Spanish (SPAN)
SPAN 109 - Beginning Spanish I (3 Credits)
Introduction to grammar and practical vocabulary necessary for fundamental communication skills. Restricted to those who have never studied Spanish or placed by examination into SPAN 109. Credit may be received only for one of the following: SPAN 109, SPAN 110; SPAN 111;
or SPAN 121.
Carolina Core: GFL
SPAN 110 - Beginning Spanish II (3 Credits)
SPAN 111 - Intensive Beginning Spanish (6 Credits)
Intensive introduction to grammar and practical vocabulary necessary for fundamental communication skills. Admission only to highly motivated beginning students who obtain the permission of the department. Credit may be received only for one of the following: SPAN 109, SPAN 110,
SPAN 111, or SPAN 121.
Carolina Core: GFL
SPAN 121 - Elementary Spanish (3 Credits)
SPAN 122 - Basic Proficiency in Spanish (3 Credits)
SPAN 209 - Intermediate Spanish I (3 Credits)
Further development of listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills. Use of authentic cultural materials.
Prerequisites: C or better in SPAN 122 or by Placement Exam.
SPAN 210 - Intermediate Spanish II (3 Credits)
SPAN 211 - Intensive Intermediate Spanish (6 Credits)
SPAN 220 - Selected Works of Hispanic Literature in English Translation (3 Credits)
Selected major works, especially contemporary works, in all genres of Hispanic literature in English translation.
Carolina Core: AIU
SPAN 280 - Spanish Language in Society (3 Credits)
Introduction to basic concepts of sociolinguistics as they apply to the Spanish language.
Cross-listed course: LING 244
SPAN 301 - Service Learning in Spanish (1-3 Credits)
Contract approved by instructor, director, and department chair required. May be repeated. Maximum of 3 hours may apply towards major or minor.
Prerequisites: SPAN 210.
SPAN 302 - Advanced Spanish (3 Credits)
SPAN 303 - Cultural Readings and Advanced Composition (3 Credits)
Development of advanced composition skills in Spanish on a variety of topics related to cultural production of the Spanish-speaking world.
Prerequisites: C or better in SPAN 302 or by placement.
SPAN 304 - Cultural Readings and Advanced Conversation (3 Credits)
Cultural readings about the Spanish-speaking world, and advanced speaking skills practice through various strategies such as group discussions, debates, presentations.
Prerequisites: C or better in SPAN 302 or by placement.
Graduation with Leadership Distinction: GLD: Global Learning
SPAN 305 - Working with Spanish-Speaking Communities (3 Credits)
Crosscultural approaches to interactions with persons of Hispanic origin in a variety of professional settings. Readings, speakers, media. Taught in Spanish. Departmental permission required for transfer students.
Prerequisite or Corequisite: C or better in SPAN 302.
Cross-listed course: LASP 305
Graduation with Leadership Distinction: GLD: Community Service, GLD: Global Learning
SPAN 311 - Spanish for Heritage Speakers (3 Credits)
Intensive grammar practice, enhancement of reading and writing skills for individuals raised in a Spanish-speaking household but with little or no formal Spanish instruction. Restricted to heritage speakers, as defined in Bulletin description.
Prerequisites: Placement by Phase II Exam.
SPAN 312 - Introduction to Reading Hispanic Literary Texts (3 Credits)
Approaches to reading literary texts through carefully selected readings from different genres.
Prerequisites: SPAN 303 or by placement. D or better for non-Spanish majors. C or better for Spanish majors and minors.
SPAN 316 - Business Spanish (3 Credits)
Commercial organizations and business in Spanish-speaking countries, business correspondence, terminology, and techniques in commercial transactions. Standardized examinations available such as the Certificado de la Camara de Comercio de Madrid.
Prerequisites: C or better in SPAN 302 or by placement.
SPAN 317 - Spanish Phonetics and Pronunciation (3 Credits)
Analysis of and practice in pronunciation, listening comprehension, and dialect recognition based on study of the speech sounds, combinations, patterns, and processes of Spanish phonetics and phonology. Department permission required for transfer students.
