
Department Website


Our Ph.D. program prepares graduate students for a psychology career with coursework taught by top researchers and hands-on research and clinical experiences. Students choose a concentration, find a faculty mentor, and explore the concepts that interest them in one of the top two nationally-ranked psychology programs in terms of research productivity. Here, students will gain the training and experience they need to research, teach, or practice psychology and to enter career positions at distinguished universities, institutes, medical centers, schools, hospitals, or private practices. 

Doctoral students choose from among four concentrations in Clinical-Community Psychology (APA accredited as a program in clinical psychology), Cognitive and Neural Sciences, Quantitative Psychology, or School Psychology (APA accredited, NASP accredited). Students can also earn their master’s degree on the way to their Ph.D. 


Graduate students are permitted to begin the Psychology Ph.D. program only in the Fall term. The application deadline is December 1st.

Applicants should have an undergraduate major in psychology or a closely-related discipline. Admission is highly competitive and is based upon the content of undergraduate and prior graduate courses taken in degree-seeking programs, performance in those courses (GPA of above 3.00 in all courses and above 3.50 in psychology coursework is preferable), letters of recommendation, writing samples, prior research involvement, and (for clinical-community psychology and school psychology programs) prior work and volunteer experiences relevant to the program practice area.


PSYC 501  - Human Factors Psychology  (3 Credits)  
Application of research in experimental psychology to ergonomics, the design of human-environment systems, with emphasis on work settings.
Prerequisites: PSYC 101 and 9 hours of upper-level courses all in psychology, business, engineering, or nursing.
PSYC 503  - Psychology of Drug Use and Effects  (3 Credits)  
Research and theoretical considerations of substance abuse. Pharmacological, sociological, psychological, medical, economic, forensic, and other relevant research and treatment disciplines.
Prerequisites: PSYC 450 or PSYC 455 or PSYC 460.
PSYC 506  - Psychology of Language  (3 Credits)  
Theories of speech perception, linguistic theories of syntax and semantics, the brain mechanisms underlying language, the development of language in children, and the role of language in thought.
Cross-listed course: LING 567
PSYC 507  - Cognitive Neuroscience  (3 Credits)  
Research and theories on the role of the brain in facets of cognitive behavior, including attention, short-term and working memory, perception, language, executive function, thinking, and problem solving.
Prerequisites: C or better in PSYC 405.
PSYC 510  - Child Behavioral and Mental Disorders  (3 Credits)  
Theories, description, and assessment of child behavior problems and disorders; methods of intervention.
Prerequisites: PSYC 420 or PSYC 410.
Graduation with Leadership Distinction: GLD: Community Service
PSYC 520  - Psychology of Child Development  (3 Credits)  
Examination of development from conception through older childhood. Specific cognitive and social processes will be given in-depth study.
Prerequisites: PSYC 420.
PSYC 521  - Psychology of Adolescence  (3 Credits)  
Theories and research examining social, emotional, and intellectual development in adolescence. Explores influence of family, peer, school, and cultural contexts.
Prerequisites: C or better in PSYC 420 or graduate standing.
PSYC 522  - Psychology of Early and Middle Adulthood  (3 Credits)  
Developmental changes in abilities, personality, and behavior which occur between adolescence and old age.
Prerequisites: PSYC 420.
PSYC 523  - Psychology of Aging  (3 Credits)  
Psychological, social, and biological phenomena associated with maturity and aging.
Prerequisites: PSYC 420.
PSYC 526  - Prevention of Psychological Problems in Children and Youth at Risk  (3 Credits)  
Etiology, prevention of, and intervention in behavioral, social, emotional, educational, and psychological problems in children and youth at risk.
Prerequisites: PSYC 410 or PSYC 420 or equivalent.
Graduation with Leadership Distinction: GLD: Diversity and Social Advocacy
PSYC 528  - Psychology of Neurodevelopmental Disorders  (3 Credits)  
Characteristics, causes, needs, and intervention strategies for individuals with neurodevelopmental differences including a focus on biological, societal, cognitive, physical, and social/emotional strengths and challenges.
Prerequisites: C or better in PSYC 420 or PSYC 520.
