Civil Engineering (ECIV)
ECIV 101 - Introduction to Civil Engineering (3 Credits)
Fundamental concepts in each of the disciplines of civil engineering are discussed. Critical thinking skills are formally fostered by hands-on experiences and group discussions.
ECIV 111 - Introduction to Engineering Graphics and Visualization (3 Credits)
Principles and practice of visualization and graphical representation using modern computer-aided design tools.
ECIV 200 - Statics (3 Credits)
ECIV 201 - Computational Methods for Civil Engineering (3 Credits)
The use of computational tools and techniques for solving civil and environmental engineering problems. Overview of numerical methods including roots of equations, systems of linear equations, interpolation, and integration. Analysis of civil and environmental systems.
ECIV 210 - Dynamics (3 Credits)
Kinematics of particles and rigid bodies. Vector representation of force and motion. Free-body diagrams, application of energy and momentum methods to solve problems. Rigid body and central force motion.
ECIV 220 - Mechanics of Solids (3 Credits)
ECIV 300 - Civil Engineering Measurements (3 Credits)
Theory and application of plane surveying and mapping techniques. Lecture plus laboratory.
Prerequisites: D or better in MATH 241.
ECIV 303 - Civil Engineering Materials (3 Credits)
ECIV 303L - Civil Engineering Materials Laboratory (1 Credit)
ECIV 320 - Structural Analysis I (3 Credits)
Equilibrium, shear and moment diagrams, and influence lines for statically determinate trusses, beams, and frames. Energy principles and other methods for displacement calculations. Introduction to indeterminate structural analysis.
ECIV 325 - Structural Steel Design (3 Credits)
Behavior and design of steel beams, columns, and tension members; strength and stability; design of connections using welded, bolted and riveted construction.
Prerequisites: C or better in ECIV 320.
ECIV 327 - Reinforced Concrete Design (3 Credits)
Behavior and design of reinforced concrete beams, columns, continuous beams and one way slabs, and footings.
Prerequisites: C or better in ECIV 320.
ECIV 330 - Introduction to Geotechnical Engineering (3 Credits)
ECIV 330L - Geotechnical Laboratory (1 Credit)
ECIV 340 - Introduction to Transportation Engineering (3 Credits)
Transportation design, planning, and operational analysis, including roadway, airway, and railway systems; transportation elements, including traveled way, vehicle, control, terminals, and advanced technology; traffic data collection, interpretation, and analysis.
ECIV 340L - Transportation Engineering Laboratory (1 Credit)
This course covers the principles of distances, elevations and angles that pertain to roadways, basic theories in engineering measurements and surveying calculations, and an introduction to mapping, for transportation engineering applications. Three contact hours per week.
ECIV 350 - Introduction to Environmental Engineering (3 Credits)
ECIV 350L - Introduction to Environmental Engineering Laboratory (1 Credit)
ECIV 360 - Fluid Mechanics (3 Credits)
Principles of fluid statics and dynamics. Conservation of mass, momentum, and energy. Similitude and dimensional analysis, open channel flow, lift and drag forces, and introduction to turbulent flow.
Cross-listed course: ENCP 360
ECIV 362 - Introduction to Water Resources Engineering (3 Credits)
ECIV 362L - Introduction to Water Resources Engineering Laboratory (1 Credit)
ECIV 405 - System Applications in Civil Engineering (3 Credits)
ECIV 426 - Structural Design (3 Credits)
ECIV 470 - Civil Engineering Design (4 Credits)
Application of hydraulic, geotechnical, and structural principles in design; project scheduling; cost estimation; ethics; environmental and social impact; design drawings; report documents.
Prerequisites: D or better in ECIV 307 and D or better in two ECIV Distribution Courses.
ECIV 490 - Special Topics (0-3 Credits)
Course content varies and will be announced in the schedule of classes by course title. May be repeated as topic varies. A maximum of twelve credits may be applied towards a degree.
Graduation with Leadership Distinction: GLD: Research
ECIV 497 - Fundamentals of Engineering Preparation (1 Credit)
Preparation for the Fundamentals of Engineering Exam. Will cover general engineering and civil engineering specific areas. Restricted to Civil Engineering Seniors. Pass/ Fail Grading.
ECIV 499 - Independent Study in Civil and Environmental Engineering (1-3 Credits)
Individual investigation or studies of special topics. A maximum of six credits may be applied toward a degree.
Prerequisites: approval of project proposal by instructor; USC/GPA 2.8.
Graduation with Leadership Distinction: GLD: Research
ECIV 503 - Structural Modeling and Experimental Methods (3 Credits)
Introduction of structural modeling; strain gauge instrumentation; force, displacement, acceleration, pressure, temperature measurements; concrete and steel modeling; size effects; analysis of experimental data.
Prerequisites: ECIV 327.
ECIV 520 - Structural Analysis II (3 Credits)
Advanced methods of structural analysis with emphasis on matrix methods. Development of the generalized matrix force and matrix displacement methods of static analysis, with applications to trusses and frames.
