Educational and Developmental Science

Ryan G. Carlson, Chair

EDEC 201  - Inquiry into Early Childhood Education  (3 Credits)  
Inquiry into the roles, programs, history, and culture trends in early childhood education.
EDEC 250  - Play and Early Learning  (3 Credits)  
Theory and practice related to children’s play and early learning in family, community, and educational settings.
EDEC 335  - African and African Diaspora Literacies in the Early Childhood Classroom  (3 Credits)  
Pedagogical methods for introducing young children in prekindergarten-to-third grade classrooms to perspectives on African and African Diaspora literacies (Peoples, histories, and contributions to the world’s knowledge).
EDEC 336  - Culturally Relevant Pedagogy in Early Childhood Classrooms  (3 Credits)  
A study of the theoretical and practical foundations of effective teaching in diverse classroom environments. Ethnicity, gender, social class, religion and other issues are considered from multiple perspectives.
Graduation with Leadership Distinction: GLD: Diversity and Social Advocacy, GLD: Global Learning
EDEC 340  - The Young Child: Development, Care and Education (Birth to 3 years)  (3 Credits)  
Infants’ and toddlers’ development and care from an ecological perspective. Assessment of children in various settings is emphasized.
Corequisite: EDEC 340P.
EDEC 340P  - The Young Child: Development, Care and Education (Birth to 3 years) Practicum  (1 Credit)  
Practicum in infants’ and toddlers’ development and care observed and assessed from an ecological perspective. Includes service learning.
Corequisite: EDEC 340.
EDEC 342  - The Young Child: Development, Care and Education (3-8 years)  (3 Credits)  
Study and practicum in culturally relevant child development, ages 3-8, and applying this knowledge as foundational in early childhood assessment and practice.
Prerequisites: C or better in EDEC 340 and EDEC 340P.
Corequisite: EDEC 344, EDEC 347 and EDEC 345.
Graduation with Leadership Distinction: GLD: Professional and Civic Engagement Internships, GLD: Research
EDEC 342P  - The Young Child: Development, Care and Education (3-8 years) Practicum  (3 Credits)  
Practicum in development, assessment, and education of young children with an emphasis on mathematics, science, and social studies.
Prerequisites: EDEC 340 and 340P.
Corequisite: EDEC 342, EDEC 344, EDEC 347 and EDRD 345.
Graduation with Leadership Distinction: GLD: Professional and Civic Engagement Internships
EDEC 344  - Supporting Linguistic Pluralism Across Content Areas  (3 Credits)  
Introduction to issues, ideas, practices and policies in support of learning and teaching in multilingual classrooms, pre-K to grade 12 for undergraduate early childhood education majors. Early Childhood Majors Only.
Corequisite: EDEC 342, EDEC 342P, EDEC 347 and EDRD 345.
EDEC 345  - Teaching Reading in Early Childhood Education I  (3 Credits)  
Theory and practice in the teaching of reading for children from birth through age eight for undergraduate majors in early childhood.
Prerequisites: Admission to the professional program in Early Childhood Education.
EDEC 347  - Community of Learners and Classroom Management in Early Childhood  (3 Credits)  
Methods of building a community of learners including child guidance and group management that foster the development of self-control and learning.
EDEC 410  - Parent/Family Dynamics in Early Childhood Education  (3 Credits)  
Principles, practices, and content of family dynamics, including practicum/service learning.
Graduation with Leadership Distinction: GLD: Community Service
EDEC 441  - Teaching Mathematics in Early Childhood  (3 Credits)  
Methods and materials in teaching and assessment in early childhood mathematics (prekindergarten-grade 3).
Prerequisites: Admission to Internship I.
Corequisite: EDEC 443.
EDEC 442  - Teaching Science in Early Childhood Education  (3 Credits)  
The study and practice of science education for pre-school and primary students focusing on appropriate content, goals and methods.
Prerequisites: Admission to internship in early childhood education.
Corequisite: EDEC 443.
EDEC 443  - Internship in Integrated Curriculum in Early Childhood Education  (4 Credits)  
Internship in developmentally and culturally appropriate content and pedagogy in language and literacy, mathematics, science, social studies, and fine arts for young children through grade 3. Admission to internship in early childhood education.
Corequisite: EDEC 441, EDEC 442 and EDRD 445.
EDEC 444  - Teaching Social Studies to Early Childhood Education  (3 Credits)  
The study and practice of Social Studies education for undergraduate majors in early childhood education. Early Childhood Majors Only.
EDEC 445  - Teaching Writing in Early Childhood Education  (3 Credits)  
Theory and practice in the teaching of writing for children from birth through age eight. For undergraduate majors in early childhood education including literacy practicum.
Prerequisites: C or better in EDEC 345.
Corequisite: EDEC 443.
EDEC 491  - Seminar on Teaching in Early Childhood  (3 Credits)  
Exploration of the principles and theories about teaching and learning as they apply to early childhood education in the context of schools in democratic societies.
Prerequisites: Admission to internship in early childhood education.
Corequisite: EDEC 492.
Graduation with Leadership Distinction: GLD: Professional and Civic Engagement Internships, GLD: Research
EDEC 492  - Internship in Curriculum, Assessment, Teaching, and Professional Roles  (9 Credits)  
Internship for practice in classrooms appropriate to the level of certification sought (early childhood) related to professional roles. Admission to the Professional Program in Early Childhood Education.
