Foreign Languages (FORL)

FORL 501  - Spanish for Medical Personnel  (3 Credits)  
Basic course in health professions. Functional language and lexicon as well as cultural practices for interaction with Hispanic clients.
Prerequisites: 2 semesters of college-level Spanish or equivalent.
FORL 510  - Teaching Second Languages to Young Children  (3 Credits)  
To assist prospective teachers of young children in the development of a second language and multicultural learning activities. Practicum sessions are an integral part.
Prerequisites: 210 level of a foreign language or its equivalent.
Cross-listed course: EDEL 510
Graduation with Leadership Distinction: GLD: Professional and Civic Engagement Internships
FORL 511  - Teaching Foreign Languages in Secondary Schools  (3 Credits)  
Current methods, techniques, and materials of instruction appropriate for secondary schools.
Prerequisites: 210 level of a foreign language or its equivalent.
Cross-listed course: EDSE 575
FORL 598  - Special Topics in Global Film and Media  (3 Credits)  
Intensive study of a specific topic concerning films produced in a country other than the United States. May be repeated as content varies by title.
Prerequisites: C or better in FAMS 240.
Cross-listed course: ENGL 567, FAMS 598, MART 594
Graduation with Leadership Distinction: GLD: Global Learning
FORL 700A  - Language Training in International Business I  (1-12 Credits)  
An introduction to the fundamentals of Arabic and an intensive study of the culture and specialized language of the business world in which the language is used as may be necessary for I.M.B.A. candidates to function as business specialists in regions other than their native country. Not for graduate credit in a foreign language department.
FORL 700C  - Language Training in International Business I  (1-12 Credits)  
An introduction to the fundamentals of Chinese and an intensive study of the culture and specialized language of the business world in which the language is used as may be necessary for I.M.B.A. candidates to function as business specialists in regions other than their native country. Not for graduate credit in a foreign language department.
FORL 700E  - Language Training in International Business I  (1-12 Credits)  
An introduction to the fundamentals of English and an intensive study of the culture and specialized language of the business world in which the language is used as may be necessary for I.M.B.A. candidates to function as business specialists in regions other than their native country. Not for graduate credit in a foreign language department.
FORL 700F  - Language Training in International Business I  (1-12 Credits)  
An introduction to the fundamentals of French and an intensive study of the culture and specialized language of the business world in which the language is used as may be necessary for I.M.B.A. candidates to function as business specialists in regions other than their native country. Not for graduate credit in a foreign language department.
FORL 700G  - Language Training in International Business I  (1-12 Credits)  
An introduction to the fundamentals of German and an intensive study of the culture and specialized language of the business world in which the language is used as may be necessary for I.M.B.A. candidates to function as business specialists in regions other than their native country. Not for graduate credit in a foreign language department.
FORL 700I  - Language Training in International Business I  (1-12 Credits)  
An introduction to the fundamentals of Italian and an intensive study of the culture and specialized language of the business world in which the language is used as may be necessary for I.M.B.A. candidates to function as business specialists in regions other than their native country. Not for graduate credit in a foreign language department.
FORL 700J  - Language Training in International Business I  (1-12 Credits)  
An introduction to the fundamentals of Japanese and an intensive study of the culture and specialized language of the business world in which the language is used as may be necessary for I.M.B.A. candidates to function as business specialists in regions other than their native country. Not for graduate credit in a foreign language department.
FORL 700K  - Language Training in International Business I  (1-12 Credits)  
An introduction to the fundamentals of Korean and an intensive study of the culture and specialized language of the business world in which the language is used as may be necessary for I.M.B.A. candidates to function as business specialists in regions other than their native country. Not for graduate credit in a foreign language department.
FORL 700P  - Language Training in International Business I  (1-12 Credits)  
An introduction to the fundamentals of Portuguese and an intensive study of the culture and specialized language of the business world in which the language is used as may be necessary for I.M.B.A. candidates to function as business specialists in regions other than their native country. Not for graduate credit in a foreign language department.
