Educational and Developmental Science
- Adapted Physical Education, M.S.
- Applied Behavior Analysis, M.Ed.
- Coaching Education, M.S.
- Counselor Education, C.G.S.
- Counselor Education, Ed.S.
- Counselor Education, Ph.D.
- Educational Psychology & Research, M.Ed.
- Educational Psychology & Research, Ph.D.
- Physical Education, M.A.T.
- Physical Education, Ph.D.
- Play Therapy, C.G.S.
- Special Education, M.A.T.
- Special Education, M.Ed.
- Special Education, Ph.D.
EDCE 502 - Guidance Techniques for Classroom Teachers (3 Credits)
EDCE 503 - Family Counseling (3 Credits)
A comparative study of the major theories in the field of family counseling.
EDCE 507 - Educators in Industry (3 Credits)
The course is designed to provide counselors, teachers, and administrators with increased awareness of a wide variety of work experiences.
EDCE 510 - Introduction to Counseling (3 Credits)
Orientation to the profession of counseling including its historical, social, and cultural foundations. Declaration of the minor in counseling or admission to the Ed.S. in Counselor Education.
EDCE 520 - Wellness and Mental Health (3 Credits)
An overview of the characteristics of optimal holistic wellness and human functioning. Practical application of theoretically and empirically supported wellness models and interventions to enhance social, emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual well-being.
EDCE 555 - Theory and Practice of College Mentoring (3 Credits)
Emphasis on current professional approaches to college mentoring and development of leadership and mentoring skills. Students must participate in Minority Assistance Program. Upper division undergraduate standing or admission to a graduate program and consent of instructors.
EDCE 570 - Seminar in Counseling (3 Credits)
A seminar focusing on current professional issues in counseling.
EDCE 600 - Communication Skills in Counseling (3 Credits)
Human relations principles applied to the counseling interview.
EDCE 650 - Counseling Student Athletes (3 Credits)
Issues facing student athletes regarding their personal and career development beyond athletics.
Cross-listed course: PEDU 660
EDCE 690 - Independent Study (1-3 Credits)
EDCE 700 - Cross-Cultural Counseling (3 Credits)
Basic concepts and procedures related to cross-cultural counseling; relevant issues which constitute the core of counseling effectively from a cross-cultural perspective; the development of specific learning strategies through which counselor trainees acquire fundamental skills of cross-cultural counseling. This course number and title will be offered with a specific perspective each time, such as blacks, women, ethnic groups, etc.
EDCE 701 - Counseling Parents of Exceptional Children (3 Credits)
Principles and techniques of counseling parents of exceptional children.
EDCE 702 - Counselor as Consultant (3 Credits)
History, theories, and practices of consultation and counseling program coordination.
Prerequisites: EDCE 510.
EDCE 704 - Theory and Procedures of Group Counseling (3 Credits)
EDCE 705 - Educational Measurement (3 Credits)
The history of educational and psychological measurement. Consideration of concepts such as validity and reliability of educational and psychological measures, the rationale of the development and use of instruments for educational purposes.
EDCE 706 - Assessment in Counseling (3 Credits)
Knowledge and application of assessment techniques and instruments utilized in school, career, individual, and family counseling.
EDCE 707 - Career Development (3 Credits)
Career development principles and practices in school and other settings.
EDCE 708 - Critical Issues in School Counseling (3 Credits)
Study of school counseling programs, including school counseling issues; program development, implementation, and evaluation; and current trends.
EDCE 709 - Counseling Through Play (3 Credits)
EDCE 710 - Professional, Legal and Ethical Issues in Counseling (3 Credits)
Ethical concerns and legal mandates and constraints related to the counseling profession including issues regarding education, supervision, research, and policy development.
Prerequisites: EDCE 510.
EDCE 711 - Advanced Family Counseling (3 Credits)
Advanced study of children within the context of family counseling theories.
Prerequisites: EDCE 503 or equivalent.
EDCE 712 - Comprehensive Developmental School Counseling (3 Credits)
Study of the elements of and practices in a comprehensive developmental school counseling program.
Prerequisites: EDCE 510.
EDCE 714 - Clinical Mental Health Counseling (3 Credits)
Surveying required knowledge and sills for the clinical mental counselor.
EDCE 715 - Sexuality Counseling (3 Credits)
EDCE 716 - Leaders in Counselor Education (3 Credits)
Survey and analysis of the works of prominent leaders in counselor education (i.e., behavioral, cognitive, existential approaches). Course content varies and will be announced in the schedule of classes by title.
EDCE 717 - Career Practicum (3 Credits)
EDCE 720 - Theories of Counseling (3 Credits)
An introduction to counseling theories and models.
Prerequisites: EDCE 600.
EDCE 721 - Techniques of Counseling (3 Credits)
EDCE 722 - Group Procedures in Counseling (3 Credits)
EDCE 723 - Counseling Supervision Theory (3 Credits)
Comparative study of major approaches to counseling supervision and related research with emphasis on historical foundations of supervision, supervisee characteristics, and application of concepts and techniques to specific practice settings.
EDCE 724 - Techniques of Clinical Mental Health Counseling (3 Credits)
EDCE 730 - Counseling and Spirituality (3 Credits)
Current knowledge about counseling and spirituality, including theories of spiritual development, assessment of spirituality, and best practices interventions with children and families.
EDCE 799 - Thesis Preparation (1-9 Credits)
EDCE 800 - Special Topics in Counseling (1-3 Credits)
Advanced study of children within the context of family counseling theories.
Prerequisites: EDCE 503 or equivalent.
EDCE 801 - Advanced Techniques in School Counseling (3 Credits)
This course is designed to help students understand the connection between theory and practice and give them an opportunity to try out this new knowledge. This additional work in both theory and practice will help students to be better prepared for their practicum and internship experiences.
Prerequisites: EDCE 721.
EDCE 802 - Practicum in Human Development and Counseling (3 Credits)
Supervised counseling experience in an approved institution or agency.
EDCE 802E - Elementary School Counseling Practicum (3 Credits)
Supervised counseling experience in an approved elementary school setting. Approved elementary school counseling practicum application.
