricula, resources, and teaching techniques for such topics as dialectology, usage, regional varieties of language, lexicography, language history and development, structural grammar, and transformational grammar.
EDSE 789 - The English Teacher and Special Problems in Reading (3 Credits)
EDSE 828 - Research in English Education (3 Credits)
Research methodology and design in the field of English education. Interpretation of data and implications for further research. A preliminary dissertation proposal may be developed.
EDSE 850 - Advanced Readings in Secondary Education (3 Credits)
Analyses of select studies in the pertinent field(s) of specialization in secondary education. Consideration is given to implications for needed research in these fields.
EDSE 851 - Advanced Reading in Mathematics Education (3 Credits)
Selected topics in mathematics education, including teacher training, evaluation of programs and instruction, in-service programs, and the history of mathematics education. Current research in these areas with implications for needed research.
EDSE 890 - Independent Study (3 Credits)