Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner, M.S.N.


The PMHNP, MSN program offers one entry point for students:

B.S.N. entry - a student must hold a Bachelor of Science in nursing degree from a program that is nationally accredited.

Requirements for Earning the M.S.N. Degree Include the Following

  1. completion of an approved program of study;
  2. completion of an applied research course, NURS 791 (3), or a thesis, NURS 799 (6);
  3. a GPA of 3.00 (on a 4.00 scale) on all courses attempted for graduate credit and all courses numbered 700 and above;
  4. a GPA of 3.00 (on a 4.00 scale) an all courses on the approved program of study;
  5. and passing a comprehensive assessment during the last semester of the program. 

Course Requirements (48-51 Hours)

Course Title Credits
NURS 700Theoretical and Conceptual Foundation for Nursing3
NURS 720Clinical Application of Population Analysis3
NURS 717Application of Basic Statistics for Nursing Practice & Service Management3
NURS 790Research Methods for Nursing3
NURS 791Seminar in Clinical Nursing Research3-6
or NURS 799 Thesis Preparation
NURS 702Pharmacologic Mgmt in Pediatric, Adult, & Gerontological Patients Across Hlthcare Delivery Continuum3
NURS 704Advanced Health Assessment and Diagnostic Reasoning 13
NURS 707Advanced Pathophysiology for Nurses3
NURS 718Diagnostic Interpretation and Therapeutic Modalities3
NURS 761Neuroscientific Basis for Pharmacological & Nonpharmacological Treatments for Psychiatric Conditions4
NURS 763Advanced Psychiatric Nurse Practicum I: Management of Psychiatric/Mental Health Conditions 26
NURS 764Advanced Psychiatric Nurse Practicum II: Management of Complex Psychiatric/Mental Health Conditions 26
NURS 768Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner: Legal, Ethical, and Role Transition2
NURS 768AAdvanced Psychiatric Nurse Practicum III: Role Development 23
Total Credit Hours48-51

Indicates on campus immersion course.


Indicates practicum course.