English (ENGL)
ENGL 101 - Critical Reading and Composition (3 Credits)
Instruction in strategies for critically reading and analyzing literature and non-literary texts; structured, sustained practice in composing expository and analytical essays.
Carolina Core: CMW
ENGL 102 - Rhetoric and Composition (3 Credits)
Instruction and intensive practice in researching, analyzing, and composing written arguments about academic and public issues.
Prerequisites: C or better in ENGL 101 or equivalent credit.
Carolina Core: CMW, INF
ENGL 282 - Special Topics in Fiction (3 Credits)
ENGL 284 - Drama (3 Credits)
ENGL 285 - Special Topics in American Literature (3 Credits)
ENGL 286 - Poetry (3 Credits)
ENGL 287 - American Literature (3 Credits)
An introduction to American literary history, emphasizing the analysis of literary texts, the development of literary traditions over time, the emergence of new genres and forms, and the writing of successful essays about literature. Designed for English majors.
Carolina Core: AIU
ENGL 288 - English Literature (3 Credits)
An introduction to English literary history, emphasizing the analysis of literary texts, the development of literary traditions over time, the emergence of new genres and forms, and the writing of successful essays about literature. Designed for English majors.
Carolina Core: AIU
ENGL 390 - Great Books of the Western World I (3 Credits)
European masterpieces from antiquity to the beginning of the Renaissance.
Cross-listed course: CPLT 301
Graduation with Leadership Distinction: GLD: Global Learning, GLD: Professional and Civic Engagement Leadership Experiences
ENGL 391 - Great Books of the Western World II (3 Credits)
European masterpieces from the Renaissance to the present.
Cross-listed course: CPLT 302
Graduation with Leadership Distinction: GLD: Global Learning, GLD: Professional and Civic Engagement Leadership Experiences
ENGL 399 - Independent Study (3-9 Credits)
ENGL 405 - Shakespeare's Tragedies (3 Credits)