Biomedical Sciences, M.S.

Admission Standards

An applicant must have a baccalaureate degree or its equivalent from an accredited college or university. Undergraduate courses should include two semesters each of biology, physics, inorganic chemistry, and organic chemistry as well as some math (preferably through calculus).

Admission is determined by the Dean of The Graduate School after recommendation by the Director of the Biomedical Science Graduate Program and the Biomedical Science Graduate Advisory Committee. Criteria examined include an appraisal of courses taken, grades achieved, letters of recommendation, research experience, and the student’s statement of purpose for graduate study. Applicants may designate a preferred academic specialization, but, because of the interdisciplinary nature of biomedical research, applications are reviewed by all departmental directors.

A GPA average of 3.00 or better is required in both the major and overall.

Application Information

Inquiries concerning admission and requests for printed program information should be directed to:

School of Medicine Office of Graduate Studies
University of South Carolina
Columbia, SC 29208
telephone: 803-216-3321 

Degree Requirements (32 Hours)

Thesis Based MS Option

The MS degree in Biomedical Sciences requires the completion of a series of core courses in basic biomedical topics as well as elective courses in focused areas. The MS degree in Biomedical Science requires at least 32 graduate credit hours. For students electing to engage in research and complete a thesis as part of their degree, no more than 6 hours combined of research (BMSC 780, MCBA 780, MBIM 780 or PHPH 780) and thesis preparation (BMSC 799) may be applied to the required 32 hours. However, students completing a thesis must take at least 1 hour of thesis preparation (BMSC 799) as part of the six research/thesis preparation hours. Of the 32 credit hours, at least 50 percent must be in courses numbered 700 or above, exclusive of thesis preparation credit. Not more than 6 hours of independent study, special topics, or directed research other than thesis research are permitted, unless justified by the program of study and approved by the Dean of the Graduate School. The remainder of the requirements may include courses numbered from 500 to 699 taken for graduate credit. As many as 12 hours of study may be taken in USC schools and colleges other than the School of Medicine; this option provides great flexibility to individually tailor programs and draw on the wider resources of a comprehensive university. The remaining hours should be from courses within the Biomedical Sciences graduate program.

The curriculum consists of required core courses in the basic medical sciences and additional elective courses that depend upon the interest and career goals of the student.

Core Courses

Include the following:

Course Title Credits
Select one of the following:3-4
Biochemistry for the Biomedical Sciences
Biomedical Biochemistry I
Biological Chemistry
BMSC 700Introduction to Biomedical Research1
or BMSC 703 Communication Skills for Pre-Health Professions: Basics and Practice
BMSC 706Responsible Conduct of Biomedical Research2
BMSC 801Seminar in Biomedical Science2
Select one of the following:3-4
Medical Cell Biology I
Human Cell and Molecular Biology for Biomedical Sciences
Advanced Cell Biology
Total Credit Hours11-13

Comprehensive Assessment ‐ Students will demonstrate their ability to synthesize and integrate knowledge across the biomedical discipline via writing and oral defense of the thesis. While focused on a specific biomedical research topic, the thesis will incorporate ideas that span the biomedical field. Likewise, the thesis defense will address topics and issues that  span the biomedical sciences including ethical issues in biomedical research. The thesis and defense thereof will be evaluated by the student’s MS Advisory Committee.  

Non-Thesis Option

Students who elect to pursue the Biomedical Sciences MS degree non-thesis option are required to complete the core course work outlined for the thesis option, but in lieu of 6 hours of research credit take an additional 6 hours of course work to better prepare them for their ultimate career goals. This track requires at least 32 graduate credit hours. Of the 32 credit hours, at least 50 percent must be in courses numbered 700 or above. Not more than 6 hours of independent study or special topics are permitted, unless justified by the program of study and approved by the Dean of the Graduate School. The remainder of the requirements may include courses numbered from 500 to 699 taken for graduate credit. As many as 12 hours of study may be taken in USC schools and colleges other than the School of Medicine; this option provides great flexibility to individually tailor programs and draw on the wider resources of a comprehensive university. The remaining hours should be from courses within the Biomedical Sciences graduate program.

Comprehensive Assessment ‐ Since individuals pursuing the non-thesis option do not write a thesis, these students will demonstrate their mastery of basic science concepts through the completion of a comprehensive exam given at the end of their course work. This exam will be assembled and evaluated by the student’s MS Advisory Committee and should reflect the course work completed during the student’s program of study.

Health Professional Sciences Concentration

This concentration provides further curriculum focus in content areas needed for health professionals and is ideal for students pursuing a non-thesis MS degree. In addition to the core classes required for the non-thesis MS degree, individuals pursuing this concentration must complete the following elective course work as part of the required 32 hours.

Course Title Credits
MBIM 710Basic and Clinical Immunobiology3
PHPH 701Physiology for Health Sciences6
Select two of the following:
BMSC 740Human Anatomy for Health Sciences6
PATH 711Experimental Pathology3
BIOL 530Histology4

Applied Biotechnology Concentration (12 hours)

This concentration provides hands-on training on a range of techniques and instrumentation currently used in basic research in pharmaceutical laboratories, biotech companies, and biomedical research laboratories.  It is ideal for students pursuing a thesis MS degree.  In addition to the core classes required for the MS degree, individuals pursuing this concentration must complete the following elective coursework as part of the required 32 hours.

Course Title Credits
MCBA 740Biological Microscopic Imaging3
MCBA 741Molecular Imaging Methods of Biomedical Research3
MCBA 742Biological Micro Imaging II3
MCBA 743Molecular Imaging Methods in Biomedical Research II3
MCBA 720Special Topics in Microscopic Anatomy1
BIOS 700Introduction to Biostatistics3
BMSC 780Biomedical Research5
BMSC 799Thesis Preparation1