School of Visual Art and Design


Applicants for a graduate degree in the School of Visual Art and Design must have a baccalaureate degree from an approved and accredited college or university and meet all requirements for admission to both The Graduate School and the School of Visual Art and Design.

Applications deadlines are as follows:

  • Studio Art (MFA and MA): January 15
  • Art History (MA): March 1
  • Media Arts (MA): March 1
  • Art Education (MA, IMA, MAT): March 1 for fall admission and November 1 for spring admission.

Applications Requirements

Requirements that are common to all programs are listed first, followed by program-specific items. Please be sure to fulfill all appropriate requirements.

For all programs:

  1. completion of an online Graduate School application;
  2. official transcripts from all institutions attended, including proof of baccalaureate degree from an accredited institution;
  3. two letters of recommendation (at least one from a professor);
  4. submission by applicants whose native language is not English of a satisfactory score on the TOEFL or the IELTS Intl. Academic Course Type 2 exam; or Pearson Test of English (Academic). The minimum acceptable score on the TOEFL is 80 (computer-based) or 550 (paper-based); the minimum acceptable overall band score on the IELTS Intl. Academic Course Type 2 exam is 6.5; and the minimum Pearson Score is 59;
  5. measles immunization form (if born after December 1956).


ARTE 520  - Art for Elementary Schools  (3 Credits)  
Methods of teaching art to elementary and preschool children. Major emphasis will be given to relevant studio experiences.
ARTE 525  - Elementary Methods for K-12 Art Certification  (3 Credits)  
Curriculum, methods, and materials for teaching art to elementary and preschool children.
ARTE 525P  - Elementary Methods for K-12 Art Certification Practicum  (1 Credit)  
Experiential practice and learning in elementary schools.
Corequisite: ARTE 525.
ARTE 530  - Art of Children  (3 Credits)  
A study of historical and contemporary theories of child art. Students will also engage in field experiences with children and adolescents to observe and evaluate the significance of art making in young people's lives.
ARTE 540  - The School Art Program  (3 Credits)  
An introduction to art education as a profession. The history, curricular development, and current issues are examined. Students practice proven teaching techniques.
Prerequisites: ARTE 520.
ARTE 540P  - Practicum in Art Education  (1 Credit)  
A sequence of supervised practicum experiences in middle and secondary school art education settings. Seminars and group discussions.
Corequisite: ARTE 540.
ARTE 550  - Incorporating Digital Media in Art Education  (3 Credits)  
Applications of media literacy theories and current digital media platforms for K-12 art classrooms.
ARTE 560  - Secondary Methods for K-12 Art Certification  (3 Credits)  
Curriculum, methods, and materials for teaching art to secondary school students.
Corequisite: ARTE 560P.
ARTE 560P  - Secondary Methods for K-12 Art Certification Practicum  (1 Credit)  
Curriculum, methods, and materials for teaching art to secondary school students. Note: ARTE 560 and ARTE 560P cannot be taken simultaneously with ARTE 540 and 540P.
Prerequisites: C or better in ARTE 525 and ARTE 525P.
Corequisite: C or better in ARTE 560.
ARTE 565  - Field Experience Seminar  (3 Credits)  
Corequisite: EDSE 471.
ARTE 595  - Art Education Workshop  (1-6 Credits)  
A workshop especially for teachers and prospective teachers, featuring practical art experiences and projects for elementary and secondary school. Topic varies by title.
ARTE 701  - Seminar in Art Education  (3 Credits)  
Research methods used in art education and related areas.
ARTE 702  - Problems in the Teaching of Art  (3 Credits)  
Problems in teaching a discipline-based approach to art education; examination of the lives and works of famous artists and production of teaching materials.
ARTE 703  - Issues and Trends in Art Education  (3 Credits)  
Subject-centered approach to art history; the interrelationship of art and society, and the significance of art in social change.
ARTE 705  - Program Development in Art  (3 Credits)  
Comprehensive studies of curriculum designs and methods, methods and technologies from modernist to postmodernist assumptions in elementary and high school art education programs.
ARTE 725  - Elementary Pedagogy Methods for Art Instruction  (3 Credits)  
Art methods for elementary schools.
Corequisite: ARTE 725P.
