College of Nursing

Department Website 

Jeannette O. Andrews, Dean
Robin Dawson, Interim Associate for Academics and Accreditation
Bernardine Pinto, Associate Dean for Research
Sevilla Bronson, Interim Associate Dean
Kate Chappell, Department Chair, Professional Nursing Practice
Sheryl Mitchell, Department Chair, Advanced Professional Nursing Practice & Leadership
Cheryl Addy, Department Chair, Biobehavioral Health & Nursing Science

Baccalaureate Degree Program

The College of Nursing offers a four-year undergraduate program on the Columbia campus leading to the degree of Bachelor of Science in Nursing (pre-licensure) and a post-licensure RN-BSN program. The baccalaureate degree programs in nursing at the University of South Carolina are accredited by the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education by the State Board of Nursing for South Carolina.

Attendance Requirements

The College of Nursing adheres to the University's attendance policy for classroom didactic instruction:  “Absence from more than 15 percent of the scheduled hours that a class meets for instructional purposes is excessive, and the instructor may choose to exact a grade penalty for absences beyond this threshold.  Faculty members are not required to track students who miss only part of a class session; tardy arrival to (or early departure from) a class meeting may be counted as absence for the entire class duration. Make-up time for missed clinical nursing experiences will be determined at the discretion of the faculty and availability of clinical facilities. Faculty may require withdrawal of any student who has missed sufficient practice to prevent completion of clinical objectives.

RN-BSN students must also comply with the attendance policy. Attendance is evaluated based on active engagement in the online classroom. RN-BSN students are required to attend a face-to-face clinical capstone experience at an approved clinical site in their local community or Columbia, SC. 

Other Regulations


A student who has been suspended or has withdrawn from the College of Nursing and subsequently readmitted will be subject to the current College of Nursing academic standards and available space in courses.

Waiver of Academic Standards

Any student seeking relief from academic standards shall petition the College of Nursing to waive specific standards or regulations. Information on procedures may be obtained from the College of Nursing Office of Academic Affairs.

Grade Forgiveness

Grade forgiveness does not apply to GPA calculation for admission to upper division in the nursing program. Any forgiveness grades will be reentered into the GPA calculations. The College of Nursing does not recognize grade forgiveness in determination of College of Nursing academic standing. This policy also applies to the RN-BSN degree program. 

University Grade Forgiveness Policy

Clinical Health Requirements 

In addition to the regulations of the University as a whole, the following requirements apply to students in the nursing program. Please also refer to the College of Nursing BSN Handbook for specific requirements.

Information on all clinical requirements is available in the College of Nursing Office of Academic Affairs. Current clinical health information must be on file with approved vendor by specified deadlines. Admission and matriculation into the upper division in the College of Nursing is contingent on successfully passing a drug screen and background check in addition to other clinical requirements. Students are not eligible to register for classes and cannot participate in practice activities at clinical sites until this information is on file. Students are encouraged to have health insurance coverage throughout the course of their studies.

Special Requirements and Associated Expenses

Students enrolled in nursing courses with a lab or practicum must carry professional liability insurance purchased in conjunction with the courses; one-time expenses include nursing uniforms and clinical equipment and supplies. Maintenance of current CPR certification during enrollment in clinical courses is required. All students shall complete selected achievement tests, primarily in the upper division, and an NCLEX review course during the final semester.

Transportation to Clinical Practice Sites

Each student should have a valid driver’s license and is responsible for transportation to and from hospitals and other clinical practice sites in both urban and rural areas. Sites used for clinical experiences are usually confined to the eleven-county Greater Midlands area of the state.

Application for Licensure in Professional Nursing

Prior to completion of the second semester of the senior year, students are expected to apply for the professional nursing licensing examination, which is administered by the State Board of Nursing for South Carolina or its counterpart in the jurisdiction where the student will seek initial employment after graduation. Students in the College of Nursing are also bound to conduct themselves according to the professional standards set forth by the American Nurses Association Code for Nurses. Conviction of a crime other than a minor traffic violation could result in ineligibility for professional licensure. Under these circumstances, early notification to the Board of Nursing is recommended to clarify mechanisms related to eligibility determination.