PSYC 529  - Nature of Students with Specific Learning Disabilities  (3 Credits)  
Children with average/above average intelligence and specific learning impairments; diagnostic and remedial techniques. Offered by both the College of Education and the Department of Psychology.
Prerequisites: EDEX 523 or PSYC 528.
Cross-listed course: EDEX 531
PSYC 530  - Advanced Social Psychology  (3 Credits)  
Intensive study of topics selected from the field of social psychology.
Prerequisites: PSYC 430.
PSYC 550  - Advanced Sensation and Perception  (3 Credits)  
Intensive study of topics selected from the field of sensation and perception.
Prerequisites: PSYC 450.
PSYC 560  - Advanced Topics in Neuroscience  (3 Credits)  
Intensive study of topics selected from the field of neuroscience. Course may be repeated for credit under different topics.
Prerequisites: C or better in NSCI 300, PSYC 455, or PSYC 460, for undergraduates.
Cross-listed course: NSCI 560
PSYC 570  - Neuroscience Laboratory  (3 Credits)  
Practice in the methods of scientific inquiry and the dissemination of research in neuroscience.
Prerequisites: C or better in NSCI 300, PSYC 455, or PSYC 460.
Cross-listed course: NSCI 570
PSYC 571  - Cognitive Neuroscience Laboratory  (3 Credits)  
Methods of observation and experimentation in cognitive neuroscience. Two lectures and one three-hour laboratory per week.
Prerequisites: C or better in PSYC 221, PSYC 507 and one of PSYC 455/NSCI 300 or PSYC 460; or Graduate Student standing.
PSYC 572  - Cognitive Psychology Laboratory  (3 Credits)  
Practice in the experimental techniques used in the study of cognitive psychology. Two lectures and one three-hour laboratory per week.
Prerequisite or Corequisite: PSYC 405.
PSYC 574  - Sensation and Perception Laboratory  (3 Credits)  
Concepts and principles in the study of sensation and perception in the laboratory. Two lectures and one three-hour laboratory per week.
Prerequisite or Corequisite: PSYC 450.
PSYC 575  - Developmental Psychology Laboratory  (3 Credits)  
Methods of observation and experimentation on human psychological development. Two lectures and one three-hour laboratory per week.
Prerequisites: B or better in PSYC 220 and PSYC 221.
Prerequisite or Corequisite: C or better in PSYC 420 or PSYC 520.
PSYC 576  - Psychology of Sleep Laboratory  (3 Credits)  
Practice in the methods of scientific inquiry and the dissemination of research in sleep science.
Prerequisites: B or better in PSYC 476; C or better in either NSCI 300, PSYC 455, or PSYC 460; or graduate standing.
PSYC 580  - Intermediate Statistics for Psychologists  (3 Credits)  
Advanced analysis of the uses and applications of statistics to research in psychology, and interpretation of statistics in the psychological literature.
Prerequisites: B or better in PSYC 221 or graduate student standing.
PSYC 583  - Psychological Tests and Measurement  (3 Credits)  
Introduction to the theory and practice of measuring psychological attributes. Emphasis on test construction in a laboratory setting. Hands-on experience in designing, administering, and analyzing psychological tests and measures.
Prerequisites: B or better in PSYC 220 and PSYC 221.
PSYC 584  - History and Systems of Psychology  (3 Credits)  
Systematic approaches to psychology.
Prerequisites: 9 hours in psychology at 400 level or above.
PSYC 589  - Selected Topics in Psychology  (3 Credits)  
Course content varies and will be announced in the schedule of classes by title.
PSYC 598  - Individual Research  (3 Credits)  
Planning and execution of supervised research in psychology. Approved contract required.
Prerequisites: 15 hours of psychology.
PSYC 599  - Individual Research  (3 Credits)  
Planning and execution of supervised research in psychology. Approved contract required.
Prerequisites: 15 hours of psychology.
PSYC 700  - Psychosocial Approaches to Gerontology  (3 Credits)  
Introduction to gerontology from the fields of demography, psychology, sociology, social welfare, and economics.