EDCE 802F - Marriage, Couples, and Family Counseling Practicum (3-6 Credits)
Supervised counseling experience in an approved institution or agency. Full admission into a counselor program and program specifics as approved by faculty.
EDCE 802P - Practicum in Play Therapy (3 Credits)
EDCE 802S - Secondary School Counseling Practicum (3 Credits)
Supervised counseling experience in an approved secondary school setting. Approved secondary school counseling practicum application.
EDCE 803 - Practicum in Clinical Mental Health Counseling (3 Credits)
Supervised counseling experience in an approved mental health agency or practice. Full admission into the counselor education program and program specific courses as approved by program faculty.
EDCE 804 - Internship in Clinical Mental Health Counseling (3-6 Credits)
Supervised counseling experience in an approved clinical mental health setting.
Prerequisites: EDCE 803.
EDCE 805 - Counseling Internship (3-6 Credits)
Counseling experience will be gained in a work setting similar to that in which a counselor will eventually be employed. Internship application must be submitted early in the semester preceding enrollment.
Prerequisites: EDCE 802.
EDCE 805E - Elementary School Counseling Internship (3-6 Credits)
Counseling experience in an elementary school setting.
Prerequisites: EDCE 802S and approved internship application.
EDCE 805F - Marriage, Couples and Family Counseling Internship (6 Credits)
Counseling experience will be gained in a work setting similar to that in which a counselor will eventually be employed.
Prerequisites: EDCE 802F and approved internship application.
EDCE 805S - Secondary School Counseling Internship (3-6 Credits)
Supervised counseling experience in an approved secondary school setting.
Prerequisites: EDCE 802E.
EDCE 807 - Advanced Career Development (1-3 Credits)
Theories of career development and career decision making. Critique of career development programs in institutions and agencies. Students may repeat the course for up to a total of 3 credit hours.
Prerequisites: EDCE 707.
EDCE 809 - Advanced Counseling Through Play (3 Credits)
EDCE 810 - Theory and Practice of Play Therapy (3 Credits)
EDCE 811 - Creative Arts in Counseling (3 Credits)
EDCE 812 - Counseling Skills Assessment Lab (3 Credits)
Emphasis on assessment of counseling skill development and application of theory to practice through supervised work with clients in a laboratory setting in preparation for field-based practicum.
Corequisite: EDCE 813.
EDCE 813 - Professional Issues in Counseling (3 Credits)
Emphasis on ethical issues related to counseling practice, research, writing, and continuing education including assessment and development of professional writing skills.
Corequisite: EDCE 812.
EDCE 820 - Advanced Transcultural Counseling (3 Credits)
Advanced principles and practices for transcultural counseling.
Prerequisites: EDCE 700.
EDCE 822 - Advanced Practicum (3 Credits)
Doctoral level supervised counseling experience in field settings relevant to students professional goals.
EDCE 823 - Advanced Counseling Theory (3 Credits)
Emphasis on formulation and evaluation of the theoretical basis for approaches to counseling including, study of historical and contemporary perspectives.
Prerequisites: EDCE 802.
EDCE 825 - Empirical Basis of Counseling (3 Credits)
An analysis of the empirical basis of counseling practice and theory with attention to special problems related to counseling research.
EDCE 830 - Pedagogy in Counselor Education (3 Credits)
Examination of pedagogy instructional principles, and evaluation procedures for counselor education in higher education settings. Admission to the Ph.D. program in Counselor Education.
EDCE 832 - Practicum in Counseling Supervision (3 Credits)
EDCE 855 - Internship in Counselor Education (1-3 Credits)
Teaching, consultation, counseling, and/or supervision experience is gained in field settings relevant to student’s professional goals; includes clinical supervision and professional development.
EDCE 856 - Supervised Internship in Counselor Education - Teaching (3 Credits)
Teaching experience is gained in field settings relevant to student's professional goals; includes supervision of teaching and professional development.
Prerequisites: EDCE 830.
EDCE 879 - Group Counseling Practicum (1-3 Credits)
Supervised experience in group counseling. Students may repeat the course for up to a total of 3 credit hours.
Prerequisites: EDCE 802.
EDCE 890 - Independent Study (3 Credits)
EDCE 899 - Dissertation Preparation (1-12 Credits)
EDEX 523 - Introduction to Exceptional Children (3 Credits)
Overview of the field of education for exceptional children. Basic course for those entering the field of special education.
EDEX 525 - The Nature of Orthopedic and Special Health Problems (3 Credits)
Symptomatology, behavioral manifestations, and resources for care and treatment of orthopedic conditions and other types of health problems in children and youth.
EDEX 530 - Introduction to Early Childhood Special Education (3 Credits)
An overview of early childhood special education for young children with disabilities and their families.
EDEX 531 - Nature of Students with Specific Learning Disabilities (3 Credits)
EDEX 540 - Nature and Needs of the Gifted and Talented (3 Credits)
Types and characteristics of the gifted and talented.
Prerequisites: EDEX 523 or PSYC 518.
EDEX 580 - Direct Instruction in Reading for At-Risk Learners (3 Credits)
A study of the skills and knowledge required to implement direct instruction procedures when teaching reading, with opportunity for application of skills. Research and theoretical foundations will also be evaluated.
Prerequisites: EDEX 523.
EDEX 581 - Teaching Reading in the Content Area to Adolescents with Reading Disabilities (3 Credits)
Research, theory, and instructional practices related to providing reading instruction in content areas for youth with disabilities, with a focus on developing disciplinary literacy in inclusive settings.
EDEX 582 - Teaching Mathematics to Students at Risk (3 Credits)
Research, theory, and instructional practices related to mathematical readiness and instruction for children and youth at risk for mathematical difficulties.
Prerequisites: EDEX 523 or EDEX 491.
EDEX 590 - Foundations to Support Youth & Young Adults with Disabilities through Applied Transition Coaching (3 Credits)
An overview of the history of transition supports, legislation, programs, and systems in place for transition-age youth and young adults with disabilities in the U.S., with an emphasis on applied transition coaching.
Prerequisites: C or better in EDEX 523.
EDEX 610 - Instruction of Students with Severe and Multiple Disabilities (3 Credits)
Data-based instruction for teaching students with significant disabilities: task and developmental analysis, individualizing instruction, and preparing and implementing instructional programs.
Prerequisites: C or better in EDEX 523.
EDEX 615 - Curriculum and Language Instruction for Students with Severe and Multiple Disabilities (3 Credits)
Design, development, adaptation, and implementation of curriculum, language and communication instruction for students with significant disabilities.
Prerequisites: C or better in EDEX 523.
EDEX 616 - Instruction of Students with Specific Learning Disabilities (3 Credits)
EDEX 619 - Nature of Students with Intellectual Disabilities (3 Credits)
Nature and causes of intellectual disabilities, behavior, and potentialities of persons with intellectual disabilities.
Prerequisites: a course in the areas of child psychology or child development.
EDEX 630 - Educational Procedures for Early Childhood Special Education (3 Credits)
An initial course in educational procedures focusing on intervention strategies for serving young children with disabilities in inclusive environments.
Prerequisites: EDEX 530.
EDEX 632 - Nature of Students with Emotional and Behavior Disabilities (3 Credits)
Characteristics, etiology, and major theoretical models for children experiencing emotional and/or behavioral problems in school; special education curriculum, programming alternatives, assessment, and issues concerning this population.
Prerequisites: C or better in EDEX 523.
EDEX 640 - Managing Problem Behavior in the Classroom (3 Credits)
The development of a workable approach to classroom management through an examination of a research-based synthesis of current knowledge in classroom and behavior management.
EDEX 643 - Social/Emotional Development and Guidance for Young Children with Developmental Delays (3 Credits)
DEC Practices in Early Childhood Special Education, Assessing and Monitoring Children's Challenging Behavior, and Preventive Strategies for Challenging Behavior.
Prerequisites: EDEX 523.
EDEX 646 - Advanced Procedures for Assessment in Early Childhood Special Education (ECSE) (3 Credits)
Advanced assessment methods for serving young children with and without developmental delays and their families.
Prerequisites: EDEX 530.
EDEX 670 - Nature of Students with Multi-categorical Disabilities (3 Credits)
Personal, social, and educational implications of a mild to moderate multi-categorical disability (emotional/behavioral, intellectual, and learning disabilities) throughout the lifespan of an individual.
Prerequisites: C or better in EDEX 523.
EDEX 671 - Instruction of Students with Multi-categorical Disabilities (3 Credits)
Theory and application of current evidence-based procedures for teaching children with mild to moderate multi-categorical disabilities.
Prerequisite or Corequisite: C or better in EDEX 670.
EDEX 682 - Introduction to Braille (3 Credits)
Basic course for mastery of the literary braille code. Transcription of instructional materials in literary braille.
EDEX 685 - Nature of Students with Visual Disabilities (3 Credits)
The psychological, social, and educational implications for persons with visual disabilities; definitions, incidence, characteristics of, and rehabilitative and educational programs for persons with visual disabilities.
EDEX 686 - Introduction to Deafness (3 Credits)
Educational implications of philosophy, theory, and research about deafness.
Prerequisites: EDEX 523 or equivalent.
EDEX 687 - Communication Systems for Students who are Deaf or Hearing Impaired (3 Credits)
Knowledge and basic skills of finger-spelling and sign forms for communication.
EDEX 690 - Independent Study (1-3 Credits)
EDEX 691 - Collaborative Partnerships in PK-12 Special Education (3 Credits)
Communication and collaboration skills and strategies for creating and maintaining effective partnerships with a variety of stakeholders involved in educating students with disabilities in PK-12 settings.
Prerequisites: C or better in EDEX 523.
EDEX 692 - Partnerships in Early Childhood Special Education (3 Credits)
Strategies for collaborating and communicating with families and other professionals as members of multidisciplinary teams in Early Intervention and Early childhood Special Education.
Prerequisites: EDEX 523.
EDEX 701 - Nature of Students with Autism (3 Credits)
Definitions, characteristics, and causes of autism; educational models, implications, and programming.
Prerequisites: EDEX 523 or equivalent.
EDEX 710 - Legal Issues in Special Education (3 Credits)
Analysis of legislation, litigation, and administrative rulings related to special education. Emphasis on the development of legally sound policies and procedures to ensure an appropriate education for students with disabilities.
EDEX 712 - Instruction of Students with Intellectual Disabilities (3 Credits)
EDEX 713 - Practicum in Instruction of Exceptional Children I (3 Credits)
Experience in the observation of and participation in the education of children with disabilities in settings appropriate to student’s specialization. Includes weekly seminar.
Prerequisites: EDEX 523.
EDEX 714B - Practicum in Instruction of Exceptional Children II: B (Behavioral Disorders) (3 Credits)
Experience in the direct teaching of children with disabilities in settings appropriate to student’s area of specialization. Includes weekly seminar.
EDEX 714C - Practicum in Instruction of Exceptional Children II: C (Multicategorical) (3 Credits)
Experience and seminar in the direct teaching of students with disabilities in settings appropriate to student’s area of specialization.
EDEX 714E - Practicum in Instruction of Exceptional Children II: E (Early Childhood Special Education) (3 Credits)
Experience in the direct teaching of children with disabilities in settings appropriate to student’s area of specialization. Includes weekly seminar.
EDEX 714H - Practicum in Instruction of Exceptional Children II: H (Hearing Impairments) (3 Credits)
Experience in the direct teaching of children with disabilities in settings appropriate to student’s area of specialization. Includes weekly seminar.
EDEX 714L - Practicum in Instruction of Exceptional Children II: L (Learning Disabilities) (3 Credits)
Experience in the direct teaching of children with disabilities in settings appropriate to student’s area of specialization. Includes weekly seminar.
EDEX 714M - Practicum in Instruction of Exceptional Children II: ID (Intellectual Disabilities) (3 Credits)
Experience in the direct teaching of children with disabilities in settings appropriate to student’s area of specialization. Includes weekly seminar.
EDEX 714S - Practicum in Instruction of Exceptional Children II: S (Severe/Multiple) (3 Credits)
Experience in the direct teaching of children with disabilities in settings appropriate to student’s area of specialization. Includes weekly seminar.
EDEX 715 - Applied Behavior Analysis in Special Education (3 Credits)
Application of principles of behavior to understanding and changing socially important behavior of students with disabilities.