Graduation with Leadership Distinction: GLD: Professional and Civic Engagement Leadership Experiences
Experiential Learning: Experiential Learning Opportunity
EDEC 540  - The Young Child: Behavior and Development in Early Childhood  (3 Credits)  
Service-learning and seminar experiences addressing intellectual, physical, social, and emotional development, prenatal through grade three, within an ecological context. Child’s critical thinking, creative expression, and diagnosis/assessment emphasized.
EDEC 546  - Education of Young Children: An Ecological Approach  (3 Credits)  
An ecological study with emphasis on home-school relations, parent involvement, and community resources. Multicultural perspectives and needs of exceptional children addressed.
Corequisite: EDEC 469.
EDEC 547  - Field Problems: Teaching Mathematics Using Manipulative Materials, Grades K-3  (3 Credits)  
Instructional approaches and materials for teaching elementary school mathematics, grades K-3.
EDEC 570  - Internship in Environments for Teaching and Learning  (3 Credits)  
Internship for practice in classrooms appropriate to early childhood education related to curriculum design and assessment. Admission to the professional program in early childhood education.
Graduation with Leadership Distinction: GLD: Professional and Civic Engagement Internships
EDEC 608  - Parent Involvement in Early Childhood Education  (3 Credits)  
Analysis of programs and practices for involving parents in early childhood educational settings. Emphasizes objectives, methods, techniques, and materials for program development. Community resources for supporting programs for children in various instructional settings.
EDEC 690  - Independent Study  (1-3 Credits)  
EDEX 205  - Understanding the Foundations of Disability  (3 Credits)  
The role of historical events, politics, media, race, gender, and other issues in shaping how disability is viewed. A critical framework for understanding how disability is viewed in Western culture and the effects of those views on individuals with disabilities.
Carolina Core: GSS
EDEX 301  - Introduction to Students with Autism  (3 Credits)  
Introduction to autism including definition, characteristics, causes, and evidence-based practices.
EDEX 315  - Introduction to Applied Behavior Analysis in Special Education  (3 Credits)  
Introduction to the principles of behavior and their application to improving educational and behavioral outcomes of students with disabilities.
Prerequisites: C or better in EDEX 523.
EDEX 316  - Introduction to Functional Behavioral Assessment and Behavior Interventions  (3 Credits)  
Introduction to procedures used in school settings for reducing challenging behaviors through conducting a functional behavioral assessment and writing and implementing a behavior intervention plan.
Prerequisites: C or better in EDEX 315.
EDEX 390  - Introduction to Assessment in Special Education  (3 Credits)  
Introduction to concepts and methods of assessment in special education with emphasis on administering, scoring, and analysis of standardized educational tests.
Prerequisites: C or better in EDEX 523.
EDEX 392  - Collaborative Partnerships in Special Education  (3 Credits)  
Knowledge and skills critical to special education practitioners in fostering healthy and productive relationships with fellow professionals, students, and families.
Prerequisites: C or better in EDEX 523.
EDEX 399  - Independent Study  (3-15 Credits)  
Contract approved by instructor, advisor, and department chair is required for undergraduate students.
Graduation with Leadership Distinction: GLD: Research
EDEX 413  - Internship I in Special Education  (6 Credits)  
Experience in the observation and teaching of Pk – 12 students with exceptionalities across settings appropriate to special education teaching certification. Admission to Internship I in Special Education required.
EDEX 426  - Seminar in Special Education  (3 Credits)  
Synthesis of the knowledge and skills acquired through course work and field experiences during special education teacher preparation.
Prerequisites: Admission to Internship II in Special Education required.
Corequisite: EDEX 496.
EDEX 491  - Introduction to Inclusion of Students with Mild Disabilities  (2 Credits)  
Inclusion strategies and accommodation planning for students with mild disabilities in general education classrooms.
Graduation with Leadership Distinction: GLD: Diversity and Social Advocacy
EDEX 496  - Internship II in Special Education  (12 Credits)  
Application of effective teaching techniques and organization of instructional settings for exceptional learners in special education. Admission to Internship II Special Education required.
Corequisite: EDEX 426.
EDEX 523  - Introduction to Exceptional Children  (3 Credits)  
Overview of the field of education for exceptional children. Basic course for those entering the field of special education.
EDEX 525  - The Nature of Orthopedic and Special Health Problems  (3 Credits)  
Symptomatology, behavioral manifestations, and resources for care and treatment of orthopedic conditions and other types of health problems in children and youth.
EDEX 530  - Introduction to Early Childhood Special Education  (3 Credits)  
An overview of early childhood special education for young children with disabilities and their families.
EDEX 531  - Nature of Students with Specific Learning Disabilities  (3 Credits)  
Children with average/above average intelligence and specific learning impairments; diagnostic and remedial techniques. Offered by both the College of Education and the Department of Psychology.
Prerequisites: EDEX 523 or PSYC 528.
Cross-listed course: PSYC 529
EDEX 540  - Nature and Needs of the Gifted and Talented  (3 Credits)  
Types and characteristics of the gifted and talented.
Prerequisites: EDEX 523 or PSYC 518.
EDEX 580  - Direct Instruction in Reading for At-Risk Learners  (3 Credits)  
A study of the skills and knowledge required to implement direct instruction procedures when teaching reading, with opportunity for application of skills. Research and theoretical foundations will also be evaluated.