Cross-listed course: SOWK 771
PSYC 701  - Behavioral Assessment and Intervention with Children and Youth  (3 Credits)  
A combination of lecture and practicum experiences emphasizing the application of behavioral assessment and intervention techniques in educational, institutional, and home settings. Students receive individual and group supervision throughout the semester.
Prerequisites: PSYC 711.
PSYC 702A  - Basics of Neuroscience  (3 Credits)  
Functional organization of the nervous system; research and theories of the neurological bases of behavior.
PSYC 702B  - Basics of Cognitive Psychology  (3 Credits)  
Research and theories on attention, memory, language, thinking, and other cognitive processes.
PSYC 702C  - Basics of Developmental Psychology  (3 Credits)  
Research and theories of psychological development across the lifespan.
PSYC 702D  - Basics of Learning and Motivation  (3 Credits)  
Research and theories of instrumental conditioning, classical conditioning, learning, and motivation.
PSYC 702E  - Experimental Design  (3 Credits)  
This course covers basic principles of sound experimental design, including such topics as internal and external validity, subject selection factors, and techniques for reducing sampling error and minimizing bias. In addition, the course will discuss practical limitations to ideal experimental design and have students identify the design conventions specific to their field of study.
PSYC 703A  - Integration across Cognitive Psychology and Neuroscience  (3 Credits)  
Research and theories of cognitive neuroscience.
PSYC 703C  - Integration across Developmental and Cognitive Psychology  (3 Credits)  
Research and theories of cognitive development.
PSYC 703D  - Integration across Areas of Psychology  (3 Credits)  
Presentation of research and theories that cross different areas within psychology.
PSYC 704  - Group Dynamics  (3 Credits)  
Offered for an interdisciplinary student clientele interested in group processes and structures. Training is provided in observational methods and techniques of group assessment. Laboratory and field study required.
PSYC 705  - Psychological Systems and Theories  (3 Credits)  
Contemporary trends in systematic approaches and behavior theories.
PSYC 706  - Seminar in Judgment and Decision Making  (3 Credits)  
Research and theories of processes in judgment, choice, and decision making.
PSYC 709  - Basic Quantitative Methods in the Analysis of Behavioral Data I  (3 Credits)  
Quantitative methods for graduate students in psychology and other behavioral sciences. Emphasizes logical/intuitive understanding of the basic techniques, focuses heavily on the application of these methods to psychological research. Three lecture/discussion hours and a one-hour scheduled lab per week.
Prerequisites: introductory course in statistics, psychology or mathematics.
PSYC 710  - Basic Quantitative Methods in the Analysis of Behavioral Data II  (3 Credits)  
A continuation of PSYC 709. Three lecture/discussion hours and a one-hour scheduled lab per week.
Prerequisites: PSYC 709.
PSYC 713  - Survey of Psychoeducational Tests and Assessment  (3 Credits)  
Consideration of basic issues in evaluation of children, such as reliability, validity, item selection, standardization groups, criterion-referenced vs. norm-based testing, ethics, etc. Includes presentations via various instructional modes of a wide range of psychoeducational assessment procedures with a wide variety of children.
PSYC 714  - Cognitive Assessment  (1-3 Credits)  
A combination of lectures and practicum concerned with interviewing, behavioral observation and analysis, and cognitive-intellectual assessment. Requires involvement in school psychology training-service centers in the schools.
Prerequisites: acceptance in graduate psychology department program.
PSYC 715  - Academic Assessment  (1-3 Credits)  
A combination of lectures and practicum concerned with assessment of perceptual-motor processes, academic achievement, and personality and interpersonal skills. Requires involvement in school psychology training-service centers in the schools.
Prerequisites: PSYC 714 and acceptance in graduate psychology department program.
PSYC 716  - Behavioral/Affective Assessment  (1-3 Credits)  
Consideration, via lecture and/or practicum, of special areas of psychoeducational assessment. Topics will include infant assessment, criterion-referenced assessment, and assessment of neurological problems.
Prerequisites: PSYC 714, Acceptance in Department of Psychology graduate program.
PSYC 717  - Survey of Personality Theories  (3 Credits)  
Issues, theories, and research on personality.
Prerequisites: 18 hours in psychology.