EDEX 716 - Functional Behavioral Assessment and Behavior Interventions (3 Credits)
Identification and assessment of problem behavior, design and implementation of positive behavior intervention plans.
Prerequisites: C or better in EDEX 715.
EDEX 717 - Ethics in Behavior Analysis (3 Credits)
EDEX 718 - Intensive Practicum in Applied Behavior Analysis (3-6 Credits)
EDEX 719 - Advanced Applied Behavior Analysis (3 Credits)
EDEX 720 - Applied Research Experience in Special Education (1-3 Credits)
Supervised student-led research experience in a school, state agency, department or bureau of the University, or cooperating organization or institution.
EDEX 721 - Organizational Behavior Management (3 Credits)
Applications of organizational behavior management to the assessment, training, and supervision of staff providing behavior analytic services.
Prerequisites: C or better in EDEX 715.
EDEX 726 - Seminar in Special Education for Student Teachers (3 Credits)
Synthesis of the knowledge and skills acquired through course work and field experiences during special education teacher preparation.
Corequisite: EDEX 796.
EDEX 740 - Cognitive and Affective Aspects of the Gifted and Talented (3 Credits)
EDEX 742 - Educational Procedures for the Gifted and Talented (3 Credits)
Emphasis on methodologies and materials involved in the teaching of gifted and talented children and youth.
Prerequisites: EDEX 540.
EDEX 750 - Technology and Exceptional Populations (3 Credits)
The application of microcomputers and other technology in services for special populations. Case management, assessment, and instructional uses of technology are included.
EDEX 760 - Secondary Transition Assessment, Planning, and Program Development (3 Credits)
Foundation for understanding and using assessment information in the transition process for youth with disabilities. Specifically, students will gain knowledge in the multiple domains of transition assessment (e.g., vocational, academic, independent living, self-determination). Students will also develop and determine appropriate transition plans, programs, services, and instruction.
Prerequisites: EDEX 523 or equivalent introductory course in special education.
EDEX 761 - Promoting Student Outcomes Through Collaboration (3 Credits)
Concepts, tools, and strategies essential for effective collaboration within and across systems supporting transition-age youth with disabilities. Best practices on how to partner with agencies, schools, and employers which provide students with support and advocacy as they transition to post-school life.
Prerequisites: EDEX 523 or equivalent introductory course in special education.
EDEX 762 - Career Preparation and Employment for Individuals with Disabilities (3 Credits)
Specific vocational practices and information used to assist persons with disabilities as they begin to make career decisions and transition to the workforce.
Prerequisites: EDEX 523.
EDEX 763 - Integrated Secondary Curriculum, Instructional Strategies, and Transition Programs (3 Credits)
Developing and selecting curricula that meet students` transition needs and align with state academic standards. Students will evaluate and implement evidence-based practices as well as develop lessons and instructional units that promote the skills necessary for transition to adult life.
Prerequisites: EDEX 523.
EDEX 770 - Methods and Materials for Students with Low Vision (3 Credits)
EDEX 773 - Anatomy, Physiology, and Pathology of the Eye (3 Credits)
Structure, function, and abnormalities of the eye stressing educational implications. Special attention is paid to interpretation of reports from eye specialists, theory and use of low vision aids, and vision screening techniques in schools.
EDEX 774 - Educational Procedures for Students with Visual Disabilities (3 Credits)
EDEX 775 - Orientation and Mobility for the Visually Handicapped (3 Credits)
Lectures, discussions, observation, and practice in teaching pre-care skills, orientation and mobility, and activities of daily living to visually handicapped individuals. Presented with reference to the responsibility of the teacher of the visually handicapped.
EDEX 780 - Speech Reading and Auditory Training I (3 Credits)
A study of the use of acoustic amplification and speech reading in developing language skills for deaf and hard-of-hearing children and adults. Theories, methods, and systems of speech reading and use of hearing aids and other amplification equipment are studied and analyzed.
EDEX 781 - Speech Reading and Auditory Training II (3 Credits)
Advanced study in methods of instruction for the hard-of-hearing in the principles and techniques of lip reading and auditory training.
Prerequisites: EDEX 780 or equivalent.
EDEX 784 - Instruction of Students with Emotional and Behavioral Disorders (3 Credits)
Application of current educational procedures for students with emotional and behavioral disorders including alternative administrative arrangements, education strategies, and sources of materials.
Prerequisites: EDEX 632.
EDEX 785 - Language Impairment, Disabilities, and Augmentative Communication (3 Credits)
The study of language disorders in students with disabilities. Focus on defining communicative acts and implementation of alternative and augmentative communication and assistive technology.
EDEX 790 - Introduction to Assessment in Special Education (3 Credits)
Concepts and methods of assessment in special education with emphasis on administering, scoring, and interpreting standardized education tests.
EDEX 791 - Procedures in Special Education Assessment and Intervention I (3 Credits)
Lectures and practicum experiences emphasizing the application of informal educational assessment and intervention planning procedures. Individually supervised case project.
Prerequisites: EDEX 790.
EDEX 792 - Issues in Special Education (3 Credits)
EDEX 793 - Seminar in Aural Rehabilitation (3 Credits)
Experimental study of various aspects of lip-reading and auditory training.
EDEX 794 - Foundations of Secondary Transition Planning and Supports for Individuals with Disabilities (3 Credits)
Orientation to transition planning and vocational training as integrated components of secondary level education curriculum for students with disabilities.
EDEX 795 - Assessment in Early Childhood Special Education (3 Credits)
Assessment instruments, techniques, and procedures for non-discriminatory educational assessment of children with disabilities birth-eight years.
EDEX 796B - Directed Teaching in Special Education (12 Credits)
Application of effective teaching techniques and organization of instructional settings for exceptional learners in selected areas of specialization.
B (Behavioral Disorders), L (Learning Disabilities), I (Intellectual Disabilities), S (Severe/Multiple).
Prerequisites: Admission to the Professional Teacher Certification Program and completion of the special education core.
EDEX 796C - Directed Teaching in Special Education: C (Multicategorical) (12 Credits)
Application of effective teaching techniques and organization of instructional settings for exceptional learners in selected areas of specialization.