ARTE 725P  - Elementary Pedagogy Methods for Art Instruction Practicum  (1 Credit)  
Art methods for elementary schools practicum.
Corequisite: ARTE 725.
ARTE 740  - Art Program for Schools  (3 Credits)  
An introduction to the art education profession. Curriculum development and current issues are examined.
Prerequisites: ARTE 725 and ARTE 725P.
Corequisite: ARTE 741.
ARTE 740P  - Art Program for Schools Practicum  (1 Credit)  
An introduction to the art education profession through practical experience.
Prerequisites: ARTE 725 and ARTE 725P.
Corequisite: ARTE 740.
ARTE 750  - Interactive Technology for Art Teachers  (3 Credits)  
Interactive technology in art programs using the computer as a creative tool in art education.
ARTE 760  - Secondary Pedagogy Methods for Art Instruction  (3 Credits)  
Secondary methods of art instruction.
Corequisite: ARTE 760P.
ARTE 760P  - Secondary Pedagogy Methods for Art Instruction Practicum  (1 Credit)  
Practical experience in secondary methods of art instruction.
Corequisite: ARTE 760P.
ARTE 765  - Art Education Internship Seminar  (3 Credits)  
Seminar for art education internship. Students will be guided through practical field experience and the ADEPT evaluation system.
Corequisite: ARTE 771.
ARTE 771  - Art Education Internship  (12 Credits)  
Internship in art education.
ARTE 790  - Problems in Art Education  (3 Credits)  
May be repeated up to a maximum of nine hours.
ARTE 799  - Thesis Preparation  (1-9 Credits)  
ARTH 501  - Methodologies of Art History  (3 Credits)  
A seminar for art history majors and graduate students in the history and various methodologies of the discipline.
ARTH 503  - Internship in Art History  (1-6 Credits)  
Supervised experience in the field of art history, including museums, galleries, art dealers and auction houses. Requires a university internship contract and is subject to approval by advisor. May be repeated.
Graduation with Leadership Distinction: GLD: Professional and Civic Engagement Internships
ARTH 511  - Etruscan Art and Archaeology  (3 Credits)  
Seminar in the art and civilization of the pre-Roman Etruscan peoples of Italy. Slide lectures, discussion sessions, and some examination of archaeological field methods and pottery classification.
ARTH 514  - Topics in Ancient Art  (3 Credits)  
Topic varies by title.
ARTH 519  - Topics in Medieval Art  (3 Credits)  
Topic varies by title.
ARTH 520  - History of Renaissance Painting  (3 Credits)  
An analysis of the paintings and painters of importance during the period of the Renaissance in Europe.
ARTH 521  - History of Renaissance Sculpture  (3 Credits)  
A survey of the major developments in the art of sculpture associated with the European Renaissance.
ARTH 522  - History of Renaissance Architecture  (3 Credits)  
European architecture and architectural theory during the 15th and 16th centuries.
ARTH 523  - Florentine Art  (3 Credits)  
The artistic development of Florence from the age of Giotto to that of Michelangelo as seen in the context of social and cultural developments.
ARTH 524  - Topics in Renaissance Art  (3 Credits)  
Topic varies by title.
ARTH 525  - History of Baroque Painting  (3 Credits)  
17th-century European painting.
Prerequisites: ARTH 106 or ARTH 325 or ARTH 326.
ARTH 526  - History of Baroque Sculpture  (3 Credits)  
17th and 18th-century European sculpture.
Prerequisites: ARTH 106 or ARTH 325 or ARTH 326.
ARTH 527  - History of Baroque Architecture  (3 Credits)  
The architecture of Europe in the 17th century with special attention to the major architects of Italy, France, Germany, and England. Topics to be included are: the church, the palace, the garden, and city planning.
Prerequisites: ARTH 106 or ARTH 325 or ARTH 326.
ARTH 529  - Topics in 18th-Century Art  (3 Credits)  
Topic varies by title.
Prerequisites: ARTH 106 or ARTH 327.
ARTH 534  - Topics in 19th-Century Art  (3 Credits)  
Topic varies by title.
Prerequisites: ARTH 106 or ARTH 330.
ARTH 535  - History of Modern Painting  (3 Credits)  
A detailed examination of 20th century painting.