Prerequisites: EDEX 523.
EDEX 581  - Teaching Reading in the Content Area to Adolescents with Reading Disabilities  (3 Credits)  
Research, theory, and instructional practices related to providing reading instruction in content areas for youth with disabilities, with a focus on developing disciplinary literacy in inclusive settings.

EDEX 582  - Teaching Mathematics to Students at Risk  (3 Credits)  
Research, theory, and instructional practices related to mathematical readiness and instruction for children and youth at risk for mathematical difficulties.
Prerequisites: EDEX 523 or EDEX 491.
EDEX 590  - Foundations to Support Youth & Young Adults with Disabilities through Applied Transition Coaching  (3 Credits)  
An overview of the history of transition supports, legislation, programs, and systems in place for transition-age youth and young adults with disabilities in the U.S., with an emphasis on applied transition coaching.
Prerequisites: C or better in EDEX 523.
EDEX 610  - Instruction of Students with Severe and Multiple Disabilities  (3 Credits)  
Data-based instruction for teaching students with significant disabilities: task and developmental analysis, individualizing instruction, and preparing and implementing instructional programs.
Prerequisites: C or better in EDEX 523.
EDEX 615  - Curriculum and Language Instruction for Students with Severe and Multiple Disabilities  (3 Credits)  
Design, development, adaptation, and implementation of curriculum, language and communication instruction for students with significant disabilities.
Prerequisites: C or better in EDEX 523.
EDEX 616  - Instruction of Students with Specific Learning Disabilities  (3 Credits)  
Theory and application of current evidence-based procedures for teaching children with specific learning disabilities.
Prerequisites: EDEX 523, EDEX 531, or EDEX 632 or equivalent.
EDEX 619  - Nature of Students with Intellectual Disabilities  (3 Credits)  
Nature and causes of intellectual disabilities, behavior, and potentialities of persons with intellectual disabilities.
Prerequisites: a course in the areas of child psychology or child development.
EDEX 630  - Educational Procedures for Early Childhood Special Education  (3 Credits)  
An initial course in educational procedures focusing on intervention strategies for serving young children with disabilities in inclusive environments.
Prerequisites: EDEX 530.
EDEX 632  - Nature of Students with Emotional and Behavior Disabilities  (3 Credits)  
Characteristics, etiology, and major theoretical models for children experiencing emotional and/or behavioral problems in school; special education curriculum, programming alternatives, assessment, and issues concerning this population.
Prerequisites: C or better in EDEX 523.
EDEX 640  - Managing Problem Behavior in the Classroom  (3 Credits)  
The development of a workable approach to classroom management through an examination of a research-based synthesis of current knowledge in classroom and behavior management.
EDEX 643  - Social/Emotional Development and Guidance for Young Children with Developmental Delays  (3 Credits)  
DEC Practices in Early Childhood Special Education, Assessing and Monitoring Children's Challenging Behavior, and Preventive Strategies for Challenging Behavior.
Prerequisites: EDEX 523.
EDEX 646  - Advanced Procedures for Assessment in Early Childhood Special Education (ECSE)  (3 Credits)  
Advanced assessment methods for serving young children with and without developmental delays and their families.
Prerequisites: EDEX 530.
EDEX 670  - Nature of Students with Multi-categorical Disabilities  (3 Credits)  
Personal, social, and educational implications of a mild to moderate multi-categorical disability (emotional/behavioral, intellectual, and learning disabilities) throughout the lifespan of an individual.
Prerequisites: C or better in EDEX 523.
EDEX 671  - Instruction of Students with Multi-categorical Disabilities  (3 Credits)  
Theory and application of current evidence-based procedures for teaching children with mild to moderate multi-categorical disabilities.
Prerequisite or Corequisite: C or better in EDEX 670.
EDEX 682  - Introduction to Braille  (3 Credits)  
Basic course for mastery of the literary braille code. Transcription of instructional materials in literary braille.
EDEX 685  - Nature of Students with Visual Disabilities  (3 Credits)  
The psychological, social, and educational implications for persons with visual disabilities; definitions, incidence, characteristics of, and rehabilitative and educational programs for persons with visual disabilities.
EDEX 686  - Introduction to Deafness  (3 Credits)  
Educational implications of philosophy, theory, and research about deafness.
Prerequisites: EDEX 523 or equivalent.
EDEX 687  - Communication Systems for Students who are Deaf or Hearing Impaired  (3 Credits)  
Knowledge and basic skills of finger-spelling and sign forms for communication.
EDEX 690  - Independent Study  (1-3 Credits)  
EDEX 691  - Collaborative Partnerships in PK-12 Special Education  (3 Credits)  
Communication and collaboration skills and strategies for creating and maintaining effective partnerships with a variety of stakeholders involved in educating students with disabilities in PK-12 settings.
Prerequisites: C or better in EDEX 523.
EDEX 692  - Partnerships in Early Childhood Special Education  (3 Credits)  
Strategies for collaborating and communicating with families and other professionals as members of multidisciplinary teams in Early Intervention and Early childhood Special Education.
Prerequisites: EDEX 523.
EDPY 333  - Introduction to Child Growth and Development  (3 Credits)  
Basic course designed to familiarize the prospective teacher with the patterns of social, emotional, physical, and intellectual growth of the individual. Development of these growth patterns from the prenatal stage to the onset of adolescence.