Prerequisites: D or better in ECIV 320.
ECIV 521 - Numerical Methods in Mechanics (3 Credits)
ECIV 524 - Structural Vibrations (3 Credits)
Response of single- and multiple-degree of freedom structurally dynamic systems to impact, harmonic, wind, and seismic excitations.
Prerequisites: D or better in ECIV 320.
ECIV 526 - Timber and Masonry Design (3 Credits)
Basic engineering properties of timber and masonry materials, design methods and philosophies for timber and masonry structures. Particular attention is paid to current codes, specifications and analysis.
Prerequisites: C or better in ECIV 320.
ECIV 530 - Foundation Analysis and Design (3 Credits)
Subsurface investigation procedures. Theoretical and practical aspects of the design of earth retaining structures, spread footings, and pile foundations.
Prerequisites: D or better in ECIV 330.
ECIV 531 - Design of Earth Structures (3 Credits)
Geotechnical engineering problems associated with the behavior of earth masses. Soil shear strength, lateral earth pressure, design of retaining structures, slope stability, water flow through soils.
Prerequisites: ECIV 330.
ECIV 533 - Geosynthetics and Geotechnical Design of Landfills (3 Credits)
Principles for the design, construction, and performance of waste containment systems. Characterization of barrier materials; geosynthetics; design of liner and leachate collection systems; stability and deformation analyses of landfills.
Prerequisites: D or better in ECIV 330.
ECIV 535 - Geotechnical Engineering in Transportation (3 Credits)
Remote sensing and engineering geology. Field and laboratory testing. Design and maintenance methods for flexible and rigid pavements. Topics in tunnel design and buried conduit.
Prerequisites: D or better in ECIV 330.
ECIV 539 - Experimental Methods in Geotechnical Engineering (3 Credits)
ECIV 540 - Transportation Systems Planning (3 Credits)
Fundamental interactions between supply and demand in transportation systems. Modeling transportation demand and trip-making behavior. Evaluation of alternatives for decision making.
Prerequisites: D or better in ECIV 340.
ECIV 541 - Highway Design (3 Credits)
Design of transportation facilities using relevant tools and guidelines with emphasis on physical and operational aspects of arterials, freeways, intersections, and interchanges, including geometry, capacity, control, and safety.
ECIV 542 - Traffic Engineering (3 Credits)
Capacity analysis of freeways and arterials. Traffic flow characteristics and basic relationships among traffic flow parameters. Signalized and unsignalized intersection control and signal timing design.
Prerequisites: D or better in ECIV 340.
ECIV 551 - Elements of Water and Wastewater Treatment (3 Credits)
Unit operations and processes employed in the physical, chemical, and biological treatment of water and wastewater. Design of water and wastewater treatment systems.
Prerequisites: ECIV 350.
ECIV 555 - Principles of Municipal Solid Waste Engineering (3 Credits)
Fundamentals and engineering principles of solid waste generation, characterization, collection and transport, source reduction and recycling, and physical, chemical, and biological treatment strategies.
Prerequisites: D or better in ECIV 350.
ECIV 556 - Air Pollution Control Engineering (3 Credits)
Introduction to the sources of air pollution and the engineering principles used for control and prevention.
Prerequisites: D or better in ECIV 350.
ECIV 557 - Sustainable Construction for Engineers (3 Credits)
ECIV 558 - Environmental Engineering Process Modeling (3 Credits)
ECIV 560 - Open Channel Hydraulics (3 Credits)
ECIV 562 - Engineering Hydrology (3 Credits)
Applications of hydrologic techniques to design problems; stormwater simulation models; urban stormwater.
Prerequisite or Corequisite: D or better in ECIV 362.
ECIV 563 - Subsurface Hydrology (3 Credits)
ECIV 570 - Land Development for Engineers (3 Credits)
Fundamentals of designing and permitting the conversion of land to new or altered states, including environmental issues, traffic and parking, utility resources, site engineering, ADA, safety, planning, and zoning requirements.
ECIV 580 - Railway Engineering I (3 Credits)
Introduction to the analysis and design of the railway infrastructure for freight and passenger systems to include track and track support systems, grade crossings, special trackwork, construction, inspection, assessment and compliance.
Prerequisite or Corequisite: D or better in ECIV 303.
ECIV 582 - Operation and Logistics of Railway Systems (3 Credits)
Principles of rail operations; Network management; Best practices for train planning, performance management and delivery of service; technical elements of a railway from an operations perspective (train controls, signaling, communications, yards, tractive power etc).
Prerequisites: D or better in ECIV 340.
ECIV 588 - Design of Railway Bridges and Structures (3 Credits)
Introduction to railway infrastructure; Structural design considerations and criteria of railway structures; Bridge types and components; Planning and preliminary design of modern railway bridges; Loads and forces; Structural analysis and design of steel railway bridges and components.