ARTH 536  - History of Modern Sculpture  (3 Credits)  
The development of sculpture in the 19th and 20th centuries with special attention to contemporary tendencies.
ARTH 537  - Topics in Modern Architecture  (3 Credits)  
Topic varies by title.
Prerequisites: ARTH 106 or ARTH 337.
ARTH 539  - Topics in Modern Art  (3 Credits)  
Topic varies by title.
ARTH 540  - History of American Painting  (3 Credits)  
Important aspects of American painting with emphasis on the 19th and 20th centuries.
ARTH 542  - History of American Architecture  (3 Credits)  
A consideration of the evolution of architecture in America including aspects of town and city planning.
Experiential Learning: Experiential Learning Opportunity
ARTH 543  - The History of American Antiques and Decorative Arts  (3 Credits)  
A survey of our material culture concentrating upon the evolution of styles.
ARTH 544  - Topics in American Art  (3 Credits)  
Topic varies by title.
ARTH 545  - Special Topics in Modern Chinese Art  (3 Credits)  
Topics in modern Chinese art selected for specialized study. May be repeated as content varies by title.
ARTH 546  - Special Topics in Asian Art  (3 Credits)  
Topics in Asian art selected for specialized study. May be repeated as content varies by title.
ARTH 549  - Topics in Non-Western Art  (3 Credits)  
Topic varies by title.
ARTH 550  - Trends in Art History  (3 Credits)  
A critical examination of the development of the discipline of art history and an analysis of its major trends and theoretical positions.
ARTH 551  - Special Topics in Film and Media Studies  (3 Credits)  
Intensive study of a specific topic in film and media studies. May be repeated as content varies by title.
Prerequisites: FAMS 240.
Cross-listed course: FAMS 511, MART 591
ARTH 557  - History of Printmaking  (3 Credits)  
Technical, aesthetical, and historical study of the development of printmaking.
ARTH 560  - Museology I  (3 Credits)  
The history and theory of museums and an introduction to museum practices in the setting of a multi-disciplinary institution. Practical experience provided through the various units of the University Museums.
ARTH 561  - Museology II  (3 Credits)  
Museum practices emphasizing the conservation, installation, and interpretation of the object in the context of an art museum. Practical experience provided through the Columbia Museum of Art.
ARTH 562  - Art Conservation  (3 Credits)  
History, theory, practices, ethics, and procedures of modern art conservation. Practical experience provided through the South Carolina Institute of Archaeology and Anthropology.
ARTH 569  - Special Topics in Film and Media Histories  (3 Credits)  
Intensive study of a specific topic in film and media history. May be repeated as content varies by title.
Prerequisites: C or better in FAMS 300.
Cross-listed course: FAMS 510, MART 592
ARTH 590  - Topics in Art History  (3 Credits)  
Topic varies by title.
Prerequisites: ARTH 105 or ARTH 106 or any ARTH 300.
ARTH 599  - Independent Study  (1-6 Credits)  
Independent study for advanced undergraduate majors and graduate students in art history. Approved independent study contract required for enrollment. May be repeated, but no more than 12 credits of Independent Study may be applied to the degree.
ARTH 701  - Methodologies and Practices of Art History  (3 Credits)  
Critical study of the discipline of art history and scholarly approaches to practices of the discipline.
ARTH 720  - Problems in Renaissance Art  (3 Credits)  
ARTH 725  - Problems in Baroque and Rococo Art  (3 Credits)  
Prerequisite: A course in baroque or 18th-century art.
ARTH 730  - Problems in 19th-Century Art  (3 Credits)  
ARTH 735  - Problems in 20th-Century Art  (3 Credits)  
ARTH 737  - Contemporary Trends in Visual Arts  (3 Credits)  
A history of art seminar focusing on contemporary trends in the visual arts.
ARTH 739  - Special Topics: Problems in Modern Art  (3 Credits)  
Selected problems in the visual arts from c.1780 to the present. May be repeated as content varies by title.
ARTH 745  - Special Topics - Problem in Modern Chinese Art  (3 Credits)  
Selected problems in modern Chinese art. May be repeated as content varies by title.
ARTH 746  - Special Topics: Problems in Asian Art  (3 Credits)  
Selected problems in Asian art. May be repeated as content varies by title.
ARTH 769  - Problems in Film History  (3 Credits)  
Topic varies with title.