EDPY 334  - Introduction to Adolescent Growth and Development  (3 Credits)  
Basic course designed to familiarize the prospective junior and senior high school teacher with the pattern of social, emotional, physical, and intellectual growth of the individual during his adolescent years. Recommendation of the advisor(s) required.
EDPY 335  - Introduction to Educational Psychology  (3 Credits)  
Applications of the psychology of learning and development. Special attention to basic statistics and the behavior of the school child.
EDPY 399  - Independent Study  (3-15 Credits)  
Contract approved by instructor, advisor, and department chair is required for undergraduate students.
Graduation with Leadership Distinction: GLD: Research
EDPY 401  - Learners and the Diversity of Learning  (3 Credits)  
Overview of psychological theories and research as it applies to education, including theories of learning, child and adolescent development, cognitive processes, classroom practices, individual differences/student diversity, and motivation.
Graduation with Leadership Distinction: GLD: Professional and Civic Engagement Leadership Experiences
EDPY 401P  - Practicum: Learners and the Diversity of Learning  (1 Credit)  
Field experience integrated with course on lifespan development and learning with an emphasis on individual and group diversity.
Graduation with Leadership Distinction: GLD: Professional and Civic Engagement Internships
EDPY 644  - Free-Choice Learning and Informal Learning Environments  (3 Credits)  
Examines free-choice (or informal) learning and the characteristics of settings and activities outside of formal schooling that effectively promote learning and development.
EDPY 690  - Independent Study  (3-15 Credits)  
EDRM 423  - Introduction to Classroom Assessment  (2 Credits)  
Development of assessments for different content areas and grade levels, and processes for making decisions based on assessment results.
EDRM 520  - Introduction to Testing and Evaluation  (3 Credits)  
The construction and use of teacher-made tests; descriptive statistics, measurement error, norms, and interpretation of scores; types of standardized instruments for use in elementary and secondary schools.
EDRM 690  - Independent Study  (1-3 Credits)  
PEDU 100  - Contemporary Physical Activity  (1 Credit)  
Development of skills in an identified area. Course content will vary and be announced by title. May be repeated as topics vary.
PEDU 101  - Self-Defense For Women  (1 Credit)  
Basic knowledge and understanding of the culture and context in which interpersonal violence occurs, the root causes and patterns of behavior within violent relationships, self defense against forcible attacks, making immediate decisions when confronted with an assault, and the procedures necessary after an assault has occurred.
PEDU 102  - Contemporary Physical Activity  (1-3 Credits)  
Course contact will vary and be announced by title. May be repeated as topics vary.
PEDU 103  - Jogging  (1 Credit)  
Exercise, lectures, and self-evaluation for weight control and fitness improvement.
PEDU 104  - Personal Fitness and Weight Control  (1 Credit)  
Advanced techniques for controlling weight and improving fitness through exercise, lectures, and self-evaluation.
PEDU 105  - Weight Training  (1 Credit)  
Fundamentals of progressive resistance exercise training.
PEDU 106  - Advanced Weight Training  (1 Credit)  
Advanced techniques.
Prerequisites: PEDU 105.
PEDU 107  - Group Exercise  (1 Credit)  
Cardio-respiratory fitness, flexibility, muscular strength and endurance, and agility through various group exercise formats while utilizing a variety of equipment.
PEDU 108  - Fitness Swimming  (1 Credit)  
Individualized physical conditioning through lap swimming and aquatic calisthenics, games, and activities.
Prerequisites: PEDU 140.
PEDU 109  - ROTC Conditioning  (1 Credit)  
Exercise testing, technique, and leadership, program design and implementation, nutrition, individual and team competitions, and other forms of training.
PEDU 110  - Orientation to Physical Education  (1 Credit)  
Experiences in a variety of physical-activity areas.
PEDU 111  - Badminton  (1 Credit)  
Basic strokes and introduction to the history, rules, and strategy of the game.
PEDU 112  - Basketball  (1 Credit)  
Fundamental skills of game performance. Strategy, rules, and basic offenses and defenses.
PEDU 113  - Bowling  (1 Credit)  
Fundamental skills and techniques of bowling.
PEDU 114  - Golf  (1 Credit)  
Basic strokes, rules, and strategy of golf.
PEDU 115  - Gymnastics  (1 Credit)  
Fundamentals of gymnastics on the trampoline and balance beam; tumbling, parallel bars, rings, and the horse.
PEDU 116  - Handball  (1 Credit)  
Fundamentals, strategy, and rules of handball.
PEDU 117  - Karate  (1 Credit)  
PEDU 118  - Rugby  (1 Credit)  
Fundamental skills for game performance.
PEDU 119  - Soccer  (1 Credit)  
Fundamental skills for game performance; history, rules, and game strategy.
PEDU 120  - Softball  (1 Credit)  
Fundamental skills for game performance; history, rules, and game strategy.
PEDU 121  - Beginning Tennis  (1 Credit)  
Basic strokes, history, rules, and strategy of the game.
PEDU 122  - Volleyball  (1 Credit)  
Recreational and competitive volleyball skills.
