Finance (FINA)

FINA 589  - Machine Learning and AI: Applications to Finance  (3 Credits)  
Application of machine learning and AI techniques to financial problems in investment, corporate finance, and banking.
Prerequisites: Undergraduates: C or better in FINA 469.
Prerequisite or Corequisite: Graduates: C or better in FINA 762.
FINA 666  - Real Estate and Urban Development  (3 Credits)  
An overview of real estate in both the public and private sectors that serves as the basis for advanced study in the various disciplines of real estate and urban development. No prior knowledge of the field is assumed.
FINA 737  - Derivative Products and Analysis  (3 Credits)  
Derivative contracts (forwards, futures, swaps, and options), valuation models, and supporting market structures.
Prerequisites: DMSB 715 or FINA 760.
FINA 738  - Climate Change Risk Management, Insurance, and Finance  (3 Credits)  
Examines the important role that risk management, insurance, and finance have in dealing with climate change risk and how climate change risk affects financial markets and financial institutions.
Prerequisites: C or better in DMSB 715 or FINA 760.
FINA 744  - Risk and Insurance  (3 Credits)  
A study of non-speculative risk and risk bearing techniques, with emphasis on insurance covering personal, property, and liability risks. Attention is also given to the structure and regulation of the insurance industry, the role of governmental insurance programs, new product developments, and the impact of tort law reform, inflation, and consumerism.
FINA 745  - Management of Employee Benefit Programs  (3 Credits)  
An analytical study of group life, health, and retirement plans that provide economic security for employees; focuses on design, funding, tax considerations, cost controls, compliance with governmental regulations, the impact of inflation, and new types of benefits.
FINA 746  - Risk Management  (3 Credits)  
Covers the concepts and tools businesses use when managing risk. Adopts an enterprise risk management perspective, i.e., considers a variety of risk exposures and methods for managing these risks. Main objective is to provide a decision-making framework applicable to different risk situations.
Prerequisites: C or better in FINA 760 or DMSB 715.
FINA 747  - Financial Planning Seminar  (3 Credits)  
An intensive study of the financial planning process. Integration of insurance, investment, and tax principles in the development of comprehensive personal financial plans.
Prerequisites: FINA 744 and FINA 762.
FINA 750  - Finance for Human Resource Professionals  (3 Credits)  
Fundamentals of analysis and decision making in financial management for human resource professionals.
FINA 756  - Financial Statement Analysis  (3 Credits)  
Analysis of financial statements for profitability and risk assessment and for firm and segment valuation.
Prerequisites: C or better in DMSB 717 or ACCT 726 or ACCT 729 or equivalent.
Cross-listed course: ACCT 738
FINA 760  - Financial Policies  (3 Credits)  
Theory and fundamentals of analysis and decision-making in financial management.
Prerequisites: C or better in ACCT 725.
FINA 761  - Advanced Financial Management  (3 Credits)  
Advanced study of problems involved in the financial management of economic organizations.
Prerequisites: FINA 760 or DMSB 715.
FINA 762  - Investment Management  (3 Credits)  
The use of analytical techniques to evaluate investment opportunities with consideration given to applicable quantitative methods of portfolio management.
Prerequisites: FINA 760 or equivalent.
FINA 763  - Options in Corporate Finance  (3 Credits)  
Applications of financial options in managing risk.
Prerequisites: FINA 737.
FINA 764  - Money and Capital Markets  (3 Credits)  
Characteristics, structure, and functions of money and capital markets; sources of funds for bond investment, stock financing, mortgage financing, and small business financing. Current problems and procedures in these markets are considered.
Prerequisites: FINA 760.
FINA 765  - Management of Financial Institutions  (3 Credits)  
Nature, functions, and operations of financial institutions with particular attention to the banking system. The activities of other lending and savings institutions are studied together with their monetary and fiscal implications.
Prerequisites: DMSB 715 or FINA 760.
FINA 766  - Advanced Real Estate Valuation  (3 Credits)  
A study of income producing properties including income expense analyses, capitalization processes and discount rates, direct capitalization methodologies, and computerized discounted cash flow valuation models.
Prerequisites: FINA 760 or DMSB 715.
