Engineering Management, M.S.

Learning Outcomes 

  1. Graduates will demonstrate the expertise to supervise and lead teams of engineers and other technical personnel, to perform to meet project objectives and to lead the negotiation teams.  
  2. Graduates will demonstrate the expertise to analyze risk in engineering projects . 

Degree Requirements 

Students may follow one of the following three tracks: General, Cyber Security, and Energy. For the M.S. degree, 30 credit hours are required. At least 15 course credit hours must be 700-level or higher. A non-thesis option is available for the General track only.  

General Track Program of Study

Required Courses (12 Hours)

Course Title Credits
ECIV 707Management of Engineering Projects3
ECIV 708Engineering Risk and Reliability3
LAWS 702Legal Aspects of Engineering3
JOUR 703Corporate Communication3
Total Credit Hours12

Business Electives (9 Hours)

Course Title Credits
Select three of the following:9
Financial Accounting
International Business Negotiations
Management of Human Resources
Competing Through People
Marketing Management
Total Credit Hours9

Engineering and Computing Elective (3 Hours)

Course Title Credits
Select one of the following technical courses or an approved 500-level or above course:3
Information Security Principles
Network Systems Security
Information Warfare
Topics in Information Technology
Next Energy
Selected Topics in Chemical Engineering
Selected Topics in Civil Engineering
Photovoltaic Materials and Devices
Selected Topics in Electrical Engineering
Sustainable Design and Development
Selected Topics in Thermal Systems
Total Credit Hours3

Thesis Preparation or Non-Thesis Option (6 Hours)

The General track has two options: Thesis and Non-thesis. The Thesis Option includes 6 credit hours of Thesis Preparation. The course number for the thesis will be specific to the department in which the research is conducted (CSCE 799, ECIV 799, ELCT 799, or EMCH 799). The Non-Thesis Option includes 6 additional credit hours of Engineering and Computing Electives, of which a maximum of 3 credit hours may be a special topic/directed studies course for a project. 

Cyber Security Track Program of Study

Required Courses (9 Hours)

Course Title Credits
ECIV 707Management of Engineering Projects3
or ECIV 708 Engineering Risk and Reliability
LAWS 702Legal Aspects of Engineering3
JOUR 703Corporate Communication3
Total Credit Hours9

Business Electives (9 Hours)

Course Title Credits
Select three of the following:3
Financial Accounting
International Business Negotiations
Management of Human Resources
Competing Through People
Marketing Management
Total Credit Hours3

Cyber Security Elective Courses (6 Hours)

Course Title Credits
Select two of the following:6
Information Security Principles
Network Systems Security
Information Warfare
Total Credit Hours6

Thesis Preparation (6 Hours)

The Cyber Security Track requires a thesis related to cyber security. The course number for the thesis will be specific to the department in which the research is conducted (CSCE 799, ECIV 799, ELCT 799, or EMCH 799).

Energy Track Program of Study

Required Courses (9 Hours)

Course Title Credits
ECIV 707Management of Engineering Projects3
or ECIV 708 Engineering Risk and Reliability
LAWS 702Legal Aspects of Engineering3
JOUR 703Corporate Communication3
Total Credit Hours9

Business Electives (9 Hours)

Course Title Credits
Select three of the following:9
Financial Accounting
International Business Negotiations
Management of Human Resources
Competing Through People
Marketing Management
Total Credit Hours9

Energy Elective Courses (6 Hours)

Course Title Credits
Select two of the following:6
Selected Topics in Thermal Systems
Next Energy
Photovoltaic Materials and Devices
Total Credit Hours6

Thesis Preparation (6 Hours)

The Energy Track requires a thesis related to energy.  The course number for the thesis will be specific to the department in which the research is conducted (CSCE 799, ECIV 799, ELCT 799, or EMCH 799).

Comprehensive Exam

All candidates for a degree in the MS in Engineering Management graduate program must complete a comprehensive assessment that is distinct from program course requirements. A comprehensive assessment requires the student to synthesize and integrate knowledge acquired in coursework and other learning experiences and to apply theory and principles in a situation that approximates some aspect of professional practice or research in the discipline. It must be used as a means by which faculty judge whether the student has mastered the body of knowledge and can demonstrate proficiency in the required competencies. Students in the MS in Engineering Management graduate program will fulfill the comprehensive assessment requirement by successful completion and defense of the thesis.  For students completing the Non-thesis Option, the comprehensive exam will be administered by the student’s advisor.

International Concentration

For the International concentration, the student will have preliminary knowledge of a foreign language.  Students will complete three credit hours for language instruction and six credit hours for professional experience in an internship program in a foreign country.  The internship program must be approved by the College of Engineering and Computing prior to the student’s departure to the foreign site.