PSYC 720  - Psychological Interventions with Children and Families  (3 Credits)  
Integration of theory, research, and practice in child clinical and family psychology. Focus on systemic, behavioral, and other orientations in the treatment of children and families.
PSYC 721  - Developmental Psychopathology and Resilience  (3 Credits)  
Theoretical, empirical, and methodological issues in the development of psychopathology or resilience in children, adolescents, and families. Emphasis on research topics related to nature, course, and etiology.
Prerequisites: acceptance in graduate psychology department or consent of instructor.
PSYC 725  - Systems and Theories of Psychological Intervention  (3 Credits)  
Seminar emphasizing a critical analysis of psychotherapy systems and theories.
PSYC 726  - Psychological Problems and Resilience  (3 Credits)  
A survey of clinical disorders, their origins and characteristics. Includes a review of contemporary diagnostic systems, research, and theory.
Prerequisites: PSYC 410.
PSYC 727  - Foundations of Community Psychology  (3 Credits)  
Survey of theoretical foundations, research and practice in community psychology. Topics include prevention, social systems intervention, community participation, innovation in community service delivery systems, and community change processes.
PSYC 728  - Laboratory in Community Study  (1 Credit)  
Designated to accompany Psychology 727. Laboratory will target specific problems, resources, or populations and will provide students with elementary exposure to a community system.
Prerequisite or Corequisite: PSYC 727.
PSYC 732  - Clinical Neuropsychology  (3 Credits)  
Overview of relationships between brain structures and function and the assessment of cognitive and emotional behavior in adults and children.
Prerequisite or Corequisite: PSYC 702A or comparable course in biopsychology.
PSYC 733  - Neuropsychological Syndromes in Childhood|  (3 Credits)  
Applications of neuropsychological theory and research to the study of the learning process, with emphasis upon assessment and intervention with learning disabilities.
PSYC 734  - Neuropsychological Screening and Assessment  (3 Credits)  
Assessment procedures for screening neuropsychological factors in individuals with neurobehavioral deficits.
PSYC 735  - Survey of Psychopharmacology  (3 Credits)  
The effect of drugs upon internal psycho-physiological functioning and upon the behavior of human and animal subjects. Particular emphasis will be given to the psychoactive drugs.
Prerequisites: 18 hours in psychology
PSYC 742  - Consultation and Systems Interventions  (3 Credits)  
Focus on understanding the theoretical bases of consultation and developing the skills necessary for the practice of mental health consultation.
PSYC 743  - Theory and Practice of Mental Health Consultation II  (3 Credits)  
Continues the practicum begun in Psychology 742 and develops the skills of administrative mental health consultation and evaluation of consultation programs.
PSYC 745  - Organizational Behavior  (3 Credits)  
Analysis of the organization as a complex interaction system.
PSYC 749  - Principles of Human Diversity  (3 Credits)  
Fundamental, conceptual and empirical knowledge regarding dimensions of diversity, social inequality and the application of this knowledge to psychological research, teaching and practice. Restricted to psychology students. Non-Psychology students need instructor permission to register.
PSYC 750  - Psychology of Women  (3 Credits)  
Women’s diversity explored through research on personality, stereotypes, status and power, biological aspects, socialization, sexuality, relationships, mothering, work and achievement, violence against women, psychological disorders, and feminist therapies.
Cross-listed course: WGST 750
PSYC 751  - Race, Class, Gender, and Sexuality  (3 Credits)  
Historical and contemporary dimensions of social inequality centered in race, social class, gender, and sexuality.
Cross-listed course: SOCY 756, WGST 705
PSYC 760  - Issues and Ethics in Health Services Psychology  (3 Credits)  
The presentation of ethics in research and practice in clinical-community psychology and the discussion of current professional issues. Covering history and systems in psychology and providing in depth training on the ethical conduct of research.
PSYC 761  - Psychological Assessment I  (3 Credits)  
Develop assessment skills through interviewing, observation, performance testing, and report writing. Experience includes assessment of individuals, couples, and/or families from a variety of perspectives. Didactic/practicum.
