Mechanical Engineering (EMCH)
EMCH 101 - Introduction to Mechanical Engineering (3 Credits)
Introduction to Mechanical Engineering; Engineering thinking; Problem-solving skills; University life and academic expectations.
EMCH 111 - Introduction to Computer-Aided Design (3 Credits)
Principles and practice of visualization and graphical representation using modern computer-aided design tools.
EMCH 200 - Statics (3 Credits)
Principles of mechanics; Equilibrium of particles and rigid bodies; Distributed forces, centroids, and centers of gravity; Moments of inertia of areas; Analysis of simple structures and machines; Friction.
Prerequisite or Corequisite: C or better in MATH 142.
EMCH 201 - Introduction to Applied Numerical Methods (3 Credits)
Introduction and application of linear algebra and numerical methods to the solution of physical and engineering problems. Techniques include iterative solution techniques, methods of solving systems of equations, and numerical integration and differentiation.
Prerequisite or Corequisite: D or better in MATH 142.
EMCH 220 - Mechanical Engineering Fundamentals for Non-Majors (3 Credits)
EMCH 260 - Solid Mechanics (3 Credits)
Study of forces and deformation in solids; Basic concepts of stress and strain; Elastic relations between stress and strain; Stress and strain transformations; Applications to mechanical components under axial, torsional, bending and pressure loads.
Prerequisite or Corequisite: C or better in MATH 242.
EMCH 290 - Thermodynamics (3 Credits)
EMCH 308 - Introduction to Finite Element Stress Analysis (3 Credits)
EMCH 310 - Dynamics (3 Credits)
EMCH 327 - Machine Design (3 Credits)
EMCH 330 - Mechanical Vibrations (3 Credits)
EMCH 332 - Kinematics (3 Credits)
EMCH 354 - Heat Transfer (3 Credits)
EMCH 360 - Fluid Mechanics (3 Credits)
Applications of fluid statics and dynamics; Conservation of mass, momentum, and energy; Similitude and dimensional analysis; Open channel flow, lift and drag; Introduction to turbulent flow
EMCH 361 - Laboratory I (3 Credits)
Basic concepts of instruments, measurements, and experimental data analysis; Statistical analysis of experimental data and uncertainty analysis; LabView control, sensors, and measurement of parameters in mechanical engineering systems; Technical writing and presentation.
EMCH 362 - Laboratory II (3 Credits)
Basic concepts of hypothesis, simple design of experiments to demonstrate principles and applications of fluid dynamics, manufacturing, mechanical properties, heat transfer, and vibration analysis through a series of lab experiments.
Prerequisites: D or better in EMCH 361.
EMCH 363 - Mechanical Engineering Laboratory III (3 Credits)
EMCH 367 - Controls (3 Credits)
EMCH 368 - Mechatronics (4 Credits)
Introduction to the principles of integrating mechanical, electrical and computer engineering disciplines within a unified framework towards designing mechatronic systems; Fundamental overview of mechatronics (sensors, signals, actuators, microprocessors and models of mechatronic systems); Experimental exercises using microcontrollers.
EMCH 371 - Materials (3 Credits)
EMCH 377 - Manufacturing (3 Credits)
Basics of: Deformative Manufacturing, Subtractive Manufacturing, Additive Manufacturing, Assembly Processes; Introduction to: Polymers Manufacturing, Composites Manufacturing, Computer-Aided Manufacturing.
Prerequisites: D or better in EMCH 371.
EMCH 380 - Project Management (3 Credits)
Introduction to decision making for engineering projects; Planning methods; Forecasting; Exploratory charts; Team building and leadership; Project scheduling; Project economics.
EMCH 394 - Applied Thermodynamics (3 Credits)
Basics of: Fundamentals of thermodynamics, Thermodynamic properties, Energy and Mass Conservation, Entropy and the Second Law Analysis; Introduction to: Power, Refrigeration, and Heat Pump Cycle Systems for vapor cycles and gas cycles; Application of Thermodynamic concepts to determine changes of enthalpy, entropy, and internal energy related with cycle systems, psychometrics, and combustion process.
EMCH 427 - Design I (3 Credits)
Open-ended design project initiation including: identifying and ranking customer and project needs, benchmarking appropriate design specifications, planning and project management, functional analysis, innovation and concept generation, learning through mockups, concept ranking and concept selection.
Graduation with Leadership Distinction: GLD: Professional and Civic Engagement Internships, GLD: Research
EMCH 428 - Design II (3 Credits)
Open-ended design project continuation including: identifying and performing relevant engineering analyses, parametric design refinement, project life cycle economic analysis, product/prototype construction, testing, and evaluation of the design; Consideration of safety, reliability, sustainability, and social impact.
Prerequisites: D or better in EMCH 427.
Graduation with Leadership Distinction: GLD: Professional and Civic Engagement Internships, GLD: Research
EMCH 441 - Automotive System Fundamentals (3 Credits)
EMCH 460 - Special Problems (1-3 Credits)
Individual investigation or studies of special topics. A maximum of three credits may be applied toward a degree. Advance approval of project proposal by advisor and instructor.
