Student Grievance Policies

Individual Problems

  1. When a student is experiencing a problem with any member of the college’s faculty or administration, the following process should be carried out. Prior to each step in the process, the student should seek advice from his or her class faculty advisor.
  2. Make an appointment with the individual with whom the problem exists, explain the problem, and try to resolve it.
  3. If the problem cannot be resolved directly, the student should then contact the individual’s supervisor.
  4. If the problem is still unresolved, the student should make an appointment to meet with the Senior Associate Dean. The Senior Associate Dean will review the complaint and intervene if college or university policies have been violated. The Senior Associate Dean will maintain a file of all such reported grievances and their outcomes.
  5. Situations that have not been resolved by the Senior Associate Dean will be referred to the College of Pharmacy Grievance Committee for final review and action.

Class Problems

When a class feels that there is a problem affecting the class as a whole, the following process should be carried out. Prior to each step in the process, the class president should seek advice from the class faculty advisor.

  1. The president should announce and hold a class meeting. Identify the problem(s), clearly reduce them to writing, and ensure that the class is in agreement by simple majority vote. If so, the class president should forward this written statement to the individual(s) involved and request a meeting. If the class president is unsure of whom to contact, he/she should consult the Associate Dean for Student Affairs and Diversity.
  2. If a satisfactory understanding or solution is not obtained at this level, the class president should then contact the individual’s supervisor.
  3. If the problem is still unresolved, the class president should make an appointment to meet with the Senior Associate Dean.  The Senior Associate Dean will review the complaint and intervene if  college or university policies have been violated. The Senior Associate Dean will maintain a file of all such reported grievances and their outcomes.
  4. Situations that have not been resolved by the Senior Associate Dean will be referred to the College of Pharmacy Grievance Committee for final review and action.