Media Arts (MART)
MART 101 - Making Media That Matters (3 Credits)
Introductory media arts creation and study for non-majors, with emphasis on developing an individual aesthetic for screen and related media.
Carolina Core: AIU
MART 110 - Media Culture (3 Credits)
Introduction to the critical study of film, video, photography, audio, and new media.
Cross-listed course: FAMS 110
Carolina Core: AIU
MART 201 - Foundations of Media Arts Production (3 Credits)
Fundamental conceptual and technical aspects of media.
Carolina Core: AIU
MART 210 - Digital Media Arts Fundamentals (3 Credits)
Introduction to theory and practice of origination, sequencing, and processing of screen-based and related media art.
Carolina Core: AIU
MART 262 - Digital Compositing (3 Credits)
Introduction to time-based digital media, concept development, and foundational techniques for video compositing and visual effects.
Prerequisites: C or better in MART 210.
MART 315 - African American Cinema (3 Credits)
Survey of the history of African American cinema that engages questions of culture, politics, race, and representation in American society.
Cross-listed course: FAMS 315
MART 321 - Media Writing (3 Credits)
Storytelling forms and formats for screen-based and related media arts.
MART 335 - African American Television (3 Credits)
Introduction to the critical study of African American representation on American television.
Cross-listed course: FAMS 335
MART 336 - Critical Studies in Digital & Emerging Media (3 Credits)
The history, politics, and culture of digital and emerging media, including the internet, social media, AI, algorithms, platforms, and smart devices.
Cross-listed course: FAMS 336
MART 341 - Sound Design (3 Credits)
MART 371 - The Moving Image (3 Credits)
Introduction to the theory and practice of motion picture production.
Prerequisites: C or better in MART 201.
MART 380 - New Media Art (3 Credits)
MART 399 - Independent Study (1-6 Credits)
Contract approved by instructor, advisor, and department head is required for undergraduate students.
Graduation with Leadership Distinction: GLD: Research
MART 490 - Special Topics in Media Arts (3 Credits)
May be repeated once for credit as topic varies by title.
MART 495 - Research Seminar (3 Credits)
Research in a selected area of media arts.
Prerequisites: junior status
Graduation with Leadership Distinction: GLD: Research
MART 499 - Internship in Media Arts (3-6 Credits)
Supervised experience in media productions and media production facilities. Contract approved by instructor, advisor, and department head is required for undergraduate students.
Graduation with Leadership Distinction: GLD: Professional and Civic Engagement Internships
Experiential Learning: Experiential Learning Opportunity
MART 521A - Media Writing Advanced: Screenwriting (3 Credits)
Advanced study of screenwriting.
Prerequisites: MART 321.
MART 521B - Media Writing Advanced: Feature Film (3 Credits)
Advanced study of feature film writing.
Prerequisites: MART 321.
MART 521C - Media Writing Advanced: Manga and Anime (3 Credits)
Advanced study of Manga and Anime.
Prerequisites: MART 321.
MART 521D - Media Writing Advanced: Television Writing (3 Credits)
Advanced study of television writing.
Prerequisites: MART 321.
MART 541 - Sound Design Advanced: Sound for Motion Picture (3 Credits)
Sound production for motion picture.
Prerequisites: C or better in MART 341.
MART 571A - Moving Image Advanced: Narrative (3 Credits)
Narrative for motion picture.
Prerequisites: MART 371.
MART 571B - Moving Image Advanced: Documentary (3 Credits)
Documentary production.
Prerequisites: MART 371.
MART 571C - Moving Image Advanced: Animation (3 Credits)
Animation production.
Prerequisites: C or better in MART 262.
MART 571D - Moving Image Advanced: Experimental (3 Credits)
Experimental motion picture production.
Prerequisites: MART 371.
MART 571E - Moving Image Advanced: Cinematography (3 Credits)
Motion picture cinematography.
Prerequisites: MART 371.
MART 581A - New Media Advanced: Site-based and Installation Art (3 Credits)
Art and practice of site-based and installation art.
Prerequisites: MART 380.
MART 581B - New Media Advanced: Mobile Platforms (3 Credits)
Art and practice of mobile platforms.
Prerequisites: MART 380.
MART 581C - New Media Advanced: Media Performance (3 Credits)
Art and practice of media performance.
Prerequisites: MART 380.
MART 581D - New Media Advanced: Video Game Design (3 Credits)
Art and practice of video game design.
Prerequisites: MART 380.
MART 581E - New Media Advanced: Sound Art (3 Credits)
Art and practice of sound art.
Prerequisites: C or better in MART 341 or equivalent.
MART 590 - Special Topics in Media Arts (3 Credits)
Selected topics in media arts. Course content varies and will be announced in the schedule of classes by title.
MART 591 - Special Topics in Film and Media Studies (3 Credits)
MART 592 - Special Topics in Film and Media Histories (3 Credits)
MART 593 - Special Topics in U.S. Film and Media (3 Credits)
MART 594 - Special Topics in Global Film and Media (3 Credits)