Educational Practice and Innovation, Ed.D.

Degree Requirements 

Minimum of 60 hours beyond the master’s degree.

Completing the degree in fewer hours is possible for students selecting the Education Systems Improvement Concentration who have previously completed a specific post-master's graduate program in education administration or leadership as follows:

A minimum of 45 hours beyond the Certificate of Graduate Study (CGS) in Higher Education Leadership. Students entering with a master's degree and this CGS will have their transcripts reviewed by an advisor to determine courses and credit hours needed to complete the Ed.D., but must complete a minimum of 45 hours in the Ed.D. Students entering with the CGS in Higher Education Leadership will typically take:

  • 12 hours from the Core (EDCS 720, EDCS 820, EDET 709, and EDLP 755)
  • 9 hours in the concentration
  • 12 hours in research
  • 12 hours of dissertation preparation or 12 hours of capstone research preparation based on advisor approval. 

A minimum of 39 hours beyond the Ed.S. in Education Administration or another post-master's program that leads to superintendency certification.

Students entering with a master's degree and the Ed.S. in Education Administration (or post-master's equivalent program) will have their transcripts reviewed by an advisor to determine courses and credit hours needed to complete the Ed.D., but must complete a minimum of 39 hours in the Ed.D. Students entering with the Ed.S. in Education Administration will typically take:

  • 9 hours from the Core (EDCS 720, EDCS 820, and EDET 709)
  • 9 hours in the concentration
  • 9 hours in research
  • 12 hours of dissertation preparation or 12 hours of capstone research preparation based on advisor approval. 

Qualifying Examination

Submission and approval of Doctoral Program of Study and passing written exam.

Program of Study

The student’s program advisory committee will evaluate previous course work and experiences and recommend appropriate courses to ensure that at the completion of the program the student can demonstrate the knowledge, skills, and dispositions typically developed in the following course work:

Core Courses 

Required for all concentrations.

Course Title Credits
EDCS 720Introduction to Diversity and the Curriculum3
EDCS 820Advanced Study of Diversity and Curriculum3
EDET 709Applications of Learning Principles3
EDLP 755Educational Policy Analysis3
Total Credit Hours12

Concentration (15 Hours)

Course Title Credits
Select one of the following:15
Curriculum Studies Concentration
Complete 15 hours of Curriculum Studies courses as approved by advisor
Education Systems Improvement Concentration
Complete 15 hours of Education Systems Improvement courses as approved by advisor.
Learning Design and Technologies Concentration
Complete 15 hours of Learning Design and Technologies courses as approved by advisor
STEM Education Concentration
Complete 15 hours of STEM Education courses as approved by advisor
Total Credit Hours15

Cognate (9 Hours minimum)

As approved by advisor.

Research (12 Hours)

As approved by advisor.

Dissertation or Capstone Preparation (12 Hours)

Course Title Credits
Student must complete either a Dissertation or a Capstone Research Project to complete the Ed.D. Students will consult with their advisor to determine which option they will complete. Advisor must approve option.12
If completing a dissertation, complete 12 hours of one of the following depending on concentration and as advised:
Dissertation Preparation
Dissertation Preparation
Dissertation Preparation
Dissertation Preparation
If completing the Capstone Research Project option, complete 12 hours of EDUC 898:
Capstone Research Preparation
Total Credit Hours12

Comprehensive Examination

Written examination and oral examination