Doctor of Medicine (MD) Policy and Regulations
Doctor of Medicine Requirements
Admissions Requirements
Applicants admitted to the USC School of Medicine Greenville are selected by an admissions committee composed of members of the biomedical science and clinical science faculties of the medical school. Please see the website for Admissions requirements.
Technical Standards
The USC School of Medicine Greenville has adopted the following technical standards: Technical Standards for Admission, Retention and Graduation. The curriculum of the USC School of Medicine Greenville is designed to provide a general professional education leading to the medical doctor (M.D.) degree and to prepare students to enter graduate medical training in a wide variety of medical specialties and sub-specialties.
All candidates for admission to, and all current students at the School of Medicine Greenville should possess sufficient intellectual capacity, physical ability, emotional and psychological stability, interpersonal sensitivity, and communication skills to acquire the scientific knowledge, interpersonal and technical competencies, professional attitudes, and clinical abilities required to pursue any pathway of graduate medical education and to enter the independent practice of medicine.
It is the policy of USC School of Medicine Greenville to provide reasonable accommodations or academic adjustments as necessary for students with disabilities. Approved accommodation will be made in a timely manner and on an individualized and flexible basis consistent with written documentation establishing that the individual is an individual with a qualified disability.
Background Check
A background check is performed for each applicant upon acceptance to the USC School of Medicine Greenville. See this policy for more details.
The USC School of Medicine Greenville requires that all students, upon matriculation and annually thereafter, have certain immunizations as recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) and our partner health system. More details are available regarding the Required Immunization policy
Required Health and Disability Insurance
All USC School of Medicine Greenville students are required to have health insurance and disability throughout the duration of their education. See this policy for details.
HIPAA Training
Mandatory HIPAA training is required during medical school orientation and annually thereafter. Compliance with the training schedule is tracked by the Office for Student Affairs. See this policy for details.
Academic Requirements for the MD Degree
Upon recommendation by the USC School of Medicine Greenville faculty, the USC will confer the degree of Doctor of Medicine upon candidates who have completed the graduation requirements as described in the Graduation Requirements policy.
- attained the School's educational objectives as evidenced by satisfactory completion of prescribed basic science modules and clinical clerkships and electives and acquisition of all required clinical skills.
- passed Steps 1 and 2-CK (Clinical Knowledge) of the USMLE.
passed Clinical Performance Exam (CPX)
- discharged all financial obligations to the USC School of Medicine Greenville and to the University of South Carolina
Promotion Policy
A medical school ensures that the medical education program has a single set of core standards for the advancement and graduation of all medical students. A medical school ensures that there is a fair and formal process for taking any action that may affect the status of a medical student, including timely notice of the impending action, disclosure of the evidence on which the action would be based, an opportunity for the medical student to respond, and an opportunity to appeal any adverse decision related to advancement, graduation, or dismissal.
This Student Evaluation, Remediation, Requirements for Promotion, and Appeal policy outlines and ensures that there is a fair and formal process for taking any action that may affect the status of a medical student, including timely notice of the impending action, disclosure of the evidence on which the action would be based, an opportunity for the medical student to respond, and an opportunity to appeal any adverse decision related to advancement, graduation, or dismissal. See this policy for details:
Honor and Professionalism Policy
The purpose of the Honor and Professionalism System of USC School of Medicine Greenville is to promote and maintain the basic ethical and professional principles paramount to the success of a student preparing for the profession of Medicine. The Honor and Professionalism System obligates medical students, as future physicians and representatives of the USC School of Medicine Greenville, to conduct themselves with honor and integrity in all aspects of their lives.
There are three aspects of the Honor and Professionalism System which students must abide by:
- USC Policy STAF 6.25: Academic Responsibility - The Honor Code
- USC Policy STAF 6.26: Student Code of Conduct
- USC School of Medicine Greenville STAF 5.01 Expectation of Personal and Professional Conduct, which includes the USC School of Medicine Greenville Statement of Professionalism
Violations of the Honor Code, Professionalism or Student Code of Conduct standards include, but are not limited to:
Academic Integrity
- Lying - including any form of dishonesty or misrepresentation, omission, fabrication or falsification of documents or clinical reports
- Cheating - using or attempting to use any unauthorized materials, devices or study aids in or prior to an examination, OSCE or any other academic work. Giving or receiving any unauthorized assistance in the completion of any examination, OSCE or other academic work as well as preventing or attempting to prevent others from using authorized materials
- Plagiarism - Use of work or ideas without proper acknowledgment of source.
Student Conduct
- Stealing
- Bullying, intimidation, harassment, or discrimination based on immutable characteristics/chosen identities
- Intentional unsolicited physical contact (shoving, kicking, unwanted touching, etc.)
- Verbal threats of physical harm
- Retaliation by an accused student in response to an accusation is considered a breach of professionalism. Retaliation is any conduct causing interference, coercion, restraint, or reprisal against a person making a complaint or against a person assisting in any way in an investigation and resolution of the complaint
- Violations of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) policy
- Repeated written communications, verbal, or nonverbal insensitivity or rudeness towards others including faculty, staff, visitors, and classmates, which may present as disruptive, demanding, aggressive (including passive aggressive), offensive, degrading and/or overly critical comments or behavior
- Inappropriate communication (in-person, email or via social media) e.g., consistent unhelpful and off-topic contributions, sharing of sexually explicit language and/or images
- Refusal to meaningfully participate and/or work collaboratively with others or to follow best practice
- Violating expectations set forth in the Guidelines for Conduct in Medical Educator/Learner Relationship or in the Demeanor and Attire policy
- Violating expectations set forth in the Professionalism in Student Research
- Repeated tardiness, or violations of absence policies, or exam procedures based on the following policies: Exam Tardiness and Unscheduled Absence policy, M1 and M2 Student Attendance, M3 and M4 Student Attendance, IPM Attendance, Clinical Skills Examination, Proctored Environment for Multiple Choice Assessments
- Inappropriate conduct on campus or in the community
Course/Faculty Evaluation (see Sanction section)
Failure to complete Course/Faculty Evaluation as described in Course and Faculty/Resident Evaluation Completion policy
See the full policy at this link: