Environmental and Sustainable Engineering, Minor

Degree Requirements (18-19 Hours)

Required Courses (6 hours)

Course Title Credits
ECIV 350Introduction to Environmental Engineering3
ECIV 502Life Cycle Assessment of Engineered Systems3
Total Credit Hours6

Elective Courses (12-13 hours)

Course Title Credits
Select four of the following options:12-13
CHEM 112
General Chemistry II
and General Chemistry II Lab
ECHE 372Introduction to Materials 13
ECHE 573Next Energy3
ECIV 551Elements of Water and Wastewater Treatment3
ECIV 555Principles of Municipal Solid Waste Engineering3
ECIV 556Air Pollution Control Engineering3
ECIV 558Environmental Engineering Process Modeling 13
ENVR 533Sustainability Projects Course3
ENVR 531Sustainability Management and Leadership Strategies3-4
GEOG 321Sustainable Cities3
GEOG 530Environmental Hazards3
GEOL/MSCI 335Processes of Global Environmental Change4
GEOL 560Earth Resource Management3
GEOL 570Environmental Hydrogeology 13
GEOL 575Numerical Modeling for Earth Science Applications 13

Prerequisite requirements not included in the minor that may require additional hours, but may be applied elsewhere in a student’s program of study, if applicable.