PSYC 762  - Psychological Assessment II  (4 Credits)  
Theory of measurement and the construction of measures specific to clinical and community psychology. Intellectual achievement, objective personality, and projective measures. Didactic/practicum.
PSYC 763  - Clinical Psychology Assessment III  (1-4 Credits)  
Conceptualization of cases involving psychological measures. Clients include individuals, couples, and families. Didactic/practicum. May be repeated for up to 4 credits.
Prerequisites: PSYC 761.
PSYC 765  - Externship in School Psychology  (3 Credits)  
A closely supervised 20-hour-per-week externship in the techniques of psychological services in school systems. Staff.
PSYC 770  - Survey of Social Psychology  (3 Credits)  
Issues, research, and theories in social psychology.
Prerequisites: 18 hours in psychology.
PSYC 772  - Research Approaches to Human Behavior  (3 Credits)  
Nonquantitative aspects of research methodology and experimental design in laboratory and field settings. A critical investigation of artifacts and ethical issues in behavioral research.
Prerequisites: PSYC 709.
PSYC 773  - Research in Clinical-Community Psychology  (1-3 Credits)  
Supervised training in the conduct of empirical research in clinical-community psychology. May be repeated once for credit.
PSYC 777  - Environmental Psychology  (3 Credits)  
The study of human behavior and satisfaction in relation to the natural and person-made environment. Topics include environmental stress, risk, social ecology of families, behavior setting theory, and person-environmental relationships.
Prerequisites: PSYC 727.
PSYC 780  - Behavior Therapy  (3 Credits)  
A survey of principles, theory, methods, issues, and research in behavior therapy. Behavioral interventions with adults, children and families, organizations, and community settings.
PSYC 781  - Behavior Therapy Practicum: Adults  (1-3 Credits)  
Intensive practicum experience in the use of behavioral and cognitive-behavioral therapy with adult inpatients (psychiatric, geriatric, alcoholic, imprisoned), outpatients, and marital therapy clients.
PSYC 782  - Child, Adolescent and Family Therapy Practicum  (3 Credits)  
Individually supervised practicum in therapy with children, adolescents, and families. Includes exposure to multiple approaches including behavioral and family systems modes of intervention.
Prerequisites: PSYC 720.
PSYC 783  - Health Psychology/Behavioral Medicine  (3 Credits)  
Scientific study of the application of psychological principles to prevention of illness, maintenance of health, and the treatment of related medical dysfunctions. Primary emphasis on the use of behavior therapy and behavior modification techniques.
Prerequisites: PSYC 711 or PSYC 730.
PSYC 784  - Clinical Health Psychology Practicum  (1-3 Credits)  
Applying clinical health psychology to health-related agencies in the community.
Prerequisites: PSYC 762, PSYC 783.
PSYC 785  - Seminar in Psychotherapy Research  (3 Credits)  
Psychotherapy research and selected topics in other clinical research, such as alcoholism and hypnosis.
PSYC 790  - College Teaching of Psychology I  (1-3 Credits)  
Didactic, seminar, and experiential coverage of the teaching of psychology at the college level.
Prerequisites: 18 hours in psychology.
PSYC 791  - College Teaching of Psychology II  (1 Credit)  
Didactic, seminar, and experiential coverage of the teaching of psychology at the college level.
Prerequisites: 18 hours in psychology or permission of instructor.
PSYC 792A  - Responsible Conduct of Research in Psychology and Neuroscience  (1 Credit)  
Ethical issues and dilemmas in research. Compliance with national standards.
PSYC 792B  - Issues and Ethics in Research in Psychology and the Teaching of Psychology II  (1 Credit)  
Presentation of ethics and issues pertaining to the teaching of psychology and psychological research.
PSYC 799  - Thesis Preparation  (1-9 Credits)  
To be arranged by candidates for the MA degree with the thesis advisor.
PSYC 801  - Cognitive Neuroscience I  (3 Credits)  
Techniques and methodologies of cognitive neuroscience, emphasizing classic research and theoretical perspectives as well as cutting-edge findings. Areas of focus include sensation and perception, attention, motor control, short-term/working memory, and reward/decision-making. Prerequisite or Corequistie: Completion of 6 credits from PSYC 702A-D.
