Exceptional Children (EDEX)
EDEX 205 - Understanding the Foundations of Disability (3 Credits)
The role of historical events, politics, media, race, gender, and other issues in shaping how disability is viewed. A critical framework for understanding how disability is viewed in Western culture and the effects of those views on individuals with disabilities.
Carolina Core: GSS
EDEX 399 - Independent Study (3-15 Credits)
Contract approved by instructor, advisor, and department chair is required for undergraduate students.
Graduation with Leadership Distinction: GLD: Research
EDEX 491 - Introduction to Inclusion of Students with Mild Disabilities (2 Credits)
Inclusion strategies and accommodation planning for students with mild disabilities in general education classrooms.
Graduation with Leadership Distinction: GLD: Diversity and Social Advocacy
EDEX 523 - Introduction to Exceptional Children (3 Credits)
Overview of the field of education for exceptional children. Basic course for those entering the field of special education.
EDEX 525 - The Nature of Orthopedic and Special Health Problems (3 Credits)
Symptomatology, behavioral manifestations, and resources for care and treatment of orthopedic conditions and other types of health problems in children and youth.
EDEX 530 - Introduction to Early Childhood Special Education (3 Credits)
An overview of early childhood special education for young children with disabilities and their families.
EDEX 531 - Nature of Students with Specific Learning Disabilities (3 Credits)
EDEX 540 - Nature and Needs of the Gifted and Talented (3 Credits)
Types and characteristics of the gifted and talented.
Prerequisites: EDEX 523 or PSYC 518.
EDEX 580 - Direct Instruction in Reading for At-Risk Learners (3 Credits)
A study of the skills and knowledge required to implement direct instruction procedures when teaching reading, with opportunity for application of skills. Research and theoretical foundations will also be evaluated.
Prerequisites: EDEX 523.
EDEX 581 - Teaching Reading in the Content Area to Adolescents with Reading Disabilities (3 Credits)
Research, theory, and instructional practices related to providing reading instruction in content areas for youth with disabilities, with a focus on developing disciplinary literacy in inclusive settings.
EDEX 582 - Teaching Mathematics to Students at Risk (3 Credits)
EDEX 610 - Instruction of Students with Severe and Multiple Disabilities (3 Credits)
Data-based instruction for teaching students with significant disabilities: task and developmental analysis, individualizing instruction, and preparing and implementing instructional programs.
Prerequisites: C or better in EDEX 523.
EDEX 615 - Curriculum and Language Instruction for Students with Severe and Multiple Disabilities (3 Credits)
Design, development, adaptation, and implementation of curriculum, language and communication instruction for students with significant disabilities.
Prerequisites: C or better in EDEX 523.
EDEX 616 - Instruction of Students with Specific Learning Disabilities (3 Credits)
EDEX 619 - Nature of Students with Intellectual Disabilities (3 Credits)
Nature and causes of intellectual disabilities, behavior, and potentialities of persons with intellectual disabilities.
Prerequisites: a course in the areas of child psychology or child development.
EDEX 630 - Educational Procedures for Early Childhood Special Education (3 Credits)
An initial course in educational procedures focusing on intervention strategies for serving young children with disabilities in inclusive environments.
Prerequisites: EDEX 530.
EDEX 632 - Nature of Students with Emotional and Behavior Disabilities (3 Credits)
Characteristics, etiology, and major theoretical models for children experiencing emotional and/or behavioral problems in school; special education curriculum, programming alternatives, assessment, and issues concerning this population.
Prerequisites: C or better in EDEX 523.
EDEX 640 - Managing Problem Behavior in the Classroom (3 Credits)
The development of a workable approach to classroom management through an examination of a research-based synthesis of current knowledge in classroom and behavior management.
EDEX 643 - Social/Emotional Development and Guidance for Young Children with Developmental Delays (3 Credits)
DEC Practices in Early Childhood Special Education, Assessing and Monitoring Children's Challenging Behavior, and Preventive Strategies for Challenging Behavior.
Prerequisites: EDEX 523.
EDEX 646 - Advanced Procedures for Assessment in Early Childhood Special Education (ECSE) (3 Credits)
Advanced assessment methods for serving young children with and without developmental delays and their families.
Prerequisites: EDEX 530.
EDEX 682 - Introduction to Braille (3 Credits)
Basic course for mastery of the literary braille code. Transcription of instructional materials in literary braille.
EDEX 685 - Nature of Students with Visual Disabilities (3 Credits)
The psychological, social, and educational implications for persons with visual disabilities; definitions, incidence, characteristics of, and rehabilitative and educational programs for persons with visual disabilities.
EDEX 686 - Introduction to Deafness (3 Credits)
Educational implications of philosophy, theory, and research about deafness.
Prerequisites: EDEX 523 or equivalent.
EDEX 687 - Communication Systems for Students who are Deaf or Hearing Impaired (3 Credits)
Knowledge and basic skills of finger-spelling and sign forms for communication.
EDEX 690 - Independent Study (1-3 Credits)
EDEX 691 - Collaborative Partnerships in PK-12 Special Education (3 Credits)
Communication and collaboration skills and strategies for creating and maintaining effective partnerships with a variety of stakeholders involved in educating students with disabilities in PK-12 settings.
Prerequisites: C or better in EDEX 523.
EDEX 692 - Partnerships in Early Childhood Special Education (3 Credits)
Strategies for collaborating and communicating with families and other professionals as members of multidisciplinary teams in Early Intervention and Early childhood Special Education.
Prerequisites: EDEX 523.