Psychology Minor

The psychology minor provides an introduction to the theories and practices of the field. Students learn the overarching themes of psychology to develop a working knowledge of scientific reasoning, interpret key themes, conduct basic psychological research and adopt values that build community at local, national and global levels. Students learn sound analytical skills and gain a strong foundation in life sciences, social sciences and the humanities.  

A psychology minor helps lay the groundwork for successful employment after graduation in fields such as human services, management, counseling, student affairs, criminology and law. Pre-health students* often find psychology to be an ideal addition to a primary area of study while pursuing medicine, pharmacy, physical therapy and nursing, among other fields.  

*Pre-health students in particular may benefit from the interdisciplinary neuroscience degrees  offered at the university.  

Minor Requirements (18 Hours)

Course Title Credits
Required Course
PSYC 101Introduction to Psychology 13
Elective Courses
Select three of the following:9
Survey of Learning and Memory
Cognitive Psychology
Behavioral and Mental Disorders
Survey of Developmental Psychology
Survey of Social Psychology
Survey of Personality
Sensation and Perception
Brain and Behavior
Additional Courses
Select an additional two courses from PSYC 200 or above6
Total Credit Hours18

May not be used to fulfill social science requirement and also minor requirement.

Note: Students may not apply more than one course from the following courses toward their minor:

Course Title Credits
PSYC 399Independent Study1-6
PSYC 489Community Psychology Practicum3
PSYC 498Advanced Independent Study1-6
PSYC 598Individual Research3
PSYC 599Individual Research3

Note: Students may not receive MINOR credit for both PSYC 455/NSCI 300 andPSYC 460