Asian Studies Minor

Minor Requirements (18 Hours)

The minor in Asian Studies requires a minimum of 18 credit hours from the courses listed below or other related courses pre-approved by the director of the program.  It must include courses from at least three groups listed below.  Of the 18 hours, at least 12 must be 300-level or above.  In addition, the student is encouraged to take courses in Chinese or Japanese. One 3-hour 200-level course in Chinese or Japanese can be counted towards the minor.

Group I (History)

Course Title Credits
HIST 357Japan to 1800: Aristocrats and Warriors3
HIST 358Japan since 18003
HIST 354Modern East Asia3
HIST 355Late Imperial China3
HIST 356China Since 19493
HIST 3671947 Partition of India and Pakistan3

Group II (Political Science)

Course Title Credits
POLI 444International Relations in Japan3
POLI 448Politics and Government of China3
POLI 489Politics and Government of Japan3

Group III (Anthropology)

Course Title Credits
ANTH 242Chinese Popular Culture3
ANTH 512Gender Issues in China3

Group IV (Literature, Culture and Film Studies)

Course Title Credits
ARTH 345History of Asian Art3
ARTH 545Special Topics in Modern Chinese Art3
ARTH 546Special Topics in Asian Art3
CHIN 398Selected Topics3
CHIN 550Advanced Special Topics in Chinese Studies3
CHIN 240Chinese Culture, Tradition, and Modern Societies3
CHIN 335Women in China3
CHIN 340Introduction to Premodern Chinese Literature3
CHIN 341Modern Chinese Literature3
CHIN 365Screening China3
JAPA 340Introduction to Japanese Culture and Literature3
JAPA 341Modern Japanese Literature3
JAPA 350Japanese Culture and Society through Film3
JAPA 351Japanese Culture and Society through Theatre3
CPLT 303Great Books of the Eastern World3

 Note: Special topics courses dealing with Asia in departments such as Art History, Anthropology or Religious Studies will be included at the discretion of the Asian Studies faculty.