Communication (COMM)
COMM 506 - Mass Media Criticism (3 Credits)
Development of critical thinking skills for analyzing mass media.
Prerequisites: C or better in JOUR 101, or graduate standing.
Cross-listed course: JOUR 506
COMM 507 - Health Communication: The Science and Practice (3 Credits)
Explores the role of journalism in shaping perceptions of scientific issues and task. Emphasis on methods of effectively communicating about science, health, and the environment.
Cross-listed course: JOUR 507
COMM 509 - Environmental Communication: The Science and Practice (3 Credits)
The role of journalism in shaping perceptions of environmental and scientific issues and tasks. Emphasis on methods of effectively communicating about science and the environment.
Cross-listed course: JOUR 509
COMM 510 - Crisis Communications (3 Credits)
Introduction to crisis communications and management from a strategic, theory-based approach using research from historical and current case studies.
Cross-listed course: JOUR 536
Graduation with Leadership Distinction: GLD: Professional and Civic Engagement Leadership Experiences
COMM 562 - Online Communication and Personal Relationships (3 Credits)
Examines how people form their identities and manage their personal relationships using new communication technologies (social network sites, online dating, mobile computing, video games). Topics include impression management, deception and trust, self-perception and identity, social support and relationship maintenance.
COMM 572 - Communication and Interethnic Behavior (3 Credits)
The relation of communication processes to interethnic and interracial attitudes and behavior. Psycho-social foundations of interethnic communication and conflict, group identification and communication processes, interpersonal communication and culture, communication about race and ethnicity, mass media content and effects.
COMM 596 - Study Abroad in Journalism and Mass Communications (3 Credits)
Study abroad course will focus on topics in journalism and mass communications and will be taught as a study abroad experience. Individual topics will vary by title.
Cross-listed course: JOUR 596