Prerequisites: FAMS 240, or MART 270, or ENGL 565, or ENGL 566, or THEA 580.
ARTH 790  - Problems in Art History  (3 Credits)  
ARTH 798  - Master's Project Planning  (1-9 Credits)  
Independent final project in art history.
ARTH 799  - Thesis Preparation  (1-9 Credits)  
ARTS 500  - Visual Meaning  (4 Credits)  
The analysis, structuring, and production of individual works of art using traditional and non-traditional approaches.
ARTS 501  - Art Business  (3 Credits)  
Business practices for the studio artist. Contracts, portfolio preparation, promotion, alternate professions, museums, galleries, copyright, and shipping will be discussed.
ARTS 510  - Painting I  (6 Credits)  
BFA Painting Capstone course stressing focus on further development of individual approaches to painting culminating in a cohesive body of work and a written thesis defense.
Prerequisites: ARTS 210, ARTS 211, ARTS 310, and ARTS 311.
ARTS 511  - Painting II  (6 Credits)  
BFA Painting Capstone course focusing on further development of individual approaches to painting culminating in a BFA Senior Thesis Exhibition and defense.
Prerequisites: ARTS 510.
ARTS 512  - Introduction to Watercolor  (3 Credits)  
Introduction to traditional and experimental transparent watercolor technique. Encompasses field work at off campus locations. Note: This course is repeatable up to 6 credit hours.
ARTS 513  - Advanced Watercolor  (3 Credits)  
Advanced study of watercolor and water-based media with emphasis on individual creative expression. Encompasses field work at off campus locations.
ARTS 514  - Workshop: Painting  (4 Credits)  
Advanced study in various painting problems, content varies by title.
ARTS 515  - Printmaking I  (3 Credits)  
Further development of individual approaches to printmaking.
Prerequisites: ARTS 416.
ARTS 517  - Capstone Printmaking II: Exhibition  (3-6 Credits)  
Preparing for an exhibition.
Prerequisites: ARTS 215 and one ARTS 300 - ARTS 400 level print course.
ARTS 519  - Workshop: Printmaking  (3 Credits)  
Advanced investigation and analysis of various printmaking techniques. Topic varies by title.
ARTS 520  - Ceramics I  (6 Credits)  
Further development of a personal approach to the ceramic process, supported by an investigation of ceramic history.
Prerequisites: C or better in ARTS 421.
ARTS 521  - Ceramics II  (6 Credits)  
Further development of a personal approach to the ceramic process, supported by an investigation of ceramic history.
Prerequisites: C or better in ARTS 520.
ARTS 524  - Workshop: Ceramics  (3 Credits)  
Advanced investigation and analysis of problems and methods in ceramics. Topics vary by title.
ARTS 525  - Sculpture I  (3-6 Credits)  
Personal concepts and expressions in various three-dimensional media.
Prerequisites: C or Better in ARTS 425 or ARTS 426.
ARTS 526  - Sculpture II  (3-6 Credits)  
Personal concepts and expressions in various three-dimensional media.
Prerequisites: C or better in ARTS 425 or ARTS 426.
ARTS 529  - Workshop: Sculpture  (3 Credits)  
Investigation and analysis of various three-dimensional concepts, processes, and techniques. Content varies by title.
ARTS 530  - Drawing Capstone I  (3-6 Credits)  
Further development of individual approaches to drawing with emphasis on intellectual and visual perception as content.
Prerequisites: ARTS 431.
ARTS 531  - Drawing Capstone II  (6 Credits)  
Further development of individual drawing with emphasis on intellectual and emotive approaches.
Prerequisites: ARTS 530.
ARTS 532  - Advanced Life Drawing  (3 Credits)  
Human anatomy and instruction in drawing and painting the model from life in a variety of media.
Prerequisites: ARTS 232 or ARTS 233.
ARTS 535  - Fiber Arts I  (3 Credits)  
Advanced study in the processes and materials of fiber arts.
Prerequisites: ARTS 436.
ARTS 536  - Fiber Arts II  (3 Credits)  
Advanced study in the processes and materials of fiber arts.
Prerequisites: ARTS 535.
ARTS 537  - Papermaking  (3 Credits)  
The art and techniques of handmade paper.
