Marine Science, B.S.


Entrance Requirements

New freshmen who meet University admissions standards are eligible for admission to degree programs offered by the college. A student who wishes to enter the College of Arts and Sciences from another college on the Columbia campus must be in good standing and have a cumulative GPA of 2.00 or higher. A student who wishes to enter the College of Arts and Sciences from another USC campus must fulfill one of the following requirements:

  1. Be in good standing, meet the admission requirements for a baccalaureate degree on the Columbia campus, and have a cumulative GPA of 2.00 or higher.
  2. Be in good standing and have completed 30 semester hours with a GPA of 2.00 or higher on a USC campus.

Some programs in the College of Arts and Sciences have special admission requirements established by the department or committee that supervises the specific degree program, for example, Cardiovascular Technology, Biological Sciences, Chemistry, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Economics, Environmental Science, the Bachelor of Arts in Interdisciplinary Studies, and the Bachelor of Science in Interdisciplinary Studies. These requirements are listed in the sections of this bulletin that describe department and special degree programs.

Degree Requirements (128 hours)

Program of Study

Requirements Credit Hours
1. Carolina Core 34-46
2. College Requirements 15-18
3. Program Requirements 28-43
4. Major Requirements 36

Founding Documents Requirement

All undergraduate students must take a 3-credit course or its equivalent with a passing grade in the subject areas of History, Political Science, or African American Studies that covers the founding documents including the United State Constitution, the Declaration of Independence, the Emancipation Proclamation and one or more documents that are foundational to the African American Freedom struggle, and a minimum of five essays from the Federalist papers.  This course may count as a requirement in any part of the program of study including the Carolina Core, the major, minor or cognate, or as a general elective.  Courses that meet this requirement are listed here.

1. Carolina Core Requirements (34-46 hours)

CMW – Effective, Engaged, and Persuasive Communication: Written (6 hours)

must be passed with a grade of C or higher​

ARP – Analytical Reasoning and Problem Solving (8 hours) 

  • MATH 141* Must be passed with a C or higher
  • MATH 142* Must be passed with a D or higher

SCI – Scientific Literacy (8 hours)

must be passed with a grade of C or higher

GFL – Global Citizenship and Multicultural Understanding: Foreign Language  (0-6 hours)

Demonstration of proficiency in one foreign language equivalent to the minimal passing grade on the exit examination in the 122 course is required. Students can demonstrate this proficiency by successfully completing Phase II of the Proficiency Test or by successfully completing the 122 course, including the exit exam administered as part of that course.

​It is strongly recommended that students continuing the study of a foreign language begin college-level study of that language in their first semester and continue in that language until their particular foreign language requirement is completed.

GHS – ​Global Citizenship and Multicultural Understanding: Historical Thinking (3 hours)

GSS – Global Citizenship and Multicultural Understanding: Social Sciences (3 hours) 

AIU – Aesthetic and Interpretive Understanding (3 hours)

CMS – Effective, Engaged, and Persuasive Communication: Spoken Component1 (0-3 hours)

  • any overlay or stand-alone CC-CMS course

INF – Information Literacy1 (0-3 hours)

VSR – Values, Ethics, and Social Responsibility1 (0-3 hours)


Carolina Core Stand Alone or Overlay Eligible Requirements — Overlay-approved courses offer students the option of meeting two Carolina Core components in a single course. A maximum of two overlays is allowed. The total Carolina Core credit hours must add up to a minimum of 31 hours. Some programs may have a higher number of minimum Carolina Core hours due to specified requirements.

2. College Requirements (15-18 hours)

Foreign Language (0-3 hours) 

  • only if needed to meet 122-level proficiency

Analytical Reasoning (6 hours)

must be passed with a grade of C or higher

Course Title Credits
STAT 515Statistical Methods I (*)3
Select one of the following:3
General Applications Programming (*)
or a higher level CSCE course
Ocean Data Analysis
MATLAB-Based Data Analysis in Ocean Sciences
Total Credit Hours6

Note: Courses used to fulfill the College requirements may not also be used to fulfill other degree requirements.

History (3 hours) 

The College of Arts and Sciences requires one additional GHS course beyond the Carolina Core GHS requirement. 

  • If the Carolina Core GHS requirement is fulfilled by a U.S. history course, the College of Arts and Sciences history requirement must be fulfilled by a non-U.S. history course.
  • If the Carolina Core GHS requirement is fulfilled by a non-U.S. history course, the College of Arts and Sciences history requirement must be fulfilled by a U.S. history course. 

Please select the College of Arts and Sciences history requirement from the approved list of U.S. and non-U.S. history courses.

