Comp Sci & Comp Engr (CSCE)
CSCE 101 - Introduction to Computer Concepts (3 Credits)
History, application, and social impact of computers; problem-solving, algorithm development, applications software, and programming in a procedural language.
Carolina Core: ARP
CSCE 102 - General Applications Programming (3 Credits)
Introduction to systematic computer problem-solving and programming for a variety of applications.
Carolina Core: ARP
CSCE 145 - Algorithmic Design I (4 Credits)
CSCE 146 - Algorithmic Design II (4 Credits)
CSCE 190 - Computing in the Modern World (1 Credit)
CSCE 201 - Introduction to Computer Security (3 Credits)
CSCE 205 - Business Applications Programming (3 Credits)
CSCE 207 - UNIX System Administration (3 Credits)
The Unix programming environment: I/O programming, Unix processes, fork, exec, pipes and signals, and tools.
Prerequisites: CSCE 145 or CSCE 106.
CSCE 209 - Special Topics in Computer Programming (1-4 Credits)
Programming and application development using selected programming languages. Course content varies and will be announced in the schedule of classes by title.
CSCE 210 - Computer Hardware Foundations (3 Credits)
CSCE 211 - Digital Logic Design (3 Credits)
Number systems, Boolean algebra, logic design, sequential machines.
Prerequisites: MATH 141.
CSCE 212 - Introduction to Computer Architecture (3 Credits)
CSCE 215 - UNIX/Linux Fundamentals (1 Credit)
UNIX operating system, user-level system commands, and programming tools. UNIX scripting languages.
Prerequisites: C or better in CSCE 145 or CSCE 106 .
CSCE 240 - Advanced Programming Techniques (3 Credits)
CSCE 245 - Object-Oriented Programming Techniques (3 Credits)
Advanced object-oriented concepts and techniques; multiple inheritance; memory management; operator overloading; polymorphism; performance issues.
Prerequisites: C or better in CSCE 146.