Early Childhood Education, B.A.
This program is designed for undergraduate students at the University of South Carolina who are interested in a career as an early childhood teacher, serving children birth through age 8. Students who successfully complete the degree and licensure requirements and have a positive recommendation by the faculty will be recommended for teacher certification for prekindergarten through grade 3.
Learning Outcomes
- Students who graduate with a B.A. in Early Childhood Education should be able to …
- Effectively measure candidate performance and program effectiveness using methods that align with the Specialized Professional Association (SPA) or College of Education standards.
Admission to the Professional Program
All University teacher education students must apply and be admitted to Professional Program/Internship at mid-point(s) in their programs prior to final internship (i.e.student teaching). Requirements for admission vary by program, but for undergraduate students include 60 credit hours with a minimum overall GPA of 2.75, successful completion of a state-approved basic skills examination, and courses as specified by program area.
Students should contact their program area or the College of Education Office of Student Affairs for specific requirements and application deadlines.
Degree Requirements (122 hours)
See College of Education for certification requirements and other academic opportunities.
Program of Study
Requirements | Credit Hours |
1. Carolina Core | 31-43 |
2. College Requirements | 0 |
3. Program Requirements | 15-21 |
4. Major Requirements | 70 |
Founding Documents Requirement
All undergraduate students must take a 3-credit course or its equivalent with a passing grade in the subject areas of History, Political Science, or African American Studies that covers the founding documents including the United State Constitution, the Declaration of Independence, the Emancipation Proclamation and one or more documents that are foundational to the African American Freedom struggle, and a minimum of five essays from the Federalist papers. This course may count as a requirement in any part of the program of study including the Carolina Core, the major, minor or cognate, or as a general elective. Courses that meet this requirement are listed here.
1. Carolina Core Requirements (31-43 hours)
CMW – Effective, Engaged, and Persuasive Communication: Written (6 hours)
Must be passed with a grade of C or higher.
- any CC-CMW courses
ARP – Analytical Reasoning and Problem Solving (6-8 hours)
- any CC-ARP courses
SCI – Scientific Literacy (7-8 hours)
Life Science from the following (3-4 hours):
Physical Science/Earth Science from the following (3-4 hours):
- ASTR 101
- CHEM 101
- CHEM 102
- CHEM 105
- CHEM 107
- CHEM 111
- CHEM 111L
- PHYS 101 & PHYS 101L
- PHYS 201 & PHYS 201L
- GEOG 104
- GEOG 202
- GEOL 101
- GEOL 103
- MSCI 101
- MSCI 210
- MSCI 215
- ENVR 101
- ENVR 101L
- ENVR 200
GFL – Global Citizenship and Multicultural Understanding: Foreign Language (0-6 hours)
Complete the Carolina Core approved courses in Foreign Language (GFL) or by achieving a score of 2 or better on a USC foreign language placement test.
GHS – Global Citizenship and Multicultural Understanding: Historical Thinking (3 hours)
- any CC-GHS courses
GSS – Global Citizenship and Multicultural Understanding: Social Sciences (3 hours)
- any CC-GSS courses
AIU – Aesthetic and Interpretive Understanding (3 hours)
- any CC-AIU course
CMS – Effective, Engaged, and Persuasive Communication: Spoken Component1 (0-3 hours)
- any overlay or stand-alone CC-CMS course
INF – Information Literacy1 (0-3 hours)
- any overlay or stand-alone CC-INF course
VSR – Values, Ethics, and Social Responsibility1 (0-3 hours)
- any overlay or stand-alone CC-VSR course
- 1
Carolina Core Stand Alone or Overlay Eligible Requirements — Overlay-approved courses offer students the option of meeting two Carolina Core components in a single course. A maximum of two overlays is allowed. The total Carolina Core credit hours must add up to a minimum of 31 hours. Some programs may have a higher number of minimum Carolina Core hours due to specified requirements.
2. College Requirements (0 hours)
No college-required courses for this program.