FINA 767  - Real Estate Finance  (3 Credits)  
An analytical study of mortgage markets and the institutions involved. Particular emphasis is placed on specialized institutional practices, innovative financing techniques, and current developments.
Prerequisites: FINA 760 or DMSB 715.
FINA 768  - Real Estate Market Analysis  (3 Credits)  
Market analysis including an overview of market area study and its relationship to the feasibility of a specific project. Topics include theory and methods of market and feasibility analysis. Examples of market and feasibility studies are reviewed and critiqued.
Prerequisites: FINA 666.
FINA 769  - Real Estate Decision and Administrative Processes  (3 Credits)  
An integrative approach emphasizing the special features of real estate decisions; social, legal, economic, political, and environmental problems of the real estate sector within the economy as a whole are studied.
Prerequisites: FINA 666.
FINA 770  - Fixed-Income Securities  (3 Credits)  
Fundamental principles of fixed-income securities and fixed-income valuation models, including valuation of bonds with embedded options.
Prerequisites: C or better in FINA 762.
FINA 771  - Financial Services Markets and Institutions  (3 Credits)  
Analysis of the functions and operations of financial markets and institutions, focusing on insurance markets, investment banking, and market microstructure.
Prerequisites: DMSB 715 or FINA 760.
FINA 772  - Student-Managed Investments  (3 Credits)  
Students will be introduced to a variety of approaches to security analysis and valuation techniques as they manage a real portfolio.
Prerequisites: FINA 760 or DMSB 715.
FINA 773  - Project Finance  (3 Credits)  
Provide an understanding of the following: fundamentals of non-recourse, project financing; financial markets for project finance; infrastructure sectors and their business risks; transaction structures and the documentation used to structure individual project financing; political risk; currency risk and problems with respect to local currency financing; international organizations relevant to infrastructure investment and finance.
Prerequisites: C or better in FINA 760 or DMSB 715.
FINA 774  - Financial Innovation  (3 Credits)  
Explores the history, current environment, and near-term outlook of financial innovation (FinTech), focusing on applications of Blockchain technology and Machine Learning tools. The course is designed to provide hands on experience in writing a “smart contract” using a blockchain and in applying machine learning tools.
Prerequisites: C or better in FINA 760 or DMSB 715.
Prerequisite or Corequisite: One-Year MBA students - DMSB 715.
FINA 780  - Entrepreneurial Finance and the Dynamics of Emerging Ventures  (3 Credits)  
Exploration of the funding and financial management of emerging ventures, including sources and structure of capital, financial levers to drive performance and metrics to monitor performance, and the study of how to impact, capture, quantify and realize value.
Cross-listed course: MGMT 780
FINA 781  - Real Estate Investment Analysis  (3 Credits)  
Advanced real estate investment analysis emphasizing equity investment positions under alternative ownership forms, syndications and securities registration, real estate productivity evaluation based on cash flow analysis, federal tax policies affecting real estate, and real estate portfolio analysis.
Prerequisites: FINA 760.
FINA 790  - Special Topics in Finance  (3 Credits)  
Analysis of current topics, issues and practices in various areas of finance.
FINA 860  - Principles of Finance  (3 Credits)  
Fundamental concepts and issues in financial economics, such as risk aversion, portfolio theory, asset pricing models, arbitrage pricing models, corporate investment decisions, capital structure, dividend policy, risk management, and financial institutions.
FINA 865  - Theory of Finance  (3 Credits)  
Utility models and various alternative models used in asset and security pricing. Emphasis is on seminal research in finance.
FINA 866  - Current Issues in Finance  (3 Credits)  
Covers current theory of finance and extensions of the theoretical developments examined in FINA 865 Theory of Finance.
Prerequisites: FINA 865.
FINA 867  - Advanced Topics in Finance  (3 Credits)  
Special topics in financial markets and institutions, investment and portfolio theory, and/or corporate finance that are not examined in FINA 865 or 866.
Prerequisites: FINA 865.
FINA 868  - Empirical Methods in Financial Research  (3 Credits)  
Planning and execution of applied research in finance.
Prerequisites: FINA 866, CSCE 106.
FINA 869  - Seminar in Financial Research  (3 Credits)  
Examination of empirical literature in finance. Development of a research proposal is required.
Prerequisites: FINA 866.