Biomedical Engineering, Ph.D.


Requirements for admission to graduate degree programs in biomedical engineering include the general admission requirements of The Graduate School as well as more stringent program requirements. In general, the admissions process is highly competitive. Admissions decisions are based on the quality of the applicant’s previous university-level academic work (as reflected by grade point average, or GPA), letters of recommendation (at least two letters are required for evaluation), and other evidence of past accomplishments. Admission to graduate studies is granted by the Graduate School, in consultation with the Biomedical Engineering program.

More information about admissions is available from the Biomedical Engineering program.

Degree Requirements (60 Post-Baccalaureate Hours)

Requirements for the Ph.D. degree in biomedical engineering fall into four categories: course requirements, the qualifying examination, the comprehensive examination, and the doctoral dissertation. Additionally, students must submit at least three papers for publication in peer-reviewed technical journals prior to graduation.

The Ph.D. degree in biomedical engineering requires 60 credit hours of graduate level work beyond the B.S. degree. Students who enter the program with a bachelor’s degree must complete:

Core BMEN Courses (12 Hours)

Course Title Credits
BMEN 710Modeling and Simulation of Biomedical System3
BMEN 713Human Cell and Molecular Biology for Biomedical Engineers3
BMEN 720Transport Phenomena in Biomedical Systems3
BMEN 723Anatomy and Physiology for Biomedical Engineers3
Total Credit Hours12

BMEN or Other Approved Electives (15 Hours)

Electives must be 500-level or above, with prefix of BMEN, BIOL, BIOS, BMSC, CHEM, CSCE, ECHE, EMCH, ITEC, MBIM, MCBA, PATH, or PHPH.

Seminar (3 Hours)

Course Title Credits
BMEN 795Biomedical Engineering Literature1
BMEN 798Graduate Seminar in Biomedical Engineering1
BMEN 898Doctoral Seminar in Biomedical Engineering1
Total Credit Hours3

Research (18 Hours)

Course Title Credits
BMEN 797Biomedical Engineering Doctoral Research1-12
Total Credit Hours1-12

Dissertation Preparation (12 Hours)

Course Title Credits
BMEN 899Biomedical Engineering Doctoral Dissertation Preparation12
Total Credit Hours12