Social Science and Fine Arts or Humanities (6 hours)

  • Social Science (3 hours)
  • Fine Arts/Humanities (3 Hours)

3. Program Requirements (28-43 hours)

Supporting Courses (16 hours)

must be passed with a C or higher

Course Title Credits
Select one of the following: 14
General Physics I
and General Physics Laboratory I (*)
Essentials of Physics I
and Essentials of Physics I Lab (*)
Select one of the following: 24
General Physics II
and General Physics Laboratory II (*)
Essentials of Physics II
and Essentials of Physics II Lab (*)
CHEM 111
General Chemistry I
and General Chemistry I Lab (*)
CHEM 112
General Chemistry II
and General Chemistry II Lab (*)
Total Credit Hours16

Students in the Physical Oceanography concentration must take PHYS 211 & PHYS 211L.


Students in the Physical Oceanography concentration must take PHYS 212 & PHYS 212L.

Cognate or Minor (0-18 hours) 

This major does not require a cognate or minor.

An optional minor may be added to a student’s program of study. A minor is intended to develop a coherent basic preparation in a second area of study. Courses applied toward general education requirements cannot be counted toward the minor. No course may satisfy both major and minor requirements. All minor courses must be passed with a grade of C or higher. At least half of the courses in the minor must be completed in residence at the University. A list of minor programs of study can be found at Programs A-Z. An optional additional major may also be added to a student’s program of study. Additional majors must include all major courses as well as any prescribed courses noted (*) in the bulletin.  Prescribed courses noted in the bulletin may be shared with Carolina Core, College requirements, and Program requirements in the primary program.

A list of minor programs of study can be found at Programs A-Z.

Electives (12-27 hours)

120 (or 128) degree applicable credits are required to complete any degree at USC. After the cognate, minor or second major is complete, any additional credits needed to reach 120 (or 128) total credits can be fulfilled by electives. No courses of a remedial, developmental, skill-acquiring, or vocational nature may apply as credit toward degrees in the College of Arts and Sciences. The College of Arts and Sciences allows the use of the Pass-Fail option on elective courses. Further clarification on inapplicable courses can be obtained from the College of Arts and Sciences.

4. Major Requirements (36 hours)

a minimum grade of C is required in all major courses

Major Courses (13 hours)

Course Title Credits
MSCI 311Biology of Marine Organisms4
MSCI 313The Chemistry of the Sea4
MSCI 314Physical Oceanography4
MSCI 505Senior Seminar1
Required Field Experience 1
Total Credit Hours13

All MSCI majors are required to complete a minimum of 60 hours of marine science field effort. Possibilities include taking the MSCI 460 class, semester or summer internship, REU, semester at sea, faculty-sponsored field research or cruise or field data collection/analysis experience.  Students who opt for an experience other than the MSCI 460 class must submit a petition for an alternative field experience to the Undergraduate Director.  If the alternative is approved, the student must submit a short (2-3 page minimum) report at the completion of the experience to the Undergraduate Director for approval. Upon approval, the Undergraduate Director will notify the Dean’s office of the substitution, and the student’s record will be updated to reflect zero credit hours in MSCI 460 for meeting the field effort requirement. If a student takes the MSCI 460 class (2-credit hours), those credits will be counted towards their 23 major elective credit hours.

Major Electives (23 hours)

Students, in consultation with a faculty advisor, must select 23 hours of major electives. Preferred courses available for major credit are listed below; however, any course which is eligible for cognate credit in the College of Arts and Sciences can potentially be a major course with consent of faculty advisor.  Hours used to fulfill an optional concentration count toward the fulfillment of the 23 hours of major electives, e.g., students selecting Biological Oceanography would fulfill 13 hours of the 23 hours of required major electives. 