Graduation with Leadership Distinction: GLD: Professional and Civic Engagement Internships, GLD: Research
EMCH 497 - Design of Thermal Systems (3 Credits)
Methodology of design, mathematical modeling of thermal equipment, system simulation, system optimization using digital computer, and investment economics. Requires a semester-long design project. Two lectures and one problem session per week.
Graduation with Leadership Distinction: GLD: Research
EMCH 499 - Fundamentals of Engineering Preparation (1 Credit)
Preparation for the Fundamentals of Engineering Exam. Review general engineering and mechanical engineering-specific areas. Restricted to seniors. May not be used to satisfy program requirements.
EMCH 501 - Engineering Analysis I (3 Credits)
Engineering applications of solution techniques for ordinary and partial differential equations, including Sturm-Liouville theory, special functions, transform techniques, and numerical methods.
Prerequisites: MATH 242.
EMCH 502 - Engineering Analysis II (3 Credits)
Engineering applications of optimization methods, calculus of variations including approximate methods, and probability concepts.
Prerequisites: C or better in MATH 242.
EMCH 507 - Computer-Aided Design (3 Credits)
Solid modeling using commercial computer-aided design (CAD) applications package to reverse engineer-manufactured parts. Analytical curves and surfaces, transformation matrices, assembly modeling, and computer tools for analyzing parts and mechanisms.
EMCH 508 - Finite Element Analysis in Mechanical Engineering (3 Credits)
EMCH 509 - Computer-Aided Manufacturing (3 Credits)
Optimizing computer-controlled machining processes, programmable logic controllers (PLCs), motion control of servomechanisms, CNC machining practices and programming, and robotics.
Prerequisites: D or better in MATH 241.
EMCH 514 - Digital Control Systems (3 Credits)
EMCH 515 - Industrial Control (3 Credits)
EMCH 516 - Control Theory in Mechanical Engineering (3 Credits)
An introduction to closed-loop control systems; development of concepts, including transfer function, feedback, frequency response, and system stability by examples taken from mechanical engineering practice; control system design methods.
EMCH 520 - Technology Planning (3 Credits)
Assessment of technological needs in the organization; coupling research and development to production; selection and evaluation of the technical project/program; technical planning, resource allocation, direction, and control; effective use and development of the engineering staff; the process of and barriers to technological change; technology, values, and policy. Senior or graduate standing.
EMCH 521 - Concurrent Engineering (3 Credits)
A systematic approach to the mechanical design of products, requiring the concurrent design of all related processes.
Prerequisites: EMCH 327.
EMCH 522 - Design for Manufacture and Assembly (3 Credits)
EMCH 527 - Design of Mechanical Systems (3 Credits)
Summary of mechanical design, project management, product liability and the law, intellectual property ethics and professionalism.
Prerequisites: EMCH 327.
EMCH 528 - Product Safety Engineering (3 Credits)
Design considerations and methodologies for products to ensure adequate safeguards for the prevention of accidents, failures, and injuries.
Senior standing.
EMCH 529 - Sustainable Design and Development (3 Credits)
System design and development accomplished with consideration of environmental/ecological, economic, and social constraints. Students will be introduced to sustainable design and accomplish a design project. Senior standing.
EMCH 530 - Introduction to Engineering Optimization (3 Credits)
Mathematical formulation of an optimum design problem, introduction to optimum design concepts and multidisciplinary design optimization. Use of mathematical programming methods for unconstrained and constrained minimization for engineering design optimization.
Prerequisites: C or better in MATH 142, Graduate standing.
EMCH 532 - Intermediate Dynamics (3 Credits)
Kinematics and dynamics of particles and rigid bodies using Newtonian mechanics. Work/energy, impulse/momentum, 3-D motion.
Prerequisites: EMCH 332.
EMCH 535 - Robotics in Mechanical Engineering (3 Credits)
Overview of robotics in practice and research: forward and inverse kinematics, statics and dynamics, trajectory generation, control, vision, and motion planning.
Prerequisites: EMCH 332.
EMCH 544 - Compressible Fluid Flow (3 Credits)
Application of the conservation laws of a compressible fluid to isentropic flows, flow with friction, and flows with heating or cooling. Shock and expansion waves. Nozzle and diffuser design.
Prerequisites: EMCH 354.
EMCH 550 - Introduction to Nuclear Safeguards (3 Credits)
International nuclear non-proliferation programs and activities, proliferation risk assessment, and nuclear materials management and safeguards, including physical protection systems, material accounting and control, monitoring, and regulatory issues.
EMCH 552 - Introduction to Nuclear Engineering (3 Credits)
EMCH 553 - Nuclear Fuel Cycles (3 Credits)
EMCH 554 - Intermediate Heat Transfer (3 Credits)
Radiant heat exchange, combined modes of heat transfer, computer techniques in heat transfer analysis and design, environmental heat transfer.
Prerequisites: EMCH 354.
