Educational Psychology (EDPY)
EDPY 644 - Free-Choice Learning and Informal Learning Environments (3 Credits)
Examines free-choice (or informal) learning and the characteristics of settings and activities outside of formal schooling that effectively promote learning and development.
EDPY 690 - Independent Study (3-15 Credits)
EDPY 704 - The Field of Educational Psychology (3 Credits)
Introduction to current issues in educational psychology. Topics include, but are not limited to: learning and teaching, cognition, developmental theories, the brain, information processing, motivation, individual differences, and the social contexts of learning.
EDPY 705 - Human Growth and Development (3 Credits)
Overview of the contributions of the biological and social sciences to an understanding of the mental, emotional, social, and physical development from infancy through adulthood. Study of behavior problems.
EDPY 706 - Growth and Development: Childhood (3 Credits)
Presentation of theories and principles of human development that are particularly relevant to teaching. Application of such theories and principles to learning situations suitable to various age and grade levels.
EDPY 707 - Growth and Development: Middle Childhood and Adolescence (3 Credits)
A review of the literature concerning adolescence; nine years through teens. Emphasis on application to the educational setting.
EDPY 708 - Growth and Development: Adulthood (3 Credits)
Designed to further understanding of the adult and his/her endeavors in the learning process. Emphasis will be on the major contributing factors (physiological, psychological, and sociological) that affect the adult, on the relevant research findings, and on implications for educators.
EDPY 741 - Basic Processes: Cognition (3 Credits)
A study of the cognitive processes involved in complex learning, conceptualization, problem-solving, abstract reasoning, and other aspects of higher intellectual functioning as developed and used in the educational setting.
EDPY 751 - Learning and Instruction (3 Credits)
A systematic survey of major traditional and contemporary learning theories and principles relevant to the design and development of classroom teaching and instruction.
EDPY 752 - Research Methods in Educational Psychology (3 Credits)
Analysis of concepts and methodological approaches to research in the Educational Psychology field. Focus on critical reading and evaluation of published literature across a broad spectrum of areas.
EDPY 785 - Motivation and School Learning (3 Credits)
Motivation and School Learning.
EDPY 799 - Thesis Preparation (1-9 Credits)
EDPY 805 - Contemporary Research in Human Development and Education (3 Credits)
Issues in research on human development with applications to educational settings.
EDPY 835 - Educational Psychology (3 Credits)
EDPY 873 - Advanced Problems in Educational Psychology (3 Credits)
Advanced problems in educational psychology as they apply to the public schools at all levels. Designed to meet the needs of candidates for graduate degrees.
EDPY 890 - Independent Study (3 Credits)
EDPY 899 - Dissertation Preparation (1-12 Credits)