Film and Media Studies (FAMS)
FAMS 110 - Media Culture (3 Credits)
Introduction to the critical study of film, video, photography, audio, and new media.
Cross-listed course: MART 110
Carolina Core: AIU
FAMS 180 - Film Culture (3 Credits)
How the film industry developed and the impact the movies have had on global popular culture. Does not count toward the film studies major.
Carolina Core: AIU
FAMS 240 - Film and Media Analysis (3 Credits)
Introduction to the critical study of film and media. Students will closely analyze moving images and develop written arguments about film and media.
Cross-listed course: ENGL 240
Carolina Core: AIU
FAMS 300 - Film and Media History (3 Credits)
Surveys the development of cinema and related media from the 1820s to the present. Attention to the relations among key technological, cultural, and industrial changes, their causes, and consequences.
Carolina Core: GHS
FAMS 301 - Media, Power & Everyday Life (3 Credits)
FAMS 308 - Global Media Industries (3 Credits)
Provides the foundation for the study of globalized film and media industries.
Cross-listed course: GLST 308
FAMS 310 - Special Topics In Popular Media (3 Credits)
Intensive study of a specific topic in popular film and media. May be repeated up to three times for a total of nine credit hours as content varies by title.
FAMS 311 - Classical Hollywood Cinema (3 Credits)
FAMS 312 - Stardom, Celebrity and Performance (3 Credits)
Exploration of the different forms and functions of stardom and celebrity and investigation of how a variety of performers and performance traditions within the histories of film, television, music and new media can be understood in relation to industrial, technological, and socio-cultural influences.
FAMS 315 - African American Cinema (3 Credits)
Survey of the history of African American cinema that engages questions of culture, politics, race, and representation in American society.
Cross-listed course: MART 315
FAMS 316 - Music and the Hollywood Film (3 Credits)
Examination of how music guides audience interpretation and shapes Hollywood film style.
FAMS 325 - Superheroes across Media (3 Credits)
FAMS 328 - The Blockbuster (3 Credits)
Examination of the post-1975 blockbuster film phenomenon with an emphasis on marketing, finance, and reception.
FAMS 330 - Special Topics in Non-Film Media (3 Credits)
Intensive study of a specific topic concerning a medium or mediums other than film. May be repeated up to three times for a total of nine credit hours as content varies by title.
FAMS 332 - American Television (3 Credits)
Examination of American television as an industry, art form, medium of social representation, and set of viewer practices.
FAMS 335 - African American Television (3 Credits)
Introduction to the critical study of African American representation on American television.
Cross-listed course: MART 335
FAMS 336 - Critical Studies in Digital & Emerging Media (3 Credits)
The history, politics, and culture of digital and emerging media, including the internet, social media, AI, algorithms, platforms, and smart devices.
Cross-listed course: MART 336
FAMS 338 - Contemporary British Television Industry (3 Credits)
Examination of industrial structures, network histories, production cultures, and regulation contexts of contemporary British television.
FAMS 350 - Introduction to Comics Studies (3 Credits)
FAMS 351 - History of the American Comic Book Industry (3 Credits)
Study of the history of the American comic book industry.
Cross-listed course: ENGL 351
FAMS 355 - Special Topics in Comics Studies (3 Credits)
Intensive study of a specific topic in comics studies. May be repeated as content varies by title.
Cross-listed course: ENGL 353
FAMS 360 - Special Topics in Global Media (3 Credits)
FAMS 361 - Middle East on Screen (3 Credits)
FAMS 363 - Hong Kong Action Cinema (3 Credits)
FAMS 365 - Screening China (3 Credits)
Survey of Chinese language cinema. Chinese film history and vocabulary with which to discuss film texts. Covers classic leftwing cinema, Hong Kong martial arts films, as well as the Hong Kong, Taiwan, and PRC New Waves. Taught in English. Films subtitled.
Cross-listed course: CHIN 365
FAMS 380 - Special Topics in Alternative Media (3 Credits)
FAMS 381 - History of Experimental Film (3 Credits)
FAMS 383 - Documentary Studies (3 Credits)
FAMS 399 - Independent Study (3-9 Credits)
Contract approved by instructor, advisor, and program director is required.
Graduation with Leadership Distinction: GLD: Research
FAMS 470 - Genre Studies Film & Media (3 Credits)
Critical study of a popular genre (e.g., horror, science fiction, melodrama), or set of genres, in film and media. Course content varies and will be announced in the schedule of courses by title. May be repeated as topics vary.
FAMS 499 - Internship in Film and Media Studies (3 Credits)
Internship in Film and Media Studies. (Variable) Supervised professional experience working with media production, distribution, exhibition, archiving, and/or education.
Prerequisite or Corequisite: C or better in FAMS 308.
FAMS 510 - Special Topics in Film and Media Histories (3 Credits)
FAMS 511 - Special Topics in Film and Media Studies (3 Credits)
FAMS 566 - Special Topics in U.S. Film and Media (3 Credits)
FAMS 581 - Critical Interactives (3 Credits)
Foundational techniques in multidisciplinary software development, specifically of applications designed to present sensitive, sometimes controversial, materials in ways to engender empathic awareness of the interactor.
Cross-listed course: CSCE 571
FAMS 598 - Special Topics in Global Film and Media (3 Credits)