ARTS 539  - Workshop: Fiber Arts  (3 Credits)  
Advanced study in various technical aspects of fiber arts. Topic varies by title.
ARTS 545  - Internship in Graphic Design  (3-9 Credits)  
Experiential course focused on relevant work experience within the business of graphic design, visual communication, and/or illustration. Students are required to obtain and complete an internship, then reflect on the experience. Graduation with Leadership Distinction: Professional and Civic Engagement.
Prerequisites: C or better in ARTS 246.
Graduation with Leadership Distinction: GLD: Professional and Civic Engagement Internships
ARTS 546  - Advanced Process and Systems  (3 Credits)  
Advanced design course in the development of a range of self-directed content and emphasizing creation of cohesive messaging systems that cover a wide range of media. Creation of identity systems that are based on research and appropriate to content, context, and audience. Media may span environmental, motion, print, web, and packaging.
Prerequisites: C or better in ARTS 346.
ARTS 547  - Advanced Interaction Design  (3 Credits)  
Advanced investigation and practice of user interface and user experience design for digital products as a contemporary fine art and communication medium.
Prerequisites: C or better in ARTS 345.
ARTS 555  - Jewelry and Metalsmithing I  (4 Credits)  
The development of individual directions in jewelry and metalsmithing.
Prerequisites: C or better in ARTS 455 or ARTS 456.
ARTS 556  - Jewelry and Metalsmithing II  (3 Credits)  
The development of individual directions in jewelry and metalsmithing.
Prerequisites: C or better in ARTS 555.
ARTS 558  - Crafts  (3 Credits)  
Contemporary applications of traditional craft media, emphasizing the design and conceptual development of works of art.
ARTS 559  - Workshop: Jewelry and Metalsmithing  (4 Credits)  
Advanced study in various technical aspects of jewelry and metalsmithing.
ARTS 560  - Photography Thesis: Portfolio  (6 Credits)  
Further development of individual approaches to photography.
ARTS 561  - Photography Thesis: Exhibition  (6 Credits)  
Further development of individual approaches to photography.
ARTS 564  - Workshop: Photography  (4 Credits)  
Advanced investigation and analysis of problems in photography. Topic varies by title.
ARTS 570  - Special Topics in Graphic Design  (4 Credits)  
Specialized investigation into relevant current trends in graphic design.
Prerequisites: C or better in ARTS 246.
ARTS 590  - Video Art: Theory and Practice  (3 Credits)  
Television as a medium; small format video systems are used in the creation of individual projects.
ARTS 595  - Independent Study  (3 Credits)  
Independent study for advanced undergraduate majors and graduate students in art studio. Approved independent study contract required for enrollment.
ARTS 710  - Painting  (3 Credits)  
A multi-level graduate painting class focusing on field work and studio practice through both individiaul tutorial and group exercises with a painting area faculty member. May be repeated up to a maximum of 15 hours.
ARTS 715  - Printmaking  (3 Credits)  
May be repeated up to a maximum of 15 hours.
ARTS 720  - Ceramics  (3 Credits)  
May be repeated up to a maximum of 15 hours.
ARTS 725  - Three-Dimensional Studies  (3 Credits)  
May be repeated up to a maximum of 15 hours.
ARTS 730  - Drawing  (3 Credits)  
May be repeated up to a maximum of 15 hours.
ARTS 735  - Fiber Arts  (3 Credits)  
May be repeated up to a maximum of 15 hours.
ARTS 760  - Photography  (3 Credits)  
May be repeated up to a maximum of 15 hours.
Prerequisites: ARTS 561.
ARTS 790  - Special Topics in Art  (3 Credits)  
Individually directed studies in art. Content varies with instructor. May be repeated up to a maximum of 9 hours.
ARTS 795  - Independent Study  (3 Credits)  
Independent study for advanced graduate students in art studio. Approved independent study contract required for enrollment.
ARTS 799  - Thesis Preparation  (1-9 Credits)  
May be repeated up to a maximum of 18 hours.
Prerequisites: MFA degree candidate status.
ARTS 810  - Painting  (3 Credits)  
A multi-level graduate level painting class that includes both group seminar and individual tutorial under the direction of a painting area faculty member. The course will address student’s individual initiatives in context of issues in the medium. May be repeated up to a maximum of 18 hours.
