Welcome to the Graduate Studies Bulletin
The Graduate Studies bulletin is the official document of record concerning graduate academic programs and regulations.
This bulletin is for information purposes only and does not constitute any contractual agreement between a student and the University of South Carolina. The University reserves the right to make changes in curricula, degree requirements, course offerings, or academic regulations at any time when, in the judgment of the faculty, the president, or the Board of Trustees, such changes are in the best interest of the students and the University.
Academic Bulletin Information
Which Bulletin Should You Use?
A graduate student may expect to be allowed to obtain a degree in accordance with requirements in force at the time he or she enters the degree program at the University, or under subsequent regulations published while enrolled in that degree program. However, a student’s choice is restricted to the requirements of one bulletin. Graduate students in master’s programs have a period of six years inclusive and continuous in which to claim the rights of a specific bulletin. Doctoral students have a period of eight years.
Administrative Copies
Printed administrative copies of the academic bulletins through the 2008-2009 academic year are available for reference in Thomas Cooper Library, the School of Medicine Library, Coleman Karesh Law Library, the Office of Undergraduate Admissions, The Graduate School, the Office of the Provost, and each college, school, and department office. Complimentary administrative copies are no longer produced.
Bulletin Updates and Corrections
Non-curricular information (i.e., faculty listings, contact information, college or departmental descriptive text) can be updated by contacting the Office of the University Registrar. Any material pertaining to course descriptions or curriculum changes must have the approval of the Faculty Senate, Graduate Council, Board of Trustees, and/or S.C. Commission on Higher Education before it can be published in the bulletins.
Printing Portions of the Online Bulletins
Except for a limited run of administrative copies up to the 2008-2009 academic year (copies of which are available for reference in the USC libraries), the academic bulletins are available online only. However, you may produce hard copy of any portion or all of an online bulletin using your local printer.
Other Printed Academic Documents
Supplementary materials are available on request as follows: the School of Medicine bulletin may be obtained by writing to the medical school; the School of Law bulletin may be obtained by writing to the School of Law. These offices are at the University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC 29208.
Final authority for all aspects of content rests with the Office of the Provost. All material submitted for publication in the undergraduate bulletin must be cleared through the Vice Provost and Dean of Undergraduate Studies. For the graduate bulletin, clearance must be obtained through through the the Dean of the Graduate School.
Registration at the University of South Carolina assumes the students’ acceptance of all published regulations, including both those which appear in this document and all others as applicable in any official announcement such as Carolina Community: Student Handbook and Policy Guide.
Official policies of the University listed below are published annually in Carolina Community.
- Student Rights and Freedoms within the Academic Community
- Code of Student Academic Responsibility and Procedures for Implementation of this Code
- Grievance Policy and Procedures for Non-Academic Areas
- University Policy on Use of Alcohol
- University Policy on Campus Solicitation
- University Policy on Student Patent and Copyright Matters
The University has established procedures to certify that all classroom activities are conducted by individuals with spoken and written proficiency in the English language at a suitable level. Student complaints concerning the English proficiency of an individual with classroom responsibilities should follow the grievance procedures available from the Office of the Provost.
The University of South Carolina provides equal opportunity in education and employment for all qualified persons regardless of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, or veteran status. The University of South Carolina has designated as the ADA Title II, Section 504 and Title IX coordinator the Executive Assistant to the President for Equal Opportunity Programs. The Office of the Executive Assistant to the President for Equal Opportunity Programs is located in:
Suite 805
1600 Hampton St.
Columbia, South Carolina
telephone 803-777-3854