EMCH 555 - Instrumentation for Nuclear Engineering (3 Credits)
EMCH 555L - Nuclear Instrumentation Laboratory (1 Credit)
EMCH 556 - Introduction to Risk Analysis and Reactor Safety (3 Credits)
An introduction to probabilistic risk assessment (PRA) methods as applied to nuclear power plants but also examples from the chemical industry, aerospace, transportation, and other sectors. Addresses failure and reliability analysis, fault trees, event trees, reactor safety, regulatory practice.
EMCH 557 - Introduction to Radiation Shielding and Sources (3 Credits)
EMCH 558 - Introduction to Nuclear Reactor Systems (3 Credits)
EMCH 560 - Intermediate Fluid Mechanics (3 Credits)
EMCH 561 - Current Topics in Mechanical Engineering (1-3 Credits)
Special topics related to current issues in mechanical engineering. Course content varies and will be announced in the schedule of classes by title.
EMCH 562 - Micro/nanofluidics and Lab-on-a-Chip (3 Credits)
Basic fluid mechanics, capillary, drop and micro/nanoparticle, electrokinetics; micropump, mixer, preconcentrator, electrophoresis, microactuator and particle manipulator; sensors for pressure, velocity, concentration, temperature in environmental monitoring/biodefence, clinical diagnostics, drug discovery/delivery.
Cross-listed course: BMEN 532
EMCH 567 - Bio Nano/Micro Electro-Mechanical Systems (3 Credits)
Fundamentals of nano- and microfabrication, metrology and their applications in biomedical engineering and science. The fabrication covers photolithography, nano/microfabrication for nano/microstructures, etching and additive techniques, MEMS integration and packaging, etc. Metrology focuses on characterization of nanostructures with imaging technologies.
Cross-listed course: BMEN 537
EMCH 571 - Mechanical Behavior of Materials (3 Credits)
Micromechanisms of the deformation and fracture of structural materials; brittle versus ductile behavior; fatigue and creep; strengthening mechanisms; mechanical testing techniques; methods in analysis of mechanical failures.
EMCH 572 - Physical Metallurgy (3 Credits)
Equilibrium and phase relations in metallic systems; kinetics of phase transformations; annealing and precipitation phenomena.
Prerequisites: EMCH 371.
EMCH 573 - Introduction to Nuclear Materials (3 Credits)
EMCH 574 - Vibration and Waves (3 Credits)
Introduction to the concepts of vibration and waves presented in a holistic approach including review of damped simple harmonic oscillator; sound waves; vibration and waves in a taut string; axial vibration and waves in a rod; flexural vibration and waves in a beam.
EMCH 575 - Adaptive Materials and Smart Structures (3 Credits)
EMCH 576 - Fundamentals and Applications of Fuel Cells (3 Credits)
Study of fuel cell principles, fuel cell characterization, characteristics of the major types of fuel cells, fuel cell and stack components, fuel cell stack and system design, fuel cell applications in portable, transportation, and stationary areas, as well as the current status and future research focus of fuel cells. Restricted to: Upper division.
EMCH 577 - Aerospace Structures I (3 Credits)
Static analysis of aerospace structural elements such as bars, beams, columns, plates, and shells. Topics include, but not limited to elasticity theory, simple beam theory, boundary value problems, and structural stability. Upper division or graduate status.
EMCH 578 - Introduction to Aerodynamics (3 Credits)
Fundamentals of aerodynamics, elements of compressible flow, thin airfoil therory, finite wing theory, flow through nozzles diffusers and wind tunnels, normal and oblique shock waves, elements of the methods of characteristics of finite difference solutions for compressible flows, aspects of hypersonic flow.
EMCH 580 - Mechanics of Solid Biomaterials (3 Credits)
Introduction to the mechanical behavior of solid biomaterials. Structure and mechanical properties of tissue including skin, myocardium, and tendon. Mathematical treatment of anisotropic elasticity, nonlinear elasticity, linear and quasi-linear viscoelasticity, muscle activity.
Prerequisites: MATH 242.
EMCH 584 - Advanced Mechanics of Materials (3 Credits)
EMCH 585 - Introduction to Composite Materials (3 Credits)
Introduction to fiber reinforced polymer (FRP) composite materials, manufacturing methods and processes. Micro-Mechanics and properties of orthotropic laminated and woven composites. Analysis of composite structures (Mechanics and Synergistic environmental effects). Structure/property relationships. Characterization of modern composite materials. Design considerations.
EMCH 586 - Experimental Stress Analysis (3 Credits)
Stress analysis utilizing experimental techniques including transmission and scattered light photoelasticity, strain gauges, and brittle coatings. Introduction to modern concepts of coherent optics in stress analysis with emphasis on engineering applications.
EMCH 592 - Introduction to Combustion (3 Credits)
EMCH 594 - Solar Heating (3 Credits)
Solar radiation; review of heat transfer and radiation characteristics of relevant materials; flat plate and focusing collectors; energy storage models for design of solar heating systems; system design by computer simulation; direct conversion by solar cells.