PSYC 802  - Cognitive Neuroscience II  (3 Credits)  
Detailed exploration of the techniques and methodologies of cognitive neuroscience and the brain mechanisms sub-serving long-term memory, autobiographical memory, language, emotion, social cognition, and cognitive development.
Prerequisite or Corequisite: PSYC 801.
PSYC 815  - Introduction to Causal Inference  (3 Credits)  
Causal Inference for Observational Studies.
Prerequisites: PSYC 710 or equivalent.
PSYC 816  - Advanced Research in Clinical-Community Psychology  (1-3 Credits)  
Supervised training in the conduct of empirical research in clinical-community psychology.
PSYC 818  - Research in the Schools  (3 Credits)  
Supervised psychological research on school-related problems; participation in ongoing program of research. Required of all doctoral candidates in psychology.
PSYC 819  - Seminar in Biological Psychology  (3 Credits)  
Theoretical and empirical issues in an area of current interest in biological psychology. May be repeated with different topics.
Prerequisites: PSYC 730.
PSYC 820  - Seminar in Developmental Psychology  (3 Credits)  
Theoretical and empirical issues in an area of current interest in developmental psychology. May be repeated with different topics.
Prerequisites: PSYC 751.
PSYC 821  - Theory of Psychological Measurement  (3 Credits)  
A survey of psychological scaling and factor theory, together with special techniques for achieving reliability and validity, including item analysis.
Prerequisites: PSYC 225 or the equivalent.
PSYC 822  - Seminar in Cognitive Psychology  (3 Credits)  
Theoretical and empirical issues in an area of current interest in cognitive psychology. May be repeated with different topics.
Prerequisites: PSYC 712.
PSYC 823  - Multivariate Analysis of Behavioral Data  (3 Credits)  
Advanced topics in multiple-variable research. Topics include multiple linear regression, polynomial regression, canonical correlation, discriminant function, and the analysis of variance using orthogonal polynomials and multidimensional scaling, both metric and nonmetric approaches.
Prerequisites: PSYC 710.
PSYC 824  - Special Topics in Quantitative Psychology  (3 Credits)  
Theoretical and empirical issues in an area of current interest in quantitative methods and quantitative psychology. May be repeated as content varies by title.
Prerequisite or Corequisite: PSYC 710.
PSYC 825  - Introduction to Statistical Mediation Analysis  (3 Credits)  
Mediation analysis and statistical methods for assessing mediating variables.
Prerequisites: PSYC 709 and PSYC 710 or STAT 700 and STAT 701.
PSYC 826  - Longitudinal Data Analysis for the Behavioral Sciences  (3 Credits)  
Analysis of longitudinal data using both structural equation and multilevel modeling approaches.
Prerequisites: PSYC 710 or equivalent.
PSYC 827  - Applied Individual and Couples Psychotherapy  (3 Credits)  
Individually supervised practice in individual and couples psychotherapy.
Prerequisites: PSYC 725.
PSYC 828  - Applied Group Psychotherapy  (1-3 Credits)  
Advanced theory and research methods with supervised practice in the modification of personality and behavior through group interaction.
PSYC 829  - Community Psychology Practicum I  (1-3 Credits)  
Individually supervised field assignments in the community.
PSYC 830  - Advanced Child, Adolescent and Family Therapy Practicum  (1-3 Credits)  
Individually supervised advanced practicum in child, adolescent and family therapeutic intervention.
Prerequisites: PSYC 782.
PSYC 831  - Practicum in Psychological Assessment  (1-3 Credits)  
Training for advanced students in testing, assessment, and psychodiagnostics under the supervision of psychology staff.
PSYC 832A  - Practicum in School Psychology  (3 Credits)  
Qualified advanced students will perform psychological evaluations and render other services in a public school setting under the supervision of the school psychology faculty. Cases dealt with include children with general or special learning difficulties.
PSYC 832B  - Practicum in School Psychology  (1-3 Credits)  
Qualified advanced students will perform psychological evaluations and render other services in a public school setting under the supervision of the school psychology faculty. Cases dealt with include children with general or special learning difficulties.