Prerequisites: Admission to the Professional Teacher Certification Program and completion of the special education core.
Corequisite: EDEX 726.
EDEX 796I - Directed Teaching in Special Education (12 Credits)
Application of effective teaching techniques and organization of instructional settings for exceptional learners in selected areas of specialization.
B (Behavioral Disorders), L (Learning Disabilities), I (Intellectual Disabilities), S (Severe/Multiple).
Prerequisites: Admission to the Professional Teacher Certification Program and completion of the special education core.
EDEX 796L - Directed Teaching in Special Education (12 Credits)
Application of effective teaching techniques and organization of instructional settings for exceptional learners in selected areas of specialization.
B (Behavioral Disorders), L (Learning Disabilities), I (Intellectual Disabilities), S (Severe/Multiple).
Prerequisites: Admission to the Professional Teacher Certification Program and completion of the special education core.
EDEX 796S - Directed Teaching in Special Education (12 Credits)
Application of effective teaching techniques and organization of instructional settings for exceptional learners in selected areas of specialization.
B (Behavioral Disorders), L (Learning Disabilities), I (Intellectual Disabilities), S (Severe/Multiple).
Prerequisites: Admission to the Professional Teacher Certification Program and completion of the special education core.
EDEX 799 - Thesis Preparation (1-9 Credits)
EDEX 808 - Procedures in Special Education Assessment and Intervention II (3 Credits)
EDEX 809 - Single-Case Research Designs in Special Education (3 Credits)
Applications of single-case study designs to the analysis of student behavior in special education, with emphasis on visual display of data and interpretation of research results.
Prerequisites: C or better in EDEX 715.
EDEX 810 - Advanced Single-Case Research (3 Credits)
Advanced concepts in single-case research, including the identification of evidence-based practices in special education through systematic reviews and meta-analyses.
Prerequisites: EDEX 809.
EDEX 815 - Coordination of Programs for Exceptional Children (3 Credits)
A study of administrative and supervisory issues in the operation of school programs for exceptional children; alternate instructional models and program organizations, budgeting and funding practices, certification requirements, and other operational factors are emphasized.
Prerequisites: EDEX 523 or equivalent.
EDEX 816 - Special Problems in Education of Students with Emotional and Behavioral Disabilities (3 Credits)
EDEX 817 - Advanced Educational Problems in Learning Disabilities (3 Credits)
EDEX 890 - Independent Study (3 Credits)
EDEX 891 - Advanced Educational Procedures for Exceptional Children (3 Credits)
Procedures to be used in special education classrooms, emphasis on curriculum, methods, and materials for learners with disabilities.
Prerequisites: vary by specialization.
EDEX 892 - Internship in Exceptional Children (3-6 Credits)
Supervised field-based experiences related to special education administration, pedagogy, and university teaching.
Prerequisites: EDEX 891.
EDEX 892A - Internship in Exceptional Children: A (Administration) (3-6 Credits)
Supervised field-based experiences related to special education administration, pedagogy, and university teaching.
Prerequisites: EDEX 891 and consent of instructor.
EDEX 892P - Internship in Exceptional Children: P (Pedagogy) (3-6 Credits)
Supervised field-based experiences related to special education administration, pedagogy, and university teaching.
Prerequisites: EDEX 891 and consent of instructor.
EDEX 892T - Internship in Exceptional Children: T (Teaching Internship) (3-6 Credits)
Supervised field-based experiences related to special education administration, pedagogy, and university teaching.
Prerequisites: EDEX 891 and consent of instructor.
EDEX 893 - Advanced Topics in Exceptional Children (3 Credits)
Selected topics in special education. With consent of advisor, may be repeated for credit as topics change.
Prerequisites: EDEX 891.
EDEX 894 - Research Seminar in Special Education (3 Credits)
Review and analysis of contemporary research topics in special education. May be repeated for up to 12 credit hours as topics vary.
EDEX 899 - Dissertation Preparation (1-12 Credits)
EDPY 644 - Free-Choice Learning and Informal Learning Environments (3 Credits)
Examines free-choice (or informal) learning and the characteristics of settings and activities outside of formal schooling that effectively promote learning and development.
EDPY 690 - Independent Study (3-15 Credits)
EDPY 704 - The Field of Educational Psychology (3 Credits)
Introduction to current issues in educational psychology. Topics include, but are not limited to: learning and teaching, cognition, developmental theories, the brain, information processing, motivation, individual differences, and the social contexts of learning.
EDPY 705 - Human Growth and Development (3 Credits)
Overview of the contributions of the biological and social sciences to an understanding of the mental, emotional, social, and physical development from infancy through adulthood. Study of behavior problems.
EDPY 706 - Growth and Development: Childhood (3 Credits)
Presentation of theories and principles of human development that are particularly relevant to teaching. Application of such theories and principles to learning situations suitable to various age and grade levels.
EDPY 707 - Growth and Development: Middle Childhood and Adolescence (3 Credits)
A review of the literature concerning adolescence; nine years through teens. Emphasis on application to the educational setting.
EDPY 708 - Growth and Development: Adulthood (3 Credits)
Designed to further understanding of the adult and his/her endeavors in the learning process. Emphasis will be on the major contributing factors (physiological, psychological, and sociological) that affect the adult, on the relevant research findings, and on implications for educators.
EDPY 741 - Basic Processes: Cognition (3 Credits)
A study of the cognitive processes involved in complex learning, conceptualization, problem-solving, abstract reasoning, and other aspects of higher intellectual functioning as developed and used in the educational setting.
EDPY 751 - Learning and Instruction (3 Credits)
A systematic survey of major traditional and contemporary learning theories and principles relevant to the design and development of classroom teaching and instruction.
EDPY 752 - Research Methods in Educational Psychology (3 Credits)
Analysis of concepts and methodological approaches to research in the Educational Psychology field. Focus on critical reading and evaluation of published literature across a broad spectrum of areas.
EDPY 785 - Motivation and School Learning (3 Credits)
Motivation and School Learning.
EDPY 799 - Thesis Preparation (1-9 Credits)
EDPY 805 - Contemporary Research in Human Development and Education (3 Credits)
Issues in research on human development with applications to educational settings.