Prerequisites: C+ or better in SPAN 302; placement at 300 level of Phase II placement exam.
Cross-listed course: LING 314
SPAN 350 - Spanish Language Study Abroad (3 Credits)
Intensive language practice in native environment with emphasis on oral skills. Instruction by native speakers; community contact, and home stay. May be repeated once for credit. Restricted to participants of the USC Spanish Summer Global Classroom Program.
SPAN 360 - Spanish for Healthcare Professionals (3 Credits)
Health professionals' functional and lexical language ability, cultural information, etiquette and protocol necessary to interact with Spanish speakers.
Prerequisites: SPAN 302 or by placement.
SPAN 375 - Special Topics in Hispanic Literature (3 Credits)
Course content treating cultural and literary themes varies.
Prerequisites: C or better in SPAN 303 or by placement.
Graduation with Leadership Distinction: GLD: Diversity and Social Advocacy, GLD: Professional and Civic Engagement Leadership Experiences
SPAN 376 - Special Topics in Hispanic Language and Culture (3 Credits)
Course content varies and will be announced in the schedule of classes by title. May be repeated as content varies by title.
Prerequisites: C or higher in SPAN 302; Placement Exam score of SD or S7.
SPAN 380 - The Cinema of Spain (3 Credits)
Investigation of Spanish cultures through the study of its films and the cinematic medium.
Prerequisites: SPAN 303 or by placement.
Graduation with Leadership Distinction: GLD: Diversity and Social Advocacy, GLD: Global Learning
SPAN 381 - The Cinema of Latin America (3 Credits)
Investigation of Latin American cultures through the study of films and the cinematic medium.
Prerequisites: Placement at 300 level on Phase II placement exam, grade of C+ or better in SPAN 303, or consent of instructor. Department permission required for transfer students.
SPAN 398 - Special Topics in Hispanic Studies (3 Credits)
Intensive study of selected topics of the Hispanic world. Taught in English.
SPAN 399 - Independent Study (3-6 Credits)
Contract approved by instructor, advisor, and department chair is required for undergraduate students. Department permission required for transfer students.
Graduation with Leadership Distinction: GLD: Research
SPAN 400 - Spanish Culture (3 Credits)
Survey of the cultures of Spain via readings, visual culture, and discussion.
Prerequisites: Placement at 300-level on Phase II placement exam or C or better in SPAN 303. Department permission required for transfer students.
Graduation with Leadership Distinction: GLD: Global Learning
SPAN 401 - Latin American Culture (3 Credits)
Survey of the cultures of Latin America via readings, visual culture, and discussion.
Prerequisites: Placement at 300-level on Phase II placement exam or C or better in SPAN 303. Department permission required for transfer students.
SPAN 404 - Spanish Literature (3 Credits)
A survey of literature, such as novels, short stories and poems, from Spain.
Prerequisites: C or better in SPAN 312.
SPAN 405 - Latin American Literature (3 Credits)
A survey of literature, such as novels, short stories and poems, from Latin America.
Prerequisites: SPAN 312.
SPAN 417 - Advanced Spanish for Business and the Professions (3 Credits)
Vocabulary, concepts, and oral/written skills necessary to communicate effectively in the social, cultural, or economic infrastructure of Hispanic countries. Introduction to the use of technology for the acquisition and processing of materials relevant to students’ professional goals.
Prerequisites: SPAN 316.
SPAN 475 - Advanced Special Topics in Hispanic Literature (3 Credits)
Course content varies and will be announced in the schedule of classes by title. May be repeated as content varies by title.
Prerequisites: D or better in SPAN 312 or by placement.
SPAN 476 - Advanced Special Topics in Hispanic Language and Culture (3 Credits)
Course content varies and will be announced in the schedule of classes by title. May be repeated as content varies by title. This course will be taught in Spanish.
Prerequisites: D or better in SPAN 303 or by placement.
SPAN 498 - Advanced Special Topics in Hispanic Studies (3 Credits)
Course content varies and will be announced in the schedule of classes by title. May be repeated as content varies by title. Taught in English.