PEDU 123  - Pilates  (1 Credit)  
Focus is placed on mind-body exercises which help strengthen and condition the muscles. Each exercise will focus on building core strength, lengthening muscles, and improving flexibility. Proper breathing will also be demonstrated for each exercise in order to achieve the maximum benefits.
PEDU 124  - Fencing  (1 Credit)  
Basic foil-fencing techniques, rules, terminology, history, and etiquette.
PEDU 125  - Intermediate Karate  (1 Credit)  
Prerequisites: PEDU 117.
PEDU 126  - Badminton/Golf  (1 Credit)  
Students will learn to perform basic skills as well as to implement game strategies. Major consideration will be given on how to teach each sport.
PEDU 127  - Field Hockey  (1 Credit)  
Fundamental skills, rules, and terminology of field hockey.
PEDU 128  - Football  (1 Credit)  
Fundamental skills, rules, and terminology.
PEDU 129  - Racquetball  (1 Credit)  
Fundamental skills, rules, and terminology.
PEDU 130  - Intermediate Golf  (1 Credit)  
Intermediate strokes and strategies; heavier emphasis on the total golf swing.
Prerequisites: PEDU 114.
PEDU 131  - Basketball/Soccer  (1 Credit)  
Students will learn to perform basic skills as well as to implement game strategies. Major consideration will be given on how to teach each sport.
PEDU 132  - Intermediate Tennis  (1 Credit)  
Intermediate skills and strategies.
Prerequisites: PEDU 121.
PEDU 133  - Track and Field  (1 Credit)  
Fundamental skills, rules, and terminology.
PEDU 134  - Flying Disc Sports  (1 Credit)  
Fundamentals and strategies of disc golf, ultimate and various physical activities using flying discs in recreational and competitive situations.
PEDU 135  - Tai-Chi-Chuan  (1 Credit)  
Students will learn to perform basic Tai-Chi-Chuan skills. Major consideration will be given to breathing skills and meditation to relieve stress.
PEDU 136  - Yoga  (1 Credit)  
Fundamental skills and terminology.
PEDU 137  - Tae Kwon Do  (1 Credit)  
Fundamental skills of Tae Kwon Do.
PEDU 138  - Softball/Volleyball  (1 Credit)  
Students will learn to perform basic skills as well as to implement game strategies. Major consideration will be given on how to teach each sport.
PEDU 139  - Tennis/Track  (1 Credit)  
Students will learn to perform basic skills as well as to implement game strategies. Major consideration will be given on how to teach each sport.
PEDU 140  - Beginning Swimming  (1 Credit)  
Skills for safety and recreation.
PEDU 141  - Intermediate Swimming  (1 Credit)  
Prerequisites: PEDU 140.
PEDU 142  - Lifeguard Training  (1 Credit)  
Skills of lifesaving.
Prerequisites: swim 500 yards, tread water for one minute, and swim 20 feet underwater.
PEDU 143  - Water Safety Instructor Certification  (1 Credit)  
Skills, methods, and techniques to teach Red Cross Swimming and Life Saving.
Prerequisites: 17 years of age; sound physical condition; possession of the Red Cross Advanced Lifesaving Certificate, a Red Cross Swimmer Certificate, or the ability to perform the Swimmer Course.
PEDU 144  - Beginning Springboard Diving  (1 Credit)  
Basic dives and aesthetics of springboard diving.
Prerequisites: tread water and swim 20 feet underwater.
PEDU 145  - Skin and Scuba Diving  (1 Credit)  
Safe and effective use of equipment with emphasis on principles and physical laws of diving.
Prerequisites: ability to swim at the intermediate level.
PEDU 146  - Scuba (Open Water)  (1 Credit)  
Certification program in open water scuba instruction: safety, emergency procedures, equipment handling, navigation, and air consumption. Includes five open water dives.
PEDU 147  - Beginning Stand-Up Paddleboarding  (1 Credit)  
History and development of stand-up paddleboarding as a sport, safety protocol, paddleboard construction and design, terminology, fitness attributes and paddling techniques.
PEDU 148  - Team Water Sports  (1 Credit)  
Fundamental skills, rules, and strategies for participation in team water sports.
Prerequisites: intermediate swimming skills.
PEDU 149  - Survival Swimming  (1 Credit)  
Skills and techniques for survival under adverse conditions.
Prerequisites: swim 100 yards, tread water for one minute, and swim 20 feet underwater.
PEDU 150  - Basic Keelboat Sailing  (1 Credit)  
The course is designed to teach students to safely skipper and crew on a 20 to 27 foot sailboat with a tiller and outboard engine on lakes, bays, and sheltered waters in moderate weather conditions. Theory, history, safety, and teamwork will be emphasized.
PEDU 151  - Beginning Skateboarding  (1 Credit)  
History, rules, etiquette and techniques of skateboarding.
PEDU 152  - Power Yoga  (1 Credit)  
Vigorous yoga utilizing breath and movement to improve strength and flexibility.
PEDU 153  - Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation  (1 Credit)  
Knowledge and skills in providing artificial respiration, first aid for foreign body obstruction, one and two rescuer CPR for adults, infants, and children.
PEDU 154  - Advanced Open Water Scuba  (1 Credit)  
Development skills beyond open water diving: underwater navigation, night diving, and deep diving.
Prerequisites: PEDU 146.
PEDU 155  - Personal Training Preparation  (3 Credits)  
Safe and effective methods of exercise by the application of theories and principles of exercise science. Discussion of facility organization, legal liability, and injury prevention and treatment within the score of becoming a fitness professional.