Prerequisites: MFA degree candidate status.
ARTS 815  - Printmaking  (3 Credits)  
May be repeated up to a maximum of 18 hours.
Prerequisites: MFA degree candidate status.
ARTS 820  - Ceramics  (3 Credits)  
May be repeated up to a maximum of 18 hours.
Prerequisites: MFA degree candidate status.
ARTS 825  - Three-Dimensional Studies  (3 Credits)  
May be repeated up to a maximum of 18 hours.
Prerequisites: MFA degree candidate status.
ARTS 830  - Drawing  (3 Credits)  
May be repeated up to a maximum of 18 hours.
Prerequisites: MFA degree candidate status.
ARTS 835  - Fiber Arts  (3 Credits)  
May be repeated up to a maximum of 18 hours.
Prerequisites: MFA degree candidate status.
ARTS 860  - Photography  (3 Credits)  
May be repeated up to a maximum of 15 hours.
Prerequisites: MFA degree candidate status.
ARTS 890  - Special Topics in Art  (3 Credits)  
May be repeated up to a maximum of 9 hours.
Prerequisites: MFA degree candidate status.
ARTS 896  - Project  (3 Credits)  
Formulation of a proposal for a creative terminal project and initiation of that project.
Prerequisites: MFA degree candidate status.
ARTS 897  - Project  (3-6 Credits)  
Creation of creative terminal project.
Prerequisites: ARTS 896 and MFA degree candidate status.
MART 521A  - Media Writing Advanced: Screenwriting  (3 Credits)  
Advanced study of screenwriting.
Prerequisites: MART 321.
MART 521B  - Media Writing Advanced: Feature Film  (3 Credits)  
Advanced study of feature film writing.
Prerequisites: MART 321.
MART 521C  - Media Writing Advanced: Manga and Anime  (3 Credits)  
Advanced study of Manga and Anime.
Prerequisites: MART 321.
MART 521D  - Media Writing Advanced: Television Writing  (3 Credits)  
Advanced study of television writing.
Prerequisites: MART 321.
MART 541  - Sound Design Advanced: Sound for Motion Picture  (3 Credits)  
Sound production for motion picture.
Prerequisites: C or better in MART 341.
MART 571A  - Moving Image Advanced: Narrative  (3 Credits)  
Narrative for motion picture.
Prerequisites: MART 371.
MART 571B  - Moving Image Advanced: Documentary  (3 Credits)  
Documentary production.
Prerequisites: MART 371.
MART 571C  - Moving Image Advanced: Animation  (3 Credits)  
Animation production.
Prerequisites: C or better in MART 262.
MART 571D  - Moving Image Advanced: Experimental  (3 Credits)  
Experimental motion picture production.
Prerequisites: MART 371.
MART 571E  - Moving Image Advanced: Cinematography  (3 Credits)  
Motion picture cinematography.
Prerequisites: MART 371.
MART 581A  - New Media Advanced: Site-based and Installation Art  (3 Credits)  
Art and practice of site-based and installation art.
Prerequisites: MART 380.
MART 581B  - New Media Advanced: Mobile Platforms  (3 Credits)  
Art and practice of mobile platforms.
Prerequisites: MART 380.
MART 581C  - New Media Advanced: Media Performance  (3 Credits)  
Art and practice of media performance.
Prerequisites: MART 380.
MART 581D  - New Media Advanced: Video Game Design  (3 Credits)  
Art and practice of video game design.
Prerequisites: MART 380.
MART 581E  - New Media Advanced: Sound Art  (3 Credits)  
Art and practice of sound art.
Prerequisites: C or better in MART 341 or equivalent.
MART 590  - Special Topics in Media Arts  (3 Credits)  
Selected topics in media arts. Course content varies and will be announced in the schedule of classes by title.
MART 591  - Special Topics in Film and Media Studies  (3 Credits)  
Intensive study of a specific topic in film and media studies. May be repeated as content varies by title.
Prerequisites: FAMS 240.
Cross-listed course: ARTH 551, FAMS 511
MART 592  - Special Topics in Film and Media Histories  (3 Credits)  
Intensive study of a specific topic in film and media history. May be repeated as content varies by title.
Prerequisites: C or better in FAMS 300.
