Business Administration (BADM)
BADM 301 - Business Careers in the Global Economy (1 Credit)
Course outlines job search essentials for business careers in a global economy. Business networking, interviewing, and career planning with an international focus will be covered. Completion of lower division business courses.
BADM 305 - Practical AI in Business (3 Credits)
Introduction to contemporary applications of AI and related technology across the core functions of business; introduction to the different functional areas of work organizations.
BADM 399 - Independent Study (1-15 Credits)
Not to include Business Internship. (See BADM 499) Contract approved by instructor, advisor and undergraduate division head is required.
Graduation with Leadership Distinction: GLD: Research
BADM 401 - Planning and Managing a Career in Business (3 Credits)
Course will focus on defining and enhancing life/career goals using leadership assessment, life planning processes, and emotional intelligence discussions, all linked to transition to work.
Prerequisites: C or better in BADM 301.
BADM 499 - Business Internship (1 Credit)
Supervised work experience of at least nine hours per week (for 15 weeks in a semester) or minimum 135 hours total; approved by area program director, to include one class meeting a month and individual consultation. Contract approved by instructor, advisor, and undergraduate division head is required.
Prerequisites: Cumulative GPA of 2.8.
Graduation with Leadership Distinction: GLD: Professional and Civic Engagement Internships