PEDU 156  - Gateway to Yoga  (3 Credits)  
Yoga philosophy, history, and asanas. Eight Limbs of Yoga, styles, history, brain and physical anatomy and their relation to yoga practice. Sanskrit terminology and how they apply to yoga, the yogic diet and its effect on the brain and body.
PEDU 157  - Beginning Pickleball  (1 Credit)  
Skills, knowledge, safety, and etiquette of Pickleball.
PEDU 158  - Canine Fitness Connection  (1 Credit)  
A dog walking fitness program geared toward increasing physical activity while also learning how to interact with and manage shelter animals.
PEDU 160  - Intermediate Yoga  (1 Credit)  
This course is designed to provide the historical and philosophical context of Mindfulness and how it relates to classical yoga of Pantanjali. Students will be guided in deepening their mindfulness meditation practice that includes analysis of the Four Establishments of Mindfulness and will develop an advanced asana sequence as part of their practice.
Prerequisites: PEDU 136.
PEDU 161  - Intermediate Fencing  (1 Credit)  
Basic footwork and bladework for foil and épée along with more complex skills, concepts, terminology, strategy, and understanding of the rules.
PEDU 168  - Zumba Fitness  (1 Credit)  
Principles of fitness interval training and resistance training applied to maximize caloric output, fat burning and total body toning with a fusion of Latin and International music-dance themes.
PEDU 169  - Geocaching  (1 Credit)  
History, rules, terminology, and strategy of geocaching. Strategies for seeking as well as creating geocaches.
PEDU 170  - Beginning Latin Dance  (1 Credit)  
Introductory course to multiple styles of social Latin dancing including Salsa, Merengue and Bachatta. Designed to develop the skills and techniques necessary for social level Latin dancing. Emphasis will be placed on basic social elements of dance, patterns, music, and leading and following.
PEDU 171  - Swing Dance  (1 Credit)  
Introduction to swing dances originating from the first half of the 20th century such as the Charleston, East Coast Swing, Lindy Hop, Jitterbug, Jive, and The Big Apple.
PEDU 172  - Rock Climbing and Bouldering  (1 Credit)  
Safe climbing and bouldering techniques. Movement on rock, rope systems, anchors, rappelling, belaying, risk management, spotting and lead climbing philosophy. Save use of equipment required for sport climbing and bouldering.
PEDU 173  - Folk and Square Dance  (1 Credit)  
Fundamental skills and terminology.
PEDU 174  - Social Dance  (1 Credit)  
Fundamental skills and terminology.
PEDU 175  - Intermediate Social Dance  (1 Credit)  
Development of skills to an intermediate level in six dances: fox trot, waltz, tango, swing, cha cha, rumba.
Prerequisites: PEDU 174.
PEDU 176  - Clogging  (1 Credit)  
History, folklore, and skills; individual steps and team routines.
PEDU 177  - Beginning Shag  (1 Credit)  
Techniques and history of the Shag, South Carolina's state dance. Chronicled development, style variations, and cultural contributions are emphasized.
PEDU 178  - Intermediate Shag Dance  (1 Credit)  
Introduction to more challenging shag moves for couples, based on steps, turns, spins, and passes. Emphasis on good shag form and rhythm, male lead, female follow, and tight couple positions going through step variations. Steps include Sugarfoot, Boogie Walk, Stagger, Walkup and others.
Prerequisites: PEDU 177.
PEDU 179  - Beginning Belly Dance  (1 Credit)  
Techniques, history, terminology, and dance combinations/choreography associated with Belly Dance at the fundamental level.
PEDU 180  - Archery  (1 Credit)  
Fundamentals of target and field archery shooting, history, scoring, and rules.
PEDU 181  - Equestrian  (1 Credit)  
Fundamentals of riding, grooming and tacking.
PEDU 182  - Backpacking  (1 Credit)  
Living in the out-of-doors; gear selection, map and compass reading, backpacking, hiking, and camping.
PEDU 183  - Canoeing  (1 Credit)  
Fundamentals of lake, river, and whitewater canoeing.
PEDU 184  - Snow Skiing  (1 Credit)  
Fundamental skills and techniques.
PEDU 185  - Beginning Kayaking  (1 Credit)  
Fundamentals of whitewater kayaking including equipment selection and use, safety techniques, strokes, Eskimo roll, river strategies, rescue procedures, and trip planning.
PEDU 186  - Bicycle Touring  (1 Credit)  
Fundamental skills and techniques.
PEDU 187  - Rock Climbing  (1 Credit)  
Fundamentals of rock and mountain climbing including gear selection and use, knots and rope management, anchoring systems, belaying, rappelling, climbing techniques, and safety considerations.
PEDU 188  - Triathlon Training  (1 Credit)  
Intensive conditioning and cross training to achieve a high level cardiovascular fitness. Biking, running, and swimming in preparation for triathlon event.
PEDU 189  - Spinning  (1 Credit)  
Spinning to obtain physiological and psychological benefits.
PEDU 190  - Introduction to the Description and Analysis of Human Movement  (2 Credits)  
Analysis and performance of fundamental motor skills.
PEDU 194  - Educational Gymnastics  (1 Credit)  
Development of knowledge and skill in educational gymnastics. Designed to establish a content base for elementary and middle school physical education programs.