Cross-listed course: ARTH 569, FAMS 510
MART 593  - Special Topics in U.S. Film and Media  (3 Credits)  
Intensive study of a specific topic in U.S. film and media studies. May be repeated as content varies by title.
Prerequisites: FAMS 240.
Cross-listed course: ENGL 566, FAMS 566
MART 594  - Special Topics in Global Film and Media  (3 Credits)  
Intensive study of a specific topic concerning films produced in a country other than the United States. May be repeated as content varies by title.
Prerequisites: C or better in FAMS 240.
Cross-listed course: ENGL 567, FAMS 598, FORL 598
Graduation with Leadership Distinction: GLD: Global Learning
MART 598  - Media Management and Distribution  (3 Credits)  
Research in media management and distribution.
Prerequisites: MART 110 and MART 210.
MART 701  - The Role of Research in Media Arts Practice  (3 Credits)  
Approaches to research methods as these inform media arts and practice. Emphasis on the development of critical (e.g., theoretical, historical, social, cultural, etc.) engagement.
MART 702  - Principles of Media Arts Practice  (3 Credits)  
Application of theoretical concepts to media arts practice.
Prerequisites: MART 701.
MART 721A  - Research and Practice in Media Writing: Screenwriting  (3 Credits)  
Advanced study of media storytelling in one or more of the following topics: 721A Screenwriting; 721B Feature Film; 721C Manga and Anime; 721D Television Writing.
MART 721B  - Research and Practice in Media Writing: Feature Film  (3 Credits)  
Advanced study of media storytelling in one or more of the following topics: 721A Screenwriting; 721B Feature Film; 721C Manga and Anime; 721D Television Writing.
MART 721C  - Research and Practice in Media Writing: Manga and Anime  (3 Credits)  
Advanced study of media storytelling in one or more of the following topics: 721A Screenwriting; 721B Feature Film; 721C Manga and Anime; 721D Television Writing.
MART 721D  - Research and Practice in Media Writing: Television Writing  (3 Credits)  
Advanced study of media storytelling in one or more of the following topics: 721A Screenwriting; 721B Feature Film; 721C Manga and Anime; 721D Television Writing.
MART 771A  - Research and Practice in Media Arts Production: Narrative  (3 Credits)  
Advanced study of moving image production in one or more of the following topics: 771A Narrative; 771B Documentary; 771C Animation; 771D Experimental; 771E Cinematography; 771F Sound for Motion Picture. Course may be taken 2 times.
MART 771B  - Research and Practice in Media Arts Production: Documentary  (3 Credits)  
Advanced study of moving image production in one or more of the following topics: 771A Narrative; 771B Documentary; 771C Animation; 771D Experimental; 771E Cinematography; 771F Sound for Motion Picture. Course may be taken 2 times.
MART 771C  - Research and Practice in Media Arts Production: Animation  (3 Credits)  
Advanced study of moving image production in one or more of the following topics: 771A Narrative; 771B Documentary; 771C Animation; 771D Experimental; 771E Cinematography; 771F Sound for Motion Picture. Course may be taken 2 times.
MART 771D  - Research and Practice in Media Arts Production: Experimental  (3 Credits)  
Advanced study of moving image production in one or more of the following topics: 771A Narrative; 771B Documentary; 771C Animation; 771D Experimental; 771E Cinematography; 771F Sound for Motion Picture. Course may be taken 2 times.
MART 771E  - Research and Practice in Media Arts Production: Cinematography  (3 Credits)  
Advanced study of moving image production in one or more of the following topics: 771A Narrative; 771B Documentary; 771C Animation; 771D Experimental; 771E Cinematography; 771F Sound for Motion Picture. Course may be taken 2 times.
MART 771F  - Research and Practice in Media Arts Production: Sound for Motion Picture  (3 Credits)  
Advanced study of moving image production in one or more of the following topics: 771A Narrative; 771B Documentary; 771C Animation; 771D Experimental; 771E Cinematography; 771F Sound for Motion Picture. Course may be taken 2 times.
MART 781A  - Research and Practice in New Media Art: Site-based and Installation Art  (3 Credits)  
Advanced study of new media art in one or more of the following topics: 781A Site-based and Installation Art; 781B Mobile Platforms; 781C Media Performance; 781D Video Game Design; 781E Sound Art. Course may be taken 2 times.