EDPY 835 - Educational Psychology (3 Credits)
EDPY 873 - Advanced Problems in Educational Psychology (3 Credits)
Advanced problems in educational psychology as they apply to the public schools at all levels. Designed to meet the needs of candidates for graduate degrees.
EDPY 890 - Independent Study (3 Credits)
EDPY 899 - Dissertation Preparation (1-12 Credits)
EDRM 520 - Introduction to Testing and Evaluation (3 Credits)
The construction and use of teacher-made tests; descriptive statistics, measurement error, norms, and interpretation of scores; types of standardized instruments for use in elementary and secondary schools.
EDRM 690 - Independent Study (1-3 Credits)
EDRM 700 - Introduction to Research in Education (3 Credits)
Concepts and methods of conducting research in education. Admission to graduate standing.
EDRM 705 - Applied Educational Statistics I (3 Credits)
Introduction to methods of statistical inference in educational research, including additional topics in hypothesis testing, linear statistical models, and non-parametric analyses.
Prerequisites: C or better in EDRM 700.
EDRM 706 - Applied Educational Statistics II (3 Credits)
Advanced methods of statistical inference used in educational research, including additional topics in differences between groups, linear and nonlinear statistical models, and non-parametric analyses.
Prerequisites: C or better in EDRM 705 or another introduction to applied statistics course.
EDRM 710 - Educational Statistics I (3 Credits)
Introductory course in statistics for graduate students in education and the other social sciences. Central tendency and variability, normal distribution, simple correlation and regression, z and t tests for one and two samples, and the chi-square test. Use of statistical software.
EDRM 711 - Educational Statistics II (3 Credits)
Continuation of Educational Statistics I. Inference for one and two samples, factorial designs, repeated measures designs, and multiple regression. Use of statistical software.
Prerequisites: C or better in EDRM 710.
EDRM 712 - Nonparametric Statistics (3 Credits)
Applied nonparametric statistics in education and the social sciences. Distribution-free inference for repeated measures and factorial designs; logistic regression and log-linear analysis. Use of statistical software.
Prerequisites: EDRM 711.
EDRM 715 - Mixed Methods Research (3 Credits)
The study and practice of mixed methods research. The integration of qualitative and quantitative approaches and methods in research practices. Emphasis on educational research and settings with consideration of other social science fields as needed.
EDRM 718 - Research and the Statistical Packages (1-3 Credits)
EDRM 720 - Educational Measurement (3 Credits)
The history of educational and psychological measurement. Consideration of concepts such as validity and reliability of educational and psychological measures and the rationale of the development and use of instruments for educational purposes.
EDRM 721 - Constructing Cognitive Instruments (3 Credits)
EDRM 722 - Constructing Non-Cognitive Instruments (3 Credits)
Consideration and the construction of educational and psychological tests and measurement instruments.
Prerequisites: EDRM 721.
EDRM 723 - Classroom Assessment Methods (3 Credits)
Emphasis in the linkages between curriculum, instruction, and assessment, and the development of assessments for learning outcomes. Methods include observations, interviewing, performance assessments, portfolios, and classroom tests.
EDRM 724 - Survey Design and Analysis (3 Credits)
Topics in surveys: developing the purpose and framework of surveys, item writing, questionnaire design, sampling, administration, analysis of data, and presentation of results.
EDRM 728 - Technical Aspects of Tests and Measurements (3 Credits)
Statistical techniques and theoretical concepts involved in educational and psychological measurement. Analysis and interpretation of test data, equating of equivalent forms, latent trait theories and models, multiple matrix sampling, and issues related to criterion-referenced testing.
Prerequisites: B or better in EDRM 710.
EDRM 736 - Program Evaluation (3 Credits)
EDRM 737 - Internship in Research (3 Credits)
Supervised research experience in a school, state agency, department or bureau of the University, or cooperating institution.
EDRM 789 - Principles and Applications of Structural Equation Modeling (3 Credits)
EDRM 799 - Thesis Preparation (1-9 Credits)
EDRM 800 - Grants Administration (3 Credits)
Analysis of grant and contract functions in government agencies; proposal writing; legal and fiscal requirements of grants administration.
Cross-listed course: POLI 755
EDRM 801 - Principles and Applications of Educational Research (3 Credits)
Concepts and application of designing research in education.
Prerequisites: EDRM 700 or equivalent.
EDRM 810 - Design and Analysis of Experiments (3 Credits)
Emphasis on the development of an understanding of the role of inferential statistics in educational experimentation, a working knowledge of the common tests in statistical analysis, and the student’s ability to design and execute experiments involving application of the statistical tests.
Prerequisites: EDRM 711 or the equivalent.
EDRM 812 - Hierarchical Linear Modeling (3 Credits)
Advanced quantitative methods course in multilevel data analysis. Covers theoretical grounding, applications in the social sciences, and model building.
Prerequisites: C or better in EDRM 711.
EDRM 816 - Correlational and Multivariate Methods (3 Credits)
Advanced statistical applications including partial and multiple correlational methods, multiple regression, multivariate analysis of variance, discriminant analysis, and canonical correlation. Use of statistical software.
Prerequisites: C or better in EDRM 711.
EDRM 828 - Item Response Theory (3 Credits)
EDRM 840 - Advanced Qualitative Inquiry in Education (3 Credits)
Theory, methodology and practice of qualitative research in educational settings. Students will conduct research in applied settings using qualitative data collection methods including observation, interviews, focus groups, and document analysis.
Prerequisites: EDFI 731.
EDRM 842 - Educational Biography (3 Credits)
Examination of biography as a form of educational research and scholarship.
EDRM 878 - Seminar in Research Techniques (1-3 Credits)
Theoretical and empirical issues in qualitative and/or quantitative methods in educational research. Content varies; topics and credit announced in advance. May be repeated for up to 12 hours of credit.
EDRM 889 - Advanced Principles and Application of Latent Variable Modeling (3 Credits)
Study of advanced concepts, principles, techniques, and issues in structural equation modeling (SEM) and the latent variable framework.
Prerequisites: EDRM 789 or similar course.
EDRM 890 - Independent Study (3 Credits)
EDRM 897 - Dissertation Seminar in Education (3 Credits)
Topics involved with major issues in the planning and conducting of significant research in education. Several faculty members participate; a forum is provided in which candidates may present for analysis original research designs primarily related to their dissertations.