FORL 700R  - Language Training in International Business I  (1-12 Credits)  
An introduction to the fundamentals of Russian and an intensive study of the culture and specialized language of the business world in which the language is used as may be necessary for I.M.B.A. candidates to function as business specialists in regions other than their native country. Not for graduate credit in a foreign language department.
FORL 700S  - Language Training in International Business I  (1-12 Credits)  
An introduction to the fundamentals of Spanish and an intensive study of the culture and specialized language of the business world in which the language is used as may be necessary for I.M.B.A. candidates to function as business specialists in regions other than their native country. Not for graduate credit in a foreign language department.
FORL 703A  - Training in International Business II  (3 Credits)  
A continuation of FORL 700A for practice in written and oral communication as may be required for students enrolled in the International Master of Business Administration program. Not for major credit in a graduate program in the foreign language departments.
FORL 703C  - Training in International Business II  (3 Credits)  
A continuation of FORL 700C for practice in written and oral communication as may be required for students enrolled in the International Master of Business Administration program. Not for major credit in a graduate program in the foreign language departments.
FORL 703E  - Training in International Business II  (3 Credits)  
A continuation of FORL 700E for practice in written and oral communication as may be required for students enrolled in the International Master of Business Administration program. Not for major credit in a graduate program in the foreign language departments.
FORL 703F  - Training in International Business II  (3 Credits)  
A continuation of FORL 700F for practice in written and oral communication as may be required for students enrolled in the International Master of Business Administration program. Not for major credit in a graduate program in the foreign language departments.
FORL 703G  - Training in International Business II  (3 Credits)  
A continuation of FORL 700G for practice in written and oral communication as may be required for students enrolled in the International Master of Business Administration program. Not for major credit in a graduate program in the foreign language departments.
FORL 703I  - Training in International Business II  (3 Credits)  
A continuation of FORL 700I for practice in written and oral communication as may be required for students enrolled in the International Master of Business Administration program. Not for major credit in a graduate program in the foreign language departments.
FORL 703J  - Training in International Business II  (3 Credits)  
A continuation of FORL 700J for practice in written and oral communication as may be required for students enrolled in the International Master of Business Administration program. Not for major credit in a graduate program in the foreign language departments.
FORL 703K  - Training in International Business II  (3 Credits)  
A continuation of FORL 700K for practice in written and oral communication as may be required for students enrolled in the International Master of Business Administration program. Not for major credit in a graduate program in the foreign language departments.
FORL 703P  - Training in International Business II  (3 Credits)  
A continuation of FORL 700P for practice in written and oral communication as may be required for students enrolled in the International Master of Business Administration program. Not for major credit in a graduate program in the foreign language departments.
FORL 703R  - Training in International Business II  (3 Credits)  
A continuation of FORL 700R for practice in written and oral communication as may be required for students enrolled in the International Master of Business Administration program. Not for major credit in a graduate program in the foreign language departments.
FORL 703S  - Training in International Business II  (3 Credits)  
A continuation of FORL 700S for practice in written and oral communication as may be required for students enrolled in the International Master of Business Administration program. Not for major credit in a graduate program in the foreign language departments.
FORL 705A  - Lang Trng in Intl Bus III  (6 Credits)  
Intensive course for students in the I.M.B.A. program, intended to investigate on an advanced level the linguistic and cultural aspects of business and to prepare the student for an internship either in the United States or abroad. Not for major credit in a graduate program in the foreign language departments.
FORL 705C  - Lang Trng in Intl Bus III  (6 Credits)  
Intensive course for students in the I.M.B.A. program, intended to investigate on an advanced level the linguistic and cultural aspects of business and to prepare the student for an internship either in the United States or abroad. Not for major credit in a graduate program in the foreign language departments.