PEDU 195  - Educational Games  (1 Credit)  
Development of knowledge and skill in game activities appropriate for the elementary and middle school physical education game setting.
PEDU 196  - Educational Dance  (1 Credit)  
Development of personal skills in the use of movement for expressive purposes. Designed to establish a content base for elementary school physical education programs.
PEDU 197  - Fit Carolina  (1 Credit)  
Basic concepts associated with physical activity and the opportunities in community environments to engage in health-promoting and wellness activities.
PEDU 226  - Physical Education for Primary Grades  (3 Credits)  
Selection and development of appropriate content for elementary school physical education experiences.
Prerequisites: PEDU 190.
PEDU 232  - Philosophy and Principles of Physical Education  (3 Credits)  
Historical background, current problems, and publications.
PEDU 266L  - Athletic Training Lab  (1 Credit)  
Techniques and skills used in the prevention or protection of injury.
PEDU 275  - Functional Musculoskeletal Anatomy  (3 Credits)  
Knowledge and skill of orthopedic anatomy relative to muscle, ligament, and tendon origin, insertion, innervation, and action.
PEDU 300  - First Aid and CPR  (3 Credits)  
Knowledge and skills necessary to meet the guidelines for professional certification. Skills include AED, adult, child, and infant CPR, breathing emergencies, and first aid.
PEDU 301  - Practicum in Physical Education Field Experiences  (1-3 Credits)  
Supervised field experiences for physical educators. Contract approved by instructor, advisor, and department head is required for undergraduate students.
PEDU 302  - Foundations of Coaching  (3 Credits)  
The philosophical bases, leadership theory, administrative practice, and organizational problems of competitive athletics.
PEDU 303  - Scientific Bases of Coaching I  (3 Credits)  
Anatomical, kinesiological, and biomechanical principles affecting performance in competitive athletics; use of biomechanical analysis techniques. Primarily for non-physical education majors who wish to coach.
PEDU 304  - Scientific Bases of Coaching II  (3 Credits)  
Physiological, psychological, ethical, and sport medicine principles affecting performance in competitive athletics; application of scientific principles. Primarily for non-physical education majors who desire to coach.
Prerequisites: PEDU 303.
PEDU 310  - Emergency Medical Responder  (3 Credits)  
Knowledge and skills necessary to work as an emergency medical responder (EMR) to help sustain life, reduce pain and minimize the consequences of injury or sudden illness until more advanced medical help takes over. Appropriate decision making about the care to provide in a medical emergency; skills an EMR needs to act as a crucial link in the emergency medical services (EMS) system.
PEDU 312  - Coaching Gymnastics, Volleyball, and Softball  (3 Credits)  
Prerequisites: PEDU 302 and PEDU 303.
PEDU 313  - Coaching Basketball, Track and Field, and Soccer  (3 Credits)  
Prerequisite: PEDU 302 and PEDU 303.
PEDU 314  - Coaching Football, Baseball, and Wrestling  (3 Credits)  
Prerequisites: PEDU 302 and PEDU 303.
PEDU 320  - Practicum in Coaching  (3 Credits)  
Supervised practical experience in interscholastic coaching settings; concurrent seminar.
PEDU 340  - Practicum in the Instructional Aspects of Physical Education  (1 Credit)  
Application of instructional principles to small peer group settings using open and closed gross motor skills.
Corequisite: PEDU 360.
Graduation with Leadership Distinction: GLD: Professional and Civic Engagement Internships
PEDU 341  - Practicum in Instruction of Young Learners in Movement Settings  (1 Credit)  
Application of curriculum and instructional principles to small group instruction with young learners.
Prerequisites: PEDU 340 and PEDU 360, cumulative GPA of 2.75, have met the state basic skills testing requirement for educator preparation program admission.
Corequisite: PEDU 361.
PEDU 353  - Recreational Sports Programming  (3 Credits)  
Current program elements and techniques in recreational sports.
PEDU 360  - Instructional Aspects of Physical Education  (3 Credits)  
Instruction in physical education settings, including environmental arrangements, task presentation, content development, and feedback.
Prerequisites: PEDU 190, cumulative GPA of 2.50.
Corequisite: PEDU 340.
PEDU 361  - Instruction of Young Learners in Movement Settings  (3 Credits)  
Development of knowledge and skills to teach physical education to young learners.
Prerequisites: PEDU 340 and PEDU 360, cumulative GPA of 2.75, have met the state basic skills testing requirement for educator preparation program admission.
Corequisite: PEDU 341.
PEDU 398  - Seminar in Physical Education  (1 Credit)  
Various topics related to current events in physical education.
PEDU 399  - Independent Study  (1-3 Credits)  
Open to sophomores and above. Enrollment and topic to be approved in advance by advisor and instructor. Contract approved by instructor, advisor, and department head is required.
Graduation with Leadership Distinction: GLD: Research
PEDU 420  - Motor Learning in Physical Education  (3 Credits)  
Application of cognitive, sensory, and motor processes related to learning motor skills in physical education and sport settings.
PEDU 440  - Practicum in Secondary School Physical Education  (1 Credit)  
The application of curriculum and instructional principles to large group instruction in the secondary school.
Prerequisites: PEDU 341.
Corequisite: PEDU 462.