EDRM 899 - Dissertation Preparation (1-12 Credits)
PEDU 510 - Teaching Health Related Physical Fitness (3 Credits)
Knowledge and application of processes and principles of health related physical fitness in physical education and sport settings.
Prerequisites: EXSC 223/EXSC 224 or BIOL 243/BIOL 244.
PEDU 511 - Effective Applied Sport and Performance Psychology (3 Credits)
An examination of sport and performance psychology effectiveness in a variety of contexts.
Prerequisites: C or better in PSYC 380.
PEDU 515 - Physical Education for Inclusion (3 Credits)
Designing physical education programs for special populations and for students with special needs.
Graduation with Leadership Distinction: GLD: Diversity and Social Advocacy
PEDU 516 - Diversity and Cultural Perspectives in Sport & Performance (3 Credits)
Diversity, multiculturalism, and cultural awareness for informing counseling and consultation in sports and performance settings.
PEDU 520 - Observational Analysis of Sports Techniques and Tactics (3 Credits)
Qualitative and quantitative techniques to observe, describe, analyze, and evaluate human movement in physical education and sports settings.
PEDU 553 - The Organization and Administration of Physical Education (3 Credits)
Organization of instructional, intramural, interscholastic, and recreational programs, with emphasis on criteria for the evaluation and selection of activities.
Prerequisites: 18 credits in physical education, including six semester hours of professional skill courses.
PEDU 555 - Current Topics in Physical Education (1-3 Credits)
PEDU 570 - Human Child/Adolescent Growth (3 Credits)
Human physical growth and development of children with emphasis on years 4 to 18.
PEDU 575 - Physical Education for the Classroom Teacher (3 Credits)
Appropriate movement experiences for children. Not available for physical education majors.
Prerequisites: EDTE 201.
PEDU 635 - South Carolina Physical Education Curriculum (3 Credits)
Development of physical education programs using the South Carolina Physical Education Curriculum Materials.
PEDU 637 - Advanced Theory and Techniques of Coaching Football (3 Credits)
An intensive investigation of current theories of offensive and defensive football. Generalship, strategy, conditioning, staff utilization, film analysis, and practice organization are covered in depth.
Prerequisites: current responsibilities or previous experience in college or high school coaching.
PEDU 638 - Advanced Theory and Techniques of Coaching Basketball (3 Credits)
An intensive investigation of the latest techniques and theories of coaching basketball. Systems of offense and defense, generalship, conditioning, staff utilization, film analysis, and practice organization are covered in depth.
Prerequisites: current responsibilities or previous experience in college or high school coaching.
PEDU 639 - Advanced Theory and Techniques of Coaching Track and Field Events (3 Credits)
A thorough study of the latest techniques of coaching track and field events. Isometric, isotonic, and interval conditioning theories involving the cardiovascular and muscular systems are examined to acquaint the student with varying physiological approaches to conditioning.
Prerequisites: current responsibilities or previous experience in college or high-school coaching.
PEDU 640 - Advanced Theory and Techniques of Teaching and Officiating Girls' Gymnastics (3 Credits)
A thorough study of the latest techniques of teaching and officiating girls' gymnastics. Balance beam, vaulting, uneven bars, tumbling, dance skills and routines, and officiating methods.
PEDU 647 - Coaching Ethics, Law and Compliance (3 Credits)
Ethical and legal issues surrounding the coaching profession.
PEDU 650 - Theoretical Foundations of Athletic and Mental Performance Coaching (3 Credits)
Theoretical foundations of athletic and mental performance across a variety of contexts and developmental levels.
PEDU 660 - Counseling Student Athletes (3 Credits)
Issues facing student athletes regarding their personal and career development beyond athletics.
Cross-listed course: EDCE 650
PEDU 702 - Interpretation and Implementation of Physical Education Programs for Children (3 Credits)
An intensive investigation of contemporary physical education programs for children.
PEDU 703 - Conceptual Issues in Teaching Physical Education (3 Credits)
Advanced study of current literature and research in physical education.
PEDU 704 - Readings and Research in Physical Education Teaching and Teacher Education (3 Credits)
Advanced study of seminal literature and research in physical education teaching and teacher education.
Prerequisites: PEDU 703.
PEDU 705 - Applied Theories of Perceptual-Motor Learning in Physical Education (3 Credits)
Analysis of theories and principles of perceptual-motor and motor development of infants and children. Emphasis is placed upon reviewing current research as it applies to the physical education setting.
PEDU 709 - Anthropometric Measures and Their Uses (3 Credits)
Research procedures in measuring and rating human somatic variables. Experience in taking measurements on children and adults. Discussion of instruments, rating scales, positioning subjects, locating landmarks, and attaining consistency. Consideration of reliability and relevance in use of photographs, roentgenograms, casts, and direct measures.
PEDU 710 - Measurement and Research in Physical Education (3 Credits)
The treatment of current theory and practice of testing, evaluation, and research in physical education, with emphasis on the methods and tools of research.
Prerequisites: PEDU 545.
PEDU 715 - Introduction to Adapted Physical Education, Activity, and Sport (3 Credits)
Focuses on content knowledge foundational to adapted physical education, activity, and sport programs in self-contained and/or itinerant settings for children with moderate to severe disabilities.
PEDU 716 - Universal Design for Learning in General Physical Education (3 Credits)
Focuses on knowledge and skills to design and implement an effective curriculum design, lesson planning and assessment for inclusive physical education settings.
PEDU 717 - Practicum in Adapted Physical Education (3 Credits)
Focuses on the techniques, methodologies, and philosophies of adapted physical education teachers.
PEDU 720 - Theories and Principles of Motor Learning and Control: Applications for Adapted Physical Education (3 Credits)
Focuses on the knowledge of principles/theories of learning and memory applied to motor skill acquisition with an emphasis on factors influencing and the development of successful instructional and training strategies among individuals with disabilities.
PEDU 722 - Curriculum Development in Physical Education (3 Credits)
Principles of physical education based upon physiology, psychology, and sociology; curriculum-making procedures; plans and regulations for the conduct of the curriculum in physical education; criteria for the evaluation and selection of activities; evaluation, measurement, and grading procedures; and the formulation of a curriculum outline for elementary, junior high, and senior high schools.