Courses Acceptable for Major Credit

Course Title Credits
MSCI courses numbered 300 and above
Independent Study 1
Internship in Marine Science 1
Undergraduate Research 1
Undergraduate Research 1
Undergraduate Research 1
Undergraduate Research 1
Senior Seminar 1
MSCI/GEOG 590Beach-Dune Interactions3
BIOL 301
Ecology and Evolution
and Ecology and Evolution Laboratory
BIOL 302
Cell and Molecular Biology
and Cell and Molecular Biology Laboratory
BIOL 303Fundamental Genetics3
BIOL 450Principles of Biological Oceanography3
BIOL 460
Advanced Human Physiology
and Advanced Human Physiology Laboratory
BIOL 462
Advanced Microbiology
and Advanced Microbiology Laboratory
BIOL 497Undergraduate Seminar in Biological Sciences1
BIOL 505
Developmental Biology
and Developmental Biology Laboratory I
BIOL 534
Animal Behavior
and Animal Behavior Laboratory
BIOL/MSCI 537Aquaculture3
BIOL 541
and Biochemistry Laboratory
BIOL 543
Comparative Physiology
and Comparative Physiology Laboratory
BIOL 545Biochemistry/Molecular Biology I3
BIOL 549Plant Physiology4
BIOL 550
and Bacteriology Laboratory
BIOL/MSCI 552Population Genetics3
BIOL 570
Principles of Ecology
and Principles of Ecology Laboratory
BIOL 599Topics in Biology 11-3
BIOL 630Biology of Birds3
BIOL 640Microbial Ecology3
BIOL 652Evolutionary Biology3
BIOL 654Speciation and the Origin of Biodiversity3
BIOL 6703
BIOL 690Ultramicroscopy3
CHEM 321
Quantitative Analysis
and Quantitative Analysis Laboratory
CHEM 331LEssentials of Organic Chemistry Laboratory I1
CHEM 332LEssentials of Organic Chemistry Laboratory II1
CHEM 333
Organic Chemistry I
and Comprehensive Organic Chemistry Laboratory I
CHEM 334
Organic Chemistry II
and Comprehensive Organic Chemistry Laboratory II
CHEM 511Inorganic Chemistry3
CHEM 541
Physical Chemistry
and Physical Chemistry Laboratory 1
CHEM 542
Physical Chemistry
and Physical Chemistry Laboratory
CHEM 621Instrumental Analysis3
CSCE 561Numerical Analysis3
ECIV 360Fluid Mechanics3
ECON 548Environmental Economics3
ENHS 665Biofilms in Environmental Health and Disease3
ENVR 231Introduction to Sustainability Management and Leadership3-4
ENVR 548Environmental Economics3
ENVR 571Conservation Biology3
ENVR 572Freshwater Ecology3
ENVR 480Capstone Seminar in Environmental Science and Environmental Studies3
GEOG 263Geographic Information Systems3
GEOG 341Cartography3
GEOG 345Introduction to Remote Sensing3
GEOG 365Hurricanes and Tropical Climatology3
GEOG 510Special Topics in Geographic Research3
GEOG 516Coastal Zone Management3
GEOG 541Advanced Cartography3
GEOG 545Weather Analysis and Forecasting4
GEOG 546Applied Climatology4
GEOG 551Remote Sensing of the Environment3
GEOG 554Spatial Programming3
GEOG 563Advanced Geographic Information Systems3
GEOG 564GIS-Based Modeling3
GEOL 305Earth Systems through Time4
GEOL 315Surface and Near Surface Processes4
GEOL 325Stratigraphy and Sedimentary Basins4
GEOL 335Processes of Global Environmental Change4
GEOL 345Igneous and Metamorphic Processes4
GEOL 355Structural Geology and Tectonics4
GEOL 371A View of the River3
GEOL 500Field Geology4-6
GEOL 503Regional Stratigraphy and Biostratigraphy of North America3
GEOL 516Sedimentology4
GEOL 541Earth Science for Teachers II3
GEOL 545Geological Oceanography3
GEOL 546Marine Geophysics3
GEOL 555Elementary Seismology3
GEOL 570Environmental Hydrogeology3
JOUR 507Health Communication: The Science and Practice3
MATH 241Vector Calculus3
MATH 242Elementary Differential Equations3
MATH 344Applied Linear Algebra3
MATH 344LApplied Linear Algebra Lab1
MATH 520Ordinary Differential Equations3
MATH 521Boundary Value Problems and Partial Differential Equations3
MATH 526Numerical Linear Algebra4
MATH 527Numerical Analysis3
MATH 544Linear Algebra3
NAVY 301
Navigation/Naval Operations I
and Navigation/Naval Operations Lab I
NAVY 302
Navigation/Naval Operations II
and Navigation/Naval Operations II Lab
PHYS 311Introduction to Applied Numerical Methods3
PHYS 515Mathematical Physics I3
PHYS 516Mathematical Physics II3
POLI 370Introduction to Public Administration3
POLI 399AIndependent Study in Political Science1-6
POLI 399BIndependent Study in International Studies1-6
POLI 420International Law3
POLI 431Science, Technology, and Public Policy3
POLI 477Green Politics3
SCHC 390-SCHC 398 1
SCHC 499HNRS: Senior Thesis/Project 11-15
SOCY 310Social Demography3
SOCY 315Global Population Issues3
STAT 506Introduction to Experimental Design3
STAT 511Probability3
STAT 512Mathematical Statistics3
STAT 513Theory of Statistical Inference3
STAT 516Statistical Methods II3
STAT 518Nonparametric Statistical Methods3

A maximum of 10 hours of independent study, seminar, and undergraduate research courses may count in the 23 hours of major electives required for the Marine Science major. 

Note: Credit for a degree will not be given for both CHEM 340 and CHEM 541.