SPAN 499 - Senior Seminar (3 Credits)
A special seminar devoted to the in-depth study of selected subjects in Hispanic literature, culture, or language. Required for the intensive major in Spanish.
Prerequisites: 3.00 GPA; 18 hours of 300-level Spanish.
Graduation with Leadership Distinction: GLD: Research
SPAN 500 - Contemporary Spain (3 Credits)
Analysis and discussion of 20th-century Spanish history and the sociocultural forces that have contributed to define this country’s national identity. Taught in Spanish.
Graduation with Leadership Distinction: GLD: Global Learning
SPAN 501 - Contemporary Latin America (3 Credits)
Analysis and discussion of contemporary Latin American history and the sociocultural forces that have contributed to define this area's national identities. Taught in Spanish.
Prerequisites: Placement at 300-level on Phase II placement exam or C or better in SPAN 303. Department permission required for transfer students.
Cross-listed course: LASP 501
SPAN 513 - Introduction to Professional and Technical Translation (3 Credits)
Introduction to translation and practice of skills required for professional and technical Spanish/English translation.
Prerequisites: SPAN 409.
SPAN 515 - Introduction to Spanish Linguistics (3 Credits)
SPAN 516 - The Structure of Modern Spanish (3 Credits)
Description of the grammatical structures of Modern Spanish. Intensive study of the theory and practice of word formation and sentence structure of Spanish.
Cross-listed course: LING 554
SPAN 517 - Contrastive English-Spanish Phonetics and Phonology (3 Credits)
Introduction to the study of phonetics and phonology and their application to the sounds and sound systems of English and Spanish. Includes transcription practice and discussion of relevance to teaching.
Cross-listed course: LING 514
SPAN 518 - Introduction to Spanish Medieval Literature (3 Credits)
Survey of Spanish literature from its first manifestations to La Celestina. Introduction; early works; the epic; 13th- through 15th-century prose and verse; Berceo, Alfonso X, Juan Ruiz, Marques de Santillana; others.
Prerequisites: C or better in SPAN 312 for undergraduates.
SPAN 524 - Renaissance and Golden Age Literature (3 Credits)
Survey of the works of Garcilaso, the Spanish mystics, Lope, Quevedo, Tirso, Calderon, Gongora and others.
Prerequisites: C or better in SPAN 312 for undergraduates.
SPAN 534 - Nineteenth-Century Spanish Literature (3 Credits)
Survey of the works of the major literary figures of the period.
Prerequisites: SPAN 312 for undergraduates.
SPAN 538 - Twentieth-Century Spanish Literature (3 Credits)
Survey of major peninsular writers from the Generation of ‘98 to the present.
Prerequisites: SPAN 312 for Undergraduates.
SPAN 541 - Colonial Spanish-American Literature to Neoclassicism (3 Credits)
Survey of pre-Columbian poetry and of texts dating from the time of Columbus to the end of the Colonial period.
Cross-listed course: LASP 541
SPAN 543 - Spanish-American Literature from the Independence Through Modernism (3 Credits)
Survey of the most significant works of the Independence through Modernism.
Prerequisites: C or better in SPAN 312 for undergraduates.
SPAN 550 - Advanced Language Study Abroad (3 Credits)
Intensive language practice in native environment with special emphasis on oral skills. Instruction by native speakers; extensive community contact and home stay. Prior placement test required.
SPAN 555 - Spanish-American Literature from Modernism Through 1960 (3 Credits)
Survey of the most significant works of this period.
Prerequisites: C or better in SPAN 312 for undergraduates.
SPAN 557 - Contemporary Spanish-American Literature (3 Credits)
Survey of the most significant works from 1960 to the present.
SPAN 575 - Special Topics in Spanish (3 Credits)
Course content varies and will be announced in the schedule of classes by title. May be repeated as content varies by title.
Prerequisites: D or better in SPAN 312 or graduate standing.
SPAN 615 - Intensive Readings in Spanish (3 Credits)
Intensive reading for non-majors. Graduate students fulfill their foreign-language requirement with successful completion of the course. Undergraduates may take the course as an elective only by permission.