Data Science Minor

Degree Requirements (18-19 Hours)

Prerequisites (3-4 hours)

Course Title Credits
MATH 122Calculus for Business Administration and Social Sciences3
or MATH 141 Calculus I
Total Credit Hours3

Minor Requirements (18 or 19 Hours)

must be passed with a grade of C or higher

Course Title Credits
Minor Core Courses12-13
Scientific Applications Programming
Algorithmic Design I
Statistics for Engineers
Statistical Methods I
Statistical Methods for Data Analytics
Big Data Analytics
Applied Multivariate Statistics and Data Mining
Visualization Tools
Computing for Data Science
Minor Elective Courses6
Some of these options may have additional prerequisites.
Select two courses from:
Any of CSCE 567, CSCE 587/STAT 587, STAT 530 or STAT 542 not taken as a minor core course.
Algorithmic Design II
Database System Design
Analysis of Experimental Data in Python
Computational Science
Parallel Computing
Artificial Intelligence
Bayesian Networks and Decision Graphs
Machine Learning Systems
Advanced Machine Learning with Implementation
Mathematical Concepts for Data Analytics
Applied Linear Algebra
Linear Algebra
Discrete Structures
Discrete Mathematics I
Nonlinear Optimization
Mathematical Foundation of Data Science and Machine Learning
Introduction to Deep Neural Networks
Mathematical Foundation of Network Science
Introduction to Experimental Design
Mathematical Statistics
Statistical Methods II
Advanced Statistical Models
Advanced Machine Learning with Implementation
Introduction to Bayesian Data Analysis
Computing in Statistics
Advanced SAS Programming
Bayesian Networks and Decision Graphs
Genomic Data Science
Total Credit Hours18-19

Note: The Data Science Minor is designed for students in any discipline that uses large data sets, including Biology, Business, Psychology, etc. Choosing the correct courses is more complicated for students majoring in Computer Engineering, Computer Science, Computer Information Systems, Mathematics, and Statistics.

Restrictions and Course Substitutions

The Data Science Minor may not be taken by a student completing the Data Science B.S. or Data Analytics B.S.. 

No course may be applied to both the Data Science Minor and the Carolina Core, a Major Requirement, or an additional minor.  In the event of a conflict, a Minor Elective Course may be substituted for a Minor Required Course in this minor.

All courses applied to the minor must have been passed with a grade of C or higher.

Administration of the Minor

Curricula and other decisions of the minor will be made by a committee composed of two faculty appointed by the Chair of Statistics and two faculty appointed by the Chair of Computer Science and Engineering.