French (FREN)
FREN 109 - Beginning French I (3 Credits)
Introduction to grammar and practical vocabulary necessary for fundamental communication skills. Admission to FREN 109 restricted to those who have never studied French, who have not studied French in the previous five years, or who have a score of F-1 on the placement test.
Carolina Core: GFL
FREN 110 - Beginning French II (3 Credits)
FREN 121 - Elementary French (3 Credits)
FREN 122 - Basic Proficiency in French (3 Credits)
FREN 209 - Reading and Written Expression (3 Credits)
Readings in French; grammar, basic writing, and composition.
Prerequisites: FREN 122 or score of F-5 on placement exam.
FREN 210 - Oral Communication (3 Credits)
Practice in conversation involving authentic listening materials; vocabulary building.
Prerequisites: FREN 122 or score of F-5 on placement exam.
FREN 290 - French Literature in Translation (3 Credits)
Readings and discussion in English, with consideration of the cultural context.
Carolina Core: AIU
FREN 295 - Topics in French Culture (3 Credits)
FREN 300 - French Phonetics (3 Credits)
FREN 307 - Advanced Oral Practice (1 Credit)
FREN 309 - Reading French Texts (3 Credits)
FREN 310 - Advanced Oral Communication (3 Credits)
Current issues and events presented in French-language media. Discussion and presentations in French provide practice with advanced structures and idiomatic speech.
FREN 311 - French Composition (3 Credits)
FREN 316 - Introduction to Business French (3 Credits)
FREN 330 - The French Theatre Experience (3 Credits)
FREN 350 - French Language Study Abroad (1-6 Credits)
Intensive language practice with special attention to oral skills. Classroom instruction by native speakers.
FREN 351 - Service Learning in the French-Speaking World (3 Credits)
FREN 397 - World Cinemas in French (3 Credits)
An introduction to the history of the French film, with special emphasis on the aesthetic appreciation of the films in their artistic and cultural context. Films in French, with English subtitles. Taught in English. To be counted towards FREN major or minor.
FREN 398 - Selected Topics in French & Francophone Culture (3 Credits)
Intensive study of selected topics of the French-speaking world. May be repeated for credit under a different title. May not be counted for major or minor credit. Note: Taught in English. To be counted towards FREN major or minor.
FREN 399 - Independent Study (3-6 Credits)
FREN 400 - French Cultural History (3 Credits)
FREN 416 - Advanced Business French (3 Credits)
Commercial organizations and businesses in France. Practical business correspondence. Terminology and techniques in commercial transactions with the Certificat Pratique of the Paris Chamber of Commerce in view. Taught in French.
Prerequisites: FREN 316.
FREN 450 - Topics in Literature (3 Credits)
FREN 451 - French Literature and Culture Before 1800 (3 Credits)
FREN 452 - French Literature and Culture After 1800 (3 Credits)
FREN 453 - Francophone Literatures and Cultures (3 Credits)
Study and discussion of works from French-speaking societies outside France, with attention to their cultural contexts and historical contexts.
Graduation with Leadership Distinction: GLD: Global Learning
FREN 499 - Senior Thesis (3 Credits)
Graduation with Leadership Distinction: GLD: Research
FREN 501 - Contemporary France (3 Credits)
FREN 510 - Current Events in the France and the Francophone World (3 Credits)
FREN 511 - Techniques of Literary Analysis (3 Credits)
FREN 515 - Advanced French Stylistics (3 Credits)
FREN 516 - French Phonology (3 Credits)
The sound system and its functioning in the morphological system of French from the point of view of current phonological theory.
Cross-listed course: LING 512
FREN 517 - French Linguistics (3 Credits)
The structure, morphology, and syntax of modern French.
Cross-listed course: LING 502
FREN 595 - Special Topics in French (3 Credits)
FREN 615 - Intensive Readings in French (3 Credits)
Graduate students fulfill their foreign-language reading requirement with successful completion of the course. Undergraduates may take the course as an elective only. Grades S/U for graduates and undergraduates.