Family Nurse Practitioner, M.S.N.


The FNP, MSN program offers one entry point for students:

B.S.N. entry - a student must hold a Bachelor of Science in nursing degree from a program that is nationally accredited.

Requirements for Earning the M.S.N. Degree Include the Following

  1. Completion of an approved program of study;
  2. Completion of an applied research course, NURS 791 (3), or a thesis, NURS 799 (6);
  3. A GPA of 3.00 (on a 4.00 scale) on all courses attempted for graduate credit and all courses numbered 700 and above;
  4. A GPA of 3.00 (on a 4.00 scale) on all courses on the approved program of study;
  5. Passing a comprehensive assessment during the last semester of the program.  

Course Requirements (48-51 Hours)

Course Title Credits
NURS 700Theoretical and Conceptual Foundation for Nursing3
NURS 720Clinical Application of Population Analysis3
NURS 717Application of Basic Statistics for Nursing Practice & Service Management3
NURS 790Research Methods for Nursing3
NURS 791Seminar in Clinical Nursing Research3-6
or NURS 799 Thesis Preparation
NURS 702Pharmacologic Mgmt in Pediatric, Adult, & Gerontological Patients Across Hlthcare Delivery Continuum3
NURS 704Advanced Health Assessment and Diagnostic Reasoning 13
NURS 707Advanced Pathophysiology for Nurses3
NURS 718Diagnostic Interpretation and Therapeutic Modalities3
NURS 756Advanced Primary Care of Children for the FNP2
NURS 757Primary Care of Women for Advanced Nursing 12
NURS 758Acute Problems in Primary Care for the FNP 26
NURS 759Management of Common Chronic Health Problems for the FNP 1,26
NURS 760Family Nurse Practitioner Legal, Ethical, and Role Transition2
NURS 760AFamily Nurse Practitioner Role Practicum 23
Total Credit Hours48-51

Indicates course on-campus immersion.


Indicates courses with practicum hours.