PSYC 832C  - Practicum in School Psychology  (1-3 Credits)  
Qualified advanced students will perform psychological evaluations and render other services in a public school setting under the supervision of the school psychology faculty. Cases dealt with include children with general or special learning difficulties.
PSYC 834  - Experimental Psychopathology  (3 Credits)  
A survey of experimental findings on psychological behavior in animals and humans and their theoretical implications. An introduction to applicable research procedures.
PSYC 835  - Advanced Psychotherapy Practicum  (1-3 Credits)  
Supervised psychotherapy with children, adolescents, or adults, together with additional training in marriage counseling, behavior therapy, and family therapy.
Prerequisites: PSYC 827 or PSYC 830.
PSYC 835A  - Advanced Psychotherapy Practicum  (1-3 Credits)  
Supervised psychotherapy with children, adolescents, or adults, together with additional training in marriage counseling, behavior therapy, and family therapy.
Prerequisites: PSYC 827 or PSYC 830.
PSYC 835B  - Advanced Psychotherapy Practicum  (1-3 Credits)  
Supervised psychotherapy with children, adolescents, or adults, together with additional training in marriage counseling, behavior therapy, and family therapy.
Prerequisites: PSYC 827 or PSYC 830.
PSYC 835C  - Advanced Psychotherapy Practicum  (1-3 Credits)  
Supervised psychotherapy with children, adolescents, or adults, together with additional training in marriage counseling, behavior therapy, and family therapy.
Prerequisites: PSYC 827 or PSYC 830.
PSYC 836  - Seminar in Psychopharmacology  (3 Credits)  
Theoretical and empirical issues in an area of current interest in psychopharmacology. May be repeated with different topics.
Prerequisites: PSYC 735.
PSYC 837  - Autism Theory and Diagnostics  (1-3 Credits)  
Theory, methods and comprehensive assessment of autism spectrum disorders in children and adolescents using a developmental approach. Emphasizes the development of critical thinking in relation to the selection, administration, interpretation, and application of gold-standard diagnostic measures of autism.
Prerequisites: PSYC 714 and PSYC 716 or equivalent.
PSYC 838  - Seminar in Learning and Conditioning  (3 Credits)  
Theoretical and empirical issues in an area of current interest in learning and conditioning. May be repeated with different topics.
Prerequisites: PSYC 711.
PSYC 839  - Community Psychology Practicum II  (3 Credits)  
Supervised practicum experience in community need assessment and the development of grant applications. Placement in state agencies and community programs.
Prerequisites: PSYC 727 and PSYC 829.
PSYC 840  - Seminar in Professional School Psychology  (3 Credits)  
A survey of the role of the psychologist functioning in a school setting, the associated problems and methods, including relationships with children and parents with teachers, administrators, and other school personnel.
PSYC 841  - Advanced Study in Selected Topics  (1-6 Credits)  
Special assignments to meet the needs of individual students. Conferences with instructor and staff. May be repeated with different topics.
PSYC 843  - Seminar in Social Psychology  (3 Credits)  
Theoretical and empirical issues in an area of current interest in social psychology. May be repeated with different topics.
Prerequisites: PSYC 770.
PSYC 845  - Topics in Community Psychology  (3 Credits)  
Theoretical and empirical issues in an area of current interest in community psychology. May be repeated with different topics.
Prerequisites: PSYC 727.
PSYC 850  - Academic Interventions  (3 Credits)  
Overview of consultation and systems-level interventions in psychological services.
PSYC 860  - Advanced Study of Selected Problems in Clinical Psychology  (3 Credits)  
PSYC 865  - Internship in School Psychology  (1 Credit)  
Two semesters required for Ph.D. Student is registered upon recommendation of the student’s advisory committee. Will be graded as satisfactory (S) or unsatisfactory (U).
PSYC 888  - Selected Topics in Psychology  (1-6 Credits)  
Intensive study in an advanced area in psychology. May be repeated for credit.
PSYC 889  - Independent Advanced Research  (1-9 Credits)  
Doctoral-level research additional to that involved in the doctoral dissertation.
PSYC 899  - Doctoral Research and Dissertation Preparation  (1-12 Credits)