Library and Information Science, M.L.I.S.

Admission to the Master of Library and Information Science (M.L.I.S.) program is selective and based on the faculty’s assessment of the applicant’s aptitude for graduate study and potential contribution to the profession.  The faculty take a holistic approach to the admissions process.  Consequently, an applicant’s entire file and interview are taken into consideration before an admission decision is made.  The following materials are required for full consideration: 

  1. The School of Information Science Supplemental Application (accessible through the Graduate School application), where applicants respond to statement provided;
  2. Official transcripts from all other colleges or universities attended (whether or not a degree was earned);
  3. Two letters of recommendation attesting to the applicant's academic performance and/or job performance—letters from friends and relatives addressing personal attributes do not qualify.

Degree Requirements (36-51 Hours)

For the Master of Library and Information Science degree, an approved program of at least 36 semester hours of graduate course work must be completed with a minimum grade point average of 3.00 (B) overall. Students in the School Library concentration have a prescribed set of courses for certification; those pursuing initial School Library certification will take additional Education courses. Required courses and the technology competency requirement are designed to provide students with an understanding of the information profession. In partial fulfillment of the requirements for graduation, each student will submit an electronic portfolio documenting learning and professional growth during the MLIS program.

MLIS General Coursework (36 hours)

Course Title Credits
ISCI 701Ethics, Values, and Foundational Principles of Library and Information Science Professions3
ISCI 702Community Engagement and Service3
ISCI 703Reference and Instruction3
ISCI 704Leadership in Information Organizations3
ISCI 705Research Design and Evaluation3
ISCI 706Information Organization and Access3
Select 18 hours of approved electives18
Total Credit Hours36

MLIS School Library Concentration Coursework (36-51 hours)

Course Title Credits
Core (6 hours)
ISCI 701Ethics, Values, and Foundational Principles of Library and Information Science Professions3
ISCI 705Research Design and Evaluation3
Elective Courses (6 hours = 2 classes)6
Any ISCI course above the 500 level can be taken for the elective requirement. Suggested elective course offerings for school library students include:
Storytelling: Theory, Practice, and Development
Leadership in Information Organizations
History of Children’s and Young Adult Literature
Public Library Systems
Educational Services in Library and Information Organizations
Libraries, Literacy, and Literature
Diversity in Libraries
Library Programming for Children and Young Adults
Popular Materials and Programming for Adults
Materials for Early Childhood
Materials and Services for Latino Youth
Universal Design and Accessibility for Youth
Planning Library Facilities
Critical Cultural Information Studies
Social Justice Storytelling and Advocacy
Selected Topics in Librarianship and Information Services
Material Selection (6 hours)
ISCI 756Children’s Materials3
ISCI 757Young Adult Materials3
Curriculum and Technology Integration (9 hours)
ISCI 706Information Organization and Access3
ISCI 742Curricular Role of the School Librarian3
ISCI 761Information Technologies in the School Library Program3
Reference Sources and Services (3 hours)
ISCI 703Reference and Instruction3
Capstone Courses (6-9 hours)
ISCI 720School Library Media Program Development3
ISCI 794Internship in Library and Information Science 13
Total Credit Hours36

Students currently certified as a teacher will need one internship (3 credits) in a school library. Students not currently certified as a teacher will need two internships (6 credits), one in an elementary school and one in a secondary school. Previous work in a library does not count as an internship.

MLIS School Library Concentration - Foundations in Education

School Library candidates who hold a current and valid teaching license must submit a photocopy of their certificate to the School of Information Science Student Services Office. Candidates who hold a current and valid teaching certificate are not required to complete the education courses listed below.

School Library candidates who do not hold a teaching certificate must complete all required education courses prior to enrolling in ISCI 742 and the capstone courses (ISCI 720 and ISCI 794). Candidates must earn a grade of “B” or better in all courses that are used to meet the “Foundations in Education” requirements below.

Foundations in Education Course Requirements (12 hours)

Course Title Credits
South Carolina Read to Succeed3
Select one of the following:
Content Area Literacy PK-12
Teaching Reading and Writing in the Content Areas
Teaching Reading and Writing in the Content Areas
Teaching Reading in the Content Area to Adolescents with Reading Disabilities
Curriculum Development3
Select one of the following:
Introduction to Diversity and the Curriculum
Social Class Diversity and the Curriculum
Racial and Ethnic Diversity and the Curriculum
Principles of Curriculum Construction
Psychology of Learning
EDEX 523Introduction to Exceptional Children3
Select one of the following:3
Human Growth and Development
Growth and Development: Childhood
Growth and Development: Middle Childhood and Adolescence
Total Credit Hours12

End-of-Program Portfolio (MLIS General & School Library Concentration)

Successful completion of the School of Information Science portfolio is a requirement for the MLIS and school library certification.  Portfolios are submitted prior to graduation. The portfolio due date for students graduating in May is April 15. The portfolio due date for students graduating in December is November 15. 

Program of Study

Students and their advisors will choose a minimum of 18 hours of elective courses. No more than six (6) hours can be below the 700-level. Elective courses in the School of Information Science and other graduate departments may be used to develop a specialization in one or more areas or to provide a broad, general preparation for the information professions. A minimum of 18 graduate hours must be completed within the School. The remaining 18 hours may be taken in other related academic units of the University. Students have the option of transferring up to six semester hours of graduate course work from colleges or universities other than the University of South Carolina. Courses which will be more than six years old at the time the MLIS degree is awarded may not be included on the student’s Program of Study.