GEOG 510 - Special Topics in Geographic Research (3 Credits)
GEOG 512 - Migration and Globalization (3 Credits)
GEOG 515 - Political Geography (3 Credits)
GEOG 516 - Coastal Zone Management (3 Credits)
GEOG 517 - Socionatural Coastlines in Global Perspective (3 Credits)
GEOG 521 - Landscapes of South Carolina (3 Credits)
GEOG 525 - Geographical Analysis of Transportation (3 Credits)
GEOG 530 - Environmental Hazards (3 Credits)
GEOG 531 - Quantitative Methods in Geographic Research (3 Credits)
GEOG 535 - Hazards Analysis and Planning (3 Credits)
Prerequisites: GEOG 363 and
GEOG 530, or equivalents.
GEOG 538 - Global Food Politics (3 Credits)
GEOG 541 - Advanced Cartography (3 Credits)
GEOG 542 - Dynamic Cartography (3 Credits)
GEOG 544 - Geography of the City (3 Credits)
GEOG 545 - Weather Analysis and Forecasting (4 Credits)
Prerequisites: C or better in GEOG 202.
GEOG 546 - Applied Climatology (4 Credits)
GEOG 547 - Fluvial Geomorphology (3 Credits)
GEOG 548 - Landscape Ecology (3 Credits)
GEOG 549 - Water and Watersheds (3 Credits)
Prerequisites: GEOG 347, GEOL 371, or ECIV 360.
GEOG 551 - Remote Sensing of the Environment (3 Credits)
GEOG 552 - LiDARgrammetric and Photogrammetric Digital Surface Mapping (3 Credits)
GEOG 554 - Spatial Programming (3 Credits)
GEOG 556 - WebGIS (3 Credits)
Prerequisites: C or better in GEOG 263 or graduate student standing.
GEOG 561 - Contemporary Issues in Geography Education (3 Credits)
GEOG 562 - Satellite Mapping and the Global Positioning System (3 Credits)
Prerequisites: C or better in GEOG 345, GEOG 263, or
GEOG 551 or graduate student standing.
GEOG 563 - Advanced Geographic Information Systems (3 Credits)
Prerequisites: C or better in GEOG 263 or graduate student standing.
GEOG 564 - GIS-Based Modeling (3 Credits)
Prerequisites: C or better in GEOG 263 or graduate student standing.
GEOG 565 - Geographic Information System (GIS) Databases and Their Use (3 Credits)
Prerequisites: C or better in GEOG 263 or GEOG 341 or
GEOG 551 or
GEOG 563 or graduate student standing.
GEOG 566 - Climate Adaptation and Community Resilience Planning (3 Credits)
GEOG 567 - Long-Term Environmental Change (3 Credits)
Prerequisites: C or better in a 200-level course in physical geography or geology or equivalent.
GEOG 568 - Human Dimensions of Global Environmental Change (3 Credits)
GEOG 569 - International Development and the Environment (3 Credits)
GEOG 570 - Geography of Public Land and Water Policy (3 Credits)
GEOG 571 - Microclimatology (4 Credits)
GEOG 573 - Climatic Change and Variability (3 Credits)
Prerequisites: GEOG 202 or equivalent.
GEOG 581 - Globalization and Cultural Questions (3 Credits)
GEOG 590 - Beach-Dune Interactions (3 Credits)
GEOG 595 - Internship in Geography (1-6 Credits)
GEOG 701 - History of Geographic Thought (3 Credits)
GEOG 705 - Directed Individual Studies in Geography (1-3 Credits)
GEOG 706 - Selected Topics in Cartography and Remote Sensing (1-3 Credits)
GEOG 709 - Women Explorers and Travelers (3 Credits)
GEOG 710 - Seminar in Geography Education (3 Credits)
GEOG 711 - Seminar in Regional Geography (3 Credits)
GEOG 712 - Urban Geography (3 Credits)
GEOG 713 - Advanced Economic Geography (3 Credits)
GEOG 720 - World Regional Geography for Teachers (3 Credits)
GEOG 721 - Seminar in Systematic Geography (3 Credits)
GEOG 730 - Seminar in Environmental Geography (3 Credits)
GEOG 731 - Seminar in Quantitative Analysis in Geography (3 Credits)
GEOG 734 - Field Seminar in Third World Development Projects (6 Credits)
GEOG 735 - Seminar in Political Geography (3 Credits)
GEOG 737 - Seminar in Spatial Cognition (3 Credits)
GEOG 740 - Research Trends in Geography (1 Credit)
GEOG 741 - Seminar in Cartography (3 Credits)
GEOG 746 - Seminar in Climatology (3 Credits)
GEOG 747 - Seminar in Physical Geography (3 Credits)
GEOG 751 - Digital Techniques of Remote Sensing (3 Credits)
Prerequisites: GEOG 551 and course in computer programming.
GEOG 755 - Remote Sensing Modeling and Analysis (3 Credits)
Prerequisites: GEOG 575 or equivalent.
GEOG 763 - Seminar in Geographic Information Systems (3 Credits)
Prerequisites: B or better in
GEOG 563 or equivalent.
GEOG 799 - Thesis Preparation (1-9 Credits)
GEOG 801 - Historical and Contemporary Geographic Thought (3 Credits)
GEOG 805 - Advanced Directed Individual Studies in Geography (1-3 Credits)
GEOG 810 - Advanced Seminar in Human Geography (3 Credits)
Prerequisites: any 700-level GEOG seminar course.
GEOG 811 - Advanced Seminar in Regional Geography (3 Credits)
GEOG 830 - Advanced Seminar in Environmental Geography (3 Credits)
GEOG 841 - Advanced Seminar in Cartography (3 Credits)
GEOG 847 - Advanced Seminar in Physical Geography (3 Credits)
GEOG 851 - Advanced Seminar in Remote Sensing (3 Credits)
GEOG 863 - Advanced Seminar in Geographic Information Systems (3 Credits)
GEOG 899 - Dissertation Preparation (1-12 Credits)