Art Studio (ARTS)
ARTS 102 - Design Technology and Concepts (4 Credits)
Fundamental methods of solving visual problems found in the design arts with an emphasis on clarity and immediacy of solutions for a general audience.
ARTS 103 - Fundamentals of Art (4 Credits)
Introduction to visual thinking and principles of two-dimensional design.
Carolina Core: AIU
ARTS 104 - 3-Dimensional Design I (4 Credits)
Introduction to visual thinking and principles of three-dimensional design.
Carolina Core: AIU
Graduation with Leadership Distinction: GLD: Research
ARTS 107 - Color and Composition (3 Credits)
Color, color theory, and compositional systems.
Prerequisites: ARTS 103.
ARTS 111 - Basic Drawing I (3 Credits)
Introduction to the materials and basic techniques of drawing.
ARTS 210 - Introduction to Painting (4 Credits)
An introductory course in the materials and techniques of painting.
Carolina Core: AIU
ARTS 220 - Introduction to Ceramics (4 Credits)
An introduction to the materials and techniques of ceramics through hand-building and throwing on the wheel.
ARTS 235 - Introduction to Fiber Arts (4 Credits)
An introductory course in the materials and processes of fiber arts.
ARTS 241 - Color for Art and Design (4 Credits)
Color theory, systems, and applications in visual art and communications.
Graduation with Leadership Distinction: GLD: Research
ARTS 245 - Typographic Design I (4 Credits)
Fundamental concepts in graphic design with a focus on formal issues, employing fundamental visual communication principles, image development, and traditional and modern relevant digital applications.
Prerequisites: C or better in ARTS 102.
ARTS 246 - Typographic Design II (4 Credits)
Fundamental concepts in typography with a focus on long form text, hierarchy of emphasis, anatomy, pairings and exploration of grid systems using traditional and modern relevant digital applications.
ARTS 260 - Photography for Non-Majors (3 Credits)
Photographic history, theory, and practice with emphasis on developing a personal vision through the use of digital still cameras.
ARTS 330 - Intermediate Drawing I (4 Credits)
Enhancing graphic richness in drawings with intellectual and visual perception as content.
Prerequisites: C or better in ARTS 230.
ARTS 331 - Intermediate Drawing II (4 Credits)
Contemporary cultural stimuli as the content for drawing projects. Emphasis on intellectual and emotive approaches.
Prerequisites: C or better in ARTS 230.
ARTS 512 - Introduction to Watercolor (3 Credits)
Introduction to traditional and experimental transparent watercolor technique. Encompasses field work at off campus locations. Note: This course is repeatable up to 6 credit hours.
ARTS 520 - Ceramics I (6 Credits)
Further development of a personal approach to the ceramic process, supported by an investigation of ceramic history.
Prerequisites: C or better in ARTS 421.