Marketing (MKTG)

MKTG 701  - Marketing Management  (3 Credits)  
Marketing function with emphasis on the procedures and techniques for analyzing, planning, and implementing marketing strategies and tactics related to product, pricing, communication, and distribution decisions.
MKTG 702  - Marketing Research  (3 Credits)  
Research methodology as applied to marketing problems; includes research problem definition, sample design, data collection procedures, valid and reliable measurement, data analysis techniques, and sales forecasting fundamentals.
Prerequisites: MKTG 701 or DMSB 716.
MKTG 703  - Marketing Planning  (3 Credits)  
Tools and techniques for creating marketing plans.
Prerequisites: MKTG 701 or DMSB 716.
MKTG 704  - Consumer Behavior  (3 Credits)  
Concepts, theories, and techniques applicable to obtaining a sophisticated understanding of consumer motives, attitudes, decision-making processes, and satisfaction determinants.
Prerequisites: MKTG 701 or DMSB 716.
MKTG 705  - Marketing Communications  (3 Credits)  
Advertising, sales promotions, marketing-oriented public relations, event and sponsorship marketing, point-of-purchase communications, and other aspects of integrated marketing communications.
Prerequisites: MKTG 701 or DMSB 716.
MKTG 706  - Sales and Sales Management  (3 Credits)  
The role and activities of sales in marketing, including concepts, practices, and procedures of sales force management.
Prerequisites: MKTG 701 or DMSB 716.
MKTG 707  - Product and Branding Policies  (3 Credits)  
Product line and portfolio planning, stage-gate approach to new product development, product launch and product life cycle management, and branding strategies and procedures.
Prerequisites: MKTG 701 or DMSB 716.
MKTG 708  - Customer Relationship Management and Data Mining  (3 Credits)  
Techniques, procedures, and software applications for database marketing, managing customer relations, and mining large databases.
Prerequisites: MKTG 701 or DMSB 716.
MKTG 709  - Internet Marketing  (3 Credits)  
The Internet as both a marketing channel and communication medium, including E-commerce from a marketing perspective.
Prerequisites: MKTG 701 or DMSB 716.
MKTG 710  - Strategic Marketing  (3 Credits)  
An integrative treatment of the role of marketing in strategic problem solving.
Prerequisites: MKTG 701 or DMSB 716.
MKTG 711  - Business, Markets, and Sustainability  (3 Credits)  
This course explores sustainability through a marketing lens. Emphasis is placed on understanding the tradeoffs between economic, environmental and social performance while making product, price, distribution and promotional decisions.
Prerequisites: C or better in MKTG 701 or DMSB 716.
MKTG 712  - Topics in Marketing Thought and Practice  (3 Credits)  
Readings and research on selected topics in marketing. Course content varies and will be announced in the schedule of classes by title.
Prerequisites: MKTG 701 or DMSB 716.
MKTG 713  - Managing Customer Satisfaction  (3 Credits)  
This course explores the importance of customer satisfaction in today's marketplace and the challenges of designing and implementing an actual customer satisfaction measurement process.
Prerequisites: MKTG 710 or DMSB 716.
MKTG 715  - Pricing Strategy and Analysis  (3 Credits)  
Economics and behavioral foundations of pricing strategy formulation and implementation.
Prerequisites: MKTG 701 or DMSB 701 or equivalent.
MKTG 716  - Listening to the Voice of the Market  (3 Credits)  
Building competencies that help managers acquire knowledge from clients and apply it in ways that enhance openness in building strategic responses.
Prerequisites: DMSB 716 or MKTG 701.
MKTG 717  - Fundamentals of Marketing Analytics  (3 Credits)  
The critical thinking, statistical tools, and marketing application of business analytics.
Prerequisites: DMSB 716 or MKTG 701 and DMSB 712 or MGSC 711.
MKTG 718  - Social and Digital Media Strategies for Businesses  (3 Credits)  
Develop a social and digital media plan/solution to present to a client. Business enterprises and even non-business organizations are demanding new marketing hires and their marketing agencies have an acute understanding of how to develop and utilize online and social media as part of their integrated marketing plans. Both business-to-consumer and business-to-business enterprises are migrating to social media as a primary form of communication with customers and partners.
Prerequisites: DMSB 716 and MKTG 701.
MKTG 719  - Business to Business Marketing  (3 Credits)  
Identifying, developing, communicating and commercializing a value proposition between businesses in the form of a product or service.
Prerequisites: C or better in DMSB 716 or MKTG 701.