Graduation with Leadership Distinction: GLD: Professional and Civic Engagement Internships
PEDU 445  - Measurement & Evaluation in Physical Education  (3 Credits)  
The historic background of measurement in physical education; statistical techniques to be used in scoring and interpreting tests; evaluation of measures now available in the field; and the administration of a testing program. Available for undergraduate credit only.
Prerequisites: 15 credits in professional physical education, including PEDU 232 and 6 semester hours of professional skill courses.
PEDU 446  - Physical Education Curriculum  (3 Credits)  
The study of K-12 physical education school curriculum theory, issues, and design.
Prerequisites: Cumulative GPA of 2.75, Admission to Directed Teaching Semester.
PEDU 451  - Teaching Physical Education  (3 Credits)  
Analysis of teaching and learning in physical education.
Prerequisite or Corequisite: PEDU 462, PEDU 440.
PEDU 462  - Instruction in Secondary School Physical Education  (3 Credits)  
Physical education content and processes for the secondary school.
Prerequisites: PEDU 341 and PEDU 361, cumulative GPA of 2.75, have met the state basic skills testing requirement for educator preparation program admission.
Corequisite: PEDU 440.
PEDU 479  - Directed Teaching in Physical Education  (12 Credits)  
Prerequisites: Cumulative GPA of 2.75, Admission to Directed Teaching Semester.
Graduation with Leadership Distinction: GLD: Professional and Civic Engagement Internships
Experiential Learning: Experiential Learning Opportunity
PEDU 498  - Advanced Seminar in Physical Education  (1 Credit)  
Advanced learning opportunities in professional physical education.
Prerequisites: 90 hrs. and permission of instructor.
Graduation with Leadership Distinction: GLD: Research
PEDU 510  - Teaching Health Related Physical Fitness  (3 Credits)  
Knowledge and application of processes and principles of health related physical fitness in physical education and sport settings.
PEDU 511  - Effective Applied Sport and Performance Psychology  (3 Credits)  
An examination of sport and performance psychology effectiveness in a variety of contexts.
Prerequisites: C or better in PSYC 380.
PEDU 515  - Physical Education for Inclusion  (3 Credits)  
Designing physical education programs for special populations and for students with special needs.
Graduation with Leadership Distinction: GLD: Diversity and Social Advocacy
PEDU 516  - Diversity and Cultural Perspectives in Sport & Performance  (3 Credits)  
Diversity, multiculturalism, and cultural awareness for informing counseling and consultation in sports and performance settings.
PEDU 520  - Observational Analysis of Sports Techniques and Tactics  (3 Credits)  
Qualitative and quantitative techniques to observe, describe, analyze, and evaluate human movement in physical education and sports settings.
PEDU 553  - The Organization and Administration of Physical Education  (3 Credits)  
Organization of instructional, intramural, interscholastic, and recreational programs, with emphasis on criteria for the evaluation and selection of activities.
Prerequisites: 18 credits in physical education, including six semester hours of professional skill courses.
PEDU 555  - Current Topics in Physical Education  (1-3 Credits)  
PEDU 570  - Human Child/Adolescent Growth  (3 Credits)  
Human physical growth and development of children with emphasis on years 4 to 18.
PEDU 575  - Physical Education for the Classroom Teacher  (3 Credits)  
Appropriate movement experiences for children. Not available for physical education majors.
Prerequisites: EDTE 201.
PEDU 635  - South Carolina Physical Education Curriculum  (3 Credits)  
Development of physical education programs using the South Carolina Physical Education Curriculum Materials.
PEDU 637  - Advanced Theory and Techniques of Coaching Football  (3 Credits)  
An intensive investigation of current theories of offensive and defensive football. Generalship, strategy, conditioning, staff utilization, film analysis, and practice organization are covered in depth.
Prerequisites: current responsibilities or previous experience in college or high school coaching.
PEDU 638  - Advanced Theory and Techniques of Coaching Basketball  (3 Credits)  
An intensive investigation of the latest techniques and theories of coaching basketball. Systems of offense and defense, generalship, conditioning, staff utilization, film analysis, and practice organization are covered in depth.
Prerequisites: current responsibilities or previous experience in college or high school coaching.
PEDU 639  - Advanced Theory and Techniques of Coaching Track and Field Events  (3 Credits)  
A thorough study of the latest techniques of coaching track and field events. Isometric, isotonic, and interval conditioning theories involving the cardiovascular and muscular systems are examined to acquaint the student with varying physiological approaches to conditioning.
Prerequisites: current responsibilities or previous experience in college or high-school coaching.
PEDU 640  - Advanced Theory and Techniques of Teaching and Officiating Girls' Gymnastics  (3 Credits)  
A thorough study of the latest techniques of teaching and officiating girls' gymnastics. Balance beam, vaulting, uneven bars, tumbling, dance skills and routines, and officiating methods.
PEDU 647  - Coaching Ethics, Law and Compliance  (3 Credits)  
Ethical and legal issues surrounding the coaching profession.
PEDU 650  - Theoretical Foundations of Athletic and Mental Performance Coaching  (3 Credits)  
Theoretical foundations of athletic and mental performance across a variety of contexts and developmental levels.
PEDU 660  - Counseling Student Athletes  (3 Credits)  
Issues facing student athletes regarding their personal and career development beyond athletics.
Cross-listed course: EDCE 650