MART 781B  - Research and Practice in New Media Art: Mobile Platforms  (3 Credits)  
Advanced study of new media art in one or more of the following topics: 781A Site-based and Installation Art; 781B Mobile Platforms; 781C Media Performance; 781D Video Game Design; 781E Sound Art. Course may be taken 2 times.
MART 781C  - Research and Practice in New Media Art: Media Performance  (3 Credits)  
Advanced study of new media art in one or more of the following topics: 781A Site-based and Installation Art; 781B Mobile Platforms; 781C Media Performance; 781D Video Game Design; 781E Sound Art. Course may be taken 2 times.
MART 781D  - Research and Practice in New Media Art: Video Game Design  (3 Credits)  
Advanced study of new media art in one or more of the following topics: 781A Site-based and Installation Art; 781B Mobile Platforms; 781C Media Perfomance; 781D Video Game Design; 781E Sound Art. Course may be taken 2 times.
MART 781E  - Research and Practice in New Media Art: Sound Art  (3 Credits)  
Advanced study of new media art in one or more of the following topics: 781A Site-based and Installation Art; 781B Mobile Platforms; 781C Media Performance; 781D Video Game Design; 781E Sound Art. Course may be taken 2 times.
MART 790  - Independent Study  (3 Credits)  
Specialized research in media arts theory and/or practice.
MART 795A  - Media Arts Research: Media Theory  (3 Credits)  
Advanced study in one or more of the following topics in the media arts: 795A Media Theory; 795B Media History; 795C Media Aesthetics; 795D Global Media Culture; 795E Media Management and Distribution. Course can be taken 2 times.
MART 795B  - Media Arts Research: Media History|  (3 Credits)  
Advanced study in one or more of the following topics in the media arts: 795A Media Theory; 795B Media History; 795C Media Aesthetics; 795D Global Media Culture; 795E Media Management and Distribution. Course can be taken 2 times.
MART 795C  - Media Arts Research: Media Aesthetics  (3 Credits)  
Advanced study in one or more of the following topics in the media arts: 795A Media Theory; 795B Media History; 795C Media Aesthetics; 795D Global Media Culture; 795E Media Management and Distribution. Course can be taken 2 times.
MART 795D  - Media Arts Research: Global Media Culture  (3 Credits)  
Advanced study in one or more of the following topics in the media arts: 795A Media Theory; 795B Media History; 795C Media Aesthetics; 795D Global Media Culture; 795E Media Management and Distribution. Course can be taken 2 times.
MART 795E  - Media Arts Research: Media Management and Distribution  (3 Credits)  
Advanced study in one or more of the following topics in the media arts: 795A Media Theory; 795B Media History; 795C Media Aesthetics; 795D Global Media Culture; 795E Media Management and Distribution. Course can be taken 2 times.
MART 797  - Practicum in Media Arts  (3 Credits)  
Field experience in the media arts combined with directed research.
MART 798  - Project Research and Preparation  (1-6 Credits)  
Development and completion of a creative media arts project grounded in theory and research. May be repeated twice for up to 6 hours.
MART 799  - Thesis Research and Preparation  (1-6 Credits)  
MUSM 700  - Administration and Management of Museums  (3 Credits)  
The history and purpose of museums are examined. The basic management functions of museums and related cultural properties are considered.
MUSM 701  - Exhibition Development  (3 Credits)  
Exhibition planning: research, writing, design, budgeting.
MUSM 702  - Museum Internship  (3-6 Credits)  
Students work under supervision in a museum, gallery, historic site, archive, or special collections library.
MUSM 703  - Museum Management: Independent Study  (3 Credits)  
Independent study in museum practices.
MUSM 704  - Collecting, Collections Management, and Curatorial Practice  (3 Credits)  
Professional practice in collections management and care. Legal requirements and ethics of museum collecting. Curatorial collecting strategies and research.
SVAD 550  - Design Studio  (4 Credits)  
A faculty-led, student-run, digital and print design agency that will provide experiential learning opportunities, foster beyond the classroom engagement, and bring community visibility to the work of students who will create design solutions for real clients in the community.
Prerequisites: C or better in ARTS 345 and ARTS 347; students must also submit an application to be approved to take this course.