PEDU 725 - Supervision in Physical Education (3 Credits)
Theory and practice of supervision of student teaching practica in physical education.
Prerequisites: EDUC 731.
PEDU 729 - Study of the Teaching of Physical Education (3 Credits)
Study of the analysis of teaching applied to the development of effective teaching skills in physical education.
PEDU 730 - Psychosocial Aspects of Athletic Performance and Injury Rehabilitation (3 Credits)
The application of psychological principles from motivation, arousal regulation, individual differences and psychological skills for enhancing athletic performance and injury rehabilitation.
PEDU 731 - Motor Skill Learning (3 Credits)
Study of sensory, motor and physical processes that underlie learning and performance of motor skills commonly performed in physical education, sport and dance.
PEDU 732 - Analysis of Instructional Behavior in Physical Activity Programs (3 Credits)
Research-based study of strategies, delivery systems, and clinical, school, and community-based programs in physical activity.
PEDU 741 - Readings in the Social History of Sport (3 Credits)
Reading and discussion of the critical and analytical literature on sport history.
Cross-listed course: HIST 741
PEDU 743 - Psychopathology among Athletes and Performers (3 Credits)
An introduction to common clinical domains of psychopathology encountered by athletes and performers.
PEDU 744 - Coaching Administration and Management (3 Credits)
An overview of coach’s responsibilities in athletics internal operations.
PEDU 745 - Principles and Applications for Long-Term Athletic Development (3 Credits)
An overview of concepts, principles of long-term athletic development for youth and their application. Completion of this course provides the opportunity for Certification as a Level 1 Youth Fitness Specialist through the International Youth Conditioning Association.
PEDU 746 - Growth and Development Principles for Athlete Selection and Coaching (3 Credits)
Developmental constraint models and developmental trends from childhood through young adulthood highlighting their role in motor development, athlete selection and performance.
PEDU 748 - The Art and Science of Coaching Applications (3 Credits)
Scientifically informed preparation and supervised coaching applications for athletes and performers.
PEDU 749 - Practicum for Coaching Athletes and Performers (3 Credits)
Supervised experience in sport and performance settings.
Prerequisites: C or better in PEDU 748.
PEDU 750 - Historical and Philosophical Foundations of Physical Education (3 Credits)
A study of the historical and philosophical bases of physical education. Emphasis will be placed on the integration and application of this information to the formulation of a practical philosophy of physical education.
PEDU 751 - Principles of Adapted Sport Coaching (3 Credits)
An overview of teaching and training athletes with different disabilities and challenges. Program management and preparing for coaching and competition.
Prerequisites: PEDU 715.
PEDU 755 - Selected Topics in Physical Education (3 Credits)
A study of selected issues confronted in physical education programs.
Prerequisites: 15 hours in graduate courses in physical education.
PEDU 770 - Research Methods in Physical Education (3 Credits)
A study of applicable methods and tools of research in physical education and motor behavior. Provision for students to engage in original research.
PEDU 771 - Theories and Principles of Growth and Motor Behavior: Applications for Adapted Physical Education (3 Credits)
Focuses on knowledge of growth and motor development principles from theory and research with applications for teaching and coaching individuals with disabilities.
PEDU 778A - Directed Student Teaching in Physical Education I (6 Credits)
Student teaching at the elementary or secondary level combined with planning and initiation of an action research project to demonstrate knowledge, skills, and dispositions related to teaching physical education.
Corequisite: PEDU 778B.
PEDU 778B - Directed Student Teaching in Physical Education II (6 Credits)
Student teaching at the elementary or secondary level combined with completion of an action research project to demonstrate knowledge, skills, and dispositions related to teaching physical education.
Corequisite: PEDU 778A.
PEDU 784 - Theory and Application of Effective Teaching Strategies in Physical Education (3 Credits)
Study of effective teaching in physical education. Acquisition of advanced teaching skills beyond those required for basic certification.
PEDU 788 - Action Research Project in Adapted Physical Education (3 Credits)
Focuses on knowledge and skills to design and implement an action research project designed for self-reflective systematic inquiry and improvement of teaching in inclusive physical education settings.
PEDU 790 - Independent Study (1-3 Credits)
Topics to be assigned and approved by advisor, graduate director, and department head.
PEDU 791 - Practicum in Physical Education (0-3 Credits)
Clinical and/or field experience in a variety of settings related to or dealing with physical activity. The practicum is designed to provide the student with in-depth experiences in a particular aspect of motor skill acquisition.
PEDU 829 - Advanced Topics in Child and Adolescent Growth and Development (3 Credits)
An interdisciplinary study of individual (physical and psychological), environmental and task related variables as they relate to motor skill performance, physical activity participation and athlete development.
PEDU 830 - Development of Skilled Sport Performance (3 Credits)
PEDU 832 - Research Practicum in Motor Learning/Motor Performance (3 Credits)
Scientific investigation of specific research problems in motor learning/motor performance.
PEDU 833 - Research Practicum in Physical Education (1-6 Credits)
Designing, conducting and interpreting research studies in physical education.
PEDU 840 - Historical and Contemporary Perspectives on the Study of Teaching and Instruction (3 Credits)
A survey and critical analysis of the field of research on teaching and instruction.
PEDU 841 - Seminar in Research on Teaching in Physical Education (3 Credits)
Interpretation and critical analysis of research on selected topics on teaching and instruction in physical education.
PEDU 850 - Research, Theory, and Practice of Teacher Education in Physical Education (3 Credits)
Research, theory, and methods of teacher education in physical education.
PEDU 860 - Advanced Curriculum and Philosophy in Physical Education (3 Credits)
Curriculum theory and design in physical education; implications of major philosophical positions, developmental and learning theory, and culture on the design and implementation of physical education curriculum.
Prerequisites: PEDU 722.
PEDU 870 - Promoting Integrative Youth Physical Development (3 Credits)
Examination of the synergistic nature of various physical, behavioral and psychological factors that promote positive trajectories of health in youth and how they are promoted across childhood and adolescence in physical education.
PEDU 899 - Dissertation Preparation (1-12 Credits)