MKTG 720  - Sales: Process, People and Performance  (3 Credits)  
Examines and explores the Sales function within the modern organization. In addition to addressing the practical and classic sales issues of alignment, structure, performance and development, the course will also review the technologies and trends that are changing the commercial landscape and causing the fast evolution of the sales function.
Prerequisites: C or better in DMSB 716 or MKTG 701.
MKTG 722  - Data Science for Business Decision Making  (3 Credits)  
The conceptual, applied, and managerial elements of data science for business decision-making.
MKTG 723  - Marketing Analytics  (3 Credits)  
Analytical techniques for generating insights in marketing areas such as customer analytics, product analytics, marketing-mix analytics and social media analytics.
Prerequisites: C or better in MKTG 701 or DMSB 716; C or better in MGSC 711.
MKTG 725  - AI in Marketing  (3 Credits)  
This course explores the transformative impact of AI on marketing, equipping students with the knowledge and skills to leverage AI tools in real-world marketing scenarios. Through a combination of theoretical insights, practical applications, and critical analysis, students will learn how to use AI to enhance market analysis, target audience definition, brand development, and go-to-market strategies.
Prerequisites: C or better in MKTG 701 or DMSB 716.
MKTG 726  - Marketing for Nonprofit Organizations  (3 Credits)  
Non-profit organizations are important constituents in today’s business world, and their marketing efforts face unique issues and challenges that are different from for-profit organizations. Through lectures, cases, discussions, and a project, this course will examine what is unique about doing marketing in certain nonprofit sectors (e.g., arts, religious, social welfare, associations, charities, universities, hospitals, and government agencies). Students will come away from the course with an improved ability to organize, plan, implement, and control the marketing efforts of nonprofit organizations. It will also focus on certain marketing tasks that are crucial for nonprofit managers (e.g., fundraising, doing marketing research, positioning, and communications).
MKTG 740  - Digital Marketing & Social Media Analytics  (3 Credits)  
This course aims to prepare students to be effective leaders in marketing analytics, especially in the dynamic context of digital platforms and social media.
Prerequisites: C or better in MKTG 701 or DMSB 716 or equivalent.
MKTG 750  - Marketing Consulting Project  (3 Credits)  
Develop successful marketing strategies using data, research, and analysis to create impactful strategies for real business clients. Businesses and recruiters are increasingly demanding experience handling practical problems faced by a marketing manager from our MBA students. In this elective course, the students get that experience.
Prerequisites: MKTG 701.
MKTG 850  - Research Methods and Philosophies in Marketing  (3 Credits)  
Doctoral seminar covering research methods and philosophies that underpin knowledge generation in marketing.
MKTG 851  - Concepts and Theories in Consumer Research  (3 Credits)  
Doctoral seminar exploring concepts, theories, and research methods relevant to understanding consumer behavior.
MKTG 852  - Current Topics in Consumer Research  (3 Credits)  
Doctoral seminar involving intensive study and criticism of the current consumer research literature.
Prerequisites: MKTG 851.
MKTG 853  - Analytic Techniques for Marketing Decision Making  (3 Credits)  
Doctoral seminar investigating contemporary analytic techniques for testing marketing theories.
MKTG 854  - Latent Variable Estimation Techniques  (3 Credits)  
Doctoral seminar examining covariance structure methods for developing measures of unobservable constructs and testing structural models.
MKTG 855  - Conceptualization in Marketing  (3 Credits)  
A directed project for marketing Ph.D. students requiring literature synthesis of a selected topical area and formulation of original concepts and theoretical propositions.
MKTG 856  - Empirical Testing of Theoretical Propositions in Marketing  (3 Credits)  
A directed project for marketing Ph.D. students requiring an empirical investigation and testing of theoretical propositions.
MKTG 857  - Marketing Models  (3 Credits)  
Doctoral seminar covering advances in marketing science models, including brand choice, product development, media choice, and other models.
Prerequisites: MGSC 882.
MKTG 858  - Seminar in Marketing Strategy I  (3 Credits)  
Doctoral seminar investigating emerging paradigms and theory regarding the role of marketing within the firm and the effects of marketing mix variables on consumer behavior and firm performance.
MKTG 859  - Seminar in Marketing Strategy II  (3 Credits)  
Theoretical foundations of marketing strategy.
MKTG 860  - Empirical Causal Analyses for Marketing Strategy Research  (3 Credits)  
The course aims to provide good understanding of endogeneity issues in marketing strategy research and the empirical strategies that one can adopt to credibly estimate the effects of interest. The students should have a graduate level understanding of econometrics to benefit from this course.