3. Program Requirements (15-21 hours)
Supporting Courses (15 hours)
The following courses must be passed with a grade of C or higher
Course | Title | Credits |
Select one of the following: | 3 | |
Children’s Literature | ||
Children’s Literature | ||
Picture Books | ||
EDTE 500 | Mathematics Knowledge for Teaching I: PK-8 | 3 |
or MATH 221 | Basic Concepts of Elementary Mathematics I | |
EDTE 501 | Mathematics Knowledge for Teaching II: PK-8 | 3 |
or MATH 222 | Basic Concepts of Elementary Mathematics II | |
PEDU 575 | Physical Education for the Classroom Teacher | 3 |
Select one of the following: | 3 | |
Art for Elementary Schools | ||
Art of Children | ||
Interdisciplinary Relationships in the Arts | ||
Integrating Music into PreK & Elementary Classrooms | ||
Drama in Education | ||
Total Credit Hours | 15 |
Minor (0-18 hours) optional
A student may choose to complete a minor consisting of 18 credit hours of prescribed courses. The minor is intended to develop a coherent basic preparation in a second area of study. Courses applied toward general education requirements cannot be counted toward the minor. No course may satisfy both major and minor requirements. All minor courses must be passed with a grade of C or better.
Electives (0-6 hours)
The number of elective hours required depends upon the number of hours used to fulfill other degree requirements. Minimum degree requirements must equal 122 hours.
4. Major Requirements (70 hours)
A minimum grade of C is required in all major courses.
Education Core (14 hours)
Course | Title | Credits |
EDTE 201 | Issues and Trends in Teaching and Learning | 3 |
EDFI 300 | Schools in Communities | 3 |
EDPY 401 | Learners and the Diversity of Learning | 3 |
EDRM 423 | Introduction to Classroom Assessment | 2 |
One course selected from: | 3 | |
Introduction to Exceptional Children | ||
Introduction to Early Childhood Special Education 1 | ||
Total Credit Hours | 14 |
- 1
By special permission of early childhood faculty, see advisor.
Early Childhood Core (42 hours)
Course | Title | Credits |
EDEC 250 | Play and Early Learning | 3 |
EDEC 336 | Culturally Relevant Pedagogy in Early Childhood Classrooms | 3 |
EDEC 335 | African and African Diaspora Literacies in the Early Childhood Classroom | 3 |
EDEC 340 | The Young Child: Development, Care and Education (Birth to 3 years) | 3 |
EDEC 342 | The Young Child: Development, Care and Education (3-8 years) | 3 |
EDEC 344 | Supporting Linguistic Pluralism Across Content Areas | 3 |
Select one course selected from: | 3 | |
Community of Learners and Classroom Management in Early Childhood | ||
Social/Emotional Development and Guidance for Young Children with Developmental Delays 1 | ||
EDEC 441 | Teaching Mathematics in Early Childhood | 3 |
EDEC 442 | Teaching Science in Early Childhood Education | 3 |
EDEC 444 | Teaching Social Studies to Early Childhood Education | 3 |
EDEC 491 | Seminar on Teaching in Early Childhood | 3 |
One course selected from: | 3 | |
EDEC 410 | Parent/Family Dynamics in Early Childhood Education | 3 |
Partnerships in Early Childhood Special Education 1 | ||
EDEC 345 | Teaching Reading in Early Childhood Education I | 3 |
EDEC 445 | Teaching Writing in Early Childhood Education | 3 |
Total Credit Hours | 45 |
- 1
By special permission of early childhood faculty, see advisor.
Practicum and Internship Experience (14 hours)
Course | Title | Credits |
EDEC 340P | The Young Child: Development, Care and Education (Birth to 3 years) Practicum | 1 |
EDEC 443 | Internship in Integrated Curriculum in Early Childhood Education | 4 |
EDEC 492 | Internship in Curriculum, Assessment, Teaching, and Professional Roles | 9 |
Total Credit Hours | 14 |
Note: A grade of B or better in either EDEC 342P or EDEC 443 is required to meet the dispositions requirement for admission to Internship II. Students making below a grade of B in both these courses are not eligible to progress. An action plan is required for students who make a grade of C or C+ in either EDEC 342P or EDEC 443.
Major Map
A major map is a layout of required courses in a given program of study, including critical courses and suggested course sequences to ensure a clear path to graduation.
Major maps are only a suggested or recommended sequence of courses required in a program of study. Please contact your academic advisor for assistance in the application of specific coursework to a program of study and course selection and planning for upcoming semesters.