Exercise Science
EXSC 110 - Holistic Health and Fitness (2 Credits)
Focusing on the mind-body-spirit connection, individuals assume responsibility for their health through everyday choices. Students learn about and expand on the pillars of holistic health.
EXSC 110L - Holistic Health and Fitness Lab (1 Credit)
Lab focusing on how to implement and practice techniques that promote health and well-being through the holistic practices.
EXSC 191 - Physical Activity and Health (3 Credits)
Concepts of exercise, nutrition, behavior changes, and skills to promote lifelong physical activity and health.
EXSC 200 - Introduction to Sports Medicine and Athletic Training (3 Credits)
EXSC 201 - Foundations of Physical Therapy (3 Credits)
Introduction to the profession and practice of physical therapy detailing the functions, disorders, and therapies of the major organ systems in applied context.
EXSC 210 - Effective Learning Strategies (1 Credit)
Students enrolled in this course will discuss and learn how to apply evidence-based learning strategies that will increase the likelihood of success in the pursuit of a college degree.
EXSC 223 - Anatomy and Physiology I (3 Credits)
EXSC 223L - Anatomy and Physiology I Laboratory (1 Credit)
Hands-on activities covering micro- and macroscopic anatomical topics including identification of tissues, bones and markings of the skeletal system, the joints, and the skeletal muscles of the body.
Prerequisite or Corequisite: EXSC 223.
EXSC 224 - Anatomy and Physiology II (3 Credits)
EXSC 224L - Anatomy and Physiology II Lab (1 Credit)
EXSC 275 - Functional Musculoskeletal Anatomy (2 Credits)
Human anatomy for allied health professions. Focus on anatomy relevant to providing health services; knowledge and skills of orthopedic anatomy relative to muscle, ligament, and tendon; muscle origins, insertions, innervations, and actions pertaining to joint motion.
Corequisite: EXSC 275L.
EXSC 275L - Functional Musculoskeletal Anatomy Lab (1 Credit)
EXSC 303 - Perceptual-Motor Development (3 Credits)
EXSC 330 - Exercise Physiology (3 Credits)
EXSC 330L - Exercise Physiology Lab (1 Credit)
EXSC 335 - Biomechanics of Human Movement (3 Credits)
EXSC 341A - Health Fitness Practicum (1 Credit)
EXSC 351 - Acquisition of Motor Skills (3 Credits)
EXSC 355 - Special Topics in Exercise Science (1-3 Credits)
Novel and emerging themes in exercise science. Content varies by instructor and title. May be repeated for a total of 6 credit hours as content varies by title.
EXSC 395 - Research Seminar in Exercise Science (3 Credits)
EXSC 401 - Practicum Preparation (1 Credit)
EXSC 407 - Calling Bull in the Age of Big Data, Social Media, and False Claims (3 Credits)
Introduction to the large scientific and philosophical literature base related to bull, with a focus on the occurrence of bull in exercise science. Defining, identifying, and refuting bull when it is encountered in scientific literature, the news, social media, and casual conversation.
EXSC 410 - Psychology of Physical Activity (3 Credits)
EXSC 444 - Exercise Science Practicum (6 Credits)
Supervised experience in a field, clinical, or research setting. EXSC majors only.
Prerequisites: EXSC 401.
EXSC 454 - Health/Fitness Programs (3 Credits)
EXSC 464 - Conditioning Methods in Athletic Performance (3 Credits)
Students will learn how to perform pre-exercise assessments, develop appropriate exercise training programs based on these assessments, as well as lead and demonstrate safe and effective methods of exercise by the application of the primary theories and principles of exercise science.
EXSC 465 - Exercise Testing and Prescription (4 Credits)
EXSC 499 - Independent Study (1-3 Credits)
EXSC 507 - Exercise, Sport, and Nutrition (3 Credits)
EXSC 531 - Clinical Exercise Physiology (3 Credits)
EXSC 531L - Clinical Exercise Physiology Lab (0 Credits)
EXSC 541 - Physiological Basis for Strength and Conditioning (3 Credits)
Investigation on the physiological basis for strength and conditioning. Principles of strength and conditioning through lecture based learning, demonstrations, and through laboratory activities.
Prerequisites: C or better in EXSC 330.
EXSC 555 - Current Topics in Exercise Science (1-3 Credits)
Content varies by title. Course may be repeated for a total of 6 credit hours.
EXSC 562 - Impairments of the Human Motor System (3 Credits)
Role of motor development in the growth and development of individuals exhibiting impaired motor control.
Prerequisites: biology, anatomy, physiology, or the equivalent.
EXSC 563 - Physical Activity and the Physical Dimensions of Aging (3 Credits)
EXSC 585 - Women’s Health and Physical Activity (3 Credits)
Sex differences in diseases, physiological function of sex hormones, hormonal changes in a woman’s life, specific women’s health issues, and role of physical activity and exercise in prevention and treatment of conditions and diseases specific to women or related to sex hormones.
Restricted to 30 students, Special Permission by Instructor.
EXSC 608 - Apps, Wearables and Technology for Lifestyle Behavior Change and Weight Loss (3 Credits)
The course will increase students’ understanding of the theoretical foundations, scientific evidence and practical application of technology-assisted lifestyle interventions, with an emphasis on behavioral weight control for adults.
Prerequisites: C or better in EXSC 410.
EXSC 610 - Neuroscience of Human Performance (3 Credits)
EXSC 620 - Nutrition and Immunology (3 Credits)
Examination of the interrelationships that link human nutrition to the immune system in health and disease. Topics will include basic immunology, overview of nutritional sources, deficiencies and excesses, and the impact on public health issues such as exercise, disease and aging.
Prerequisites: EXSC 330.
EXSC 641 - Neuromuscular Basis of Functional Strength Training (3 Credits)
EXSC 651 - Analysis of Everyday Motor Behavior (3 Credits)
Students in this course will analyze everyday activities to gain insight into how humans plan, initiate, execute and refine motor skills. Students will also learn how to evaluate research on motor behavior and how to create novel studies aimed at advancing our understanding of everyday motor behavior.
Prerequisites: C or better in EXSC 351.
EXSC 660 - Exercise Oncology (3 Credits)
EXSC 663 - Environmental Exercise Physiology (3 Credits)
This course is designed to provide students a survey of physiological responses to a variety of environments, such as heat, cold, altitude, and microgravity environments, and how the body acclimatizes to these environments with regards to exercise training.
EXSC 666 - Cardiorespiratory Exercise Physiology (3 Credits)
Examination of the anatomy and function of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems of the exercising human organism, including acute adjustments and chronic adaptations to the systems.
Prerequisites: EXSC 330.
EXSC 669 - Skeletal Muscle Physiology: Form and Function (3 Credits)
EXSC 695 - Writing and Presenting in Research (3 Credits)
The research process in Exercise Science through participation, presentation, and discussion of current research.
Prerequisites: EXSC 224.