Concentrations (12-15 hours)

Students may elect to have a Concentration specified directly on their academic transcript upon graduation from the Marine Science Program. In order to earn a Concentration certification, students must take the following courses, with an additional course(s) to be decided upon by the student and his or her Faculty Advisor. These courses may also be included in the 36 major credit hours required for graduation.

Biological Oceanography (13 hours minimum)

Course Title Credits
BIOL 301
Ecology and Evolution
and Ecology and Evolution Laboratory (Lab not required)
BIOL 302Cell and Molecular Biology (Lab not required) 13
or BIOL 302L Cell and Molecular Biology Laboratory
or BIOL 303 Fundamental Genetics
Select two additional courses (six hours minimum) from the following list of marine biology, ecology, biology courses or similar courses as approved by advisor:6
The Deep Sea
Principles of Biological Oceanography
Environmental Microbiology
Invertebrate Zoology
Marine Plants
Fishery Management
Behavior of Marine Organisms
Population Genetics
Marine Conservation Biology
Marine Ecology
Marine Fisheries Ecology
Ecology of Coral Reefs
Marine Phytoplankton
Undergraduate Research (if biology oriented)
Undergraduate Research (if biology oriented)
Undergraduate Research (if biology oriented)
Undergraduate Research (if biology oriented)
Topics in Marine Science (if biology oriented)
Ecosystem Analysis
Physiological and Pollution Ecology of Marine Organisms
Cell and Molecular Biology 2
Fundamental Genetics
Plant Ecology
Advanced Human Physiology (Lab not required)
Advanced Human Physiology Laboratory
Advanced Microbiology
Developmental Biology (Lab not required)
Developmental Biology Laboratory I
Animal Behavior (Lab not required)
Animal Behavior Laboratory
Comparative Physiology (Lab not required)
Comparative Physiology Laboratory
Plant Physiology
Bacteriology (Lab not required)
Bacteriology Laboratory
Principles of Ecology (Lab not required)
Principles of Ecology Laboratory
Microbial Ecology
Evolutionary Biology
Total Credit Hours13

CHEM 333 is a prerequisite for BIOL 302 and is recommended for those intending to complete postgraduate work in this area of emphasis.


BIOL 302L is optional.

Chemical Oceanography (13 hours)

Course Title Credits
CHEM 321Quantitative Analysis3
CHEM 321LQuantitative Analysis Laboratory1
CHEM 333Organic Chemistry I (Lab not required)3
or CHEM 333L Comprehensive Organic Chemistry Laboratory I
CHEM 334Organic Chemistry II (Lab not required)3
or CHEM 334L Comprehensive Organic Chemistry Laboratory II
One more Chemical Oceanography course at the 400-level or above3
Total Credit Hours13

Coastal Resource Management & Marine Policy (12 hours)

Course Title Credits
MSCI 390Policy and Marine Science3
GEOG 516Coastal Zone Management3
ENVR 548Environmental Economics 13
One more Coastal Resource Management & Marine Policy course at the 400-level or above3
Total Credit Hours12

ENVR 548 requires a prerequisite of ECON 221 and ECON 222 or ECON 224.

Geological Oceanography (15 hours)

Course Title Credits
GEOL 302Rocks and Minerals4
GEOL 305Earth Systems through Time4
or GEOL 335 Processes of Global Environmental Change
GEOL 315Surface and Near Surface Processes4
or GEOL 325 Stratigraphy and Sedimentary Basins
One more Geological Oceanography course at the 300-level or above3
Total Credit Hours15

Physical Oceanography (12 hours)

Course Title Credits
MATH 241Vector Calculus3
MATH 242Elementary Differential Equations3
Select two of the following: 16
MATLAB-Based Data Analysis in Ocean Sciences
Coastal Processes
Air-Sea Interaction
Satellite Oceanography
Estuarine Oceanography
Marine Hydrodynamics
Total Credit Hours12

Courses are taught alternate years. Please check teaching schedule.


Students in the Physical Oceanography concentration must take PHYS 211 & PHYS 211L and PHYS 212 & PHYS 212L

Major Map

A major map is a layout of required courses in a given program of study, including critical courses and suggested course sequences to ensure a clear path to graduation.

Major maps are only a suggested or recommended sequence of courses required in a program of study. Please contact your academic advisor for assistance in the application of specific coursework to a program of study and course selection and planning for upcoming semesters. 

Marine Science, B.S. No Concentration

Marine Science, B.S. Biological Oceanography Concentration

Marine Science, B.S. Chemical Oceanography Concentration

Marine Science, B.S. Coastal Resource Mgmt. & Marine Affairs Concentration

Marine Science, B.S. Geological Oceanography Concentration

Marine Science, B.S.  Physical Oceanography Concentration