FORL 705E  - Lang Trng in Intl Bus III  (6 Credits)  
Intensive course for students in the I.M.B.A. program, intended to investigate on an advanced level the linguistic and cultural aspects of business and to prepare the student for an internship either in the United States or abroad. Not for major credit in a graduate program in the foreign language departments.
FORL 705F  - Lang Trng in Intl Bus III  (6 Credits)  
Intensive course for students in the I.M.B.A. program, intended to investigate on an advanced level the linguistic and cultural aspects of business and to prepare the student for an internship either in the United States or abroad. Not for major credit in a graduate program in the foreign language departments.
FORL 705G  - Lang Trng in Intl Bus III  (6 Credits)  
Intensive course for students in the I.M.B.A. program, intended to investigate on an advanced level the linguistic and cultural aspects of business and to prepare the student for an internship either in the United States or abroad. Not for major credit in a graduate program in the foreign language departments.
FORL 705I  - Lang Trng in Intl Bus III  (6 Credits)  
Intensive course for students in the I.M.B.A. program, intended to investigate on an advanced level the linguistic and cultural aspects of business and to prepare the student for an internship either in the United States or abroad. Not for major credit in a graduate program in the foreign language departments.
FORL 705J  - Lang Trng in Intl Bus III  (6 Credits)  
Intensive course for students in the I.M.B.A. program, intended to investigate on an advanced level the linguistic and cultural aspects of business and to prepare the student for an internship either in the United States or abroad. Not for major credit in a graduate program in the foreign language departments.
FORL 705K  - Lang Trng in Intl Bus III  (6 Credits)  
Intensive course for students in the I.M.B.A. program, intended to investigate on an advanced level the linguistic and cultural aspects of business and to prepare the student for an internship either in the United States or abroad. Not for major credit in a graduate program in the foreign language departments.
FORL 705P  - Lang Trng in Intl Bus III  (6 Credits)  
Intensive course for students in the I.M.B.A. program, intended to investigate on an advanced level the linguistic and cultural aspects of business and to prepare the student for an internship either in the United States or abroad. Not for major credit in a graduate program in the foreign language departments.
FORL 705R  - Lang Trng in Intl Bus III  (6 Credits)  
Intensive course for students in the I.M.B.A. program, intended to investigate on an advanced level the linguistic and cultural aspects of business and to prepare the student for an internship either in the United States or abroad. Not for major credit in a graduate program in the foreign language departments.
FORL 705S  - Lang Trng in Intl Bus III  (6 Credits)  
Intensive course for students in the I.M.B.A. program, intended to investigate on an advanced level the linguistic and cultural aspects of business and to prepare the student for an internship either in the United States or abroad. Not for major credit in a graduate program in the foreign language departments.
FORL 730  - Principles of Instructed Second Language Acquisition and Foreign Language Teaching  (3 Credits)  
An analysis of instructed second language acquisition (SLA). This course explores the historical development and up-to-date findings in foreign/second language research and applies that knowledge to classroom teaching methods. Students will be expected to conduct empirical investigation.
Prerequisites: FORL 511 or LING 790.
Cross-listed course: LING 792
FORL 772  - Technology in Foreign Language Education  (3 Credits)  
Introduction to technology in language teaching and the connection between language acquisition and the implementation of Internet and multimedia technology.
Cross-listed course: EDTE 772, LING 772
FORL 774A  - Teaching Internship (Foreign Languages)  (3 Credits)  
Application of effective teaching techniques and organization of instructional settings in foreign languages for K-12.
Prerequisites: acceptance to the professional program in education.
Cross-listed course: EDTE 774A
FORL 774B  - Teaching Internship (Foreign Languages)  (9 Credits)  
Application of effective teaching techniques and organization of instructional settings in foreign languages for K-12.
Prerequisites: FORL 774A.
Corequisite: EDSE 584.
FORL 776  - The Teaching of Foreign Languages in College  (3 Credits)  
Basic theoretical principles of foreign language teaching in college. Required of all graduate teaching assistants. Required of all M.A.T. students. Other students may use as an elective.